Insurgence | Medieval Pokemon RP [Sign-Ups]

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Who should be in command?

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One more question I meant to ask earlier before I post, is the journey something well known? Like when we're leaving the castle are there common folks lining the streets and throwing flowers and ready to praise the brave warriors for their deeds? I expect it's more of a hush-hush kind of thing and that kind of reputation will come eventually.
That... is a very good question. I'm guessing that the whole continent knows about it but the only nation that's excited for it is Phoenicis, since the campaign started in their country, after all. The rest of the nations probably don't trust the campaign that much.

And ooh... I just got a very devious idea. I had one before, but this one is actually major and very significant... you'll see as long as you guys stay. >)
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Gentry didn't make any accusations, an insult yes. But it was more so to draw the attention away from the luxray and trainer who seemed to have no control and would be out matched. He's not really a people person, but he is a man for the people, if you will. Self-confident, certainly. Was the insult uncalled for? Sure. He has little tolerance for big acts of showmanship and intimidation, though.

So, The crux of my statement was that Gentry was...

Me said:
prejudice and self-confident, prone to unfounded accusations and mocks people who he has never met before.
So, Lets start with what you accept: the insults, the Over confidence and the prejudice.

Prejudice is going to be inherent in every leader applicant. It is the nature of the RP, and anyone who didn't show prejudice is doing it wrong.

Over-Confidence is a trait that will get us all killed. Bad juju all around

Insulting someone, especially someone you know to be of at least some importance, on your first meeting is also a lethal trait that can get many people killed and is not the sort of quality a leader should have. "Oh, hi Emporer of Aurios. I just insulted you. What do you mean you are executing me and all of my fellows!?" Not the best way to end a quest, methinks.

Now, The refuting part.

The part of contention is Gentry's accusations. If we look at the post which sparks off the animosity between Gentry and Atharos...

Gentry said:
"Good sir," He called to the Auriosian kneeling before the Luxray, "surely you wouldn't spill blood here in the royal hall. I would think you of all people would hold noble customs, at least half way."
The accusation here is clear in how Gentry clearly assumes the Aurion intends to spill the Luxray's blood, despite the evidence to the contrary. So far, Atharos had a) Sheathed his weapon, despite the obvious threat and b) Addressed the pokemon as an equal, and on the same level: A gesture equal parts challenge, acknowledgement, and threat. Gentry has put Atharos in the wrong without correctly assessing the situation. He has assumed that Atharos seeks violence and has gone on to accuse him as such, as well as then blatantly insulting his heritage and using it as a mockery, insinuating that he is only capable of being half capable of nobility: despite the fact that Atharos is, even if only half, a member of royalty.


*Drops the mic*
Lol omg this argument xD
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So, you're saying Gentry isn't fit to be a leader because he's a bigot? That's completely fine, and I agree that he's a bigot, but I have an argument, that a person's normal behavior doesn't dictate that they'll be that way permanently, in all situations. He could be an unfair bigot outside of leadership, but a reliable leader. There are many historical figures that were the largest assholes on the planet, but were excellent leaders.
So, you're saying Gentry isn't fit to be a leader because he's a bigot? That's completely fine, and I agree that he's a bigot, but I have an argument, that a person's normal behavior doesn't dictate that they'll be that way permanently, in all situations. He could be an unfair bigot outside of leadership, but a reliable leader. There are many historical figures that were the largest assholes on the planet, but were excellent leaders.
My argument is that his character flaws, including but not limited to his biggotry, would make him a flawed leader.

Although I highlight that I've previously said no character as of yet has indicated they would make a good leader, I am however aware that Gentry is one of the more 'active' characters in the cast as of yet: getting directly involved in the conflict, and putting himself in centre stage and all, which means that, at this early stage, he is likely to be chosen by people to lead. I wanted to make sure people did not rubberband a character who should not be leading into a position of leader.
This argument aside, does everyone agree on my method of voting for the leader?
It is interesting on as an 'Out of Character' thing, but since the emperor has stated he wants a leader chosen ASAP, it doesn't make sense In Character.
He doesn't one ASAP, he just wants one picked. ^^
My argument is that his character flaws, including but not limited to his biggotry, would make him a flawed leader.

Although I highlight that I've previously said no character as of yet has indicated they would make a good leader, I am however aware that Gentry is one of the more 'active' characters in the cast as of yet: getting directly involved in the conflict, and putting himself in centre stage and all, which means that, at this early stage, he is likely to be chosen by people to lead. I wanted to make sure people did not rubberband a character who should not be leading into a position of leader.
Well, is there really anybody in the group that would be an absolutely perfect leader?
But, I do see your point, and acknowledge your validity.

So, The crux of my statement was that Gentry was...

So, Lets start with what you accept: the insults, the Over confidence and the prejudice.

Prejudice is going to be inherent in every leader applicant. It is the nature of the RP, and anyone who didn't show prejudice is doing it wrong.

Over-Confidence is a trait that will get us all killed. Bad juju all around

Insulting someone, especially someone you know to be of at least some importance, on your first meeting is also a lethal trait that can get many people killed and is not the sort of quality a leader should have. "Oh, hi Emporer of Aurios. I just insulted you. What do you mean you are executing me and all of my fellows!?" Not the best way to end a quest, methinks.

Now, The refuting part.

The part of contention is Gentry's accusations. If we look at the post which sparks off the animosity between Gentry and Atharos...

The accusation here is clear in how Gentry clearly assumes the Aurion intends to spill the Luxray's blood, despite the evidence to the contrary. So far, Atharos had a) Sheathed his weapon, despite the obvious threat and b) Addressed the pokemon as an equal, and on the same level: A gesture equal parts challenge, acknowledgement, and threat. Gentry has put Atharos in the wrong without correctly assessing the situation. He has assumed that Atharos seeks violence and has gone on to accuse him as such, as well as then blatantly insulting his heritage and using it as a mockery, insinuating that he is only capable of being half capable of nobility: despite the fact that Atharos is, even if only half, a member of royalty.


*Drops the mic*
Okay, I finally am at a computer as well and can make a proper argument.


As you stated, inherent to the RP and at least somewhat in everyone save for maybe the extremely innocent characters, of which there are probably only two.

But as of right now, Gentry has made two friends from other countries. In fact, he was quick to help Thea at the table. Atharos is sticking with the one other person from Aurion and even stated "I've had enough of foreigners" so I would say Gentry has the edge as far as prejudice goes.


Gentry didn't claim to be over-confident, I claimed he was self-confident. And why wouldn't he be? He's a capable warrior, as stated in his background, who rose from the ashes (pun intended) and really built himself. He acknowledges several times that Atharos is a great warrior as well, but is confident in the Pokemon type matchup, because well... He should be, in regards to the pokemon present at least.


To start, Gentry did insult Atharos' family history. His respect for people who hold themselves as high and mighty based on their blood alone isn't very high, which of course is not a great quality, but Atharos doesn't even have a legitimate claim to the throne being a bastard prince, so his presumed arrogance has even less ground to stand on in Gentry's eyes. Also, I imagine there's a history of war and malice between Aurios and Leonias since the two are right next to each other.

This is really the only part that I would concede was a "bad" move on Gentry's part as far as leadership qualities goes, but you've entirely missed the point in his statement. There's no accusation at all in the statement, but it is LOADED with sarcasm. He starts off with "Good sir", which is unusually formal and kind to someone you're about to wholeheartedly accuse of wanting violence. In retrospect, the "Surely" could have been italicized to show the correct emphasis.

The point of Gentry speaking up and speaking so harshly towards Atharos was to draw the attention to Gentry and not Wyeth/Ciel so that the situation didn't escalate. In Gentry's eyes, Atharos was arrogant and proud and while his weapon was sheathed, there was a threat made, indicating the possibility that something would happen. Gentry saw an opportunity to take the fire so to speak, because he could possibly save the Luxray's life that way. The plan absolutely worked by the way, since Atharos has as much if not more disdain for Gentry now than Wyeth.

I would also like to point out Gentry's action in this specific turn of events that shows exceptional leadership qualities, and that is his rebuke of Wyeth. He didn't just call out to Atharos and say "Hey pal, you're illegitimate", He noted to Wyeth that he needed to get control of the situation. You act as if Gentry was placing the blame 100% on Atharos for the situation when that's clearly not the case. Even once Atharos leaves, Gentry again tells Wyeth to get his act together. He tells Wyeth to back up his words with his actions, not to make Wyeth feel bad, but because the group as a whole will need some trust and cohesion if they want to survive.

In summary, is Gentry the nicest person? Nope. He was never meant to be. Could he lead a group through a successful quest such as this? Absolutely.

Edit: Also, I'd like to throw in that all this is of course in good RP fun and from character perspective. In no way does Gentry's view of Atharos reflect my own views of @Limeypanda. Nothing but respect!

Also, I would call it more of a debate than an argument :-)
I voted Gentry because i ain't votin for no false prince.
I actually voted for Atharos cause a band of soldiers run by a false prince is a cool idea. :P

Chex, ya gonna post? I have the urge to do so, but I'm waiting for more peeps.
I am, I just have to get an opportunity. I'm working on a post for another RP atm, but will definitely have one here by this afternoon, after I get off work.

How about everyone else?
Only 4 of the crew were voted.

Yeah, I voted Gentry because I did see leadership potential of sorts, moreso than most of the ones who didn't get voted.

Of course, some of the ones who didn't get voted do have leadership potential, but most were made to be followers, or soloers and not leaders.
Not sure if I should post again...
Finally got my post up. It was a bit rushed, but we're finally out of that castle!
Yay! I'm gonna do a mini timeskip as well, just to move them closer to Leonias. Or would you guys like writing out that trip?
I think a little skip to when they enter the lands would be good ^^