Just Super (OOC)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Holy flip yes. Is there room for me? I'm hoping to toss up a character sheet sometime in the next few days, if you'll have me.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: GuanYue
Hey, so, bit of an odd question....would it be possible if, instead of linking my character through the testing chambers or a character dump, I could link it through my personal website? It's just that I have a really neat CS idea but I can't accomplish it with bbcode- I can, however, do it with CSS and HTML. Would that be possible? If not, that's totally cool, I just figured I'd ask.... (I may not even do that, but I figured I'd get permission before going through all that effort XD)
I don't mind that as long as it follows site rules (where you're linking it and what not) and that everyone else can see it. And, on top of that, it follows my rules in regards to profiles/posting fancy coding and shit.[size]
  • Love
Reactions: noodle
I don't mind that as long as it follows site rules (where you're linking it and what not) and that everyone else can see it. And, on top of that, it follows my rules in regards to profiles/posting fancy coding and shit.[size]
Aye, sounds good boss.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: U.N. 0W3N
Just letting you know my character is almost ready, just trying to make his power and making it so that he isnt too powerful
Waiting for things to happen. Maybe.
Anticipation hrrrrg
Soon...! I have official plans of how to start of the thread. So, once we get two more characters in, we can begin.
  • Love
Reactions: GuanYue
Y . E . S .

This is amazing.
I like this thing, yes sir I do.

Time to get to work on a character.
I'm having a hard time thinking up a character. xD
If you don't mind someone squeaky clean, I'll probably put up a thing! It'll likely appear tomorrow, but I've got a couple of ideas.

...Now I've got to figure out how to BBCode again.
I don't recall seeing anything about bbcode being mandatory, If so I'll work on something and try to get it linked up ASAP of you're still open for charries.
Oh shit! I haven't been gettign notifications in here! Well, quick update: I will properly read the PMs I got and check out the app(s) I get later this week. My health has taken a bit of a turn, so I was going to take a break from forum RP stuff. I'll be back around Thursday! To check back in and continue where I left off!
Having trouble shaping a concept I like. I'll be in contact later to see if I can hop in on another chapter.
