Impossible Love (Completed)

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Re: Impossible Love

Efron smiled, "My sister will as well, she loves children. Oh! Imagine little Hector and Eva playing!" Efron was swarmed with different ideas and his face could not help but crack a big grin. He kissed Emilee and the two sat and talked as little Eva fed. When she was sufficed, they laid her to bed again and the two cuddled once more for the remainder of the night.

The next day came along and the couple were up eagerly. Emilee had rested enough to be active enough to walk around the house, but more importantly tend to her little girl. Efron was making breakfast and fixing a broken chair. He didn't mind taking on a few more responsibilities that Emilee had to abandon for Eva. He to, however, had to tend to his daughter as well. They had set up a working system which was guaranteed the least amount of stress as possible.
Re: Impossible Love

Eva was already such a sweet little baby. She hadn't fussed much during the night, and when she did, all she required a slow rock or a quick feeding to put her right back into sleep. Emilee felt so very blessed to have such a well behaved child, though she knew that the next few months would bring both challenges and joy.

As afternoon donned, Emilee called her mother and told her the joyous news. The woman screamed excited over the phone before telling her daughter that she'd get Harry, the only one left of her children still living at home, to drive her over. Abbie was next and she had a very similar reaction. She too would come by soon, along with apparently a few gifts she had acquired for the new member of the family.

After putting the telephone down, Emilee bundled Eva up in a small recieving blanket and brought her to the kitchen. The room smelled like a mix of bacon and wood varnish, and Emilee smiled as she took a seat in one of the dining room chairs. Her husband doted on her hand and foot and Emilee laughed at his silly antics as he topped off her cup of tea with some milk and make sure that she was comfortable holding their daughter.

Around noon Carole arrived and just a little bit later, Abbie and Hector did as well. The two women fawned over the new baby, adorning her tiny fingers and toes with kisses. Abbie presented them with a sweet jumper and dress, claiming she had suspected a girl all this time. Emilee accepted them graciously with a hug and neatly folded them on the coffee table. The two women were completely smitten with Eva, as though they had never seen a baby before! Emilee laughed at them though and gladly let them hold her. Efron, who had come to sit beside her on the love seat, wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Emilee rested her cheek against his shoulder, feeling exhaustion set in. The doctor had suggested she not get out of bed for a week, but Emilee had found it absurd. Now, she supposed, she was seeing why he had said that. The young woman laughed nonetheless, "at this rate we'll never get to hold her again! And did you see the stuffed toys and outfits Abbie brought? She's going to one well dressed newborn!"
Re: Impossible Love

"My sister always was a fashion freak!" He laughed as Abbie nudged him. It was great to have family over to see Eva. Efron was proud to show her off. Sure it was a bit arrogant, but any father would be with their new child. Eva was something special he could tell. She would grow up with the morals taught to her by her mother and father.

Abbie and Hector were first to leave, having plans to go see a movie. Carole stayed over and talked to Emilee about Eva. She brought stories up about little Emilee which made her blush and Efron laugh. "I was a little trouble maker to, just don't let Abbie tell you any stories!" Efron held Eva while the three talked. He loved looking into her little face with the big blue eyes. They reminded him so much of his beautiful wife's.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee smiled softly and laughed at all the stories her mother told. Her favorite was the one where she had threatened to leave home when they had gotten into an argument. She had been ten at the time and packed a small plastic suitcase with a pair of shorts and an apple. She had made it down the driveway before sobbing and running back into the house.

As night descended, Emilee's thoughts began to wander. Her mother was clearly in a joyous mood, happy to have such a beautiful new grand daughter. But Emilee knew that there was someone else out there that deserved this feeling, too. After all, he was perhaps just as much to Eva as Emilee's mother was.

"Muti?" Emilee asked softly. Her mother inclined her head and nodded slightly. Emilee breathed in slightly and looked down at her endearing daughter, now fast asleep in daddy's arms. This was for her.
"We... we encountered... the Sheriff. Sheriff Tom Schmidt, when Wolfe came to the coffee shop..." she whispered, looking downwards, "he... he seemed... off. Is... is he... you know?" She cocked a brow carefully, looking shyly at her mother.
Re: Impossible Love

Efron became silent, as did the room. The only noises were coming from Eva, little squeaks and coos. Carole did not look upset, but rather blank. Efron couldn't get a read on the situation. He wasn't sure if Carole would be upset to admit it, or afraid. He sat waiting for the answer, with the hope that by the end of the conversation, no person there would feel upset. It was a time to enjoy life, and the addition of the possible father would make it all the better.

(Sorry it's short, didn't want to take the part of Carole, not sure if you have a story or what not :P)
Re: Impossible Love

(No problem! :))

Carole looked between the baby and Emilee, clearly distraught. Her painted lips pursed slightly and she wrung her hands a few times before opening her mouth. Emilee could only pray that her mother would tell the truth - she knew that Carole was not proud of her affair, but Emilee would never hold it against her. After all, she was here because of it and so was her precious daughter. What did she have to hold against her, anyways?

Slowly, she nodded her head, "I am seen him too, especially when Wolfe got into trouble. I think he always knew that... well, that you were not Wolfe's child."

The older woman leaned back against the couch and folded her hands neatly in her lap. She closed her eyes for a moment and then with a sigh told them, "Tom Schmidt is your father, honey. He and I were lovers in high school, and for a brief time, while your father and I were married. It is no secret that he and I had issues in our marriage, and I suppose that I never stopped loving him. And when you were born, and those eyes..."
Emilee nodded her head, knowing well enough that she and Tom shared the same eye colour. It had led her to suspect his paternity in the beginning.
Standing from the love seat, Emilee crossed the room and wrapped her mother up in a hug, "oh mother, it's never too late! I am so thankful you have told me. He is such a kind man, and like you said, I think he suspects it, too. And now he has a granddaughter that I am sure he would love to meet..."
Re: Impossible Love

"That sounds good to me, if it is agreed of course." Efron didn't want to interfere too much. Although Eva was a part of it, it was really between Carole, Tom, and Emilee. He sat and listened to them discuss, holding his own piece. Efron took the time to play with Eva, making funny faces and tickling her. She let out little shrieks since laughing wasn't really a cognitive function yet. He smiled anyway.
Re: Impossible Love

Naturally, Carole was apprehensive at first. But Emilee knew that they would trust this man; he was so kind, and the older woman had even just admitted that she'd ever truly fallen out of love with him. It might have been wishful thinking but with Wolfe expired and the new baby, perhaps they could bring Tom into the baby. At the very least, Emilee figured he would like to know that he had a granddaughter, his flesh and blood.

As night began to don Carole was picked up and brought home. Still exhausted from giving birth, Emilee went upstairs with the baby. She was just guiding Eva to her breast when Efron walked in, a small plate of cheese and crackers in his hand. He smiled at the scene before him before putting the tray on the nightstand and coming to enjoy the sweet moment between his wife and daughter.

Emilee stroked her head and smiled eagerly as she began to suckle, "I think she deserves to know her grandfather, as does Tom deserve to know she exists. I mean, family is too precious to just... forget like that." After all, Eva would never know an entire half of her family, as Efron's family had been ripped away by the Germans. The thought saddened Emilee and she wanted to give Eva everything she could.
Re: Impossible Love

"I couldn't agree more Em. If I've learned anything in my life it's that family is the most important thing you can have. Just knowing that all my family is close to me brings me such comfort. Especially since I'm looking at my two most precious gifts to my world." He leaned in and kissed her sweetly. Efron picked up a book he had started up a few months ago and read quietly as their daughter fed. It was a tranquil moment and Efron mentally smiled at the fact it would be one of very few. He was surprised at how well behaved his daughter was for only being a day old. She only cried when she needed something and when it was given to her with love, she understood it and was happy.

Efron glanced over at little Eva who was the spitting image of her mother. "I'm glad she has her mother's looks. You're my better half you know." He said, laughing.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee laughed and smiled at that. She had to admit that Eva did look more like her than her father but then again she was a girl and that was what usually happened. She had the dark blue eyes though and fine misting of brown hair on top of her head. Her freckles were her favourite youth and Emilee hoped that they would spread as she grew older.

Adter she was done feeding Emilee swaddled the baby in one of her little pink blankets and held her close against her chest. She was so warm and soft almost like a teddy near. Her mother couldn't wait to see her thrive and grow in the coming months and years. Already it seemed her eyes were getting better and she looked like she looking at them.
Leaning over emilee rested her cheek on her husbands shoulder. "Dont worry honey, well have a little boy someday that will look just like you." It might have been early to be talking about more children but Emilee enjoyed the idea of a big family.

She playfully nuzzled Eva's nose. "You'd make such a good big sister too angel! You would like that wouldn't you?!" the baby spit and smiled laughed taking that as a yes.
Re: Impossible Love

Efron smiled at the thought of a fuller family. Having a son would be great, but for now he was more than happy with a daughter, little Eva. The three went to sleep eventually. As expected, Eva woke at random times during night, and the couple would either take turns tending or do it as a couple. It was a great system that let them remain happy and kept their little girl satisfied as well.

The next day's agenda was to contact Tom, to bring him into their lives enough so they could get a bearing, and so he could see his grandchild like he every right to. Efron had awoke first and Eva was shortly after. Efron took her to the nursery and changed her, also cleaning her up. He let Emilee get as much sleep as she possibly could. It wouldn't take long for her to be back on her feet like normal, but the more sleep the better for her.
Re: Impossible Love

By nine Emilee had awoken and she slowly travelled downstairs to find her husband and daughter. She smiled lightly as she leaned against the doorway to the kitchen, watching the couple for a moment. Efron had Eva in his lap and he was making funny faces at her. The little baby gurgled and split; she didn't seem to understand what her father was doing but it was an endearing scene nonetheless.

When she made her presence know, Efron stole a kiss and then began to make their breakfast as Emilee adjusted Eva against her breast. There was something so magical about feeding her daughter, and Emilee smiled, stroking the baby's hair as she greedily sucked for more.

It took them a little while to get all of their things packed up but soon the small family was making their way into town. They would be meeting Tom at the Sheriff's office at a time when they hoped he would be there. Emilee was sure to dress the baby in the cutest dress she could mind; she knew that Eva was going to steal the man's heart, anyways. She had already captured the love of so many people.

"Knock knock," Efron laughed as they entered the office. Tom was sitting at a desk in the corner and one of his coworkers was nearby. He cocked a brow at the couple entering but his expression soon became a kind smile when he noticed the child in Emilee's arms. "Oh, hello..." he murmured.
Re: Impossible Love

Efron smiled his best. "Sheriff, Tom, it's nice to see you again. Uhm, well..." At that point Efron let Emilee take the floor. He believed it was her right to introduce herself formally and his granddaughter. Efron took to the side and let his wife and child come closer to Tom. Tom had signaled his officer to exited the room, and removed the reading glasses he was wearing, setting them down to the desk. He kept a straight face, but it wasn't one of negative emotion. It was if he was willing to hear anything she had to say.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee's heart pounded against the wall of her chest but she knew that this was something she had to do. It was apparent by the man's dark hair and baby blue eyes that he was her father and grandfather to her baby girl. His eyes implored her for a moment and he took a step forward. Emilee held the baby a little closer to her body, stroking her hair comfortingly.

"I am sure you know what I am going to say," she murmured, smiling sheepishly, "I can see in it your eyes, especially when you first came to the shop. I... my mother verified it." Emilee nodded her head a few times as she spoke. It was hard to say the actual words, and though she knew that Tom would do no such thing, she feared he would run.
Emilee cleared her throat a bit, "my muter said that well... that you were my biological father."

For a long moment, Tom just stared at Emilee. His eyes implored hers, searching for deception or a joke. Emilee reflected no such thing bad, just genuine love and the slightest amount of fear. There was no telling if Tom would take well to having a daughter and grandchild. It was no secret he had no children or wife, so perhaps he did not like the idea.

All thoughts left Emilee though when the man leaned forward and wrapped her up in a gentle hug. She swore she had seen tears in his eyes, but he sniffed the away before he pulled back again. Eva began to coo in between them and Emilee laughed softly, pulling her blanket away to reveal her tiny, rounded cherub face. She smiled softly, "And well, since we are a package deal, this... this is Eva, your granddaughter."
Re: Impossible Love

Efron was pleased with the outcome. Tom now shared a smile that was full of emotions. It was nice to see that Emilee had found get real father. A father who would care for her, and not abuse her or the family. Efron didn't like to imagine it, but he figured Tom was a lonely man. Perhaps the spark still remained for Carole. It would be wonderful to have them together again, although that would be in due time. For now Efron watched as father and daughter were one for the first time since she had been born.
Re: Impossible Love

There was no stopping the tears in Emilee's own eyes as Tom, her father, wrapped her again in another hug. It was apparent that he had suspected her paternity all along but the confession seemed to have them both shocked and emotional. Above all else though, Emilee was thankful that she was being given this beautiful gift. As she had stated before, Tom deserved to know his blood and meet his new granddaughter.

Speaking of Eva, she gurgled and spit in between them as they hugged. Tom laughed faintly at that and as they separated, he hoisted the tiny baby from her mother's arms. Seeing him hold the tiny child against his broad chest and coo to her made Emilee smile softly. Tom would have made a wonderful father to her, much better than Wolfe had ever seen. She was saddened by the fact that he'd never get to raise her, but knew that Eva and her grandfather would share a bond that he and his daughter had never gotten the chance to form.

"She's beautiful," he grinned, stroking her tiny cheek.
Emilee smiled broadly and leaned into her husband, who was now by her side. Efron wrapped an arm around her waist and squeezed gently, a silent gesture of appreciation and relief. "She is only a couple of days old, but we wanted you to meet her as soon as possible."
Tom looked up with tears in his eyes, "thank you for giving me this wonderful gift."
Re: Impossible Love

The next hour was spent in the office, talking about various things. It would be impossible to talk about everything Emilee wanted to, and even Efron, but they got what they could and felt was needed to. Tom had to return to work, but promised to visit them at their house whenever he could to continue talk. It was a great time they had there and Efron knew Emilee would be anxious for the next opportunity to speak with her father, her real father.

The three walked to the car and made their way to their house. It was around noon so the couple decided to make a small lunch. Efron started it while Emilee fed Eva. After she was finished, Emilee set Eva up in a mobile bassinet they had gotten in a store. Eva was laid next to the table and Emilee helped Efron finish up the preparation of the meal. Efron kissed and played around with Emilee as they made the food. He was in a good mood and it showed.
Re: Impossible Love

"Ef!" Emilee laughed, playfully hitting his thigh with her hip as he tried to tickle her. He was certainly a silly fool, but Emilee could have never asked for a better man to be married and starting a family with. Everyday she thanked God for what he had done for her; given her a second chance at life and at a wonderful future. She knew that she would love this man forever, and the thought made her heart swell.

Abandoning the grilled cheese sandwich she had on the stove, Emilee turned to her husband and wrapped her slender arms around him. He was thick and muscular, but so wonderfully familiar and safe to her. Throughout it all, she knew he would protect and love her.
Efron smiled at her sudden affection, pressing a hand against the small of her back and drawing her closer. Their lips met, and lunch was soon forgotten. When they parted, Emilee grinned sheepishly, "it is amazing to think how many wonderful things we have ahead. All the torture, the sadness... it's all worth it. We are so very blessed to have a second chance. It's hard to forget where we've come from, but at the same time, the apartment in Sete and even Wolfe's coffee shop seem like thousands of years ago. I can't wait to move forward though, and love you forever." Her cheeks turned pink and she kissed him again, this time on the nose and then against his lips.
Re: Impossible Love

"We make a good team, you and I." He smiled after she kissed him. They ate what they could but soon cleaned up. Eva was cooing and making small noises. Emilee went over and played with her, making faces and talking sweetly to her. Efron soon joined and then took their little girl into the living room. There they listened to the radio and played with Eva. She wasn't able to crawl yet, so the two took turns holding her in their laps. They sat on the floor, laughing and smiling at their daughter's adorableness. She was a gift to them both and they couldn't be happier.
Re: Impossible Love

Emilee smiled at the father and daughter pair as Efron laid on the floor, the baby resting against his chest. There was no safer place for Eva, Emilee knew... her daddy would be her guardian, the one that protected her from all dangers and made sure that she was always safe.
By the time ten o'clock rolled around Eva finally drifted to sleep, her little eyes closing and her chest falling and rising in rhythm. Efron offered to take her upstairs to change her, and Emilee obligated before cleaning up and heading up herself. They settled perfectly into bed, Eva safely tucked into her bassinet at the foot of it, the young couple holding each other as they drifted off into a dream world.

~ ~ ~

"Ef, honey! Honey, come here!" Emilee shrieked.
Her husband was soon to bustle into the room, his shirt only half on and his eyes wide as though asking 'where's the fire?'. He found his wife sitting in the rocking chair by the window, Eva's little body in her lap. Considering it was a hot fall day, she wore only a diaper. Now at two months old, Eva was blooming into a fine little girl. Her eyes were wide and blue, and those freckles that Emilee loved continued to spread.
"She did it again!" Emilee grinned down the baby.
Efron reached her side and caught the adorable smile of his daughter. Eva had just started smiling a week ago, and every time she did it, Emilee shrieked like it was the first time. She laughed at the baby and leaned in, kissing her cheek.

"Oh wait until grandma and grandpa see that smile, kitten!" Emilee grinned, "they're going to fawn all over you."