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"Oh, them?
They're the night crew, so yeah, they look like zombies.
Their shift ends in about ten minutes so ignore them."
Olivia gestured for him to follow her as she led the way to her office.
There was a pile of files on her desk, which she picked up.
"Today, we're going to a hearing.
Turns out some kid killed another kid- though the former is human while the latter falls under our kind of work.
Our job is to deliver these files and cuff anyone who causes a riot."
She smirked.
"And guess what? The killer? He's that vampire boy's human brother."
Oh snap, they're involved with Louis' hearing.
Which means... Olivia works for the Order when she's being a cop! Oh snap, plot twist.

"Maybe it happened before we adopted them?
By the way, when's the court thingy or other? I wanna go."
Greg, no. You ain't going. Zile, tell him no. He'll do something stupid if you don't.

"Mm... I dun care... Just wake me when they get to talking..."
Louis was out like a light after saying that.
He was probably too tuckered out to really talk much more.
Long days do that to you.
(noms on cookie)

Night crew? Guess that made sense.
Maybe they should shorten their hours if they were that dead at their desks.
Snap crackle and pop!
Jaxton hurried after Olivia, looking through the paperwork and photos on her desk when she mentioned the case.
"Wait...isn't this the kid that was with that crazy vampire before?"
Man, if it was that kid, he was freaking nuts!
"What are the details? I don't see much in this paperwork.
It almost looks like they don't want to bother giving the kid a chance."
He didn't look old so there shouldn't be any grudges, so why go after the kid so hard?

"You're not going, cause Wolf said so."
He smirked but then hugged Greg before going into the kitchen to get a bag of blood.
"But really, no. Let me handle this.
I know you're hot head will get you in trouble and we can't afford that.
Louis can't afford that."
This was basically his only chance to get himself out of deep trouble!

Lessander grinned and nodded as he settled in.
Hopefully Zile would wake them up tomorrow...and not let Greg come!
If he did that would likely be all Lessander would be dealing with...restraining the guy!
(o0o I want a cookie)

"Well, I don't know all the details..."
She closed her office door before continuing.
"According to my boss, the murderer killed with hunting gear.
They found the victim's body snarled up in a snare and she was skinned.
Only reason they knew how it was her was because her face was still in tact.
Dogs tracked the killer, he came clean, now we get to see if he's going away."
Olivia sipped at her coffee, smiling to herself.
"And that is all I know except that the victim was a lycanthrope.
Unless you meant details on if what the kid should expect if he's found guilty-
That, I'm afraid, will depend on both the judge and the victim's family."

"Who's Wolf...?"
Greg followed after Zile, puzzled but then intrigued enough to get a bag for himself.
"I suppose if you must point it out like that, then fine...
But can I at least go to be there as support?
I know prison life so I can give him some pointers if he gets the bad end of the deal."
Greg made a pouting face- he really wanted to go.

Louis cuddled up as close to his brother as he could.
He was hoping that their plan would work-
And also hoping that whatever punishment he gets if he is found guilty either way will not be too bad.
And hopefully nothing supernatural- just wasn't his style.
(I no good at sharing >.> hoard cookies)

"Hmm, I don't think that kid would go through such round-about trouble.
He seemed like he was more straight forward.
Like, I think if he decided he wanted to kill something that he'd do it without setting up some stupid trap.
I also don't think he's stupid enough to leave evidence at the scene.
He lives with that vampire kid, surely he'd know smell was something important to cover up."
Jaxton sat down on the edge of her desk, still somewhat lost in thought.
"I think he just doesn't feel like arguing. Does he have a bad past by chance?
Has he been in trouble before?"

"The person who controls your life."
Zile rolled his eyes and went over to the sofa to drink.
"He doesn't need 'pointers' because he is not going to jail.
Thus, you are not going.
We don't need more problems than the ones we're already trying to solve."
(Fine then, I will just eat pie.)

"The only records we have on him is that he was the surviving victim of a house fire.
His parents died in it and he was put into the adoption center-
Only to be adopted the next day by those vampires."
Olivia shrugged half heartedly.
"The trap deal makes no sense to me as well.
Still, we're going to that trial and do our jobs.
Whatever that might come down to."

"So...Wolf is a go-....a dog-spelt-backwards?
And I am going-...to sit down and be a good boy and not do anything stupid.
Would you like me to make breakfast tomorrow for little-still-human baby boy?"
Greg smiled a bit like his usual self- except a little more dopey.
Probably just playing 'goodie goodie' to make Zile happy...and maybe give him a treat?

Jaxton nodded slowly as he looked over at Olivia.
He grabbed a few more papers on the case and raised a brow.
"They don't have much more than easily-plantable evidence on this kid.
I don't think the story will be holding."
He tossed the papers back on her desk before reaching around her and taking the half-empty cup of coffee.
What? He knew it was a bad idea but she wasn't giving him enough work to do!"
Thus, he waved the thing in front of her before hopping off the desk to head for a trash can.

He knew what Greg was doing and he wasn't gonna get to go!
Even if he makes breakfast and acts like a cute puppy...but he can still have a treat.
With a quiet chuckle he leaned over and nibbled at his lover's lower lip, then winked before walking into their bedroom.
It was never too early in the day for some fun!
With all the craziness he'll have to deal with tomorrow, a bit of relaxation would be nice.
(It is very delicious pie.)

"Hey! Gimme back my coffee!" snapped Olivia, jumping after him.
Sure, she could always get another one and just send his peppy ass home, but she hated wasting coffee.
She grabbed him in a slight headlock- though it looked more like she was trying to pull him back by his shoulders.
"Don't you dare throw away my coffee!
Do you know how expensive that stuff is? Five bucks for a six ounce bag, that's how expensive!"
Olivia would love to give him something else to do, but they leave in a few hours and still have to-
"Chhhhh-! Officer Dunham? Please report to 1st and Main Street, we have teen in your jurisdiction. Over. Chh-!"
"Ah! There! See? Something to do! Just gimme back my coffee, please!"

Greg was quick to follow Zile.
And was also quick to pounce him onto the bed and serve some nibbles of his own.
Granted they were more directed to Zile's neck and collar bone.
Definitely never too early in the day for some fun.
Just make sure to head to the courthouse on time and make breakfast before then.
Pretty sure McDonalds would not sit well before a trial that may or may not lead to death or life in prison.
The headlock was rather humorous to say the least.
Jaxton even grinned over his shoulder at her before turning in a circle, swinging her off her feet a bit.
Bad vampire...
He cocked his head to the side when the radio went off, then grinned.
Yay! Something to do besides steal disgusting coffee!
He handed it back to her, then headed for the door.
"Let's get out of this dull place, I feel like I'm in a coffin."
Pun intended.

Zile was highly enjoying the stress relief his pain-in-the-butt husband brought him after such a bad day.
He wasn't too worried about Louis being innocent but the nagging voices always messed with him.
As it were, he was going to be quite busy with Greg until about midnight...when he promptly passes out.

The next morning was a whirlwind of making breakfast, getting ready, and getting the boys up...but not likely in that order.
"Boys! Breakfast!"
Good luck getting Lessander up Louis, you'll need it.
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Olivia gulped down her coffee before tossing the cup and going after him.
"I don't get what you mean by that-
We're at a police station, not a funeral place."
Ah, she's talking zombie puns not vampire puns.
Fair enough, whatever.
So they're going to the car, yeah?

Greg is a good boy at making Zile not as stressed.
He is, however, a bad boy at keeping his word with breakfast.

Louis made very loud grumpy noises at Zile calling about breakfast.
He wanted to stay where he was and snuggle with his boo.
Fuck breakfast and fuck the police.
Just not the way that Greg does because he doesn't want to go to prison.
"Come on."
He sauntered out of the office without waiting for her.
She'd catch up anyways, it was her car.
Jax was perched on the roof of her car when she came out, smirking like the derp vampire he was.
"The radio said there was a small robbery in progress near the courthouse...two birds, one stone?"
Can just go straight over to the courthouse once done...can even toss the guy in a holding cell while there!

No one wants to do what Greg does to the police!
Especially not Zile, cause Greg belongs to him...until he can get some store credit for trading him in.
Cause come on, the guy is a few eggs short of MAKING BREAKFAST!

Lessander grumbled at the noises Louis was making.
His arm wrapped around the smaller kid, hugging him to his chest in the hopes that he'll quiet down.
"Nnnn, loud..."
Maybe a kiss would make Louis be quiet?
And no, Less wasn't paying any attention to his dad.
"Why do I get the feeling you planned the robbery?" asked Olivia, crossing her arms.
"You know that you can be very suspicious right?"
Not that she minded- she was more concerned with what her co-workers will think.
She hopped into the car and made a threatening 'I will take off with or without you in the car' rev.
He wants to go deal with a robbery? Fine, let's go deal with a robbery.

Told you that Greg was bad with making breakfast!
At least he's getting up and going upstairs to wake up the boys.
Heh, might not want to be snogging on Louis, Less.

Louis made sleepy grumbles.
Not a morning person today...
More of a sleep the day away with a few kisses with Lessander.
Less, Dad's going to get grumpy... we need to get up and go eat food...
I give you kisses if you get up... Kisses, Less... kisses.
"Me? Waste time planning a robbery?
Hah! If anything, I'd steal from a blood bank and not bother planning.
Not like most humans could even see me."
Jax hopped in the car, slamming the door right as his partner floored the car.
"Jesus, you sure you have a driver's license?!"
Probably not.
"Can I eat from the thieves? Kinda wouldn't mind a snack."

Ohh, kisses?
Lessander sat up, tugging the blanket over their heads before kissing his sleepy brother.
He could do kisses. He could kinda wake up for kisses.
Besides, Less didn't really care about being caught anymore.
It wasn't like their parents would really care, and Louis was in such deep water that it didn't matter.
"Wanna go out with me?"
Okay, stop sleeping you dork.
Or at least sleep talking.
"For the metaphorical hundredth time, yes, I have a driver's license." said Olivia with a roll of her eyes.
She pulled up a block from the bank, parking the car.
"And as for snacking on the thieves...
Don't really care so long as you don't get caught."
She got out of the car and headed to the bank, her gun and badge hidden so that she can have the side of surprise.
Hopefully these are just a group of jokers and no one that is really serious.

Louis could wake up to kisses as well.
He smiled at the kisses and happily kept them going-
Until Greg opened their bedroom door and tugged the covers off of them.
"Rise and shine my little lovey dovey grimlems!
Daddy Zee made breakfast!"
And he's giving them no choice because he also flipped the mattress, dumping them into the floor.
Louis yelp before throwing a shoe at Greg.
Jaxton jumped out of the car, rolling his eyes to match Olivia's.
He was expecting this to be something easy, but in the blur of a second he was forced to snatch a bullet inches away from hitting Olivia's face.
The sun burned his hand as he quickly grabbed her and literally threw her over her car to the safety on the other side...granted she didn't get hit by a car.
Another gunshot rang out, making his body jar as it connected with his shoulder.
Jax turned to face the door and easily noticed the shooter standing right in the middle of the bank.


Raising the gun he'd just stolen from Olivia, he leveled it on the shooter and, after taking one more shot, this one to his chest, pulled the trigger.
"Well, problem solved?"

Lessander made sure he didn't fall on his brother when they were flipped, and pegged the second shoe at Greg...quite a bit harder than Louis had.
When their father ran out he jumped up, pulling his brother along with him.
"Let's go get ready to deal with today's crap, eh?
Heheh, we'll get it flushed away for good."
Harhar, poop jokes!
Less headed down to the bathroom to start the shower, calling over his shoulder when he saw Louis.
"Want me to help wash your back?"
...and other things.
She may have not been hit by a car, but damn near broke something on the asphalt when she landed.
Olivia swore as she got up after Jax took a few shots.
"Stupid albino get your ass inside before you turn to bacon." She muttered, pushing him inside-
And then she made a good show of incapitating two other robbers, shooting both in the leg to make them fall and then at their weapons to send them skidding away.
"Everyone alright?" she asked the few hostages there.
"Yes, thank you, but is your partner okay?" asked one of the bankers.
Olivia swore and checked Jax. "Dumbass, how many times do I have to play nurse to fix the holes in your stupid ass?"

"Amongst other things?" cooed Louis as he closed the bathroom door.
"Mm... Sounds inviting.
Sure, why not?
Just let me get changed so I can join you in the shower..."
Evil little minx turned his back on Less and proceeded to strip in a manner kids his age shouldn't know...
Me thinks that puberty is still being nice to him and daaaaayum!
Them hips don't lie!

"Zile, we have gay babies." cooed Greg.
"Gay babies throw shoes.
Can we get not gay babies?"
Poor Greg was sporting a fine bruise where Less hit him with the shoe.
"You never play nurse, you always just tell me to suck it up."
True story.
Other cops were beginning to pour into the bank so Jaxton just grabbed Olivia's arm and tugged her towards the courthouse.
"Come on."
He ducked inside the large building, ignoring the odd glares he was getting from the blood on his shirt.
Jax stopped near the bathroom, glancing down at his shirt.
"Um...do you have a spare shirt? Or, actually, do any of the male cops? I don't want to look like a chick."

Those hips...totally had Lessander forgetting what he was doing.
Thankfully he was in the shower so the drool just washed down the drain.
"You might make me get arrested if you keep swinging those hips that way."
No jokes...he was already half 'up' and Louis still had his boxers on.

Zile sat up in bed, yawning as he listened to his husband's complaints.
"It took you this long to realize that?"
Eying the shoe mark, he smirked.
"My poor baby got hit in the head with a shoe?"
The sarcasm...it be real.
"See this is why you wear bullet proof vests- I don't care if you're a badass, it does save you shirt changes."
Olivia dragged him over to a supply closet which conveniently had spare uniform shirts.
"Take one and change. I'll get them new ones later."
She checked her watch. Half an hour until the hearing.
"Unless you want to go back to the apartment. It's just ten minutes from here."
If they went back, she could grab a snack.
That smoothie was not holding her up at all.

"Seeing how our age difference is very slim an you're not an adult, I doubt you would get arrested.
But because I don't want to test that theory, I'll be good and keep these on."
Louis patted the waistband to his boxers.
Little demon, such a tease.
He walked over and got into the shower, leaning up to give Less a kiss on the cheek.
"Better, brother mine?"
He sincerely doubted it.

"They're evil, I want to change them out for not so evil ones."
Greg flopped onto the bed and made pouting faces at Zile.
"My head hurts... Kiss it better?"
Insert kissy face here.
Why? Because it's Greg and he's a big sap, almost worse than Zack when he was with Alec.
Jaxton tugged on the shirt and frowned.
It looked terrible on him, but he'd keep his mouth shut.
Didn't wanna make her mad when she was obviously hungry.
However, he didn't want to go back to the apartment again, especially not in daylight.
He fished a couple dollar bills out of his pocket and handed them over.
"There's a snack machine right behind you."
Hopefully she didn't just get sugary stuff though, didn't need to be sugar-high for the hearing.

His doubt was sincerely correct.
There was no 'better'!
"You are such a tease. You have no idea what I'd do to you if..."
If he finished that sentence.
Instead, he bit his tongue and turned around, blushing but determined not to deflower his brother in the shower.
"Get washed up..."

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
Rolling his eyes, Zile slid out of bed, stretching and giving Greg quite a nice view.
"We're keeping them. Is breakfast ready?"
Sure he smelled it, but that didn't mean it was edible.
Pulling on a pair of boxers, he turned and raised a brow.
"I can hear the shower going so I'm gonna be sure you didn't burn the house down making breakfast."
Olivia looked at the machine and balked.
She quickly handed the bills back.
"I'll eat later. Don't like food from snack machines.
They're gross."
Olivia looked at her watch and frowned.
"To be honest... I'm finding it strange that they haven't showed up yet...
Think they might have skipped town?"

Louis flashed an 'I win' smile but dropped the topic.
He picked up the shampoo after wetting his hair and scrubbed away.
"What time do we need to leave for the court house?"
Guess he wasn't the only one who was thinking bout timing.
Not that he was really concerned-
He had three vampires to get him there-
They could leave five minutes before the hearing started and still be early.

"It was microwave waffles so how could I burn down the house?
Well, technically it was toaster waffles...
But I don't trust the toaster at all.
It's plotting my doom.
Can we return the toaster?"
No, they cannot.
Toaster is nice and cooks strudels for Louis.
Yummy strudels.
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