Insane love

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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((I guess I could roleplay as John if he and Maydon are going away from there?))

Avis grinned slightly as she pressed the buttons, and then she opened the door, smiling at John. "Nice to meet you, John", she said, the two of them shaking hands before Avis stepped back so that Maydon was visible to John and not only her. "Should I help you with your shoes, or can you do that by yourself?" she asked Maydon, picking his shoes up, handing them over to him. Her voice sounded helpful but there was also a trace of a teasing tone in it.
((If you want, I mean, if not I can XD))

Maydon grunted a bit,
"Hey man."
Then hearing Avis he kind of glared,
"Why thank you darling, I'd love it."
((I'll be gone Monday (today)-Thursday, just so you know. Going to a summer camp on a farm.))

Avis smiled slightly, surprised at his words. Soon she had helped him with his shoes and he was ready to leave. "Bye for now, then", she said, sounding a bit sad, watching John as he guided Maydon through the door.
((Sounds fun!))

Maydon followed John's guide,
"Thanks man..
Avis has cracked...she's nuts!"
he whispered as they got away from the door.
((It was. ^^))

"How so?" John asked, sounding a bit surprised as he looked at him, remembering that Maydon wouldn't meet his gaze as he was blind. He glanced toward the door and smiled towards Avis as she shut the door, and John went with Maydon out to the street, toward the car.
(Good Good! :D )

Maydon followed John still,
"She did this to me!
A pot of boiling water on your face will make you go blind!!"
John's eyes widened as Maydon told him what had happened. Avis, really? That couldn't be possible, John thought, as he remembered how nice Avis had seemed to be as he had picked Maydon up. He helped Maydon get in the car, and then he sat down in the drivers seat and started the car. "We have to get you to the hospital, then", he said, sounding pretty worried, looking at Maydon. "Then, if you're blind, I guess you haven't seen your face... it looks... horrible, to be honest", he said, looking at the burnt flesh and thought of how much it must hurt.
Maydon sat in the car, and fumbled around for his seat belt.
Finally getting it on he replied,
"Great. My face looks hideous.
I'll never get a girl again."
John smiled as he heard Maydon's comment, it seemed like he was still able to joke about it, despite what had happened. It made John rather surprised, but he didn't say anything about it as he concentrated on the driving.

"You don't mind going to the ER instead of work, do you?" he asked, glancing at him. "...and Avis, something has to be done about her, too, right?" he said, maybe talking to himself more than to Maydon.
Maydon nodded,
"It will.
I don't mind at all, maybe they can make the scarring go down,
and allow my sight to come back."
He let out a sigh,
"Avis has some big problems, let me tell you.
I bet if she hasn't run by now,
and we get to her in time,
she'll tell you I 'kidnapped her'.
What a lame excuse she'll use.
Did you know she was in a mental hospital?
I should've left her there,
I was a fool thinking I was in love."
John drove carefully down the road as he listened to what Maydon said. Good thing that he's willing to go to the ER, he thought. He nodded slightly and glanced at him.

"I didn't know that", he said, a bit surprised hearing that Avis had been in a mental hospital. "So... You took her with you from the hospital?" he asked, sounding quite confused. "How come? And... You didn't think of... The consequences? The responsibility? If she's as nuts as you make it sound", he said, shrugging.
"What can I say?
I was in love, as I believed.
We talked about breaking out together,
but then a nurse let us walk.
I was so happy.
Now I wish I hadn't of even fooled with it,"
He sighed.
"No use dwelling in the past though."
John nodded and smiled at him. "You're right", he said, being close to the ER by now. "I guess I should stay with you, at least for a while, just to see that things are... okay... and everything", he said, shrugging slightly. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. "It's John. I'll be late today. Don't know when I'll be there. Yeah. I'll tell you later. Bye", and then he hung up. "Just called work and told them I'm running late", he said as he parked the car beside the hospital.
Maydon smiled,
"Thank you John.
I think you're one of the greatest friends I have.
You're the only one who would've helped anyway."

(Going on a trip to a Law Forum. Won't be back until Sunday or Monday!
Talk to you then! :D )
John smiled even wider at Maydon's words. He was so nice. "Of course I'll help you. That's what friends are for, right?" he said, got out of the car and locked it once Maydon had gotten out as well. He walked toward the entrance, and soon they were sitting in the waiting room in the ER. John leaned backward, realizing it'd probably take a while.

((Have fun! ^^))
((Sorry for the uber long wait. Kinda forgot after I came back XD))

Maydon had followed John into the emergency room,
with help of course,
and sat to wait.
He always wondered why it took forever in these places.
You'd think that if someone was dying,
they wouldn't be so slow.
Not that he was dying,
but still.
He sighed.
((Happy you're back!))

After a few hours, a doctor finally called them in to one of the rooms. John helped Maydon to sit down once they were inside. John sat down on a chair beside Maydon and the doctor sat down on another one in front of Maydon. "I see that it's your face that is troubling you, young man", the doctor said, looking at Maydon. "Could you tell me what happened? And then if you don't mind, could I have a look at it?" the doctor said.
Maydon sighed and retold the story of how Avis wasn't completely mentally stable.
He said he went to take a nap, and woke up to her pouring boiling water on his face.
"See, Doc?
I need some help.
Is there any way my face can be fixed,
Or at least my eyes?"
He pleaded to the doctor.
The doctor looked quite worried as he listened to Maydon's story. "I'll see what I can do, if I can just have a look at it", he said, moving closer to Maydon with his chair to get a better look. "I guess it's none of my business really, but that Avis... maybe she shouldn't be there all alone... Haven't you called the police or anything?" he asked, touching Maydon's skin near his eye carefully.
Maydon flinched at the touch,
his skin still raw feeling.
It stung a bit.
"I-I don't know,"
he sighed.
"She could be doing anything,
I just wanted to leave.
If it hadn't of been for work, She would have held me hostage."
Maydon chuckled on this inside,
even though he hadn't fully believed her kidnapped her,
with the hostage situation, the tables sort of turned.
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