Lady Red's Got a Request Thread

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
Any roleplays I partake in may contain sexual content, so I would like to stick to roleplaying with adults. However, I can be persuaded otherwise if you think we are a good fit (obviously just without the sexual content) :3
Good evening, fellow members!
I like to roleplay, and I'm sure you do too,
here are some things about me before you hit me up-
which you should totally do.

What I Expect from You!
Please tell me your likes/dislikes! I want us both to be comfortable and have a good time, so the more I know about you, the better.

Grammar and post length: OOC, "text talk" is fine, but I expect literacy in your responses, as I'm sure you do as well. I prefer at least a few paragraphs, but the more in-depth and in detail, the better! Just don't use any meaningless filler, please. I understand sometimes you just wont have that much to say, and that's fine.

Frequency: I'd like at least one reply every day (The More, The Better!), but if you don't have time to respond, leave a post telling me so, or even tell me after. I'm a very understanding person. Please do not use a one liner in place of an explanation, I'd rather wait a week for a phenomenal response that you feel good about than get a response with no effort just because you felt pressured to push something out!

What You Should Expect from Me!
In regards to pairings, I'm most comfortable with MxF, but if you prefer a different pairing, don't fret! I can also do (and thoroughly enjoy) FxF, and if I like the plot enough, MxM. (Doubles are okay as well! In fact, sometimes those are even more fun.)

Post length: I will most likely mimick yours, but can do anything from 3 paragraphs to 13! It really depends.

Frequency: I'm the kind of person that, especially right now, has a lot of free time, so you can expect several posts from me in a day, sometimes maybe only one. It's a little erratic, but I'll do my best to keep you informed.

What Am I Looking to Write?
Something I've been wanting to do lately is expand my creativity. For a long time I did simple slice of life plots, and while I still love them dearly and have a hard time saying no to them, I want to venture into new and more creative storylines. (If you want to do slice of life, I request you add some other element to the story, be it fantasy, futuristic or otherwise)
I prefer to come up with the plot together, based on our interests, but if you have something you're craving and think I may be a good fit, hit me up! If I'm not, we can still figure something else out, I'm sure.

I NEED ROMANCE! While the romance can be second to the overall plot, I love romance and it has to be incorporated somehow, even if its not initially.

Rather than tell you all of the things I would love to do, a shorter list would be things I won't do. Such as:
Other-worldly exploration (Think Star-Trek)
Combat-heavy plots
Smut-heavy plots
Too-Futuristic sci-fi (Think chips in the brain,etc. if you're not sure, just ask! I won't bite.)

If you're still curious I do like:
Dark themes
Near-future (Within 50 to 100 years)
Recent-past (That can be discussed in detail in PM)
Slice of life (I'm sorry, I'm weak) with other elements!!!

Anything Else?
I always do third person, and I like getting to know each other through OOC chat. You're more than welcome to make another pm thread for the two of us to talk in. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and be assertive, because I sure as hell am NOT. Lol!
I prefer that you come to me with some idea of what you would like to do, but none of these rules are particularly hard and fast. Keep that in mind. I'm a pretty laid back person.

If none of that scared you away, please send me a PM!

(This request thread was used by me on another section of the site.)
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