Iwaku: Rebirth

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Malik's augmented hearing picked up the sound of battle in the distance as he rose to his feet, He was silent as he inspected the various weapons. There we're many patterns of autogun and lasgun here, they'd do fine as armaments for the resistance. What caught his eye, was the first of several to do so, was a bolter.
The weapon itself was fairly standard, but the fact that this man had not one, but a dozen was what impressed Malik. He continued silently into the next room, and an involuntary smile parted his lips. Here he found Dozens of heavy weapons from legion vaults as well as swords, chainaxes, power mauls....more weapons than a forsaken champion such as he could have hoped for.

Malik Strode back in, great boots thundering against the floor. "He's yours."

He switched over to the private vox channel again "Their armory is magnificent, and they even have a few weapons that I think you would desire Vay."
We were running for the door when I heard something metalic skid across the floor, next thing I know there's a loud banging sound and everything lights up like a christmas tree; it only lasted for about an instant but it took me awhile to get my sight and hearing back. When I finally do I see armed police men swarming us yelling the same old BS, luckily I was able to hide the tray I'd brough with me in my back pocket. I don't know how exactly it was going to help right now but I felt a little better knowing it was there; for now I did as they wanted and got on my knees hands up. I looked around but didn't see TK or Kate, at least someone got away. I said to myself, soon after there was a series of gun shots coming from outside; I couldn't tell what had happened but it seemed that they were still giving the cops trouble.

Looking back at the men holding us at gun point "Listen I know how to work the main computer, if you want I can go with two of you and the others can stay here and keep watch." Of course that was a big fat lie but it was the only thing I could come up with to lure some of them away from here. If I could dwindle there numbers a little maybe the others could get away not really something I'd expect from myself but I was already in deep shit might as well do something usefull while I still could; I just had to convince them, if I could the others might be able to get away and I well it wasn't much of a life to begin with.... "It's true while I may not be an employee of Angle Wing I do know the program well enough to help you with what you need. And in exchange for helping my help you'll let us go, it's a simple win-win."
The flash bang hit Tyler hard in his weakened state. He ended up curled in a ball on the floor. It was here another vision came to him.

This one was different, an old blind man was seated in a chair across the floor from him. The world was gray and ashen, a dead world, some part of him said a dead cycle. The man got up and crossed to him. Tyler wanted to scream. He wanted to shout, to crawl away, to get up and attack the man in front of him.

Tyler was completely terrified of this man for some reason.

The man reached Tyler and crouched beside him. He put his hand reassuringly on Tyler's shoulder. Tyler shuddered at the touch.

"Be Calm," the man said, "I wish to help you now, you are in a dangerous situation, you have a power that can help you." The man's hand moved to Tyler's head "I can help you find it."

Tyler finally found his voice again and screamed as he felt the man crawling through his mind.

"Don't struggle, I will show you how to find the power."

The clawing went deeper.

"When you can find it, you can use it as you want."

Tyler started writhing in agony. He eventually struggled to his knees. Letting out another scream he felt something. In a dark part of his mind he felt it, a power. The clawing was going there.

In that dark place there was a wrongness, and Tyler was afraid. The clawing, the fear, the pain, and the power, all of them started mingling together in his mind. Letting out a final scream he fell forward, the vision ending.


Tyler lay curled in a ball, groaning as the cops came in. They looked at each other unsure as Chronos made his offer. The began to slowly approach the group of people.

It was then that Tyler let out his first scream. The scream was accompanied by a sharp crack. The Concrete wall near Tyler now had a spider web of fissures running along the surface of it.

Then Tyler struggled to his knees. Letting out another scream the guns of the two officers near jumped out of their hands and crumpled. Then Tyler's third scream rang out, hitting the three officers closest to the doors, throwing all three of them against the wall surrounding the door.

After the third scream Tyler fell limp to the ground. A slow muttering showing some consciousness.
Chaos smirked at Malik, "Even if you hadn't agreed I'd be leaving you now. You and I are far too incompatible to work together. I'd either try to kill you for your wanton disregard for human lives after I watched you butcher someone for your twisted magic or you'd try to kill me for the opposite reasons. Any fight between us would have likely ended badly for you. If you rescue someone you know will be able to help only to trade him away for methods that near as I can tell aren't working then I know I do not wish to affiliate with you. The cycle is the only reliable thing in this world and its light does not grace you, your magic, or your weapons. I bid you farewell, Malik. I truly hope you do not bring about your own end," with his words done he turned to the old man. He shook the his hand off as he spoke.

"You on the other hand. You said someone has been waiting for me?"
Raum laughed with undisguised amusement as he removed his helm with one hand, the reaper pointed at the ground at Chaos' feet
"listen to the child Malik, threatening two veterans of the long war and a Sorceror of the dark powers like we are but striplings!" There was genuine humor in his flint like eyes as he regarded the mortal
"it would appear you have some steel in you after all paperskin, I look forward to breaking you on a future battlefield" the chaos space marine's words had far less contempt than when he had spoken to Chaos previously

"the weapons and your blue haired slave, and you have a deal" he said, his eyes locking with the old man, willing the wizened creature to give him a reason to unleash the Reaper in an orgy of bloodletting.
[dash=teal]Well this was a bit much. Attacked, handcuffed, slaughters...and then shot at again. All the while I was simply pulled along like a rag doll. A mindless individual following orders. Well if that wasn't a cliche of the times. I glanced over and saw that she was bleeding badly but my thoughts were interrupted by an eruption of gunshots. "Any ideas?!" I said in an exasperated tone. It was then I heard the loud cry of a small object flying past me and felt a sharp sting along my arm. I looked down to see the gash were the bullet had grazed me. As I watched the blood trickle down, the sting numbing in a sense, something within me stirred. Something I'd never felt before, it was like a power. A yearning for destruction. Then again I was really just getting overall annoyed with this entire situation.

Ideas. Ideas. The noise was giving me a throbbing headache as I glanced down at the gun I had. "ugh! I wish they'd just leave us alone and die already!" I shouted and aimed my gun toward where the shot had come from. My finger rested on the trigger but never pulled. For a moment I swore I heard a loud roar in the distance followed by the bloody cries of someone being torn apart by something. I've always had a fascination with the human body and what one could do to it (i'm morbid and weird, I know it already). The sound of ripping tissues and tendons, the crushing of bones between strong jaws...that's what I heard. As if my ears were tuning into it and that was all I could focus on.

I felt TK pull at my arm again. Snapping back from my momentary trance everything was normal again. No sound of a feral beast or ripping of flesh and crunching of bone. A look of confusion must have been on my face, but TK didn't mention anything. Instead she simply awaited my answer. Right, the question, any ideas.

"Well, for starters I think we should find some better cover than out here in the open" I said as more bullets came flying by. Somehow I got my feet moving as this time I pulled her along. Right, now what. My eyes quickly scanned around for any way we could possibly find entrance, "If we need to get back we'll have to double back, but that's not going to be easy." I quickly turned us down a nearby alley way looking for a way inside. This place was massive, and we still were within the facilities borders. I tried the door nearby but it was, of course, locked. "damnit!" I cursed as I threw my shoulder against the door with no avail.

"TK your'e better at this. You seem to know what's going on before any of us do, what HAPPENED back there?" I wanted answers. The possibility of us making it out alive at this point was dwindling in my opinion anyways, so I at least deserved that.
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