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I changed K.A.R.A.'s picture, since I found one that fits the description ChatGPT gave me better than the ones DALL-E produced from it.
Hmmmmmmmn I got an idea for Clem's character/backstory concerning who her real parents are and where she came from that would tie in to the expedition (I created her concept very quickly, so I come up with more and more to gradually flesh her out by the day), but I don't want to spoil it, neither do I want to randomly bombard the story with it and possibly throw the roleplay master off their groove...

Hey @Diana , in the case that members of this RP have these type of ideas, do we discuss them with you privately?
@StarlightStarbright Oh for SURE! 8D DM me on the forum or on Discord (Diana#0979), I love plotting out secrets and helping you do cool stuff in the story! >:D I'll be able to weave all your ideas together so you'll get to pull things out at the best possible moments.

That goes for everyone. Nyehehe O:< Cause I'll def be poking specific players when I am about to *pull shenanigans* and need a coconspirator.
Height Comparison.PNG

So I got bored and compiled this height chart based on the info each player of Iris Landing has provided! (Had to exclude Teck and a couple others, as their heights are not listed/unknown. If the ones I don't know about have their heights revealed in an updated bio or in some other way, I'll revise this height chart!)
(Quick Note: Ezzat and Blair are the same height in feet, but I decided to give them a small centimeter difference cause why not? I'll let Blair and Ezzat's owners be the judge of whether the difference would be accurate or not.)

Anyways: Bone Apple Teeth
Yaaaay! @monkeydoll5 Since Renai already has a history of sneaking places she shouldn't - she snuck onto the landing ship with Team A! >:D She wasn't supposed to be one of the landing party, but she couldn't resist. So you can introduce her that way! (You can decide if she wants to keep herself a secret for a little longer, OR if you want her to get found out and yelled at immediately. XD)

Also for a heads up for everyone, I am going to try and do my posts on Mondays. It won't be perfectly every Monday (as sometimes we'll be waiting for replies, or it'll be shark week) But that should help you guys know when to expect stuff. 8D
Ok everyone, It's time for the obligatory McDonalds Alignment chart. I'll go first, the rest of y'all can add your characters into the image.

Iris Landing.png
Renai's next! (Sorry I had to sort of hide clem, she's basically in the same corner)
View attachment 238787
Renai's next! (Sorry I had to sort of hide clem, she's basically in the same corner)
Lol it's fine. I'll pobably make chibi heads and redo the thing with them once everyone gets their characters on there...and I'll also probably offer the chibi heads for download. heck better yet everyone give me your character references let me draw the silly space peeps-
Heh. So, I posted K.A.R.A.'s first reply. Other than removing an unneeded OOC note, I did not edit ChatGPT's response. It also generated the coding.

ChatGPT's response to the question of where K.A.R.A. would end up on a McDonald's Alignment Chart:

"As an intelligent robot character, K.A.R.A. doesn't possess personal preferences or moral alignments in the same way humans do. Alignment charts are typically used to categorize fictional characters based on their moral compass, motivations, and actions. Since K.A.R.A. is an artificial intelligence created for a specific purpose, its alignment would depend on the intentions and programming of its creators.

However, if we were to loosely associate K.A.R.A. with an alignment on a McDonald's Alignment Chart, it could potentially be placed under the "Neutral" category. Being an AI, K.A.R.A. would prioritize fulfilling its designated tasks and objectives without exhibiting inherent good or evil tendencies. Its actions would be guided by logic, efficiency, and the parameters set by its programming.

It's important to note that this categorization is a general approximation and may not fully capture the complexity of K.A.R.A.'s character or its potential development within the roleplay."

View attachment 238792

ChatGPT's response to the question of where K.A.R.A. would end up on a McDonald's Alignment Chart:

"As an intelligent robot character, K.A.R.A. doesn't possess personal preferences or moral alignments in the same way humans do. Alignment charts are typically used to categorize fictional characters based on their moral compass, motivations, and actions. Since K.A.R.A. is an artificial intelligence created for a specific purpose, its alignment would depend on the intentions and programming of its creators.

However, if we were to loosely associate K.A.R.A. with an alignment on a McDonald's Alignment Chart, it could potentially be placed under the "Neutral" category. Being an AI, K.A.R.A. would prioritize fulfilling its designated tasks and objectives without exhibiting inherent good or evil tendencies. Its actions would be guided by logic, efficiency, and the parameters set by its programming.

It's important to note that this categorization is a general approximation and may not fully capture the complexity of K.A.R.A.'s character or its potential development within the roleplay."

Y'know, I was kinda surprised that the local 1000-year-old archeologist is in between "MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!" and "We have food at home." I would have thought he would learn more towards the latter. The more I think about it though, the more it actually makes sense. I don't really know how to explain why though.

Also Kara's three moods are. "Going to Mcdonalds would raise everyone's emotional stability, let's go!" , "The food at home is more nutritious, we can go some other time." , and "We are only here to get the coffee for (insert the coffee addict in the group here). I'm sorry." That's how I'm imagining her status as the wildcard. She just seems so sweet no matter which option she chooses, IDK, LOL.
shenanigans.pngI love memes like this lmaooo.

I gotta draw more of Ezzie, their profile image is the only ref I have of them rn u__u

Is everyone here cool with their ocs being sketched? :0 wanted to ask before any possible doodles
View attachment 238798I love memes like this lmaooo.

I gotta draw more of Ezzie, their profile image is the only ref I have of them rn u__u

Is everyone here cool with their ocs being sketched? :0 wanted to ask before any possible doodles
Absolutely. I somewhat have Clem's first concept sketch done so you'll have a better and more accurate reference to go by! ^o^
View attachment 238798I love memes like this lmaooo.

I gotta draw more of Ezzie, their profile image is the only ref I have of them rn u__u

Is everyone here cool with their ocs being sketched? :0 wanted to ask before any possible doodles
Absolutely. I somewhat have Clem's first concept sketch done so you'll have a better and more accurate reference to go by! ^o^

Alright! Here's a first concept of Clem! (But I actually drew her.) IDK might change the outfit, or I might hire someone else to redesign her a bit. Who knows.