Impossible Love (Completed)

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Re: Impossible Love

Efron laughed. "She has your smile too, Em." He said kissing her on the cheek. "You know, you gave me a hell of a scare! I thought something was wrong." He laughed again and adjusted his shirt. "I'm going into town soon to train our stand in employees. Not that Abbie and Daniel need it." Daniel was a co worker of Efron when he used to paint. They had become good friends and he trusted him to run the shop on days when they couple could not. "I won't be long, isn't your father coming today?" He said with a hearty smile. "Have you thought of...well...Tom and....Carole?" He didn't want to rush anything but it was an idea he couldn't remove from his head.
Re: Impossible Love

The young girl smiled widely, glad that she and her husband were on the same page. Carole and Tom had seen each other in passing and rarely spoke, but no one could miss the glances that they stole at each other every once and awhile. But Carole was a grieving widow, and Emilee was afraid of pushing her mother too far.

"They still love each other," Emilee smirked, smoothing down Eva's hair, "but I'm not sure that is what either of them want. My mother will be coming by later in the afternoon, so perhaps we can all sit down and talk. Not about that... perhaps if they just spend enough time together they will realize what they are missing out on. Muti deserves to be loved the way that I know Tom loves her. I'm just unsure if she realizes it yet."

Standing from the rocking chair, Emilee placed the baby in her daddy's hands. Efron gave her a warm goodbye, blowing a raspberry on her bare belly, causing her to smile and squeek if what was probably the beginning of laughter. After he handed the child back to her mother, he placed a kiss on Emilee's lips. "This is going to be interesting."

Tom arrived just as hour after Efron had left and Emilee was glad for that. Eva was most certainly an arm baby and it made it harder to do things around the house. Sometimes she used the harness that Efron had bought her to put Eva in, strapping her to her chest, but that hurt her back and it was just most easier when there was another person around. Tom gladly took the baby and sat at the kitchen table as Emilee began to wipe down the counters and prepare a few cups of coffee. He doted on the baby and Emilee grinned at the couple. He loved Eva perhaps just as much as her mommy and daddy did.

Taking a seat at the table, Emilee smiled softly, "she's been doing so well, sleeping in her nursery and only walking up once or twice. I suppose I am glad that she took after me and not my husband, as apparently he was quite the trouble maker as a baby!"
Tom smiled back, "I wish I could have been there when you were this old, Emilee."
She shrugged and offered him a sympathetic look, "well, you're here now, and that is all that matters. No going back, only forward."
Re: Impossible Love

Efron had arrived at the coffee shop and noticed that Abbie was standing outside with Daniel. He had a newspaper in his hand and their faces seemed worried. Efron put his jacket on and exited his car. Abbie noticed and almost ran over. "Brother did you hear the news?" Her voice was shaken slightly. Efron's expression became serious. "Hear about what Abbie?" She walked him over to Daniel who stood with the paper, pointing at a certain article.

Efron began to read as Abbie spoke. "There are a group of Germans....there mean and rough. They have been lynching Jews. They say it's Hitler work they are carrying on. They are going town to town around here. I don't think they have actually been here yet, but what if they do, what if they do Efron?" "It's ok Abbie, I think the law enforcement can handle it. This town has good working officers and a great sheriff. Just stay vigilant and you'll be fine. Hector won't let anything to you. "Eforn's right Abbie, you'll be fine. There are too many people here that care about everyone that lives here, new or old." With that that group entered the shop. All while Efron told them the duties of the shop and gave them keys, the lynch mobs stuck inside Efron's mind. He was honest about what he said, but the thought of it worried him none the less. He wouldn't tell Emilee, because he didn't want her to think the town wasn't safe. Tom would surely know about this, and was visiting her now. If he thought it right to tell her, he would.
Re: Impossible Love

The two of them had been conversing pleasantly over a cup of coffee when Efron came into the house. He greeted his wife and daughter with a kiss and his father-in-law with a friendly hand shake. Whether he seemed to believe it or not, Tom fit nicely into their family dynamic. On his coffee breaks he often came into the coffee shop, talking to the couple and telling playful jokes. Emilee was happy with her decision to tell him about his unknown family; his eyes now sparkled a bit brighter and his smile was a little wider.

Carole arrived for dinner and Emilee smiled as she watched her biological mother and father converse happily. They even talked about their antics as teenagers, when they had stolen Tom's father's car and driven to a nearby town. They laughed like old friends, and Emilee shot her husband a playful but knowing smile as they prepared dinner.

She planted a discrete kiss on his shoulder and smiled sheepishly. In time everything would fall into place; as long as they kept inviting the two of them over together, Emilee knew that they would only grow closer and closer. They had loved each other from the start and were lonely; what could bring two people together better than that.

As they set out dinner, Tom slapped his son-in-law on the back, "so, when are you two getting started on a son?"
Re: Impossible Love

Efron almost choked on his drink, but laughed after. "In due time Tom, I would love a son though." Efron winked at Emilee in a playful manner. Truthfully, Efron didn't want to start on another child yet, he wanted to enjoy making love to his wife like before. This would be something he would never say at the table though. Instead he brought up today's events, which would not include the worrying news. "I think we have two very good replacements for us on the days we can't go to the shop. My sister and Denial picked up the trade rather quickly. Emilee and I have set up a balanced schedule so Eva doesn't have to grow up in a coffee shop!" Efron laughed at that and then helped his wife bring the meal over for the four.

Efron planned on pulling Tom aside, to talk about the lynching. He figured being the sheriff, and the father of Efron's wife, Tom would know how to handle telling Emilee, or whatever the group planned on.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee smiled softly at the thought of more children. Like her husband, though, she did not want to get too ahead of themselves. Eva was still just a newborn baby and they wanted to devote all of their attention to her now. All in due time though - Emilee was still young and had plenty of time to expand their family if that was what they wished.

"We all know she loves it though there," Emilee beamed as she walked past the baby, nuzzling her button nose and laughing softly when she smiled, "all the attention she gets! I honestly believe that we wouldn't get half as many customers if she wasn't there. She's like our little mascot or something."

They all talked happily over dinner, and for awhile, Emilee felt as though her parents had been together all of their lives. There was no missing the way that they briefly touched hands or feet underneath the table, or the discrete compliments that Tom paid her mother. Emilee found it endearing and figured that this was going to be the start of something brand new, but good for them all.
The two women cleaned up the meal after, hurrying the men off to another room. Emilee wanted to gossip with her mother a bit, and as soon as the men retired to the study to chat, they got to it.

"Oh muti, he is so wonderful!" Emilee grinned, wrapping her mother up in a hug, "you know the men and I will not hold it against you, if you want to pursue him again! He is such a kind man, and I can tell he still loves you profusely!"
"Oh, honey," Carole simpered lightly, "I'm nearly an old woman! What would he see in me?"
Re: Impossible Love

Efron found this a better time than ever. He showed Tom a few things around the house that he had built, mostly to soften him and it was a guy thing to do. Eventually, however, Efron felt the need to bring up the topic. "Tom, listen, I am sure you have heard the news about the mobs. There are dangerously close to here. I can't say I'm extremely worried, but there is still a chance." Tom looked at Efron with a warm expression. "You have the right to be worried, everyone who knows is. They have arrested many of the men, and their rampage is coming to an end. My men and I have strict patrols and there haven't been any sightings so far. If the time does come, God let it not, that danger comes upon us. I will make sure you, Emilee, and Eva are protected at all costs. Everyone in this town is under my protection, and I don't plan on anybody, Jew or not, to be hurt. We are all in this together."

His words brought comfort to Efron and he smiled, giving the man a firm handshake. "Should I tell Emilee? I would feel I was going against her trust if I didn't, but I don't want her to feel unsafe." Tom patted him on the back. "It's a hard decision, Efron, I don't doubt it one bit. Tell you what, don't mention it tonight. I will come by the shop when I can and keep you updated. It may be that she finds out from another source about this anyway. It's not big news but enough to make the local paper. Just take it easy, and you will be fine." The men conversed about it for a few moments longer before changing the subject to a more light topic.

"So, Efron, I am happy that my Emilee has found someone like you to marry. You remind me a lot of myself in my youth, all those years ago." Tom's words made Efron smile, but it also reminded him of his won father, and mother. They were taken away from him about seven years ago, and they could be dead for all he and Abbie knew. Efron had guessed he avoided finding them so the news, if tragic, could be avoided. "Thank you Tom, if you don't me saying, I think some of your youth was at the table tonight. I saw they way you looked at Carole." The two men laughed and continued on before Carole and Emilee, holding Eva, walked out into the living room to join the two men.
Re: Impossible Love

The group of them conversed happily for the rest of the evening, but by the time night fell, everyone was yawning and little Eva had fallen asleep. Tom offered to give Carole a ride home back to her new apartment in the city, and Emilee smiled happily when they disappeared into the car. Efron was not to close behind, and they close laughed when they realized that the car had started off into the wrong direction - towards Tom's house on the outskirts of the city rather than Carole's apartment. They jested about what the two were going to be up to tonight, and Emilee's heart felt significantly lighter. Perhaps time would mend all hearts, and Emilee was happy that her mother was beginning to put her trust back into Tom. After all, the man had never truly wronged her.

They put Eva down in the nursery after giving her a quick bath. Emilee cleaned up herself, soaking in the tub with some rose water before travelling into the bedroom in a sheer robe. Efron was laying on his side of the bed, his usual book in his hands, but upon seeing Emilee had placed it down and smiled at her.

"What's the special occasion?" he laughed, gripping the silk slash of the robe and drawing her closer.
Emilee was quick to hop onto the bed, though she hovering over him on all fours rather than claiming her side of the mattress. The robe hung loosely over her form, and she leaned in to kiss him. "If my parents are doing some hanky panky tonight, I might as well get some myself," she giggled.
Re: Impossible Love

Efron smiled and kissed her back. "Oh really?" He laughed and pulled her close to him. Efron could already fell his wife's form against his. Being as all she worse was her silk robe, Efron already had the blood flowing. He ran his hands along her sides, under her robe. Emilee's skin was soft as usual, and he missed the feeling of all of it. It was when he got to her bottom that he squeezed making her squeak lightly. Efron laughed under his breathe and pulled her into another kiss, this time letting his tongue slip into her mouth. It was nice to express this kind of love again, as it had been a few months since the had last made love, for cautionary reasons. It was unheard of to make love deep into pregnancy. Now Emilee was over two months healed, and they both were ready to return to what they loved so much before.
Re: Impossible Love

To Emilee, it felt amazing to be close to her husband again. Loving him as she did, sex came with the package. After giving birth it had been hard to be intimate but she felt more than ready; and if it hurt or she didn't like it, Emilee knew Efron would stop if she asked. It was one of the many things she loved about her husband; he was always putting her and their daughter before him, a gesture that was present from the very first day.

As Emilee slipped off her robe and straddled her husband's hip, she murmured, "this brings back a lot of memories." She recalled when he had taken her virginity back in Sete and smiled at how far they had come. There was no more awkwardness or being shy; Efron knew every crevice and fold of her heavy, as she knew his. Years of loving each other had given way for respect and need.

The young woman was quick to help her husband off with his pants and shirt and she smiled at the rippled muscles underneath. Oh, how she had missed him greatly. Maybe she was seeing through rose tinted glasses but to her, he was the epitome of handsomeness and masculinity.
His manhood was already erect and at attention, and Emilee smiled gingerly at that. She tenderly touched the base of him and murmured, "I love you, honey."
Re: Impossible Love

Efron twitched, he hadn't been touched like this in quite awhile. "I-I love you too." He said with a shaky voice. Efron took his hands and grabbed her breasts. He then grabbed her nipples, enticing her on. Efron knew what his wife liked. They had made love enough times for him to know her sexual desires inside and out. This went the same for Emilee. They both knew how to drive their partner wild. Efron pulled Emilee in for a intimate kiss, he let his tongue explore hers and he rubbed one hand along her smooth back.
Re: Impossible Love

Because of the fact that she was still breastfeeding Eva, Emilee's breasts were extra sensitive and she squealed softly as her husband pinched them gingerly. Of course he was gentle and careful, but his movements made her warm and needy nonetheless. He knew how to get her every time, another reason why Emilee loved Efron to dearly.

She sat back a little and began to jerk at the base of his shaft with her hand. He was already ready to be inside of her, but in order to prolong the moment, Emilee just stimulated him with her hands. She grinded her womanhood against his thigh as she moved, closing her eyes momentarily and savouring the moment. It was times like these when she realized just how lucky she was; as a wife and a lover, she couldn't ask for anything more.

Efron was quick to shift the position and soon Emilee was on her back. She giggled softly at his dominance, and he kissed her with a smile. He was always so loving, and as his head descended down to her belly and below, she whispered how much she loved and adored him. Once his mouth found her heated center, Emilee's face flushed and her fingers found his hair. "Oh, Ef..."
Re: Impossible Love

Efron was careful to stimulate with his fingers and tongue. He would look up to gauge reactions, which were mostly ones of pleasure. His fingers slipped into her and his tongue roamed her outer parts. His free hand traveled along her form, having the reach to cup her breasts from time to time. Efron put her legs over his shoulders, giving him the ability to give greater attention to her womanhood. "It's been too long love." Efron said with passion in his eyes. It wasn't wrong for him to contain built up lust. Love making was a big part of a relationship, and it had been far too long since they had, although the reasoning was beyond acceptable.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee had been a little afraid of how her husband would view her after giving birth to Eva. After all, she was a little wider around the hips and her breasts a little fuller. However, Efron seemed to appreciate every little tuck and fold and Emilee was once more thankful for his wonderful virtues. He kissed her womanhood like he had before, tending to her sweetly and hooking his fingers forward, causing Em to lift her hips off of the bed.

He certainly knew how to love a woman. Efron's tongue slipped against her most sensitive part, and after sucking on it briefly, he feathered kisses along her inner thigh. He was so wonderfully gentle and sweet, and Emilee found herself melting into him.

After a few minutes of his tender loving, Emilee encouraged him up to her level again. Once again they switched positions, Efron wrapped his arms around her bottom as he leaned up against the headboard. Emilee's legs wrapped around his waist and she wiggle closer to him. She bit her lip as his tip entered her, but when a big of encouragement and loving words, she managed to take him inside completely.

Emilee gradually began to rock her hips, "oh honey, I've missed y-you."
Re: Impossible Love

"I've missed you too sweetie." Efron managed to say before moaning softly. This feeling hadn't been here in forever and the both of them collectively welcomed it. Efron made sure to help his wife by pushing up on her to increase penetration. He gasped on the new found depth and moved faster, making sure to follow her movements. His hands remained on her bottom, keeping stability. "Oh god, Em, you-ah Emilee!" He moaned out as she continued rocking against him. All worries had escaped his mind and now all he focused on was pleasing his wife.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee sighed and moaned softly as she met her husband's hips with gentle thrusts. It was love making at its finest - not aggressive or rough, just two people loving one another in the best way that they knew. Efron's hands were warm and soft against her rear and Emilee relished in the feeling of him inside and around her. How they had come this long without making love she wasn't sure. Then again, their little Eva was well worth the wait.

The young wife tucked her head into Efron's shoulder, panting softly and running her hands around his solid chest. Her fingers dipped into the smooth grooves and crevices of his well muscled chest, gently pressing and touching any spot she could find.

Emilee turned her head to the side and necked his ear and neck softly, continuing to thrust against his pelvis. She whispered, "oh, Efron... I... I... I'm not going to be able to... hold on..."
Re: Impossible Love

"Its ok, enjoy it." He whispered to her. Efron wanted his wife to feel pleasure before himself. She deserved it for what she had gone through. Anything to make his wife happy would be ok to him. Efron started going deeper, but slower. It increased contact and made both of the more sensitive. Once they started faster again, the feeling of pure pleasure had doubled. "Em, baby..." He said kissing her deeply. His hands were on her back now, The position was very sensual and brought them closer than ever.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee climaxed swift, her muscles clenching around him and milking him for all that he was worth. Efron groaned at the feeling but held back, allowing her to ride out the release. His hands were soft and loving against her body, constantly shifting between her swollen breasts and back, tracing little circles and comforting her greatly. He only moved slowly, in and out, as she came down from her orgasm. He kissed her and she whispered words of love and adoration. He was her sun, moon and stars and Emilee could not imagine her life without him. He was everything to her.

After her body recovered they began to pick up speed again, and the pressure began to mount inside of her again. Emilee cried out softly, biting into his shoulder gently, trying not to wake up the baby. She could feel that Efron was building up, too, and she clenched her legs around his hips a little tighter.

"Oh, Efron, honey...," she murmured into his ear, pulling back a bit, "you... you can't... I... I just had Eva... you can't... you have to pull out..."
Re: Impossible Love

Efron slowed down at her words. "It's okay Em, I understand." He eventually stopped and the pressure began to decrease. He was more than happy to oblige. Efron brought her down to the bed beside him and slowly pulled out. Now the couple was facing each other, hard of breathe and eyes locked. Efron smiled and kissed her lips. "I love you." He whispered with a loving grin. He had his arms wrapped around her smothered her with small kisses on the cheek, lips and neck. Efron was sure they hadn't woke Eva, and smiled at this. It would be harder to really express themselves with a baby in the house. This brought the idea of having Carole babysit, should she want to , when the two wanted to either go out for a date, or have some fun at the house. It was too early yet to let this decision be made, but Efron would keep it for later.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee's breathing began to return to normal as Efron moved her to lay down beside him. She was glad that he wasn't upset to have to pull out of her. As much as she loved him and loved their new baby, Emilee knew better than to create a child so quickly again. Her body still needed time to heal and she wanted to enjoy Eva's babyhood without having to worry about another infant on the way.

The young woman allowed him to kiss her all over, and she laughed when he ripped at her collarbone and the swell of her breasts. Even in these passionate and intimate moments, they could still act silly and like children.

Of course, after all the time they had waited for this, Emilee was not about to let her husband just lay down without his own release. He needed it perhaps more than she did, and over the years that they had been together, she had learned to please him in other ways. At first she had been a little wary and embarrassed about the actions, but after they married, she became more confident and even enjoyed sharing her love with her husband.

Pressing her husband back down onto his back, Emilee shimmied down the bed. Her lips was soon to capture his sensitive head, and after being inside of her, it pulsated with need and the beginning of release.