Insane love

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Avis tilted her head, thoughtfully. "Why is that, why won't you be able to? Is it your vision?", she said, smiling slightly. "If you can't see, why does it even matter if I untie you or not?" she asked, biting her lip. She'd have to untie him sooner or later anyways, she knew that. "O-okay, I'll untie you. If you do anything though, to harm me or anything like that... I'll stab you, with this knife", she said, although she didn't have a knife. She was just hoping that he'd believe her anyways. She walked over to him, untying him.
Once Maydon was untied,
he rubbed his wrists.
They hurt, but he was relieved they were free.
He stood,
and felt for the wall.
"Yes, Avis,
It's my vision."
He looked to wherever he thought her to be,
"You blinded me."
Avis smiled slightly. Did she really do that to him? She nodded slightly, thoughtfully. In a way she felt sorry for him. She hasn't meant to make him blind, she just wanted to hurt him. Not like this, though. She walked closer to him, grabbing his had carefully. "I'm here", she said, a sound of sadness in her voice.
Maydon quickly took his hand back,
feeling his way to the door himself.
"I don't need your help."
He was still extremely angry.
He just had to get used to the apartment,
then he could do something more.
Avis backed off a bit, realizing that he was the same bastard as before, even though he was blind. "Good luck then", she said annoyed, walking out of the room and sitting down in front of the TV.
Maydon felt his way around the house.
He was trying to get to the kitchen,
but wound up at the end of the hallway,
then in the bathroom,
then in the bedroom once again.
Finally he had gotten to the kitchen,
which had taken him about 20 minutes.
Then he felt around for the cabinet,
and found a cup.
After another tedious few minutes,
he found the tap, and got himself some water.
Being blind was definitely going to be a problem for him.
Avis could hear Maydon struggling, finding whatever he was looking for, even walking without walking into things seemed to be hard for him. She couldn't help but to smile at him, as she now and then glanced towards him while watching TV. She didn't help him since he didn't ask for any help, and besides, she didn't think she would have helped him even though he wanted her to. In a way, it was fun to look at him struggling. Finally, she was the one in charge, the one with power.
Maydon hated feeling so helpless.
He hated the way he couldn't do anything.
So, with this new found hate,
he devised a plan.
Soon he would understand where everything was,
and have a perfect escape route, in the apartment at least.
When it came to outside,
he'd need help.
And he would swallow his pride for a bit,
and ask Avis for help.
He looked toward the living room, where he believed Avis was,
"I'm still the one with the job,
so I'll still go to work.
If you don't mind,
can you call my work and ask John to pick me up tomorrow?"
Avis looked at him, a bit thoughtful at first. "I don't think you'll be able to work, anyway", she said, shrugging with a grin on her lips. "Sorry", she said, turning her gaze to the TV again, thinking. "I could call him and tell him that you're blind, if you want to", she said.
Maydon growled,
"Stop being a jerk,
and call him to pick me up!"
He slammed his hand on the counter.

((Going to the beach tommo! I'll be gone for 5 days I'll believe, so Have a good week and see you later!))
((Have fun!))

Avis grinned again, looking at Maydon. "I don't see why. I don't want to be alone in here, anyway... what if you didn't come back, then I'd be all alone in here..." she said thoughtfully, realizing that she would be able to escape through a window or something. "Why go to work when you can't work?" she asked.
(Sorry for the longer Delay. A lot of things happened, and they still are. My posting may become irregular.)

Maydon sighed,
"They could still work me around.
I don't get why you need company like a scared little girl.
What? Are monsters going to get you?"
(It's okay. Hope things get better. Been missing you, happy to see you're still around. By the way should Avis let him go to work?))

Avis glanced at him irritated. "You're stupid", she said and turned the TV off. "I guess I could call him... if you promise to call me", she said.
((I really have no idea. I did plan on him running if she did though. Whatever you want :D ))

"I promise.
We need the money, so please just call him,"
Maydon pleaded.
((Wouldn't that kind of be the end of the rp in that case? I mean, Avis... oh, well yes, she could get out of there, of course... maybe that's a good ending...? Don't see how Avis will be able to keep him there much longer anyway.))

Avis looked at him, looking quite thoughtful and hesitant. "Okay", she said after a while of thinking. "I guess that's fair..." she said, not feeling like letting him go, though, now that she finally had him for her own, having the power. Picking up the phone she turned to Maydon. "What's his number?"
((*shrugs* I have no idea.))

Maydon thought for a minute and replied,
Or atleast that's his cell, not his home."
Avis nodded and dialed him. Soon, he answered. "It's Avis, Maydon's..." she said, not sure what to say, "girlfriend", she said, smiling slightly. "He has had a bit of an accident, he can't see, and so he'd like you to pick him up for work... and then drop him off here afterwards", she explained, and soon she hung up. "He'll be here soon", she said.
Maydon smiled,
"Thank you so much Avis,
Isn't it nice not fighting?"
He felt his way over to a tall stool in the kitchen,
and sat down sighing.
Avis couldn't help but to smile back at him, in a way, he was cute. She was happy that he had at least thanked her for making that call, as she didn't really want him to go. "It is", she said agreeingly, not having thought about it before, that they actually weren't fighting. In a way it felt weird, after all that had happened. Soon, she heard a knock on the door. She looked at Maydon. "Oh, I don't think I can open this", she said, standing by the door, remembering what Maydon had done to keep her from getting out of there, with the code and everything.
Maydon bit his lip.
He forgot all about the coded door.
"Let me try."
He felt is way over and yelled to John,
"One minute!"
he punched some buttons in,
but they didn't work.
Growling he said to Avis,
That's the combination."
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