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Aisha grimaced inwardly as Yuki chased after the princess girl. God damn it why was boy catching so damn hard. She puffed a piece of hair out of her face. Boys liked sexy girls. She looked down upon her clothes. Not exactly the epitome of sexiness. She pulled down her hair from her ponytail and shook her head as to give her that aftersex or sexy bed head look. She grinned. Ok a little bit better, not much else she could do. She questioned though, what was he exactly? She knew of the magical world as a whole but had only interacted with other kitsunes as well as some shrine priestesses and mean witches. He was attractive maybe a fairie or warlock maybe even a demon. She cutely cocked her head at with with her newly tousled hair. Weren't demons supposed to be ugly or something to that affect? The more her thoughts swirled around this boy the more he couldn't stop looking at him. She realized this and blushed and shook her head. What the hell? She pulled her hair over on to one shoulder and twirled a piece of hair. She closed her eyes and breathed a soft sigh. She sent another heatshock his way. He might be hot but I will always be hotter. A fire ignited on her finger. Whoops. She giggled and shook her finger hoping no one notice. She ran her hand over her hair and smiled softly. I guess I went a little bit too far with that one.
Kenta smiled as everyone gathered. Seems that he was gaining some form of control of his group. He bowed to everyone deeply and then looked around, a few were missing but at least the group leaders were nearby. He nodded to everyone and looked over his group listing once again.

"Can I please speak to Agudeppa-Dono and Rabata-San please? I have to discuss with you your groups. We will be commencing the scavenger hunt soon and you two shall be leaders of your groups, of course this is based solwly on Ikawa-Sensei's choices so there can be no complaints okay?" He bowed again looking around the group again, picking out the leaders that he needed to talk to. Another page told him the artifacts of Kazeyama history that were deemed important to recover. He sighed, looking at his own group list and the artifact. It seemed that his was the most dangerous but from what he had heard from previous years that the other places were seemingly just as dangerous.
Ai stopped when she heard Kenta call out Darius' last name and let go of his arm, looking away. Feeling somewhat stupid for getting so wrapped up in her thoughts. She stepped away and then retreated back closer to her twin's side. She looked at the floor quietly, unsure of what to do, but unable to meet anyone's eyes. She had gotten too involved, but hoped that she hadn't made too much of a scene. Her ears and tail showed slightly but they disappeared again, quickly, she didn't want anyone to see her like that.

Ai looked back up at where Darius was and then sharply looked away again, unsure of what to do, so she turned to the matter at hand. They were separating into groups. And with a start, Ai finally realized that her twin was going to be separated from her. Shit. But.... She was in the same group as.... he was the leader.... Ai didn't know how to react, so she remained silent.
Ahh, nuts. I'm late!!

Having already missed the morning classes, Rei was in for one bad first impression to his classmates at 3-S. He didn't want to think about the repercussions, or the stern talking to he'd receive. Instead of worrying about what he had gotten himself into, he used that energy to run faster, backpack bouncing wildly behind him as he dashed madly through the hallways of Kazeyama High.

He had to ask for directions twice, each time having to show his school badge and explain himself. They looked skeptical, but they allowed him through anyway; he looked nervous enough. After being directed for the second time, one could say Rei could make the Olympic hundred-meter dash record. This just wasn't turning out to be a good first day...


The clamor approaching the 3-S Commons Room eventually reached the students in and around it. It continued for thirty seconds, before the source of the noise revealed itself; a black-haired teenager, dressed in the Kazeyama Uniform. The obviously worn-out teen doubled-over, hands on his knees, panting for breath, somehow getting out, "S-sorry I'm late! My name is Rei Glaus, I'm a transfer student from Jaahanteque, Mongolia. N-nice to meet you all!"

The boy managed to stand straight long enough to bow politefully, "I'm going to go sit now.." With that, he simply fell into the nearest chair or couch, exhausted.

Allie blinked as she watched Ai clinging to the team leader's arm. It was weird, she felt her face getting a little hot, but reassured herself that it was nothing. After Ai let go and wandered back to her twin, Allie turned to her and smiled in an attempt to make her feel better, not really knowing if the girl even noticed her.

As she started to walk towards Kenta to get the details of the scavenger hunt, she was startled by the loud noise of the new boy joining the group.

"S-sorry I'm late! My name is Rei Glaus, I'm a transfer student from Jaahanteque, Mongolia. N-nice to meet you all!"

Allie giggled as he plopped down. He must have been running for quite some time. Trying not to interrupt Kenta's meetings with the team leaders, she spoke to Rei in a stage whisper. "Hi! I'm Allie! Thanks for joining us!" She stuck her tongue out at him jokingly.
Face red hot from his marathon, Rei looked in every direction in confusion before he finally saw the first person that talked to him; an attractive girl. He wanted to sit up to at least increase his self-worth, but his abdomen told him that if he even tried, vomit would be his next course of action. Sighing in annoyance at himself, Rei produced a tired smile, "I'll help the best I can."

He lifted one of his arms and had it rest on the top of his head so he could breath better. It helped, a little, "My name is..." D'OH! "..You already know that, haha." It was obvious Rei was embarrassed. His face flushed further, and he seemed to sink into the chair even more, "Happy to meet you, Allie!"

Can't this day just end, already? I think I've ruined my chances with the head cheerleader, he sulked inwardly, darnit..

Ame soon found her dorm room and went inside, pulling her suitcase in and leaving it next to her bed. She wanted to unpack now but she heard the annoucement a moment ago. "No time..." she muttered to herself, looking to the other side of the room. She wondered for a moment who her room mate was, but she wasn't nosy enough to find out by investigating their stuff.

After eating a few more bites of her food and leaving the rest in the little refridgerator, she headed back down stairs to find just how crowded things had become. She heard her name in a group with only one familiar name, but he seemed to be in center of everything and busy at the moment, so she decided it was best to wait at the back for now. Her attention soon went to a boy who came rushing in late. Another unfamiliar face but he was probably new too.
Yuki caught up with the Princess, before suddenly feeling his body buffeted by another feeling of heat that given his alignment had to come from outside forces. He was pretty sure who it was too. But he wasn't going to ditch Celena just to go talk to some girl that was trying to get him all hot and bothered. Kenta's request for the group leaders however, provided him with a polite loophole. When it happened the Ice Demon nodded toward Kenta while giving her a 'well go on and find out what so super special awesome' look on his rather pale face. Once she had gone to talk to Kenta, he turned in the direction of Aisha to face her completely.

Icy blue eyes stared her down, noticing the tiny flame before it vanished.

Arikado walked straight toward the girl without breaking eye contact for a moment, while trying to keep a grip on his outward temperature so as not to cause any suspicions. The Ice Demon stopped when stood only about two feet away from her, letting her catch him looking at her newly messed with hair before returning a favor he owed her. From his body a certain cold went toward her, meant to send a specific kind of chills shooting right down her spine to make sure the Kitsune knew he had an understanding of what was going on right now. On his face an expression was there trying to look serious, but the gaze in his icy blue eyes and the slight smirk tugged at his lips said otherwise.
Aisha sighed, 'this is rediculous', she twisted the ends of her hair in frustration. 'Alone again just great'. No wonder she never flirted with boys, they always had other options. She began to twist another strand of blonde hair. 'in all my years I wouldve never thought I would be chasing a boy hmph'. Oh how she longed to transform just then and run quietly and quickly through the forest, feeling the rough ground beneath her paws and wind in her fur. She was becoming ansty(sp). She shifted the weight on her right foot to the left and crossed her arms. 'this place was a huge mistake' sure it had more magical being around but so what? Things were becoming so unclear.

Then cold, like she had never felt before. 'the hell' she snapped her head. It was him. She blushed at the sight of him, a real true blush. She dropped her arms. His features even more remarkable up close. 'wow' she closed her eyes 'think dumbass think' she had to be "herself". "I-I'm very sorry..." she bowed slightly. 'when the fuck did I start stuttering?! Who am I? Ai?' "that was very rude of me." she couldn't meet her eyes to his, she thought her heart might burst. She mentally shook her head and composed herself. "I was just curious as to what you um, " 'what the hell are you?!?' she thought. "as to where you're from, I-I haven't seen you before..." 'seriously?!? Stuttering?!?' the heat from her body rised without her control. 'fuck fuck fuckitty fuck fuuuck.' she attempted to calm do but it only worked slight. She was still hot. He would most likely notice. She cringed at the thought. 'stupid school...'
Grinding his teeth silently, Darius left what Ai said in the air, and walked towards Kenta as he called out. That girl was digging a little too deep into something she wasn't going to like... and was right about some of it. Burying the conversation away in his mind, Darius stepped up to Kenta, and looked down at him. "Yeah? What did you want to talk about?" He asked while rubbing his forehead. Suddenly he'd gotten one hell of a headache, and he was sure that it was going to be the least of his pains today.

He then tucked his hands into this pockets, and tilted his head, cracking it loudly, and exhaled slowly. For some odd reason he had a feeling in his blood that things were going to be getting a little dicey. And he hoped it was the good kind. ~Smells like there's going to be a fight.... it's about damn time.~ He thought to himself as he let his assumptions build.
Ah, the world seemed to blur. Green leaves mixed into blue created whispy teal areas in Amelia's mind. All of the people right near here seemed to be gone, blurred entirely out of existence. They were merely flesh colored things impeding her fantasy. O blue sky, why must you be mared with such foul distractions?

Amelia was still zoning out, almost completely unaware of what was going on around her. The skin-colored blobs were moving around and speaking in a tongue far too slurred to discern any actual words. These blobs probably thought of her as a blob, too. Uncaring now of these shapeless things in front of her, she began to have a lapse in judgement, her voice being faintly, heard, only faintly. And so she started humming "Après un Rêve" by Gabriel Fauré. Ah, yes, this song; a tutor always said my accent wasn't good enough, so I would just hum along, hahahah, Amelia thought as she continued humming the Mélodie. I could prove him wrong, I bet, but, that's not for now, is it? Amelia wondered as her snap-back-into-reality mechanism had managed to completely fail her, forgetting of the ramifications that the gentle melancholy in her humming voice could make arise. Or maybe I can't? Amelia's mind began slowly filtering reality back into the picture around her.

A gentle gloom seemed to descend upon the few who could hear her soft humming. It didn't really seem much like anything really, but it couldn't be swatted away for some reason. It lingered until she finally concluded her voiced woe. Her blank face had suddenly become dark. Wait, why are they people, now? What did I just do?!? Amelia panicked as reality began to rain down upon her, its cold truth washing away the beautiful illusions she had built up around her.
Celena moved ahead, unaware that Yuki had gone to "talk" with the kitsune girl. Instead she met up with Kenta, apparently looking very pleased with his announcement. She bowed to him, and apologized fo rbeing late.


All she knew was that they were being split up, but not much more than that. Oddly enough, there weren't anywhere near as many students as she expected gathered at the common area. She breathed in a heavy sigh, and took another nibble of her rice cake. Ah, iy's like some sort of heaven...Mmmmm... She thne noticed Darius, almost caught off guard at his muscles alone. This one looked so...so tough, or vicious, or....Scary. Maybe it would be best to leave him alone? Gazing back where she came from. Celena could barely make out Yuki, but she couldn't see much else. She sighed again, as she muttered to herself.

"Typical guy...Some pretty girl comes along, and they start drooling all over themselves....Oh well, whatever... I guess...I just wait here."
Kenta smiled warmly as the two fellow students he called out from the list approached him. Neither of them seemed to know much about what was going on, and that helped him greatly. He pulled out two sheets of paper with each group's instructions. He took one last glance over each groups and turned to Darius first.

"Here's your instructions, my first year's hunt was something similar so I know what you'll be facing." A small devious grin flashed across his face as he handed the slip to the bigger man. "You're looking for the third year Kazeyama historical records. It actually has great importance to Aoi-Sensei, one of the Japanese History teachers." He nodded, pondering for a moment, reliving the experience of Aoi-Sensei's past life reborn into the modern woman, Hanako as she was called. She had turned into an invaluable ally in teaching Kenta a few things about using his katana effectively. He nodded once again, "Take the ledger to her once you've found it. It should be somewhere on floor 200 I think, of course the elevator only takes you to floor 20 so be ready for quite a hike." The devious smile flashed again as he turned to the Princess.

"Agudeppa-Sama, for your group you must head to the Shinto Shrine on the far side of the High School campus, the opposite direction of Library Island. It will be difficult to find the enterance to the catacombs but once there you must head deep within and find a katana that has been rumored to be able to banish evil just by using the wind from swinging the blade. Ikawa-Sensei has a particular interest in this blade and it's in the room with Kago Hiroshi's grave. Supposedly you'll know the room by the giant glowing tree that is situated there." Kenta nodded, adding a shrug, "Of course, I've never been there so I don't know what to warn you for, just make sure you keep an eye on your surroundings." He nodded, smiling, "Dismissed, you have your lists of fellow students with you and I'll see you later."

Kenta then turned to the newcomer, a transfer student aparently who also hadn't caught the memo about not having to wear his uniform either. He walked over and bowed deeply to him. "Ah, it is a pleasure to meet you Guraasu-San, please, join me. I wasn't aware of your transfer into our class but we are seperating into groups, you are free to pick since I don't have you put into one. Feel free to run up and take any room on the fourth floor that has an empty bed and we can sort out your transfer after the scavenger hunt. Also, you may change into normal clothing." He nodded to him and smiled, looking over to his list.

"Please join me out by the lake if you're in my group!"
Still out of breath, Rei attempted a scramble to his feet when Kenta approached him. He wanted to bow respectfully - he really did - but bending over that far would probably cause him to collapse. Unfortunately, his bow turned into some exhausted bow of his head. This, coupled with the blood rushing to his head from standing so fast, sent his equilibrium reeling. Rei couldn't help it as he tottered on his feet like a renaissance woman with a fainting spell.

Out of it all his left eyebrow still managed to pulse in agitation, You mean...more running? The poor kid wanted to collapse and just lay there awhile! Now they're going exploring?! The only positives he saw was going with a group he chose AND not having to wear the uniform. Rei now viewed this class as his personal heaven and hell.

Sighing, Rei began his trek to his room-of-choice, with the solid intention of wearing anything that'll breath easily.

"Take the ledger to her once you've found it. It should be somewhere on floor 200 I think, of course the elevator only takes you to floor 20 so be ready for quite a hike."

Floor 200? Wow. They were going to be there for quite awhile. Oddly enough, though, Allie didn't really find herself worried. She blinked and looked over to Darius as Kenta spoke to him. anything that they may come in contact with couldn't possibly be any match for that. She pretended to stretch as her hair quickly turned back to it's original blonde, and smirked to herself as Kenta turned to talk to Rei.

"..I wasn't aware of your transfer into our class but we are seperating into groups, you are free to pick since I don't have you put into one.."

Allie perked up, jogging after the new guy to catch him before he was out of reach. "Hey, Rei! Why don't you join our group? I'm sure I can carry you if you need it!" She said, winking and chuckling.
Ai watched Darius, her ears nearly deaf to what was said, or rather, it was more like she was off in her own little world. They were going where? What were they doing?

Her eyes flicked over to Allie and noted that her hair changed color again, then watched as the girl called out to a newcomer that he should join their group. She then looked over at her twin, unsure of what to do, knowing that her twin was in another group. Suddenly her hand felt empty where her twin's hand had been. She sighed slightly, willing herself to just calm down. She looked back over at Darius and bit her lip, wondering what he was thinking about. Then she finally realized what had been said about their little excursion.

"Well..... at least there's an elevator for the first part... Better than nothing at all...." She murmured quietly, noting that her voice was probably so soft right now that not many people would have heard her. She was absent mindedly considering going into her true form for this. Maybe in that form, she could act as some kind of scout.... be some sort of help.... Then again, would it bother them that the girl they've seen today is able to transform into a fox that's about as big as a medium-sized dog.
Celena nodded and walked away, noticing Yuki chatting with another girl, sighing as she passed him.
Typical boy, ugh...
She began looking at the list of names, and called them out slowly, mildly mispronouncing a few of the names without noticing it all that much, her voice loud enough to be heard for quite a distance. And now all she had to do was wait, right?