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"You're the...dork." gasped Louis.
Rather breathless after laughing and squealing.
Which reminded him-
He gave Less a little kiss on one of his ears, right on the top curve.
"S-sorry for the noise... I forgot you hear too well..."
And you just have to be so kissy kissy with him, don't ya?
"And I don't think...anyone cares if you're obsessive with me.
Who wouldn't want to be obsess with this awesomeness?"
He tried to gesture to himself but he was rather pinned at the moment.

"Right. How's that bullet wound treating ya?"
She made a point about what she was referring to by kicking him under the table-
And not just a little thump, but a slam of the steel toed boot kind.
"Because last time I checked on it, you need me to babysit you for it."
She's trying hard to get back at him.
Saying she needs a babysitter...
She had him hand cuffed and partially deafened and held at gun point!
In her closet!
So yeah... she is grumpy at him now.

"Because his scent was all over Olive and the traps that killed her!
Not to mention his blood, even if it was only a tiny trace of that." Zack growled.
Yeah, I can see where confusion would be in that as well.
The part where Less and Louis had been together since the attack.
So...who is framing him?
Can't be Ashke's uncle who tried something like this before because Ashke killed him...
Ashke has been with Ridel since they attacked Less and Louis...
"There is hard evidence and a thin line that is keeping me from letting the other wolves going after your son.
And you are that thin line- because Louis is your son.
So I ask you again, why did you let Louis kill Olive, a little wolf who had no reason to be killed?"
Totally just proved himself the dorkiest of the dorks!
"You're right, that awesomeness is just too addicting."
Mmm yummy kisses.
He was a bit sensitive on his ears but it was kinda nice, too.
"Hey...since we have tomorrow off, wanna go to a movie?"
Sure they didn't have much money but he'd saved enough to take his little brother out!
Was kinda looking forward too it.

Oh come on! That was low!
Literally and figuratively.
A muted snarl broke out across his face as it morphed slightly, fangs extending before abruptly retracting.
Jaxton ducked his head, wincing as the pain flared, then dulled.
His body was still healing that damned wound!
Fucking of course she had to kick it!
"That...wasn't funny..."
With a hiss he leaned back, muscles slowly relaxing as he moved his leg further away from hers.
"You're more aggressive than any bloodsucker."

Zile shifted a few times as he thought about how to handle this situation.
After a minute he glanced up to respond;
"Come talk to him and Lesander.
My older boy unfortunately has become a vampire, but Louis had also gotten kidnapped and almost changed.
Since that time he had barely ever left him alone, and only during class.
I think someone might have framed him for some reason, but come, talk to them."
He knew the other was upset, he'd probably be flipping out if Louis was killed, so he understood.
Turning, Zile walked back out the door, waiting for Zack to follow before he started running towards his own home.
God, he really hoped Louis wasn't behind this...
"Mm, sure.
Any idea of what's playing tomorrow?"
They kinda need to know that part if they want to go to the movies.
Unless they are just going to kiss each other in the dark.
Because if so, then don't they do that often enough at home?
Just saying....
And Less is sensitive on his ears...? This will come in handy later for Louis...

"Serves you right for saying that you're babysitting me."
Olivia sipped at her drink before taking one last bite of pie.
She savored it for a moment before swallowing and letting out a sigh of content.
"Okay, we can go now."
She flagged down the waitress and paid for her breakfast before getting up to leave.
"Need help walking, Jaxxy, or can you tough it out?
Last I heard, big boys don't act like little ones."
The insults continue!
Man she is vicious today.

Zack mulled the idea over but eventually agreed, as he following Zile out the door.
He shifted to his wolf form to keep up, only being outpaced by a yard.
Which, he would admit, is an improvement because usually it's three yards.
However, when they arrived at Zile's house, he didn't change back.
If things ended up going down south in a bad way, he'd be at a great disadvantage if he were in human form.
Greg was still absent, most likely taking care of the bar in town.
Had to have an income after all.
Zack looked at Zile and made a frown- or wolf equivalent.
Call down your son- I want to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible.
"I think Underworld came out...the second one?
We could go see that."
Not like his crazy little fire-loving brother needed to watch more aggression stuff, but he figured Louis wouldn't imitate vampires.
The kid was kinda being fed from by one...
"There's also a few others, you can basically choose whichever when we get there."
And yes, there was going to be kissing.
Probably in the back of the theater so they don't bother others though.

Jaxton leered and stood up, eying the bright sunlight outside.
Mmph, the clouds had moved, perfect.
"I'll deal."
This was gonna suck though!
Cringing inwardly, Jax ducked outside and promptly walked back to the tinted car, blurring slightly with the speed.
He was inside in seconds, sighing as his sizzling skin cooled.
Damn vampireness!

Zile nodded as they walked inside, glancing upstairs as he shouted;
"Louis, Less! Get down here, now!"
Lessander groaned but got up, making sure there was no blood or wound on Louis's shoulder before standing and heading for the door.
"Dad seems mad...wonder what's up."
He quickly headed down, then ran downstairs.
"What's up, dad?"
Eh, why was Zack here too?
And in his wolf form?
"Did something happen??"
Less glanced back and forth between the two, totally confused on the situation.
Olivia took her time getting to the car, just to seem more normal.
That and to give Jax a little more time for the sizzling to die down.
When she got into the car she rummaged through the glove box and pulled out some sunscreen.
"By any chance would this help you not sound like bacon?"
Was disgusting for her to listen to.
And it'd help him-
If it does help him.

Louis had barely managed to say 'Underworld sounds great' when Zile had called for them.
He made a face and followed Less, wondering why Zile sounded angered.
Had a teacher called to voice a complaint?
Were they grounded?
Was about the incident not too long ago?
He had another idea about what it may have been about but it frozed mid thought when Louis stopped just a bit behind Lessander.

Zack seemed to instantly glare at Louis when he came into sight.
He was planning on Zile interrogating him, but the question slipped out-
Where were you boys the day Olive Kurtis was murderer- ie, a week ago, 10 A.M.
Louis gave a look at Zile, looking horrified- but there was hesitancy as well, like he was hiding something.
"Father, who's Olive Kurtis? Why is Uncle Zack asking about her? Why is she dead?"
Zack growled lowly, agitated.
Tell him to answer the question, Zile.
Tell him to say the whole truth.

Jaxton never usually put himself in such a situation to be sizzling!
Darn Olivia for this!
Not that she was directly responsible, but she was part of that cake!
Mmmm, cake...
As the sun screen was offered he snatched it up, then quickly applied it.
Damn stuff sucked, but at least it stopped the sizzling after a minute.
But gah!
It really hurt!!!
"I have a feeling you gave me that on purpose," he hissed through gritting teeth.

Less stepped in front of his little brother at the wolf's anger.
"We...We had school...?"
He wasn't sure what 'last week' was.
Which day did he want and at ten A.M. they were either asleep or at school!
If the wolf tried to get any closer Les would attack, uncle or not.
He wasn't about to let his little brother get hurt.

Zile sighed and nodded for Louis to reply.
He knew his son hadn't done anything, sure he had his past, but he had no reason at all to hurt Olive.
"She was your uncle's daughter, a werewolf.
Do you know anything about what might have happened?"
"Gave you what on purpose?" Olivia mused.
Kind of said it in a way that it sounded like 'I have no idea what you mean by that.'
Either way, they were on their way to Olivia's apartment, thankfully not that far away.
And thankfully the driveway was in the shade.
"Are all of your kind this sizzling after a brief moment in the sun or is that just you?
Because I have a feeling it's just you... or a selected few of you."
It would explain the very few cases where they were told that their target couldn't come out during the day.
And why Olivia had missed a few nights of sleep because of those few cases.
Yes...very fill in the blank like.

"Never heard of her...
Never went anywhere but school or wherever Les was at around that time." said Louis.
But Zack was still not buying it, not with how suspicious he had appeared to him a moment earlier.
That and he just didn't trust him because of the situation.

Zack looked at the boys with a stern expression.
Besides home and school, have either of you gone anywhere else around that time?
To the park or even the trails in the woods?
Maybe on a field trip or just for fun or something of the like?
Have you been around any hunting supplies like traps or skinning knives?

It's a lot of questions but Zack was determined to try whatever he could to get someone to fess up...
"Glad you think I'm hot."
Jax leaned back and sighed as his body temperature returned to normal.
"The more powerful you are, the worse it gets.
It also depends on age.
Thus, I'm old enough to have the severe burning even if I didn't have the power to accompany it."
Yay, double bad luck!
"There aren't many vampires around with my power and age though, which is why you get assignments at night instead of all during the day."
It would be nice if they could ambush them in their own houses but Jax wouldn't be able too.
Or he'd hae to wear a rain coat or something stupid...yeah, no.

Less did his best to keep his brow from turning downcast.
He'd be upset too if his loved one was murdered.
"We only went to the park once I believe.
We also got ice cream on the way so you can ask the guy at the store."
Hmm, not much else came to mind.
"We sometimes walked home, but after Louis got attacked we've been trying to get a ride with dad."
Maybe that would have Zack laying off a little?
They were also being hunted.
"You are at a severe disadvantage my friend." said Olivia, putting the car into park when she pulled into the parking lot.
"If I were you, I'd live in Portland or someplace like it."
Click. Ziiiip.
Voila, no more seat belt.
"So.. Can I leave the blinds open or would you kill me for that?"
She was just teasing.
Why? Because she laughed and hopped out of the car before running up a flight of stairs to get to her apartment.
Does she ever take things seriously?
No, not really.

Louis offered no answers-
He just kept looking at Lessander.
Zack made a face before shifting back to human form.
"So you've been together all this time...
And yet there is evidence saying that Louis here had been away from you, Less, long enough to kill a little girl and skin her clean."
He looked at Zile with a sigh.
"Zile, what do I do?
I've got evidence saying one thing and them saying another.
What do I fucking do?
You're not hiding something about him right?
He's not a vampire too, right? Magician maybe? Or demonic?"
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"Tch, I'm much stronger at least.
And faster."
As long as he wasn't turning into bacon at the time.
Jaxton blurred his way into the building, sighing as he finally stepped inside.
"I would proffer the blinds stay closed."
He was already tossing his jacket off and heading for the fridge to stash the blood he'd picked up.
"Stealing your fridge."
Hopefully she doesn't spazz or drink it by mistake.
Or...actually, heh. It would be hilarious if she drank it!
"Don't drink my Kool Aid."

Zile turned to Louis again and sighed.
"Louis. You actually need to talk.
You're making yourself look bad here.
Just tell him what happened, or if you weren't there, what you were doing at the time."
Turning his attention back to Zack, Zile replied;
"He isn't a vampire, Lessander is.
Also, I've never seen him do any kind of magic."
He did tend to light things on fire but that was a long time ago.
Surely he had grown out of that by now...
"I don't even like Kool Aid.
I prefer smoothies and V8 juices."
Olivia made a beeline for the couch so she could watch some TV.
"Wanna watch Criminal Minds with me?
The episode where Reid gets kidnapped is on."
She loved Criminal Minds just because of that episode and the one that follows it.
Not because of what happens to Reid but because of the character called Tobias switching personalities.
It was confusing at times, but you get used to it.
That and the evil dogs that went after J.J.

Welllll... Except for candles and firecrackers in the boys bathroom?
Yeah, he's totally over the fire stuff.
Louis frowned for a while before sighing.
"Guess the damage is done and will only get worse if I don't say anything...
I'm sad to say it, but...it is all true. I killed Olive Kurtis.
I went off campus as soon as I was away from Lessander for one of our classes that we didn't have together.
Originally I was suppose to go after an anonymous person, but she had seen me with the hunting gear so I killed her and skinned her as a warning to anyone who got in my way."
Zack growled and demanded, "Why did you have to kill anyone at all?"
Louis offered a bored look.
"Because of the same reason of why people tried to kill mutants in the X-Men- I don't want people like Olive, you, or...Greg, around."

(Evil Louis is evil.)
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"I thought you'd be a kool-aid and milkshake kind of person."
Heh, you think you know a person.
After putting everything away Jax fell onto the sofa with a yawn.
"Sure, but I might pass out.
All that sun kinda kicked my ass."
Thank god the blinds were drawn so the place was only lit by the TV.
"You do know Law and Order is better though, right?
Cause come on, who doesn't love that delicious lawyer."
Yummy blond with an attitude? Hells yes.

Lessander's face paled to a pure white color as his brother admitted to murder.
He just couldn't even think about it.
How in the hell did his little baby brother, a human no less! Kill a werewolf!
Sure Olive was smaller, but still!
Less staggered backwards as Zile frowned.
He wasn't sure how to deal with this...he probably would have to give Louis to Zack.
The boy had killed another wolf's pup, his life was forfeit to Zack now.
"Louis...I...your family is vampires...they were also family.
How could you do such a thing?"
Less was already upstairs, totally in shock from the experience.
"I'm actually a smoothie and ice tea kind of person.
Kool Aid just acted as a major let down because it tasted like Jell-o and I would want Jell-o, not Kool Aid...
So I gave up on the drink and would just eat Jell-o."
Olivia gave a stretch and also yawned.
Not sleeping in her bed last night was kicking her ass.
"Law and Order is fine and all, but it doesn't have Reid and Hotchner.
Or Agent Morgan- who happened to had been a model at some point."
Now that was a yummy person no matter which way you thought about it.
"If you want to watch Law and Order, I can find it on Netflix for you."

"As much as the fact that my family are now vampires, unlike my former family, my opinions still stand.
If you recall, I didn't like any of you at the beginning-
Not even Lessender. But then when I had to live amongst you, I grew tolerable and even caring towards you.
Just you though- Olive Kurtis was never part of my daily life, so I naturally hated her and had to have her out of the picture.
It's really that simple- you could say it is like I have a psychotic version of OCD.
It also explains why I refused Less to change me when I turn 18- it would be sickening to me." said Louis a bit tartly.
Zack was getting more and more pissed and had to only look at Zile in order for him to not go ape shit on the boy.
"Zile...I have to take him into the Order. He's guilty, we all know it, and as you can obviously hear, this shit is serious and won't end unless we put him away."
Which would put ease on Zack's conscious, except then Less and Louis wouldn't be together...
Louis is crazy, but wouldn't Less become crazy without him? Or maybe after hearing what he had heard...would he go crazy with him?
What if he's already going nuts?
"Tch details."
He was picky with who he chose to crush on.
With a grin he stretched, nudging Olivia a bit before chuckling.
"Totally think about you when I see Olivia Benson on that show."
He gave a wink and jumped up, disappearing into Olivia's bedroom.
"Dibs on part of the bed!"
After last night he needed some serious sleep!
Thank god the vampires had to be invited in...
By the time his human friend came into the room Jax would be stretched out happily on the far side of the bed.

Zile knew there was nothing he could do to stop Zack.
It didn't seem like the wolf would attack, but he definitely needed to let him take Louis away.
Damnit all!
This was going to break Lessander apart...they were brothers!
It was news to him about Less asking to change Louis, but that didn't matter right now.
In fact.
Less was downstairs again in a blur, Louis in his arms.
"I don't care if you hate me, or what I am!
I love you! You're my baby brother!"
He was shouting into Louis's shirt, making it hard to understand, but the feelings were obvious.
When he pulled back and took a few deep breaths to calm down Less replied;
"I'm coming with him.
I don't care where, but I'm going too."
Zile frowned, but again, he didn't have much control over the situation.
If he told Less to stay, the kid would just run away, no doubt.
Olivia made a face resembling that of a 'wait what' face.
And then let what Jaxton said sink in.
She then picked up a pillow from the couch and followed him-
And hit him on the head with the pillow she had picked up.
"I'll have you know that I look nothing like Olivia Benson and if I did, you would be drooling, even if you are a fang face."
She added another hit to his head before leaving the room to return to her TV.
He can have the bed for all that she cared-
The couch was just as comfy in her opinion.
So meh!

Louis said nothing through Lessander's little episode.
But he did show that he had cared for his vampiric adoptive brother by patting him on the back as he shouted.
Despite his general hate towards supernatural beings, it was true that Louis loved his family-
That he loved Less, sometimes more than others.
Zack made a face, like his hands were tied with options and other stuff.
"In normal situations, only Zile and Greg would be allowed to accompany...
But...If Zile says it is alright then you may come as well.
But in separate vehicles- that is one regulation I can't break."
Louis gave Zack a sharp look, but other wise had no protest.
He was a criminal now-
Suppose he best get used to being treated as one.
Even if it means he has to be separated from Lessander...
Gods, who would have known they would end up bonding so well...
Jaxton took the hits with pride.
Not that a pillow could do any kind of damage to him anyways...
He did grumble when Olivia went straight back to the other room.
Come sleep with meee.
It wasn't mind control, even though he could do it slightly.
He just really wanted to cuddle, and who could blame him after the hell they lived through the other day?
Not like he was gonna hump her or anything.
He wanted to keep himself unneutered, thanks.
A warm body just sounded really nice right now...
And yes, he would be drooling if she looked like his favorite detective, but she didn't know that she made him drool too.

Less bared his fangs at the comment but couldn't argue.
He knew the basic rules and didn't want to press them.
"Fine, but I'm carrying him out."
No way was he letting Zack take him.
"You don't have to ride in his car, either.
I'm sure you already have someone outside since you have another car.
Obviously you knew something would come of this visit.
You ride with me, and you can take him without a fight."
While Lessander was a very young vampire, he still was strong and extremely defensive.
Louis was his baby brother and, maybe one day, his lover.
And right now he would be Louis' guard dog with fangs.
Then maybe she doesn't want to be around him if he already does drool.
Because- out of habit- she would see that as him about to try and get a snack off her.
Or see him as a pervert...But he need not be mopy for long-
Olivia only stayed in the living room for about an hour, just long enough to see the rest of her show and check the news.
By then she forgot that she had went to the living room with intentions of just sleeping there.
And when she had returned to her room, she was too tired to really care.
"Laying down two rules- even try to nibble at me and I will shoot you-
And if you drool on me while sleeping or whatever, I'm making you walk a mile in sunlight tomorrow."
With that said and done, she climbed into bed, laying down on the unoccupied part.

So Less is Louis' guard vampire then?
Mmkay, makes sense to me.
Zack made a face and let out a sigh.
"Fair enough- I'll let the other drive be aware of how transportation shall go.
If you'll follow me, I'll show you to the cars." he said, turning and heading out of the house.
Sure enough, a pair of cars were waiting for them, both of them with a pair of officers.
One pair were humans who probably knew about the supernatural people, the other pair were a witch-werewolf combo.
"Louis will be riding with Jensen and Quin-" Zack gestured to the humans.
"-And we'll ride with Xenedra and Hans." Obviously the witch-werewolf duo.
Whom Louis was staring at, not even making a glance at Officer Quin as he came over and handcuffed his wrists.
"Safety precaution." he explained to Lessander and Zile.
Jaxton was half asleep when he felt the mattress depress.
He thought for sure she'd toss him out or sleep on the sofa.
When he heard the rules he smirked and rolled over.
Totally had Olivia in his arms a second later.
"So I can do this as long as I don't nibble?"
His hands were even in the safe zone of her stomach so hopefully no attacking the vampy!
Besides, he made a nice cooler on hot nights...

Less didn't like the idea one bit but at least Louis was riding with humans.
He could smell the werewolf but the witch was lost to him.
Couldn't really identify something if he hadn't met them before.
With a gruff nod he slid into the car after Zack, then slammed the door shut.
His eyes were basically locked on Louis' car.
If it changed directions from them, you could bet he'd tear apart this car and catch it!
"What happens when we get there?"
His voice was deathly calm, silently showing that he was about ready to snap if provoked.
Olivia just flipped him off and mumbled something about going the fuck to sleep.
Like he can, since he's suppose to be the vampire guy...
Then again, this isn't Twilight...
Which means he isn't Edward.
And hopefully by cooler, you don't mean ice box.
Personally don't want Olivia to go hypothermia because she slept with her partner-
And only slept with, as in shared the bed while sleeping...
You get the idea.

"Well, we'll have to wait before they'll take him into a room to be questioned.
Depending on that, he'll either be admitted to a holding cell or be sent home under house-arrest.
He will be permitted a lawyer after questioning and everything works out as a normal crime case goes.
Court meeting, jury, sentence, all that jazz. Due to him openly admitting to killing Olive, he has a high risk of being sentence for life.
But that would be in a normal court- the Order is not a normal court. They have different punishments other than life in prison." explained Zack.
The two officers with them nodded, one even shivering just thinking about it.
Fortunately for the car, Louis' transport didn't go in a different direction save for one turn but Less' caught back up to it real quick.
Eventually both cars pulled up to what seemed like a police station- save for a slightly different seal by the building's brand.
He could totally go to sleep.
He wasn't like that shiny vampire in the movie!
Kinda wished he were as far as the sunlight rule went though.
Not combusting sounded awesome.
When he realized Olivia was asleep he grumbled and closed his eyes.
Vampires were kinda weird that way.
He had to think to fall asleep, to actually shut off his mind.
Not that he had much trouble after finally being able to snuggle with his target!
And don't worry, he was just a comfortable cool, not chilly cold.

Lessander tried to ignore what the others were saying.
"If he can't have a lawyer during questioning I want to be in with him.
I won't talk, but I don't want them trying to hurt him to get him to talk."
He wouldn't put it past them to beat the crap out of Louis to get him to say things.
As they pulled up Less jumped out, not waiting as he walked over to his brother.
The guards were obviously annoyed but again, not caring!
He bared his fangs in threat if they tried to take Louis away without him.
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