Joss Whedon is sexists!!111!

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The idea that feminists "go out of their way to be offended" is pretty harmful in general.
It is, but there are individuals like that.
I mean when people start protesting, giving trigger warnings and creating safe spaces because another feminist is giving a lecture they don't agree with you have a problem.

I do agree that painting all feminists under that light is bad thing, because many feminists are in fact cool and rational people.
And I do concede that I should pick my wording better as to not accidently generalize anyone who is a feminist.
But at the same time, pretending that such feminists don't exist at all (and treating anything addressing this as dismissing real issues) is just as harmful.
You also also acknowledge that your problem is with individuals and not the entire groups, yet instead of targeting abusers, you still use the word "feminists."
With the disclaimer of "Crazy" in front (the issues with that disclaimer I'll address in a bit).
If I meant all feminists I would have simply said "All" feminists, or not used any and simply have gone "Feminist".
But also my choice of words may be poor, I was not regarding all feminists as crazy. If I were doing that, it would have been more accurate for to me say something like "Feminists are crazy".
"Crazy" isn't a useful distinction here because so many people, again, view all feminists that way (and it's not really an accurate description of abusers in general, who know exactly what they're doing).
Which is a good point, I'll drop the use of that phrase (though you might see me slip up a bit first).
Whether you view it this way or not, you're playing into verbiage that automatically dismisses a very large and diverse group of people who experience real problems that need to be addressed.
Not really... depending on how you're looking at it.
If you're an outsider, read one of my post and assume I'm simply dismissing all feminists? Then yes, it can look like I'm dismissing everyone with real problems.
But if it where people understood that when I said 'crazy' feminists I meant the crazy ones, not all of them? Then not really.

I and many others can differentiate the Factual Feminists from the Brianna Wu's, PTSD from Twitters, Safe Spacers, (insert other silly campaigns launched under the name of feminism here).
But Anita isn't what this thread is about
I left my respond to Anita points in the spoilers anyways in case you care to read them.
But they are in a spoiler since they are technically off topic.

If you wish to discuss it further I would suggest we move it to PMs.
Faking death threats and harassment? That's pretty hilarious.
It is, but not for the reasons you're probably thinking. :P
And note I'm not saying she fakes them all, a lot are most likely random trolls, and some being from seriously disturbed people.

There's several things done to strongly suggest it including:
  • Making the majority of one's profits directly after said threats.
  • Majority of media attention directly after said threats.
  • Cancelling talks even after Police have confirmed there was no danger.
  • Publicly announcing FBI involvement, even when realistically the FBI would explicitly tell you *not* to tell the harasser that authorities are called.
and to ignore it is straight up ignoring the reality of harassment of women (especially young women and public figures) online, which is common, virulent, and, yes, sexist.
I'm skeptical to Anita's threats, not women's as a whole.
Anita =/= Women everywhere.

And it should also be noted, everyone get's death threats online whose public enough.
Richard Dawkins get's them, Gamergate get's a ton.

But it's not right by any stretch of the imagination a women specific issue.
Especially when women are perhaps the only group who can publicly talk about getting threats, and then have people take them seriously/be eager to defend them or throw money at them.
When it happens to Joss (on, he admits himself, a much lesser scale), it's evil crazy feminists!
It should be noted that I never bothered addressing Joss's death threats other than saying "Any death threats given are uncool and undeserved", I was more focused on the criticisms towards the movie.
And likewise, I hold the same philosophy towards legitimate death threats at her. It's just that with Anita I have some suspicion as to how many are legitimate.
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