In the house...the dog house? No the nut house!

Eli just looked at him. "It wasn't your fault." He said as he made his way to the door. "You coming?" He asked as he headed out into the hall.
"Ah... Yes." he answered and followed behind the man who walked like he didn't have a worry in the world, he also noticed the happy pills had been placed back into the bottle and took care of, so he had probably taken them. "So they drugged you too..?" he asked, looking down in a swing of disappointment, his eyes still stuck on staring at the ground.
"I took them." He muttered. And it was a good thing he had or at least one person, if not two, would have died that day. He sighed at the thought.
Serge stared for a moment and looked down "They drugged me too" he whispered "I don't know why" he looked around and gripped on the cloth of Eli's sleeve once more, fearfully looking at the kind of wackos he'd be surrounded by until he could get out of there, and the idea itself did not amuse him one bit.
Eli glanced at the boy as he clung to him again, letting out a sigh but didn't bother to brush him off. Right now Eli simply didn't care thanks to the happy pills. They made it to the cafeteria and he filled his plate that he never ate and went to his usual spot.
Serge kept averting his eyes and he just seemed to be as jumpy as any child locked into a place they not only did not know but they also didn't like.
He kept gripping on the man's sleeve like he were a relative, or his dad, or something else, he just kept acting like an scaredy cat, almost convincing the people who saw him that he really did not know why he was there, but who cared, as soon as they got their food and he followed Eli to his spot, he began to eat silently, staring at the vampire's trail.
"Aren't you eating?"
"Nope." He said, and pushed the tray at Serge. The nurse Lucille was making her rounds and talking to patiences. Normally he would have hated her but right now he simply didn't care. Eli did though, make a point of ignoring her as she walked around. He still wanted to feed from her one day, to taste her sweet blood on his tongue, but it would have to wait.
Serge stared at the trail, and later on at his own "No thanks, they say hospital food is terrible." he said, now giving away, that he was oblivious of where he was at, and that he probably had a terrible background not to even know why he was at the madhouse. He turned to look at Eli. "Ehm ...I'm sorry, I don't recall your name, what was it again?"
"Eli at your service." He said with a smirk, and held his hand out for a shake, chuckling at his comment about the hospital food. Try drinking blood sometime. He thought.
He stared worriedly at his hand and sighed looking away silently. "I d.... by the way, where am I and why am I here?" he asked, hoping to know if the man had any idea at all, for he himself was not very sure of the source of the problem.
Eli dropped his hand and laughed. "No idea." He said, and again turned his eyes to the nurse, knowing if it wasn'g for the drugs, at least she would be dead, and maybe even Serge. He wasn't sure how long he could keep resisting.
(I'm starting to run out of answers)

Serge sat back, staring at his food "You've been here longer but you don't know?" he asked, tilting his head, exposing his neck, thin and clear colored, almost white as snow, his body giving out a strong smell. "How come you don't know?" he asked once more, beaten by his own curiosity. "I don't even know how I got here".
He finished now looking down, his grey eyes covered by his dark blue hair once more.
"Because I don't know why you're here." He muttered, his eyes involentarily going to the man's exposed throat. He gulped, feeling his fangs drop and the happy pills start to wear off. This wasn't good. He tensed suddenly, a strong wave of the boy's sweet blood invading his nostrals. Eli groaned and was suddenly at the other side of the room, breathing hard, his eyes starting to turn red, and he closed them tightly, trembling with the urge to fight of the need to feed.
Serge jolted when the man walked away so quickly, confused and worried he walked up to Eli, worriedly gripping on his shirt. "Are you okay?" He asked, pulling it a bit. "You need anything?" the man looked, to him, like he were in some sort of pain he couldn't explain exactly and that actually disturbed him in a way, feeling quite useless.
"Step back and don't move." He said, feeling his fangs extend their entire length. "Don't make any sudden movements." He whispered. He knew his eyes were red by now. Just please don't let the nurse come over here. He thought, trying to get the boy's scent out of his nose and head.
Serge remained cold and didn't move, he, thinking about something in particular actually stopped breathing for a few seconds but gasped when he couldn't take it anymore and walked back staring worriedly. "I-Is everything... okay? Do you... need the nurse? Do you need to lay down?"
Eli let out a long deep breath. "I don't know!" He paused, realizing he was shouting. "I'm sorry. Just...please...let me...calm down for a minute. And no, don't bring the nurse over here whatever you do." He said, ending with a bit of a growl as he told himself over and over not to go on a frenzy.
Serge approached him a bit and blinked "Mister I was wondering... Are you perhaps here ...because you are a vampire and they didn't believe you?" he asked in a voice a child would make when very curious.
At Serge's questions, his eyes flew open to reveal terrible blazing red eyes. He let Serge see them but then shut them again, able to see his pulse, can hear his blood flowing through out his body. He sank to the clean white floor with another groan, almost wishing he were chained down so he couldn't harm anyone. He was tensed and ready to spring, his body still trembling as he fought the urge to tear someone's throat out. "Get back and don't move!" He shouted urgently. He could feel stares on him even though his eyes were closed.
Serge showed himself to be a bit jumpy but didn't back off, he simply looked down and then away, sighing and taking a few steps back "You can.... feed off me whenever you want..." he mumbled, and before the nurse finally arrived, he was gone, probably to his room.