In the Name of a Queen

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"You just want to see me in my smallclothes," Nicoli groused as he stood, but there was a smile on his face and it was quite obvious that for her he didn't really mind. With a bit of help he was relatively quick about getting out of his armor, and his boots and shirt quickly followed. By the time he was down to his under breeches he was grateful the weather had warmed enough that the light breeze that brushed across his bare skin only had the smallest hint of chill.

"It'll be cold, Anastasia," he pointed out, "The food'll keep, but we may find ourselves eating it huddled in the blankets for warmth." Not that he couldn't think of other things that would warm them, but Nicoli was a practical man and his thoughts were first and foremost on his wife's comfort when faced with a cold lake and late dinner. he hardly though she'd want to do laps around the shore in full armor the way Oswin used to make the raw recruits.

Still, he was quick to accept her hand and allow her to lead him into the water, leaving his wooden leg on the shore and trying to brace himself more on the rock than her shoulder until he was deep enough to float.

He tried to concentrate on the stories as they swam, but more than once dunked himself under and had to find his place again after spitting out a mouth full of water. Yet talking to her, sharing with her, proved to distract him from how awkward a swimmer he was and allowed instinct to kick in. He did much better following her movements when he wasn't trying so hard to do them perfectly, and better still when he simply admired the elegance and grace with which she moved through the water, moonlight reflecting off her wet hair.

"Anne," he called softly as the crickets and bullfrogs began their nightly chorus to the stars, "I should like to do this again sometime, these swimming lessons, should the gods allow."
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"Should the gods allow," she agreed, and the sense of dread settled in her heart once again.

The young queen helped her knight from the waters, drying the two of them off briefly before replacing his wooden leg where it belonged. The night wasn't as cool as it had been earlier, the promise of the coming summer looming ever closely upon the horizon. With summer came her death. With summer came warmth and life and fun, and she would miss all of it. She cast her eyes out to the pools she and her lover had swam through and wondered for a moment if she could ever do such a thing again.

Best not think about that. In attempt to distract herself, she stood to her feet and held out her hands to help her lover from the ground.

"I'm starving," she chuckled. "I want to eat the wonderful food you brought and spend the rest of the night in your arms, and pray that the gods stop time so we might be together longer."

If only they were so merciful.
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When she agreed with him the tone in Anne's voice told Nicoli immediately that he had miss-stepped. It had never been his intention to bring her pain or remind her of the horrible prophesied future, he felt his own stomach sinking at the thought. He had only wanted to give voice to a simple wish.

When they reached the picnic he bundled them both together into an extra blanket - sitting behind her so she could lean comfortably against him - and pulled the basket over, quickly setting out the meal that had been prepared for them.

He had done well, choosing foods that would not go bad with the journey to the lake or chill of the night. An assortment of little sandwiches wrapped carefully in wax-coated cloth, some cheeses and what fruit could be had at that time of year, a skein of the best wine he could procure and another of water, and some of the cook's best tarts. It was not a palace feast by any means, but it was a better meal than Nicoli usually had and there was plenty for both.

Yet as they ate he could feel a tenseness in her shoulders, and when she looked at him he saw a worry in her eyes that he felt sure had little to do with his careless comment from earlier. In fact, when he thought about it he could honestly say that something had seemed to be wrong from the beginning of their evening together. She had seemed sad when he found her on the balcony, and had seemed to want to tell him something before asking about his day instead.

"Anastasia," he started, setting aside his share of the wine. "What's wrong? Will you tell me?"

Lampkin stood leaning against the wall of the tower as he looked out and down towards the stables. He had been there a long while, deep in thought, ever since spying the two figures riding out on a single horse. At this distance it had been impossible to tell for sure who they were, but Lampkin had been trained to look for what others did not and he had a very strong suspicion he knew who the riders were.

The man's armor marked him as a guard, the horse looked very like the one Sir De'Arbolshire had been riding in the competition. Add that to the fact that only a high lady could be wearing such a well trimmed cloak and that Lampkin knew Nicoli was supposedly stationed as the Queen's personal guard . . .

Question was, what did he do with this information.

He stayed there another twenty minutes longer, gazing at the stars and stables by turn, before he decided to pay Dotty a visit. It was late, but he hoped she would forgive him. He felt the need to prove that he was on her side and knew that if Anton learned of this, as was possible even without Lampkin helping him, Dotty and her Queen should have the opportunity to use his knowing to their advantage.
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Oh, how the gods have graced me.

The meal before her was better than anything the castle's servants could ever bring to her. Silver platters and fancy chandeliers hanging above marble tables could not compare to this. In the wilderness, she was as free as the birds that flew against the moon, cradled in the arms of her most beloved knight. Within the palace she was forced to keep the role of a queen. Nicoli had come to her and offered a slice of the heavens for her to enjoy in her remaining days among the living. Was there a better way to spend those moments than with him, in the arms of a lover?

Anne couldn't take it much longer. She sat up gently so as not to startle him, and leaned forward to meet her lips to his in a long, sweet kiss.

"I love you so much," she told him softly, stroking his cheek with great affection. "I don't want you to ever doubt that, not when the sky rains fire and the world comes to an end, when the gods sweep us up and bring us all in their arms. Not when death comes to your door and your memory fades, never forget how much I love you. I always will."

Her eyes were beginning to fill with tears.

How can I possibly send him away with so little time left...?

Dotty was keeping herself pleasantly entertained with a number game popular in the east, a nine-by-nine set of squares filled with numbers of various placement and degree. Highly intelligent despite her upbringing, logic games were one of Dotty's favorite pastimes even when the moon was high and she ought to be sleeping.

Anne's behavior bothered her, though. She looked at the small squares of numbers and wondered why she couldn't focus.

Soon, her thoughts were distracted by a soft wrapping at her door. Who could that be? she wondered, and Dotty rose to meet the call, swinging open the door.


Nicoli took Anne's declarations of love and kiss in stride, though his eyes still shone with concern for her. The kiss spoke volumes, her sorrow and pain. He would give anything just to make it better.

"As I love you!" he hastened to assure her, raising one hand to brush the damp from her cheeks. "As the bards sing of and children tell tails, as the young dream and the old remember fondly, my love for you will never fade."

His lips found her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, kissing away her tears with the soft brush of chapped skin. His arms tightened to hold her securely against him with no care for the slipping of the blanket around them, or that the little that was left of the food had been left out in the night air.

"Tell me," he begged his own voice a little hoarse from the thought that he might soon lose her. "What is it? What can I do?"

"May I come in?" Lampkin asked when Dotty opened her door. "This is not a social call, but one of business, and I do not think you want to risk prying ears hearing the question I am about to ask."

He slipped past her and inside, but stayed near the door, making sure Dotty felt she could throw him out if she wanted too. There was a wariness to his gaze, a sort of edginess to him that gave the impression that some instinct had taken over and made him aware that he should try his best not the be seen.

"If you want me to go I will," he promised, "but first, how long has your queen had her knight as her lover? They were careful sneaking out, but mine are not the only eyes watching. If they do this often it will not be long before Anton learns of it. Before I return to him tonight I would know what you wish me to do with this knowledge."
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Anne took each and every single one of his gentle kisses, logging them to such a precious memory that she was sure she'd remember it again in the afterlife. She chuckled despite the emotion that overwhelmed her, caught a bit off-guard by the waves of welcome affection Nicoli showered her in, but though the moment was joyful she still bore ill news. The little queen pressed her forehead against her lover's, her hands resting on his cheeks, eyes staring down to the space between them.

Gods, give me strength.

"There is a need," she told him after taking a few deep breaths and pulling away. She laced her fingers in his. "A great need, my love. The kingdom needs you if its fate is to be secured, and unfortunately it involves you leaving my side. You and four others will ride with all your might to Leondeal, some of you will be charged with freeing a prisoner, the others will be held with the responsibility of freeing the Faerie queen held captive there. You must ride with utmost secrecy and no one can know of these plans. I...I can't tell you who the prisoner is," she stated sadly, "only because I believe carrying the information could put your life in danger. I must know if you choose to ride for the prison or the slave camps set up in the mountains, so I know which group to send you in. You ride at first light and must return to ReValya before the wedding by any means necessary."

Warily, she looked up to meet his eyes. "I would not ask you to do this if our kingdom didn't depend on it, Nicoli. I need you to play the knight one more time before I make you my king. If we want to put Anton away forever, things must happen the way that I have planned them..."

Her voice trailed off, and she lifted his knuckles to kiss them sweetly. "Can you do this, darling? For me? For our country?"

Dotty was completely astounded at the information which Lampkin brought before her--not because she didn't know it, but because he had discovered the truth. Queen Anne and Sir Nicoli had been trying so hard to keep themselves a secret, yet Anton's master of spies must have seen through the veil.

Instantly, she smothered her hand over Lampkin's mouth.

"Shhh!" she demanded, "are you insane?! You mustn't speak so loudly with the door open!" Dotty closed the door and locked it once, twice, just to ensure that the bolt was truly stuck. She then turned back to the mysterious man who taken more than her words, and scowled.

"That's king to you," she informed in a hushed tone. "Her Grace is convinced that since the first man and woman had no priest to marry them, they needn't either, and she already considers Ser Nicoli as her husband." Dotty folded her arms over her chest and sighed. "We had been executing plans perfectly to keep them undiscovered, but Nicoli must've thought himself the romantic and snuck her out of the castle...sweet, really, but dangerous."

Then, she turned to Lampkin. "You have someone that you answer to. Why are you coming to me for my opinion on what to do with the information? The queen knows Anton has a mistress. It would be terrible of him to condemn Her Majesty when he himself also hasn't been faithful to the match."

Still...why did you come to me? she wanted to ask again.

I'm almost flattered.
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Nicoli was silent for a moment after she finished speaking, but after a deep breath - almost a sigh - he answered.
"Of course – of course." He removed one had from her grip go he could trace his thumb down her cheek. "Being accepted by you has not changed who I am. How could I abandon my comrades, my people, my country, in their hour of need? To stain my honor that way - I would not be fit to be your husband if I even considered telling you no."

Nicoli's other hand twisted in her hold until he was grasping her hand instead. With sincere affection and love he pressed a kiss to her palm. "If you feel it unwise to tell me the name of the person you wish freed, then it will be best if I ride to save the Faerie Queen instead. Let those who know who to look for mount the other rescue, for their knowledge will allow them to better perform their duty. I take it we ride tomorrow with the morning sun?"

The hand that brushed her cheek drifted slowly to the side of her neck as he leaned forward to let his lips linger against the bow of her mouth. "My only regret it that this shortens the time I have to spend with you."

Nicoli settled back on his knees, his loving gaze steadfast as he watched the woman he called his wife. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and spend their last moments as close as any two people could be, to comfort her, to let her know how much she was cherished and always would be.

Yet part of his mind whispered that this might be the end. That she might be telling him this now because they had no more time at all and he needed to pack up so they could get back to the palace immediately.

"Well the noble knight will certainly make a better king than Anton," Lampkin muttered dryly when he heard the news. He leaned against the bolted door and crossed his arms, frowning in thought.

"As for my employer . . ." he started after another moment, "they are not here to make those decisions and as I know you and the queen have your own plans . . . When one knows what one's enemy knows, the odds are better in favor of everything going to plan. Our goals, at the moment, line up and I wanted to give you that chance."

Lampkin sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets. "If you truly do not care then I will tell him the queen has a lover, but I was unable to see the man's face. I do not trust the him not be a total hypocrite."

Gods, but I really am going soft.
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Anne curled her slender arms around the thickness of Nicoli's neck, pulling him to her frame, begging for something that words couldn't dare express. Leaving him was the last thing she ever wanted to do, and the idea of being parted from him for more than a day tore her gentle heart in a million little unsalvageable pieces. Nicoli had become her rock, her anchor, her support beam and her endlessly necessary crutch--her wooden leg, for lack of a better term. Anne knew that in their first night spent together they had nurtured enough love to last a lifetime, but who said her own needed to end so soon? What cruel god decided that Anastasia di ReValya could not rule with her king at her side?

Why was I given this gift if I can only cherish it for so short a time?

No words were necessary. Anne pressed her lips to her lover's and pulled him over her, feeling her back land on the coolness of the ground, and she relished Nicoli as if it were the last time she would be able to do so.

"I love you," she told him with a kiss, "and all I want is to continue to do so, and pretend that nothing else exists but us for the next hour."

Her laugh was light and cheerful despite the agony burrowed within, and two become one under the glow of a gentle spring moon.

I will make love to you like it is my last night on this earth, for soon enough, it will be.

Dotty's expression softened considerably, and her hands fell to her sides. "I'm...sorry. I was just asking a question, Lampkin. I don't think you should tell Anton about the affair--the more he thinks he has Anne wrapped around his finger, the easier it will be to tear him down. The more satisfying, too. More enjoyable."

She crossed the room and cast her eyes out the small arched window of her chambers, tightening her jaw in grim contemplation as the stars glittered above.

"I care, Lampkin. I care that Anton falls, I care about my queen, I care about my country and I care that you..."

I care that you, what?

"Nothing. I am tired, leave me. I'll speak with you in the morning." She ushered him from her chambers and said not another word, feeling the beat of her heart pound against the betrayal she so desperately felt was necessary.

How can I love my country and still care for a man who would see it destroyed...?
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The sudden feel of her body as she pulled him into her told Nicoli the answer to his unvoiced question. There were no words to describe what it did to his heart, the knowledge that she loved him as he loved her, needed him as he needed her, and would miss him as he would miss her. He hoped they would both be made stronger for the separation that lay so soon ahead, but now – now he wanted only to savor the time they had left.
She need not have requested only an hour, for he would have given her so much more, everything that was in his power to give.

Their love making this time was slow, though no less sensual. It was as if with each touch, each caress, each sigh, each kiss, he was saying goodbye. Which, he supposed, he was. This might be the last time he would be allowed to touch her, to hold her like this. The last time he could get drunk off her kisses or marvel at how well they fit together in spite of his deformity. He tried to tell himself he would make it back before the prophesied day, that there would be at least one more night together if not more, But Nicoli knew there was no guarantee of that and so he fully intended to draw this night out as long as possible. He tried to lose himself in the moment, to cherish her with all he had, and to leave her knowing the fullness of the love he bore her. If he could he would have made the moon stand still.

But like all things even lust must run its course, and when their time had passed Nicoli bundled them both once more in the blankets he had brought to escape the chill of the night. The passage of the stars told him there was still time before they had to leave in order to make it back to the palace before dawn, and he was in no hurry to return to the reality that said they must separate. So Nicoli lay with his arm about Anne's shoulders, her cheek resting on his chest and her body pressed against his, as his free hand traced odd shapes along her bare side.

Her name he realized. Her name and then his as if by entwining the letters together he could entwine their lives and ensure they would never have to part under such uncertainty again.
"I love you," he whispered, "So much, leaving is agony. But I will return. Sooner than expected if it is at all in my power to do so. Yours will be the first face I seek out. First with news of victory, and then with a determination to stay by your side as long as you would have me."

He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead and then, shrugging out of the blanket a little, raised his hand to the sky. "You see the moon? When it sits just beside that star there, we will have to leave. Until then the night is still ours."

They lay together until the moon reached the appointed position, Talking and dozing by turns. Whispered conversations carrying stories of court and dreams of "what if" interrupted by periods of long silence in which both slept peacefully in each other's arms, only for conversation to pick up when someone woke once more.
When the time came to leave Nicoli rose to dress and pack up, insuring that nothing was left behind before lifting Anne onto the horse and returning to the castle grounds. This time they slipped in unnoticed.

Safely inside the stable Nicoli said goodbye to his heart with a slow lingering kiss, for the moment they stepped out he would once again have to be nothing more than the Queen's knight.

By the time the sun rose he would be packed and ready for the journey ahead.

"Taking him down a peg or two will certainly be enjoyable," Lampkin agreed as he observed Dotty and soaked in her answer, "And if it is what you think is best, he will not hear the truth anytime soon from my lips." But as she spoke Dotty's words gave him a jolt.

She cares that I what?
Hold up my end of the bargain?
Or dare I hope she cares about me?

But he soon found himself alone in the hall, and though he knew she wanted her solitude, Lampkin couldn't help lingering against Dotty's door a moment after it closed. There was an unfamiliar ache in his breast, and for a moment he wondered what might had happened if he had been only a simple man.

"You know where my rooms are, if you need me," he murmured through the wood, and in that instant he wasn't thinking of the physical at all.

Another few minutes saw him slink silently through the palace halls, avoiding all notice, and into his own chambers where he stripped almost carelessly for bed. Yet he lay awake a long time before sleep finally claimed him.
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She wished the sun would not rise. With it came the absence of her love, the cruel process of tearing all she held dear painfully away from her. Anastasia could be a queen without a king, she had done so for years. But time was running short. A ReValya absent of both ruling monarchs was one she feared above all else. The young queen snatched only a few hours of restless sleep before rising again from dreams that wouldn't come, crossing the room to prepare for the long and grueling day ahead with thoughts of death in her heart.

The door to Diana's chambers creaked open. The handmaiden came groggily forward, rubbing her tired eyes.

"My queen...?" Diana yawned. "What're ya doin' up so early...?"

"Did I wake you? I'm so sorry, I'm simply in a rush. Please, go back to bed."

"You do know it's that one day, yeah...? With Anton? Mmm. Feastin' with the noble people an' all that..."

"I do." Anne wanted to chuckle at the girl's sleepiness, but her thoughts were elsewhere. "Nicoli leaves this morning. I want to say goodbye before meeting Anton in gardens."

"Oh." The girl's face sombered. "You're gonna need some help gettin' in that corset, Annie. Come on. I'll help ya."

There wasn't much conversation as the two women prepared for the queen's bittersweet day. She trembled on occasion with the thought of what was soon to come, both in the immediate future and the distant one. Diana chatted in attempt to cheer the nervous queen and boost a sense of confidence, and it worked for a blessed moment, until the thought of Nicoli's face brought it all crashing down again. I can't think about that. I'll never make it though the day if I do. Anne dressed in formal attire as the day commanded, a silken blue gown with an aquamarine tiara and her hair pulled back, wondering if she could feel half the queen she looked. Anne thanked Diana for her help and promptly left the tower, creeping out of the castle while stars still twinkled in the sky.

Dawn was coming. She could see it rising in the distant night, a great fresh bruise growing across the sky. She clutched the velvet cloak tighter around her shoulders and made her way across the back routes, to the stables where she knew her knight awaited.

Upon seeing him, her heart nearly fell through the earth. What if this is the last time I see him? What if he never comes back to me, nor I to him?

Anne smiled despite those thoughts and stood in the entryway, hands folded, waiting for him to notice her.​
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"You are a vision to balm an aching heart," Nicoli breathed when he looked up and around from saddling a pale palomino gelding and spotted Anastasia in the doorway. "Though you risk much coming to see me off." Yet it was obvious he did not truly mind as he opened his arms readily for an embrace and kiss, leaving his work for a moment unfinished.

"I leave Red in the care of the horse master and take a post horse instead." He breathed into her hair as he cradled her against his armored chest after pulling back from the softness of her lips. There were other things he could have said, but at the moment staying with the practical seemed the best course of action.
"Red is built for endurance not speed, and I do not relish the idea of leaving him behind with someone unknown to me when the time comes to change mounts. Better to take an animal that already knows the journey. Besides, this way you can spoil him in my absence and I will know that when I return he will be fit enough for us to ride together."

He pulled back a little further so he could look into her clear eyes and brush calloused fingers across a smooth cheek. "If at the time of my arrival the moon is high and you abed, would you prefer to be woken from slumber? Or would it be acceptable for your husband to slip beneath the covers and lay beside you until you find him in the morning?"

Before much more could be spoken, a shout of, "Never-mind all fitting into the stable. I'll bring the horses into the yard. There'll be room enough there!" in a very familiar voice. Sir. Greagor, it seemed, was as ready to ride as Nicoli was. "And would one of you mind checking the barracks and seeing if young de'Arbolshire is in conference with the Captain? I could have sworn I saw him in the yard not a half hour past, and his bed was empty when I passed by."

"Perhaps he is already in the stables?" a low call returned.

"Well, then you go and check there, and I will check here since I am already at the door!" Greagor's voice shouted back, clear and loud with his approaching presence.
A moment later the handle had turned and the man in question was inside with the door once again closed and no time for anyone to have seen anything other than his back.

"Pardon, my Lady, my Lord," and Nicoli was stunned as the man who had long been his friend, companion, and blood brother, bowed low not only to his queen - as expected - but to Nicoli as well. "But I was not under the impression the situation was well known. I thought it better to get here first in case someone tried to poke their nose where noses do not belong."

A moment later Greagor had placed leads on two horses and begun to lead them out. "My Lord, if you would grab the grey mare as well as your own horse, we can return for the tack . . . My lady," another polite nod and the knight waited for Anne to move beyond the eye-line of the door before he opened it, this time wide enough to get two horses and a man through.
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Anne wasn't nearly as surprised as Nicoli was when his brother bowed low to the man he knew to be king. Her knight's humility was present yet again in that moment, never thinking himself adequate to the great level at which he deserved to be recognized. It made her fall completely in love with him all over again if such an impossible thing was achievable. So many little habits Nicoli had, so many royal traits and morals molded to perfection that attracted her endlessly to him as if their souls were created in destiny for one another.

His ability to be humble told Anne that he would be a wonderful king in her eventual, eternal absence.

Anastasia nodded in acknowledgment to the two men as they took their leave to allow king and queen a moment in privacy, her hands laced in her lover's. A moment of silence passed between them before the woman drew in a breath, lifting her sparkling gaze to meet his.

"I love you," she said with a sad little smile. "Have I said that yet today?" Gentle hands cupped his face and pulled him in for the softest of kisses, though no less meaningful than ones made during sessions of love. "My heart will ache while you are gone and be whole again when you return. Every day that passes, I shall pray for your safety and the well-being of the others who ride at your side. Not a night will go by that you are off my mind. As for your return, wake me the moment you're within the borders, hm? I want to see your face and know you are unharmed the instant you are mine once more." The gentle queen stroked his cheek and pressed another kiss to his wonderful lips.

"If you do nothing else on this mission, return to me. That is all I ask, that is your most important endeavor. I fear I am only half the queen I am capable of in your absence, and even less of a person. A part of something is not complete without the other, as I am not when you are taken from me."

I can allow myself to be selfish in regards to him.

Anne's arms slipped around his neck and she pulled him into a romantic embrace, breathing in the scent of him and knowing he was hers. She did not let go until the time came that Nicoli should depart, and even then she was incredibly reluctant.

"Come back to me, my love. Promise."​
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"I will do everything in my power to return. I swear."

The idea of her feeling less because of him did not sit well with Nicoli, but he had no time to rebuff that notion as Greagor called from outside from him to hurry up.

Greagor himself, though already travel weary, was aching to get on the road and to Leondeal as quickly as possible. Not for hopes of finishing the mission quickly, though that was certainly an important point, but because he wanted out of the saddle and the promise of a hot meal and a good bed for longer than one night at a time.

They left early and rode hard, walking and trotting the horses by turns, not to travel at the greatest speed, but to travel the greatest distance over the course of the day. For in this case it was not a matter of how quickly, but how far you could get before the day's end.

Their rests were short and brief, their meals, eaten in the saddle, consisted mostly of tack and dried meat wtih a canteen shared among them. The wind chilled through their cloaks the further north they drew and all talk faded into silence as the weight of their quest began to settle on their shoulders.

It was the morning sun that woke Anton, not the sound of pounding hooves as the knights rode away. In fact he was up long after they were good and gone, and the mood of the morning had caught him on a high note. Anton had not the smallest inkling of what his "future bride" was dealing with at that very moment.

The king whistled tunelessly as Lampkin dressed him, ignoring the odd looks he received in the process, and refusing to let what seemed to have been a bad night for the other man sour his own optimism.
"Did you discover anything?" he asked, tucking the lace ruff of his collar neatly into his vest, and admiring his finery in the full-length mirror. Though for him the outfit might be called casual.
"Nothing of note," the manservant answered, "and nothing I'd feel confidant in sharing without further substantiated proof."
"The you did find something interesting?" the King prodded further.
"Perhaps, but again it is barely more than rumor and until I am sure . . ."
"Yes, yes, you and your hesitance to act too soon and make costly mistakes."
"Though if I may be so bold . . ." Lampkin hesitated.
"You may."
"It might be wise to be seen to properly court your bride a while longer. Whatever her reasons for accepting your hand, I am certain they do not include love."
"I am not such a fool as to think they did – still, it would not hurt to bring further offerings when I go to see her today . . . perhaps to arrive a bit early. Tell me, Lampkin, do you think she would be amiable if I presented her with plans to build a poor house of some sort?"
"More so than if you simply brought flowers," the other man answered as he finished straightening his King's coat.

A moment Later Anton was out the door of his chambers in search of the woman in question.
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"And so it shall be."

A promise was a promise. Whether Anne could deny the honesty of Nicoli's words or not, it hardly mattered to her, for her faith in the gallant knight could move mountains. They shared a final lingering kiss in the shelter of the stables before she saw him off on his journey, one that must be made, one that ripped a single beating heart in two. She ached to see the silhouette of her lover on his horse disappear into the forest and the thunder of horseshoes dissipate in the wind. The queen stood in despair even until Nicoli was long gone from her side, sending prayers to the gods that they might keep him safe in his journey and bring him back to her in one piece.

It did not matter how many limbs Nicoli lost. So long as he was hers, she would love and cherish him always for what little time was left to her.

When the sun was too high to ignore the passing of time any further, Queen Anne gathered her skirts and left the gardens without a word to the stable hands or the gardeners who watched her depart. It took all the woman had within to pull herself together and prepare the mask with which she would face King Anton of Leondeal, and pretend that she intended to become his. The task had become increasingly daunting since her affections for Nicoli had grown stronger, even now that he was gone and could not comfort her during the nights, but she would remain strong as she always had. I am the queen of ReValya. My people need me. I mustn't lose heart now.

She entered the section of the castle where she was to await her betrothed king, only to find him standing contently with Lampkin at his regal side, a man who held many secrets. Upon approaching her supposed husband-to-be, she gave a low and respectful bow and beamed as their eyes locked.

"Good morning, dearest. I'm sure the nobility are eager to become acquainted with their future king. How did your night's sleep treat you?" Anne stepped forward and pressed a kiss to the monarch's powered cheek. "Well, I presume?"

Not as well as mine, she thought, but he needn't worry about that.
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Politics – Anton loved politics. Almost more than he loved getting his own way, and Anne's kiss on his cheek was the culmination of both.
"My night went well," the king answered with a note of satisfaction in his voice, "and my day will be made better still with the comfort of your hand in mine, and your presence by my side. Tell me, darling, of which of your fine dinner guests shall I need to be most on my guard?"

It was a loaded questions. Asking not only who she thought would be most disapproving of their match, but whose maneuvering and scheming posed the most danger.

It seemed every noble in the country had been invited, and accepted, for their presentation dinner. Not only dinner, but the idle chatter that accompanied the meal and spoke as loudly as the silence some held to. Some Anton had already met, like himself, enjoyed the game of veiling insults behind flattery and trading wit with fine words while reading between the lines and discovering what had remained unsaid.
Others openly detested in. The Captain of the guard for example.
It was for that reason Anton intended to avoid catching Sr. Oswain's eye. His type was almost more dangerous that the first. Their type's short turns of phrase had unmasked more than one charade simply for failure to care to hide it. Anton could not afford a screw up now. Saurella had been all too clear in her instructions.

"And which," Anton continued, "Might I had the good fortune to call friend?"

Lampkin trailed in their shadow at a respectful distance. His eyes and ears taking in everything while his face showed pure indifference.
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Well, Anton certainly didn't waste any time. Instantly he was asking her which nobles to trust and which to avoid, and while she regretted to give away such valuable information she knew it was best not to lie to him. He would never rule ReValya as it was, and would spend the rest of his life behind bars if she were feeling merciful. What true harm did giving him a bit of information do?

It's all a part of the game.

"Let's see," Anne began, waving to a few nobles as they entered the dining hall and waving off a few others. "Lord Freemont and his wife have always been friends of the crown. They own plenty of farms on the outskirts of ReValya and their produce is said to be the best. Then there's Count and Countess Lauridson, fairly wealthy but lots of family drama there. They've been trying to get one of their children in on the royal family for centuries, but so far they've never made a match. Duchess Iona has her own way of doing things, she's quite the schemer. She somehow knows everyone's secrets in her old age and will accept payment to spill them. Baron Ziio is known for his foreign charm and elegance and he is looking for a bride, but it's said that he's a spy for another country. I've been keeping my eyes on him for awhile. Lady Blackwood is the most honest and genuine person you could ever meet and has assisted me more than once for personal and political advice, and Ser Lockley never refuses an order, which makes him as loyal as he is dangerous." Anne drew a breath and turned to her fianceé. "But of course, there are others throughout the ballroom. Why don't we begin making the rounds?"

The queen took Anton's arm in hers and led him around to various families and nobility, introducing one to the other and making painful small talk. There were plenty of rumors that Leondeal and ReValya would soon join as one massive country, though the thought was enough to make Anne gag. Many supported the marriage while others greeted Anton with more fearful respect than open love. The queen was quick to notice it as well. It seems his reputation proceeds him for those who pay attention.

Before long, the orchestra began to play a swift waltz that brought more than one high class couple to the center of the floor. Anne turned to her counterpart and waited for him to ask for this dance, as she knew any falsely chivalrous fool would, though she was grateful for a distraction even with Anton. It kept her from thinking about Nicoli's pains, which surely would have blown her cover.​
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Anton took notes as she spoke, memorizing the names and faces of those she mentioned and gestured too. What was more he could tell she was telling the truth, he could see it in her eyes, and something about that bothered him. He had expected her to lie. She had every reason to. He knew the rumors that floated about him, just as he knew he had yet to win her heart. Yet in the grand scheme of things her heart did not matter.

The names of those who supported her were filed away along with the names of those who did not. Anton had a feeling he would need both before all was done. Just as he would need to remember their initial reaction upon their first meeting of him.

Anton did not need the sound of the orchestra or the turn of the woman at his side to tell him propriety dictated a waltz.
He offered his hand elegantly, with a slight bow and a smile twisting at the corner of his lips, before leading he way to the dance floor.

Other couples joined them as music filled the air, each step, each swoosh of a swirling skirt in time to the rhythm. Colors flashed past as those dressed in their best feast finary stepped with perfect elegance around their partners, false smiles joined genuine ones, and those not dancing indulged in idle chatter.

The king was an exquisite dancer by all accounts. Even women long noted for their detest of his character had to admit admiration for the turn of his leg and grace of his footwork.
"Dance well with a woman once and she will be halfway yours," as the saying went, and so far, in his experience, it had proved to be more than true – so long as the woman in question's heart remained un-captured by another.

"Tell me, my Lady," he questioned as he twirled Anne in his arms, "if the guests were only of your choosing, which of all the people in your Kingdom would you invite?"
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He is an exceptional dancer, Anne thought in the back of her mind, admiring his grace and poise, the straightness of his back, the gentle graces of his touch. Nicoli will never be able to dance like this. But did that matter? Heavens, no. While Anne was very fond of dancing and found Anton's skills incredibly admirable, the warmth of Nicoli's arms was exponentially more important to her, the tenderness of his kiss and the depth of his voice. She would wrap herself in his steeled arms and sway to the rhythms of her orchestra, and find herself more joyful in that moment than any twirl or dip Anton could provide.

I can't think about him now. I'll only weep, and the entirety of my kingdom will know me to be false.

As if on cue, King Anton provided her with the ultimate opportunity to be vulnerable and ensnare him further into her trap. A welcome distraction. "Anyone, my dear?" she inquired, her feet stepping gracefully in tandem with his. "Hmm. I deeply enjoy Lady Stark and her family, that husband of hers is quite the charmer. Ser Oswin as well, and the captain and Diana and all of my other various friends at court." Anne was careful not to mention Dotty, her secret weapon. Anton couldn't know about her. Not yet. "And finally, you, for a queen cannot rule without a king, nor a king without a queen." She giggled like the playful child she was pretending to be and kissed his cheek as he twirled her into his arms. "I would cast them all aside for the sake of you."

Can he see the lie in my eyes? Anne wondered with a devious little smirk often mistaken for a gesture of lust. Does he see how I mock him? He will spend the rest of his life in a jail cell if I'm merciful while the son of peasants takes my father's crown.

And Anne herself would rest beside her father in the depths of ReValya's crypts, the last of an ancient line laid waste. It was not a thought she wished to dwell on.

"And what of you, my love? Who would you invite, if you could?" Anne took his hands in hers as the dance came to an end, eyes alight with falsified desire. "Tell me, who do you trust most in this world?"​
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She was lying to him. Anton tried to keep the smirk from his face. He was too practiced a liar not to see the signs in someone else. Oh well, best to let the little Queen keep her delusions. She would come to enjoy his company in time. That or come up with some new improved method of assassination. Anton almost relished that thought. It would be entertaining at the very least and it had been so long since the last he almost feared his senses were becoming dull. Perhaps Lampkin was a bit too good when it can to foiling such.

Again, she would learn in time.
Perhaps he would even enjoy the teaching . . . That smile she gave him certainly implied as much. Besides, no one had ever guarantied either of them love. Certainly no one Anton had ever shared a bed with.

The king nearly laughed aloud at her next question.
"Who do I trust most in this world?" he repeated her, his eye dancing with mirth. Did he dare? He wondered, how would she handle the truth?
"No one," he grinned almost mockingly. Let her think of it what she will, "or at least most of all myself. There are too many uncertainties in Leondeal to allow time to relax or be carefree. If had had a task I could not perform myself . . . Lampkin hands down."

The king grinned as he swirled Anne through the dance, the movements much like their conversation. Each needing to be precise in what they wanted without compromising themselves to the point of a misstep.

"Unless of course you're asking who I'd like to spend my time with, in which case you are at the top of my list." He couldn't help but give her a wink.
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Anne knew he was telling the truth, or at least a partial version of it. She'd nearly laughed outright when he mentioned his faith in Lampkin as well. Is he so blind? He puts his trust in people who do not trust him, nor like him. He is as foolish as any other boy I have seen, who would put a crown of paper on their head and call themselves king. But she was unable to undermine Anton publicly quite yet, and so the queen played his game, hoping she had learned well enough to fight fire with fire.

"You honor me," Anne giggled, pulling him toward her. "Now, since you have admitted that you enjoy my company so much, I beg you to come sit with me while the cooks lay out our food for us. We can sit and talk and entertain my noble guests, soon to be shared by you, and make plans for our royal wedding. Do you have a preference of colors? I was thinking gold and royal blue..."

The conversation fell in a tangent. Groups mingled here and there as the food was served. Smoked and spiced chicken were placed atop the grand table with sides of cheese-smothered potatoes and steamed vegetables, all with a side of white wine. Anne, however, found the smell of the alcohol made her nauseous, which was extremely uncharacteristic of her. Even the Grand Duchess noticed.

"Your Majesty! Refusing the moscato? My, what a momentous day indeed!"

"I suppose it is," Anne chuckled, her smile fake and forced. "I was not feeling well this morning, but it subsided for the most part. I do smell a hint of chocolate however, I'm wondering if perhaps the chefs are making dessert..."

The Grand Duchess seemed amused, but Dotty, who was serving a second helping to to Lord Edinbrough, froze in her spot. She looked to the queen with eyes widened be realization. She nearly spilled potatoes all over the lord's lap.

"Dotty? Is something the matter?"

The maid blinked. "I--uh. Your Majesty, I'm sorry. No, no. Nothing's wrong." She nearly tripped over the butler behind her, drawing attention, but she caught herself. "Excuse me, my lords, my ladies. Your Graces. Oh, gods, excuse me." Dotty dashed off through the kitchen door, out of sight, though Anne could have sworn she heard a call of "Diana!" coming from the depths of the store room.​
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