Junkyard Earth

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Solar smiled and scratched under the cats chin. " You sure he wont run off while were scavenging maybe we should give him a bell or something. It'd be a shame to lose such an adorable little fella."
"Huh. Good point. Anyone got anything?" He asks, hopefully.
"if you know how to mold metal you can use some of the scrap i found" Said Couch, lifting his bag a bit to show it.
"I don't. I guess for now I'll just have to hold him..." Cam says.
"We could just tie up a few pieces of metal that way when it moves it will jingle a bit" Says Couch holding out a few small pieces of metal "its the best idea i can come up with" he said shrugging
"That's pretty smart!" He says, with a grin.
Name: Atlas
Sex: Male
Concept: Despite his name, he's cursed with the worse sense of directions EVER. But luckily he's a man with muliple of skills! A jack-of-all-trades is he! And his especially amazing cooking and sword skills definitely makes up his lack of directions!
Equipment: A messenger bag that contains his cooking supplies and tools. Along with a journal and pencils/pens to write in to keep him from going insane. And a dagger for safety.


Atlas grunt and groaned as he dragged his feet across the deserted land, searching far and wide for the camp. This was probably the fifth time he got lost... today! And honestly, he only had taken, like, three steps away from the area and-poof! It was like he had teleported and gone off in his own world!

"Why does this always happen to me?!" he yelped and sobbed as he came to a complete stop and drop to his knees. "Why can't I just NOT be lost for once in my life?!"

Feeling hopeless and utterly lost, Atlas dropped onto his side like a rag doll and simply laid on the ground, motionless. He was sobbing to himself from his unfortunate trait but prayed loudly for someone to find him.

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Name: Hard Bargain
Sex: Male
Age: 52 and two quarts
Concept: A merchant by trade, this silver tongued man is not really what he seems to be, he knows his way around the land, and can spot the smallest difference in anything around him. He can do just about anything, for a price. His patchwork coat and odd way of speaking makes him seem a little crazy, but who isn't these days?
Equipment: Hand pushed cart, full of junk. What he dubbed his shish-ka-maker, which is really just a spring powered bolt thrower. and a wrapped portion of food, human meat included.

The soft Squeeak of an old wheel in need of oil made its way towards Atlas, and before him stood a multi colored, cloaked man.
"I Oir-ed your plead'ns my fellow scaver. What is yo' troublins that brought us here today?" He inquired, squatting down to meet the sobbing boy face to face, the smell of rusting metal and stagnant oil was prominent on the man.
"Ol' Hard Bargain be mine ol name, rustlin' price o' purchases be my game little sobber, what say you?" He smiled, a rather odd sight, since most of his teeth were either brown or gone.
Atlas almost jumped and squealed at the sudden booming voice speaking to him. But when he realized someone talking to HIM, he immediately perked up and sat up to gaze upon the man before him. It wasn't as if Atlas was literally crying, just made loud noises to make it believable, because a man of his age really shouldn't be THAT pathetic. Though, he was beyond happy to know some actually respond back to him!

"Oh, praise the Lords! I'm saved!" he yelped, almost looking like a lost puppy who had just been found. Before he could go more into depth, he was quick to learned this stranger's name. To avoid any signs of rudeness and introduce himself as well.

"Please to meet you, Mr. Bargain, Sir! My name is Atlas! And can I just say I am beyond happy you have found me! I've been lost for a while now and in quite the predicament," Atlas replied with an uneasy laughter as he just hanged his head. "And... I know this is sudden, but if you could just help me find my way back to camp, I'll much appreciate it! In return, I'll help you out as best as you can!"
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"I think i heard something coming from the town, im gonna go check it out" said Couch following the sound of the man yelling he had just heard.
Bargain stood upright, nodding up and down at the boy.
"Well, Atlas, world holder! I can voice in my prediciarry as right. hold the name of a lay-dee, Exlamation Point? Now, my quest of noble propensity is to accompanion her as a compatriot, and chaperone her and company to wherever the rust gods eyes touch the world. Myself's will transport the blubbering yourself's back to the human hole. Post transportion, Atlas boy will accompany ol Hard Bargain to his journey, sound savvy?"
Atlas blinked multiple times, slightly baffled at the old man's words, but could somewhat understood what he wanted. Replying the words in his head to decipher the explanation as if he spoke in a different language. The most he could comprehend was that there's this girl name Exclamation Point he's with and to accompany Hard Bargain with his journey, which Atlas did not mind at all, since he's all alone to begin with. No more talking to the handmade wooden statues he made! I-I mean...

"S-Sure!" he exclaimed, slightly stuttering out of excitement. "Yes, Sir! I do not mind accompanying you at all! I can as soon as I gather my stuff from my camp!"
(My account has the character description, if anyone wants to see that.)

I sit on the ledge, humming "Hooked on a Feeling" while I brush loose pieces of hair out of my hat. I let my dark amber hair swing loosely around my shoulders, warily looking around for anyone.
While looking around for the who yelled Couch sees two people a little ways away that he slightly recognized "Hey i heard some yelling over here, is everything alright?" he shouts over to Atlas and Old Man Bargain
Atlas nearly jumped when he heard another voice speaking to him and Hard Bargain. How unbelievible! He's not going insane, right? He haven't completely lost it yet, right? There's actually PEOPLE around here? He thought it was just going to be the old man and that girl he was talking about. The reason he's so surprise was that, he got lost so often, the group he originally was with, left him without saying another word, leaving this poor man all alone. It's been so long since he had heard and spoke to other people! Atlas wanted to reply back to the other person who was yelling at them, but found himself too shock to even utter a word!
"Then off we trot!" Bargain said in his gun-ho manner. "Well lookie at this catch here, Couch potato himself!" Hard Bargain cackled, waving a hand.
"Is the scavenger ho down finito, or are we late in fashion?" He asked as he pushed the cart towards Couch.
"Littl' Exclamation Point best have not dropped we in the dust yet, Ol Head Honcho would'a rung me out fastly."
Walking closer, slightly confused on what Bargain was saying "I heard some yelling over here, everything going on all right" he asks, smiling slightly.
Atlas quickly hopped on his feet and swept off the dust and dirt from his clothing then flailed his arms. "Ah, nothing to worry about, Sir! I was simply asking this kind man to help me search for my camp, so I can gather my stuff from there and go on a journey with him!" Atlas had explained then quickly bow. "And by the way, my name is Atlas! Though, despite my name, I actually have poor sense of directions..." he trailed off and sighed at the cruel irony.
"Ill do my best to remember it, im Couch, i could lead you guys over to it, i just came from there. Said Couch pointing in he direction he came from
Name: Sygil Occlan

Sex: Male

Concept: Wanderer of sorts. Somewhat tall, 17, Started tagging along for interesting finds. Agile and adaptable. Loves tricking others. Reliable. Scrapper.

Equipment: A small bag on his hip filled with small traps/devices he found and tinkered with. A longsword. The clothes on his back. His lucky pendant.image.jpg
Sygil wakes up from the ditch he was napping in, rubbing the sleep from his eyes he slowly stands. "Ugh... Damn.. I think we were all supposed to meet up today." As he starts regaining his senses he hears voices and heads toward the group. "That must be them... Always so loud." He said with a grin as he approached.