Iron Crusaders.

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I had an interest check up for this before, but it wasn't as developed as I thought it was so it didn't work. Now, however, it's developed. I hope. Anyways, here's all of what I got and what I'm willing to reveal right now, for plot reasons of course. Questions and comments are welcomed as well as ones expression of interest. By the way, I do have the ooc and cs set up. I'll be updating what's there instead of updating both of these. So information will be different from here to there, in case anyone is wondering why some things are missing here and not there.

OPEN SIGNUPS - Iron Crusaders (OOC and Sign up)

  • Iron Crusaders is the name given to the project of soldiers that have undergone surgery in order to gain the full power of the Core. These soldiers, dubbed Crusaders, undergo training to fully understand the power their power suits give them as well as their limitations and weaknesses. Power armor of an Iron Crusader is simply called Armor, and varies (sometimes drastically) from Crusader to Crusader.
  • There are four major classes, Heavy, Medium, Light, and SPG.

    Light Armors are the nimblest class of tanks, but suffer dearly for it in armor and weapon strength. These Armors can easily out pace other classes. Light class Armors have only one sub class, Recon, which is designed to specifically get eyes on the enemy and relay positioning and logistics to their team, and are even lighter then the standard Light Armor.

    SPGs are moderately armored with a big gun. SPG class is divided into two sub classes, Destroyer and Sniper. Destroyers have heavy armor and a weapon large enough to take down buildings and blow up dams in one shot, this is traded for speed and maneuverability making them susceptible to flanks. Destroyers are meant to be front line bunker busters. Snipers are just that, light armor allowing for high maneuverability and with a weapon that, though not as powerful as the Destroyer class's, has a much higher range and damage potential then other classes outside of SPG. Sniper class does not fare well in sustained combat without support from other Armor classes.

    Heavy Armors are designed with absolute protection and oppressive fire power in mind. This class is the most heavily armored as well as the slowest and least maneuverability. Weapons, though not as powerful as a Destroyer's or Sniper's, is respectable none the less. Easily out flanked by lighter foes. Heavy class Armors have one sub class, Super Heavy. Trading almost everything for armor, these Armors are almost indestructible, but their weapons are comparable to a Light class's in stopping power.

    Medium Armors are the middle of the road. Not the fastest but not the slowest, not the most heavily armored nor the least, and a decent sized gun. Jack of all, Master of none. There are no sub classes for Medium Armors.
  • The first Armor prototypes, and those that followed, attempted to combine the maneuverability and size of infantry with the armor and stopping power of tanks. The first prototype, perhaps fittingly labeled Little Willie which was the nickname given to the prototype of the first tank, was big, bulky, and excruciatingly slower then what was hoped for, however the armor was enough to sufficiently protect the wearer during testing. Even with the obvious faults, the design held promise and the scientists and engineers persevered and began polishing the design.

    After many failed prototypes, frustration began to build. The power they could provide the frame without adding a diesel engine was to low to adequately put arms or armor on without drastically slowing down the wearer. Design after design was drawn before being angrily crumpled and possibly ripped to shreds before being tossed into the nearest bin. They were so close to what they dubbed the hybridization mark, the fusing of infantry and tank. But without sufficient power, they'd never be able to reach that mark.

    With the discovery of the Core and it power output, scientists and engineers once more set to work designing what would become the first used Armor of the Iron Crusaders. They had finally reached it, the hybridization mark.
  • Cores weren't unheard of at the start of the project, in fact several Cores were in storage throughout the entirety of the project. Cores were salvaged from combat with the alien invaders. Looking like creamy white pearls, they are only an inch in diameter but are surprisingly heavy for their size, nearly two pounds. This incredibly dense object has been commonly found in the weapons of killed invaders, these weapons refusing to fire before and after their Cores are removed.

    When tested upon in an environment with no stimuli aside from light, nothing happened. Poke and prod as they liked with their machines and gloved hands, the Cores would refuse to do anything. It wasn't until one frustrated scientist took off their gloves and prepared to throw the Core at the nearest wall did something finally happen. An intense power surge briefly turned everything on in the whole facility before turning everything off again.

    It was later learned that the trigger for releasing the power had been contact with the scientists skin. Further experiments showed that the greater the surface area touched by the skin, the greater the power output. Tests also showed that human flesh in general could release this power. Five years later and the first Core implant was performed. However, after completely implanting a Core in a willing volunteer, the Core did not activate and simply dissolved into the hosts body. Why this occurred is unknown, but even the slightest bit of exposure to air and light will prevent it from dissolving. Some biologists claim that this means that Cores are pseudo life and parasitic, like viruses but helpful. The safest part of the body to surgically implant a Core is the base of the neck by the T-2 and T-3 spinal column, about where the neck and shoulders meet.
  • In the Year 2087, the Earth was experiencing a high like no other. Advancements in technology and culture. A worldly peace that has lasted for a couple months past a year. Major diseases were limited to the few third world countries left, and hunger was next on the chopping block. But everything was thrown into chaos when the Asrai invaded.

    The Asrai, reptilian creatures with seemingly no morals. It is not currently known why they decided to invade Earth. But invade they did, and they blew our armies out of the water. More advanced and seemingly bred for war, they appeared unstoppable. What's given humanity the time to even come up with an idea of resistance was how after the initial attacks they seemed content to stay inside their fortresses and burn our cities one by one. Slowly but surely driving us to extinction.

    Though invaded, the world did not unite as one to push off the threat. Instead, the major countries of Germany, Russia, Japan, and America worked individually on separate projects. The leader of these projects was America, who had the most to lose with an alien base deployed on their soil. It was the Americans that fielded the first Armor prototypes, the design of which was quickly copied by other nations and worked on to fit their specific needs. These designs were unanimously, though not intentionally, named after old model tanks such as the KV-2, Hellcat, Panzerkampfwagon IV, and the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank.

    Russia focused on creating something that would not flinch even in the face of heavy fire. A common design choice by the Russians in World War Two, the large gun was added almost as an after thought. Their design was by far the biggest and bulkiest, yet it proved effective at close to medium battles simply because enemy shots could not penetrate the thick armor.

    The United States was looking more into the large gun aspect of the design, believing firmly in not giving the enemy even a chance to fight back. They developed long range fire power that could blow away almost anything set in front of it. However, their focus on not letting the enemy close lead them to believe that it wasn't even going to be a possibility. Properly supported, however, it never will be.

    Germany had a more balanced design. The designs did not shine particularly brightly on their own, but in a group they could trample anything that got in their way. Effective and cheap to produce compared to the other, more specialized designs, Germany could pump out hundreds of these armors once a successful model was finally designed.

    Japan simply wanted to run circles around the enemy, find their weak points, and exploit them to full effect. Japanese designs sky rocketed to the front of the pack, literally, when it came to speed. However, reduced armor and lower gun caliber for decreasing weight meant that they could not survive a head on assault.

    Eventually these four nations decided to work together and share their designs in an attempt for the perfect design. This lead to designs such as the type T28 super heavy from the Americans, the Russian ISU-122, German Leichttraktor, and Japanese Type 4 Chi-To. These designs were eventually separated out into the classes that they are in now.

    However, these models and designs were next to useless until the discovery of the Core's power and the subsequent adaptation of the existing designs in order to integrate this new power source. And volunteers who have had Cores successfully implanted would have to be trained as well before they were more then just piles of metal.
  • More commonly known as Lizards or Lizs, the Asrai are a reptilian looking race is more comparable to dinosaurs, as they are not cold blooded like modern reptiles.

    Field studies show that there are clear subspecies of Asrai. Smaller Skinks serve larger Crocs. There has also been a sighting of an Asrai that could only be described as a chameleon. And from what is known about their culture, that of strength and victory in battle, its not unsurprising to see the largest Croc leading an army. There are theories abound stating that the Asrai follow one, much larger, and much stronger leader as well as each base being a separate clan, and that these clans are merely working together for the time being. The second of the two theories would explain why minor skirmishes between Asrai have been recorded.

    Asrai soldiers are all the same. Their fire arms are uniform, with very little deviation between the equipment, though this equipment is markedly different between subspecies. That being said, Asrai officers have been known to lavishly paint there armor and wear battle trophies as well as carry an expertly crafted sword with engravings, presumably in the Asrai's language. These officers tower over their closest rival and average two and a half times the size of a human.
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This seems interesting would love to see it become into a rp!
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Never tried an rp like this before. *stabs a flag into the ground*
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If this happens, I am in^^.
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I'll actually get the CS up right now so you can all think about what you're going for.

(Appearance. Anime preferred, but if you really like it how this guy/girl looks in a picture then use it.)
Age: (Remember, you're soldiers. And though it varies from place to place, 18 minimum is required here.)
Gender: (Biological.)
Sexuality: (Heterosexual? Homosexual? Asexual?)
Personality: (Quality over quantity. That being said don't be afraid to have more then a couple sentences. I like reading.)
Background: (A good quality paragraph is required. More if you want.)
Reason for volunteering: (First generation Iron Crusaders are experiments. Why did you volunteer to be a human guinea pig?)
Armor class: (Arch-class followed by their sub-class. Add their name as well. Example. M18 Hellcat SPG Sniper.)
Misc: (Whatever else you may want us to know. You can also put pictures here if you want. Or PM me if you want to keep something a secret. You don't have to put anything here.)​
-slides right on in-

Sorry I haven't been around

But I'm here now
I'm interested. Though, I think I'd want more information on the aliens and the war, it'd be useful for working on a character. Some guidelines (or reference images) for what the various Armor types look like would also be useful.
At the risk of being judged I shall tell you the game that I got the inspiration from so you can all find reference pictures. A game called Panzer Waltz. I'll get more information on the aliens up shortly.
It's a mecha musume sort of thing? No judgment here, I like that stuff anyway. I was actually expecting more full-on powered armor.

And have plenty of art I could pull out and use.
I added some basic information on the Asrai, previously known simply as 'the aliens'. I'll have more specifics on subspecies and tactics up shortly. Or tomorrow. One of those two.
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Added to lore because I realized I hadn't added a year. Some minor fluff describing the basics of what's currently happening was also added.
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Not to tease, but I see Asrai and think Asari, but then they are described like Turian.


Going with this photo and considering the name, Jone Klaus
Yes and no. From all the questions and complaints I was getting it became obvious that I hadn't done a well enough job in fleshing out the rp in the first place. So I decided to shut it down and work on it, making it what it is now.
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