In the house...the dog house? No the nut house!

By the time Eli opened his eyes, the boy in front of him was gone. What? He hadn't realized his eyes were still red. He had to have blood though, and suddenly he was on top of the nurse, pinning her down and his fangs extended.
Serge arrived at his room and sat on the bed, pushing himself back until the wall was on his back and he held his knees up to his chest, he began trembling and soon as he noticed tears covered his face, he didn't know why, but something was making him terribly afraid and uncomfortable, what had moved him to say those things to Eli, he did not know, but he felt completely awkward and frustrated about it.

Lucille felt herself being pushed against the ground before she could even notice, she blinked and observed Eli in front of her, she trembled, and as she feared for her life she cried loudly for help, her screams responded almost immediately by other doctors and the security guard who watched a few of the doors as they called for backup just in case, soon two doctors were on Eli, trying to pull him away from the nurse, she kept screaming.

Like a victim.

Almost as soon as the echos resounded on the halls Serge noticed something was wrong and interrupted his own thoughts to try and find out what was going, he got out of his room quickly and ran to the corner where Eli previously was before he left, and saw him on top of the nurse with two doctors trying to pull him away, Serge felt that frustration once more, like he knew what was going on, but could say nothing about it.
"You should have listened to me when I told you what I was." He growled, remembering the first day he had come here. He looked almost cruelly amused at the doctor's efforts to pull him off of her, which weren't working in the slightest. To another human, the doctor's would be very strong and fast, but to Eli, they were nothing. More like a pesky fly or mosqito. He leaned forward, opening his mouth, loving how the nurse was screaming under him, and sank his teeth into her neck, drinking her sweet blood, finally able to taste it.
Everyone stared at the scene as the police's efforts to move him away didn't work, and Lucille soon stopped screaming and squirming, quickly her envious, hateful tasting blood ran quickly as she soon stopped moving and her heart began to gave up, unable to renew the lost blood.
Serge observed the whole scene in almost awe, like he had found something invaluable for the first time in his life, he wanted to near Eli and ask him to stop, but he had just met him and he'd probably be his next victim if he interfered, he didn't know what to do, so he observed, quietly.
Eli smirked and finally got off of her, his breathing hard and heavy, the woman's blood on his lips and running down his chin. He was sure he was a rather horrifying site to everyone, but he didn't mind. Perhaps next time they would listen to him.
Everyone stared at him terrified and the guards suddenly pointed their guns at him, angrily yelling him to stop moving or they'd shoot and the doctors got out of the way, but before one of the cops who was nervous enough to shoot could do it, Serge intervened, yelling loudly "Stop!" he said, pushing the man away and the gun shat itself as it fell on the ground, but where the bullet had ended up, it was most likely to be a wall.
Eli held still, the bullet having grazed his right leg and sending him to his knees, clutching his leg, pushing Serge out of the way of fire.
He stared terrified, not exactly knowing what to do or say, the guards didn't know either, then a thunder stroke and the lights went off, apparently a blackout, Serge stood up and approached Eli, shaking his shoulders a little, "Get out of here..!" he yelled at him, trying to snap him back into his senses, or maybe, just to calm himself. "Come on, the doors are wide open for you...!"
Eli nodded and took the oppertunity and grabbed Serge and took him with him, running out of the asylum with Serge, pratically carrying him out of the place.