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*looks around suspiciously amidst the audience, as if trying to spot a criminal hiding in the shadows*

Torsty invited me. <_< I was in RPG Forums Online when I saw this old PM that was sent to me during a long period when I left RPGFO. I looked at it, saw the link to Iwaku, and thought I'd join it just for the sake of it.

A few days after I joined, I got into a conflict at their Cbox and scrambled over here (in fact, that sounds awfully familiar...).

Well, aside from that little misunderstanding which put me in such a position that I'll never return to your Cbox for a very, very, very long time... ahem. I find several members, albeit not all, quite tolerating of my tempered persona so far, willing to let me spread my flair (and flare) without too harsh a constrain around me.

Well, at least not too harsh compared to the previous forums that I had left. <_< Probably the only reason I'm still around here, hanging.
I'm glad that's you're still here, by the way!

Anyways, moving on: What RP genres interest you?
*lights up a cigarette casually as he thinks of the proper answer*

Modern. I prefer writing posts for Modern RPs. They are simple and relatable, none of those fancy schmancy dungeons and dragons or spaceship and mecha stuff that I couldn't figure a word out of even if I had an interest in them. They are just too 'out there' for me, and I feel that my writing capabilities are just restrained to the real world setting - for now, perhaps.

Horror RPs involving zombies and big guns are fun, too, I guess... so long as I don't need to get too geekish with it. <_<

Moving on, what do you think is good about Iwaku, and also, what do you think might be bad about Iwaku?
*fires away at two gangsters in GTA IV before noticing TK asking the following question*

Huh? Right. Iwaku.

Well, let's start with the good.

First of all, the Cbox is nothing new, but since the forum's built on the V Bulletin host, it's got colors and fonts to choose from = freakking awesum. And since everyone's so random in the Cbox, i can just open up without having DnD Geek-talk for 24 hours straight, not knowing how to cut-in, join in, or just be anywhere in at all. With Iwaku's Cbox, I can drown in a conversation for hours long without realizing that it's... 5 in the morning... and I would be just an hour away from having to head to school... without sleep.

Then, there are the blogs. A cool feature it is to the Iwaku community, but, alas, other forums have done it before. Nevertheless, I am sure the messy layout could be fixed eventually. Additionally, the sidebar that tells the members which blogs are hot and which are not right now is a total useful tool for the obsessive stalker follower.

Finally, the most important aspect of any community: the members. Members make up the entirety of a community. They could make it or break it, and in this case, they've made the place a notch more decent than the previous communities I've 'toured,' albeit being just a moderate notch. The tolerating nature of the mods (especially, ahem, TK your highness yourself) is definitely worth complimenting, but that's because I have yet to display the full force of my destructive nature, yet (and hopefully, not for many years to come).

Let's be honest, members are people. People of Pixar Planet forums? They were extremely nice. Kind, tolerating, polite. In fact, they were too polite. I couldn't relate with them enough when my crude nature cut in. Niceness has a limit, too, so, Iwaku's best feature, I could not say is its members, as much as I want to, because members are human, too.

So, what's the best feature of Iwaku? The V Bulletin host. The full features of changing color and sizes are utterly convenient and aesthetically pleasing (before the 'upgrade' anyway). I would go on, but I want to cut this short, now. It's an interview, not a freakking Ominous Ebert 5-star forum review, eh. So, let's move on.

Bad points.

Other than the obvious aesthetic issues which, I'm sure, would be fixed very soon, the biggest bad point I could find is the lack of topics. Look at the General Chatting area. Video games thread. Jokes thread. Videos thread. Hurt or Heal. All those were there only when I came along. You guys need more general forum threads like these. You can find these threads in almost any forum, even the RPG-focused ones.

Aside from that, I believe Flare-Alponcho's said enough. Time to move on to the next question. Iwaku will rise to a decent peak, I'm sure, if not the highest one.
Good to hear!

So, next question:

Whats your favorite thing to eat?

Anything chicken, I'll stuff it down my throat.

I also enjoy a few of the normal, non-exotic meat products such as beef or mutton. Ham's good, too, though it gets tiring after eating that for a while.

I love anything salty, too. French Fries, especially, with lots of salt. If it's rice, I'd put it with the Chinese Light Soy Sauce. Salty, tasty, and absolutely delicious. Not so sure on the nutritious part, though.

I don't really like spicy food, though, but I don't mind light spices that won't make me jump into a river after brushing it against my tongue.

I just ate some potstickers yesterday, by the way, and they taste awesome. They are these flour-wrapped, dumpling-like food filled with meat inside that are dipped into grilling hot oil. Really delicious as well, but extremely hot, especially if the oil inside them drips out and flows down your arm...
Sounds good!

Moving on:

Who is your favorite group of people to RP with right now?
Eh...? That's a tough one, considering I've not RPed with lots around here, yet. I've only had a few posts in my one active RP, so, asking me to answer that would have me giving you a rather inaccurate answer in the long term, after I've RPed a little more than 5 months, at least.

My favorite, so far, would probably be... *ponders deeply*

SadisticBeauty. No, not because I'm closer to her than the rest of Iwaku. I like the way she highlights dialogues in her RP posts, not only making her posts unique, but gives me an easier time reading as well when picking out conversations amongst the posts/RP.

Oh, you meant group? Wait... group? The only 'group' of RPers I know so far are the bunch in my Mystery of the White Tiger RP (not counting the Traitor Game group who hasn't started on posting, yet). :/ So, I can't really pick a favorite group out of... erm, one group. o_e;
I gotcha, I gotcha.

Robotic Corvus Coraxes, or Fantasy Asmodeuses?
I would pick a robotic Corvus anyday... Give me some sugar, Teminatrix. =D
Ok, next. Who would you pick to be your personal slave on the forum?
Interesting question...

Corv... *looks at the group of Corvus fans patting their hands with the tip of their huge wooden bats* I mean, October. October Knight. I could get him to cook me good food everyday if he's my slave. <_< I won't need to work for the rest of my life.

Moving on, as a part of today's "NONSENSE TASKING!" I will now ask you to write a small haiku.


Asmodeus is
A very good Admin but
Krom will defeat him

Five syllables in the first row "As-mo-de-us is"
Seven in the second "A ve-ry good Ad-min but"
Five in the last "Krom will de-feat him"


It can be on any subject.
My first fics at here
Garnered little attention
Thus I have stopped since
I love it!

Moving on, what was your favorite story to write?
Oh, where do I start?

I love writing the kiddie "When Midnight Strikes" stories, because they are so easy to write. But of course, nobody really likes easy, kiddie writing, so... no comments. And that means, no point for me to continue. :P

I might start writing on a story called "A Twinkle in the Sky" about a terrorist loosed in Singapore, though. That one involves more mature writing.

However, I just don't have the time this week to do much, including replying to this thread, replying to my RPs, and chatter with the Cbox members. I might have more time this weekend to start up, but we'll have to see. :)
Fun to hear!

If you were an animal, what would you be?
A sea bear. Look him up in Wikipedia. It's a freaking survivor, capable of withstanding cold, heat, fire, molten lava, lack of oxygen; you name it.

Now, if I am that, I'd be freaking God-Mode Flare.
Good choice!

So, next, what was your first impression of Iwaku?
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