Killer Affection

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Sebastian stopped in his tracks. His face turned bright red. Did she really just...just...ask if they could be a couple? Sebastian didn't know about this one. If he told her that he too wanted them to be a couple, then he was only setting her up to heartbreak once she found out that he had killed someone. It would make sense because nobody loves a killer. Did that mean he had to tell her now? Did he have to tell her that he killed people? Would that drive her away? Would she be scared away once he told her the truth. He figured that this would be his punishment. This heartbreak would be his punishment for the awful thing he did to another human being. Or should he say other human beings.

He grabbed Alicia's wrist and walked with her away from the town into the nearby valley. It was full of beautiful flowers, trees and a river that ran right through it. Once he knew they were out of earshot of anyone, he proceeded to tell her the truth.

He gently put his arms around her, tears welling up in his eyes. He wasn't one to cry, but he knew that this was going to be painful for him. So he might as well get the crybaby crap over with.

"Alicia..there is nothing more that I want right now than to be in a relationship with you, but I don't think I deserve such a good hearted person as yourself....because....because....I'm a killer....I've killed people...I'm a murderer...Angels and Demons just don't mix Alicia. It's not that i'm rejecting your love because I really love you, but where I need to be right now is behind bars and sentenced to death...I've run away from it for far too long...So I must ask you to please give your love to someone else...Because I am undeserving of such..." his face still red, he placed a loving kiss on Alicia's lips. After the kiss, however, he started walking back into town, determined now to pay, in full, the debt he knew he owed. His life.
As Sebastian walked away Alicia fell to her knees. Her heart was not just broken but completely destroyed. How dare she! How dare she fall for her parents killer after swearing that she would kill him! A few whimpers escaped her mouth as tears streamed from her eyes. She didn't know what to do. Would this be entirely for nothing if she let him go just like that? Drawing the blade she swore her oath on she looked over at him walking away and made ready to throw the knife.. But no! She merely collapsed and continued crying. He betrayed her. He stole her heart and then betrayed her! She would never see her family again because of him! All that was left for her was to turn herself in and hope her custody fell to the state and not her family. Still crying she got up but left the knife stuck into the ground and watched as he walked away. Some part of her yelling for her to go to him and another yelling to go and kill him. In stead she merely waved with a few whimpers of goodbye.
After he had completely gone she sunk back onto her knees. Her crying had now stopped which gave her mind time to think. She fell forward onto the flowers and merely lay there as if she were dead. She had now lost everything. Love had no more meaning. Pain had no purpose. Death seemed inviting. Life seemed dull and tasteless. Friendship looked like betrayal and hatred looked like the only real thing.
Sebastian walked slowly to his fate. He walked into an army instillation. Horses immediately charged at him. Not just any horses. Horses that held military personell on their backs. Sebastian was stopped by the nearest military man.

"Can we help you sir?"

Sebastian nodded.

"You need to lock me up and kill me. I'm a killer. I killed 2 people. The 2 people killed a few weeks ago? I killed them...Please...Take me away and get rid of my existence..."

The military man just looked at th gruff looking man in front of him in awe. He dismounted his horse and lifted Sebastian's chin.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Sebastian looked up at the infantryman with a sad and listless look on his face.

"I am...100%...I can tell you all you want to know about the murders...Just make sure you get rid of me...Killers like me shouldn't be alive..."

The Infantryman grabbed Sebastian and grabbed the rope that was hanging around his horse. Cutting a small piece from it, he tied Sebastian's wrists together and then tied that to his horse. Getting on the horse, he lead Sebastian to his post.

"We will do what we feel is necessary..."

Sebastian knew he should have told Alicia sooner. He would have saved himself all the heartache that was now tormenting his soul. Maybe this was his allotment for taking 2 lives away from this world. A befitting punishment for a monster such as he.
Broken?! If anyone could feel the pain Alicia felt they would laugh at that word. She wasn't broken. Everything precious to her had been taken. Her home, her parents, her future and now her heart. She was completely destroyed. Slowly she rose from the ground with a sigh. Lying there like some dead animal wouldn't help. Perhaps it was time she gave up.

Slowly she made her way back to town and took a wanted poster with her face on it from one of the walls of a building. There wasn't a police station in this town. Only a military outpost. She knew she had to make her way there and... Give up. Asking the people she passed by for directions she made her way there and found the outpost eventually.

Staring up at the two guard towers she let out a sigh as she walked into the gate but was quickly cut off by a colonel who was returning from coffee break. He got on one knee in front of the crying girl and wiped her tears away. "Can I help you little miss?" He asked in a friendly tone. "I..I want to go home." She said as she presented the piece of paper. The man took the paper and examined it closely. "Well, miss Alicia you've come to the right place." He reassured as he got up and offered his hand. After hesitating for a few seconds she took the colonels hand and let him lead her to his office on the far side of the outpost. As they walked she saw Sebastian being lead elsewhere by a couple of men. His hands were bound. For a moment she felt like she wanted to yell out his name and run to him and have him put his arms around her but she just looked away for she could never forget his sins. And at the moment she didn't know if she could forgive him either.

((Sorry for taking so long. Got a little stuck. I had a few options to choose from.))
Sebastian quietly followed the infantryman to where he needed to take him. His fate was inescapable. This was the least he deserved for the atrocity he had committed. As the infantryman was leading him down the hall of the outpost to where they would be holding him, he was lead into another hallway, but instead of it being just a regular room, he was lead into a hall that was brightly lit and there were cells lining the walls. But the infantryman wasn't leading him to a cell, he was leading him to the rec-room of the place. At the door, the infantryman handed Sebastian a change of close and a piece of paper. On the piece of paper was a number.

"That number is the cell number you've been assigned until you go to court. For now, you will stay here and your fate will be decided then...." Shoving him into the rec-room, the door automatically shut. Just then, he was ganged up on by 2 giant inmates, one pummelling him and one holding him down.

Sebastian fought back, barely fighting them off. They had such brute strength. How?

"What was that for?"

"It's a dog eat dog world here punk....Literally....they are doing experiments on us man....this ain't no traditional place to hold inmates...They take us and do experiments on us. They've injected us each with animal dna and are testing us to see if we have developed the traits of these animals...Me, for instance...I was injected with DNA from a Gorilla...Now I have brute strength like the beast...This one over here has been injected with the dna of an octopus, hence why he can pin people down so easily...What made you so unlucky as to get you sent here rather than a normal prison?"

Sebastian was disgusted. He all he wanted to do was pay for his crimes...Not be tested on like some animal...

Sebastian stood up.

"I murdered 2 people for revenge...I was trying to do society a favor and get rid of my ugly mug so that society would be safe from a killer like me, but it turns out that instead they are keeping the worst of murderers here to experiment on them and make them even more of monsters than they already are huh?"

The 2 inmates chuckled.

"You got it right....Before this night's over, they will have injected some random animal's dna into you as watch out..."

This couldn't go on. Human experimentation wasn't right...Even though he wasn't really one to say what was ethical or what wasn't...But why would they be doing experiments on inmates anyway? What was their objective? What did they hope to accomplish by doing this? Sebastian only hoped they injected the dna of an animal that would help him gain more information on the matter.

(I Know it is going in a weird direction, but if you still wish to go on, let me know by replying, otherwise, I'll stop here)
"Uhm.. Sir. There was a boy here. I believe he confessed to murder. I knew him. Do you think maybe I could go see him one more time?" Alicia asked as she walked into the office.
"My dear there isn't any boy here. As a matter of fact there aren't any convicts here." Came the Colonel's innocent reply as he sat down at his desk to dial state police.

"But I saw him. He was being lead away by a person on a horse."

"I assure you, there are no convicts here. This is a military outpost for incoming recruits, not a police station where convicts are being held. Now shht so I can make this phone call for you.."
Something wasn't right and Alicia could feel it. Why was this man trying to cover up that Sebastian was here. Was he in some kind of trouble? Then again why would she care, he is a murderer! But why did she want to see him then? Was it possible she still loved him. Soon she would find out. But first she had to find him!
Before the night was through, Sebastian was knocked out, tied up and dragged to a dark room with one table that had straps on it. They laid Sebastian's limp body onto the table and strapped it down, just in case he woke up. 3 people hovered above him. One had a particularly large needle in his hand. The man chuckled.

"The experiments are going to plan. As expected, these convicts are developing animal like qualities. Soon we will be able to implement this into the army regiment and make our army unstoppable...Anyone who would dare stand against us would think twice about attacking us again! These monsters will become our nation's greatest weapon!"

Taking the needle, he carefully pierced the skin over Sebastian's vein and injected the dna sample into his bloodstream. After the injection and cleaning up his wound, they took him back to his cell. Finally coming to, Sebastian felt like his head was spinning. He also felt sick to his stomach, but then again, he felt like his senses were heightened. What animal dna did they put into his bloodstream? He could smell things a mile away and he had a strange urge to howl. Why? Was the animal dna they injected a wolf's dna? He was developing the traits and characteristics of a wolf. He tried running around his small cell and could easily tell that his speed had also increased, his hunger for any kind of meat was strong, and his urge to find a mate was overwhelming. He had truly become a wolf, but when he looked in the mirror, he still saw a human. These tests were going on long enough. He had to put a stop to them, somehow. Human expirementation was wrong on so many levels, no matter what the reason for doing it was.

Sniffing the air, he could pick up the smell of a guard. The smell was strong, indicating the guard was close by. As the guard passed by, he reached out, swiping the guard's keys with the greatest of ease and without him suspecting anything. Hiding the key, he wondered when he could try to get out. There usually weren't as many guards at night so he decided to wait till night to try his escape and to try and find out why they would need to experiment on humans. Until then Sebastian sat on his cot. As he waited for night to fall, he couldn't help but think of Alicia. Was she doing ok? Was she safe?
After two hours of running and hiding Alicia finally lost the men who were chasing her. Just as her aunt pulled up in her brand new mercedes Alicia decided to make tracks. Although Sebastian deserved to rot in jail, he didn't deserve to be tortured. While she was waiting in the colonel's office she read statements and reports when he wasn't looking about experiments being done on convicts that were held at the outpost.

She was still unsure about how she should feel about him. For some reason she wanted him and still felt love for him but she also resented him and wanted revenge. What she would do when she confronted him was still a mystery to her. "On the streets again..." She said with a sigh as she walked down the main road. She needed to figure out a plan to get into the facility where the convicts were being held. Her best bet would be to move in the shadows at night. For now she would have to find some sort of vantage point where she could see the layout of the place.

As she was sneaking up onto the roof of a rundown building a cold hand grabbed her ankle. She let out a shriek and instinctively started kicking. "Oy! Stop ya kickin girl!" Came the hoarse voice of a man in a grey jumpsuit as he flicked his forked tongue at her. "Let me go!" She shouted as she frantically tried freeing herself. The man let her go and with ease climbed up the wall to the roof. "Lemme give you a hand." he offered holding his hand out to Alicia. Reluctantly she extended her reach and let him pull her up onto the roof. "T-thank you. But who are you?" She asked looking at the mans strange pale white complexion with the slight green shine. His eyes weren't human and his tongue was forked. "Tha name es Steven. I escaped from this here facility yesterday. I've been wotchin ye and that boy. I'ma tryin ta get back in and you're tryin ta get someone out. Whot say you we work together?" His speech was slurry and his accent made it even harder for her to understand what he was saying but she managed to make out what he said. "Uh sure. My name is Alicia by the way." She introduced holding her hand out to him. With a big smile he took her hand and shook it up and down vigorously. "Excellent! I suggest we stay here till just before dark then." When he smiled Alicia noticed his strangely deformed teeth. What was he? She hadn't the courage to ask yet.

Once evening was upon them Steven helped Alicia get off the building. The two made their way to the back of the outpost where he made a hole in the fence. It was actually surprising that they haven't found it yet. Then again it was well hidden by a bush. They crawled through the opening and made their way to the building where the cells were. Now the difficult work starts....
Sebastian watched the light of day slowly descend and rise back up again as the moon. He was lucky that the guard hadn't come looking for the keys quite yet. He wondered if that dumb guard even bothered to check his key ring between shifts to see if anything was missing. But he was grateful that the guard was so dumb, because that would ensure his escape. He wasn't planning on being tested on anymore. Especially after what he had heard from a few cells over about what they did after they injected them with animal dna. Apparently, they pitted them against the animal with whose dna they were infused. If that was the case, Sebastian would have to go up against a wolf and he knew that if he was pitted against one, that surely the wolf could take him down easily. Sure he was well built, but so was a wolf. Plus wolves had one advantage that he himself lacked. Fangs. Sharp teeth that could rip and tear things to shreds easily. He wasn't about ready to go up against a wolf. He had to get out of here. As dusk fell, he slowly reached out and used the key he swiped earlier to quietly open his jail cell.

Stuffing the key into his jean pocket, he used the stealth that a wolf possessed to maneuver his way out of the cell block, using the key to get himself out as far as he could. The only problem was that it wouldn't open the door to the entrance of the place. He figured as much. Sniffing the air, he tried to smell for a draft of air that might smell different than the dark and musty odor of the jail. As he sniffed the air, he could smell something sweet. Something that definitely wasn't from around this musty old place. He followed the smell until he heard shuffled footsteps just ahead of him. He followed the sounds of the footsteps until he could make out a silhouette of someone standing about 30 feet in front of him. He hid himself behind the nearest wall so he wouldn't be detected. If it was a guard, he would just get thrown back in his dark cell. He didn't want that. But he highly doubted this sweet of a smell could be emitted by any men. Hardly...He could hardly stand the stench of the guy he swiped the keys off of. So it definitely wasn't a guy. He crept forward cautiously, ready to pounce on whoever it was that was standing there. If they meant to attack him, he definitely would be ready.
Luckily some idiot guard left the door open when he came out to smoke. "Stay heere girl." Steven commanded as he snuck in behind the guard undetected. Once he was behind him he quickly grabbed him, keeping a hand over his mouth and bit into his neck. A few seconds later the guard collapsed to the floor and Steven signalled Alice over. She didn't waste any time and ran to him. "Wait." She said as she searched the guard. "We'll need these." She took his keys and waited for him to lead the way.

Steven entered the facility when he was sure there wasn't any guards. His forked tongue flicking around now and then. "Where is he?" Alice asked with a worried tone. "Cell 405 I think." he answered as the two ran down the long hall. Just before he turned the corner he caught something out the corner of his eye. Instinctively he stopped moving and flicked his tongue at the person who was obviously hiding. When Alice saw him she ran to him. He was obviously trying to escape which made her mission that much easier. "Sebastian!" She shouted as she came closer to him, Steven kept his position and watched out for guards. Once Alice was in range she reared up and punched Sebastian straight on his nose. "That's for my parents!" She shouted as she crouched down next to him and kissed him passionately, letting her tongue slide over his lips, savouring the sensation "That's because I love you." She said softly before helping him up. "We has to go! Steven shouted at them as he dragged a dead guard their way.
Sebastian's whole body was sent to shivers when a fist hit his face and then lips met his. Only one pair of lips had the power to send bone chilling shivers down his spine. His whole face went bright red as Alicia hurried him up. As they moved through the shadows, he could pick up the scent of the man running with him and Alicia. He too had animal dna infused inside of him. From the scent, he smelled strongly of a snake. He would ask questions later. Dodging shadows and the guards now running around in a panic, they successfully escaped the military base. Looking back at the base behind them, Sebastian couldn't see the snake man anymore.

He grabbed Alicia's wrist, stoppig her in her tracks.

"Why did you come back for me? I understand the punch and I will allow you to punch me till I die, but I do not understand why you saved me...and who was that man you were with?"

Sebastian looked at Alicia with eyes full of confusion, yet eyes that spoke of Love for the person in front of him.
"The man with me is Steven. He helped me get in because he had to save his sister who was captured when he got taken in for stealing jewellery." She explained with a smile. It was real sweet of him to go back for his sister even if it meant his life. That was loyalty!

"I-i don't know.." She stuttered as she looked away. "I guess I thought that you deserved a second chance. I also thought that you didn't deserve to be experimented on." She looked back into his eyes, hers filled with tears. "I don't know why I think these things Sebastian! I hate you for killing my parents and I love you because I got to know you! I love you for who you are, not what you've done! Please don't make me regret it Sebastian, I'm begging you!"
Sebastian's mind was running a million miles a minute. He pulled Alicia close to him, closing the gap between them with his lips on hers. He wanted to feel that same bone chilling sensation of her kiss once again. Her lips not only did that to him, but they made his desire to have her so strong it was extremely difficult to hold himself back. In the state he is in now...If he got to excited, he could seriously injure Alicia. He didn't want that. He had to control this animal instinct he had. After an intense moment of passion, Sebastian managed to pull himself away without doing anything further to her. He caressed her face gently, looking down at her with Loving eyes.

"Alicia, I should deserve to die a thousand times over for what I did to your parents...I also feel that I am not worthy of the love you want to give me...But I will not trample on it now that you have given it to me...Even when i didn't deserve it. But I must warn you Alicia...they injected me with dna of a wolf. Thanks to that, my drive to have you is even stronger than it was before. Not only that, my sense of smell has been heightened and my strength has increased. If I do take you, I may end up hurting you too...I don't want to do that to you...I don't want to hurt you..."

He pulled his hand away and turned his back on Alicia.

"Please Alicia. I am a monster now...I will only bring you even more pain and grief...Please run while you have the chance!"

Tears started to roll down the tough Sebastian's eyes.
After the kiss Alicia stared up into his eyes. It felt like she could stare into them forever. They were soft and inviting. She felt warm all of a sudden. He made her feel comfortable and safe. The pain that was lingering in her heart seemed to melt away. But it was not to last. For when he spoke she feared him. He wasn't human. Not completely. But she would be able to live with that. (She hoped). Then there was the thought of him 'taking' her. Did he really mean what she thought? The thought of it made her blush.

When he turned away from her she hugged him warmly. "You aren't a monster. You may have changed but I still see the same person before me. I don't care what they injected you with. You're alive and that's all that matters to me now. When I chose to go after you I forgave you for what you did. I never knew your side of the story. I couldn't judge. My heart also wouldn't stay angry at you."

She kept her arms around him for a little while more before slowly letting go of him and looking at her own body before focusing on him again. She swallowed heavily before speaking again "If you promise me that you will try your very best not to hurt me, I will let you have me." After everything he put her through she was willing to offer herself to him freely. She just hoped he wouldn't hurt her intentionally
Sebastian's heart began to race faster than he thought was even possible for even a human to still be alive from. But then again, a wolf's heartbeat was naturally a little faster than a human's heartbeat. He couldn't have her in the condition he was in right now. If he did, he would surely hurt her. He had to calm himself down. It also bewildered him how she could forgive him so easily, especially after everything he had done for her. But he promised he wouldn't trample on her heart now that she had given it to him so completely. He put his hands on her shoulders and began to breath in and out slowly and deeply so as to calm his fast beating heart. Looking up at Alicia, he took her by the hand and lead her away. Farther away from the searching eyes of the military officers who were searching frantically for him. He could overhear them talking about him. They were talking about how they needed to get him back, that he was the strongest subject they had ever had. That made him sick. He was glad he was getting away from this place.

Following a trail off the beaten path they soon came across that same cave they had left from. Leading her inside he backed her up against the cave wall. His animal instincts were yelling at him to take her. But if he just did so without restraint, then he would definitely would hurt her. He placed another kiss on her lips, this time trying to be more gentle. After pulling away from her lips, he gently placed loving kisses all along her neck down to her collarbone. He looked up at her with tenderness.

"I love you so much Alicia...I've never met someone quite like you...Everything about you intrigues me...Not only that, but when I look at you, I can't stop my heart from racing...Alicia...I need you in my life..." he looked down again and placed another kiss on her collar bone.

(I don't think this can go any farther here in this forum...Shall I move it to Mature and we can finish it there or what do you want to do?)
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