Imperial Academy: The King's Game [Sign-Ups & OC Thread]

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I should make a boy....
If you think you could manage to handle them both, you totally should!
I love your writing style. :O

Besides, it would give someone for Eva to harrass...

Speaking of that, I have to go to piano lessons now, but I'll be posting again when I get back and trying to get in on some of this action. :D
If you think you could manage to handle them both, you totally should!
I love your writing style. :O

Besides, it would give someone for Eva to harrass...

Speaking of that, I have to go to piano lessons now, but I'll be posting again when I get back and trying to get in on some of this action. :D


I'll think about it
I think everyone has a male to harass now. Liz has Richie, Lili has Phineas, and Eva may have a new charrie if you make one (Or she may try Andrew, but we can all hope that doesn't happen).
I feel like it's unfortunate that Magnus is un-harrasable. XP

Ah well, maybe I'll just work on my new male and send Magnus off to sulk with some other boys.
((White uniform pls??:3))


"Call me Casanova, Kultaseni."

Personal Details

Name of Student

"...oh I'm sorry...I got distracted by your beautiful eyes...Call me Sebastion... or anything you wish...Bassie is something common in the school...or Sebby. Whichever makes you happy."

"Age is nothing but a number...does it really matter?"


Date of Birth
December 13th

Place of Birth
"My pride and joy."
Helsinki, Finland

Blood Type


History/Personal Background

Since the Academy's opening, the Faust family has been attending, becoming one of the school's biggest private contributors. The family is large in a number of things, economy, politics, and humanitarian alike, its biggest assets being the Faust Airlines, the Faust Hotel chain, as well as the Faust charity for African Children.

grew up in this family of superior beings, his Elder brother a 2 time Olympic Champion, his Elder sister now head of the Faust Family charity, doing humanitarian work throughout Uganda, Nigeria, and Somalia, and his two younger siblings already being recognized for their academic merit....being the middle child is tough.

Not to say that Sebastion does not share his own achievements. Sebastion is known as a child protege in the musical world, mastering a wide range of instruments in his 17 years of life, including, but not limited to: Piano, Oboe, Saxophone, Violin, Drums, and the Ukulele. He is also a pro in the athletics, playing lacrosse, water polo, skiing, and rugby.

Sebastion joined his family's legacy at Imperial Academy about 6 years ago, working way up through the chain and securing his place at the top. Not to day that he does not mind sprinkling the wealth among the common people...for something in return.



Upon first meeting, Sebastion comes off as cool and collected with a natural flirty side. He is honest, but tactful in his speech, disliking to horribly offend those around him. He loves a good challenge, his family teaching him well that competition his good for the soul. He does not like to stand idle, many people believing he has ADHD because of his inability to stand still.

He is quite the show off, loving to showcase his many talents to those around him, not necessarily to gloat, but he can have a habit of bragging at times...who would question him, though?

He is very charismatic, oozing confidence as if it was leaking from every pore of his body;however, he is not prideful. He can be slightly humble whem he chooses to be, be it to impress someone around him. He is a smooth talker, able to talk his way out of most trouble he finds himself in...or simply just smiling...innocent. manipulation is, like everyone else here, not below him.

He is a romantic, able to fall in love hard. He is undoubtably loyal, his friends always having his companionship and support in all parts of his life. He never breaks promises, and never makes ones he does not intend to keep, giving him a hint of chivalry that many boys his ages has yet to earn. A model citizen, the IA Adonis, Sebastion.



Chestnut brown

Eye colour
Ocean blue with flecks of green


189 lbs; all muscle lol

Skin tone
Peachy Caucasian; healthy glow

Special Facial Features
A small birthmark on his right shoulder.



Father's Name: Victor Faust
Occupation: entrepreneur, humanitarian, politics

Mother's Name: Mia Faust
Occupation: entrepreneur, humanitarian

No. Of Siblings: 4


Other Information

|| winning ||
|| competition ||
|| meeting new people ||
|| making a good impression ||
|| music ||
|| dancing ||
|| Romance ||
|| girls ||
|| achievement ||
|| sports ||


|| sore losers ||
|| cheaters ||
|| rudeness ||
|| being ignored ||
|| being embarrassed ||
|| foul play ||
|| Being cold ||
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Say hello to Mr.Adonis o v o

Every academy needs one lol


James Elliot Grayson
"My friends call me 'Jay' though, mostly."

Age: 17yrs
"You would have thought that by senior year I'd be able to sign my own permission slips"

Sex: Male
"Look, just because I'm a gymnast doesn't mean I'm a chick."

Date of Birth: January 10th
"Apparently Capricorns 'exude strength and endurance'.... I think that fits"

Place of Birth: Seattle, Washington
"Oh yes, you'd better believe I know my coffee."

Blood Type: B+
"Why does this matter?"


James has a rather star-studded pedigree. His father was the head of an innovative medical/pharmaceutical research company and his mother captured the hearts of millions in her youth when she one several gold medals for Canada in Olympic figure skating (during two consecutive winter Olympics). James and his younger brother Casper were raised in a very warm but very demanding household. Both James's parents believed firmly in cultivating talent through discipline and so from a young age James recieved the best tutors to expand his gifts. Particularly, James had a knack for athletic pursuits where he was particularly drawn to martial arts and gymnastics.

Tragedy struck, however, when James was nine years old. Unbeknownst to young James, his fathers company had been targeted for some time by certain advocacy groups because of their research. The attacker approached the young family as they were leaving a production of the Nutcracker Ballet (a family tradition). For a moment, Ben Grayson attempted to talk down the man but when he drew a gun he ordered his wife and sons to run. Two shots were fired. Mr. Grayson died on the scene and Mrs. Grayson would die that night in a nearby hospital.

If James was heartbroken, he didn't show it. Instead he channeled all his energies into his many hobbies and into protecting his little brother Casper (who always had a knack for trouble). The two boys went to live with a distant uncle Marcus Snow, an alumnus of Imperial Academy. Although Marcus cares for the boys, parenting is something he neither good at or enjoys. James started attending Imperial Academy whe he was 10 years old, and has been there ever since.

To date, James continues to study martial arts and gymnastics. Because of his athelticism, James is often branded as a "dumb jock" however, he tends to do very well in his classes and is diligent in completing coursework. His friendly nature and tendency to befriend younger students has made him a favorite among students and teachers however, not everyone things so highley of him. James has been playing the Kings game since he began attending the academy however in recent years he's grown disillusioned with the Kings cruelty towards people he doesn't like. Last years escapades were a sort of "tipping point" for James and although he still plays the game (in part because of his competivness, in part to stay informed) he has a certain bone to pick with the King himself. James has an idea that he can find out who the King is and, in an act of vigilante justice typical for his character, that he can dethrone him.


James's personality seems to be a bizarre mix of intensity and carelessness but for the most part the carelessness is feigned. To the casual observer, James is fun-loving and outgoing. He's friendly, has a quick sense of humor and tends to stand up for the little guy at Imperial academy. He's very natural in social situations, although he can occasionally be more introverted. In contrast to this persona, James is incredily disciplined. He is fiercely competitive and pride my be his greatest vice. He has a strong sense of honor and see's himself as a sort of white knight, fighting for the oppressed. Many people find this endearing but others may find it irksome.... or even threatening.



Hair: Deep Brown
Eye colour: Gray Blue
Height: 6ft Even
Weight: 140lbs
James is lean but muscular. Although he's very friendly, his size and physique allows Jay to be plenty intimidating when he wants to be.
Skin tone: Medium White
Special Facial Features: A small scar to the side of his right eye, barely visible.


Father's Name: Dominic Grayson (Deceased)
Occupation: CEO of a major phramecuital company.
Mother's Name: Diana Grayson
Occupation: Figure Skater
No. Of Siblings: 1 Younger Brother, Casper Grayson

Other Information: James younger brother, Casper, is a student at Imperial Academy. If anyone wants to play Casper they are more than welcome, and if not he'll either just be background or an occasional NPC played by me.​
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Oh dear, James and Sebastian are somewhat similar arn't they. XD

Maybe they can be friends.
I can't help but wonder, what would happen if some of the girl students turned out to be LGBT? XD
Oh dear, James and Sebastian are somewhat similar arn't they. XD

Maybe they can be friends.
Healthly competition in athletics Soo besties for lyfe LOL.

James has been at the school longer. Sebastian came about six years ago
Do it LOL. It would be fun
Oh don't worry, it is a VERY VERY VERY rare occurrence for me to play a completely straight character, almost never heard of if one of my Charries is female...

This may be a slight problem...
They are too alike in appearance if feel..
Ehh well nvm...they might be okay lol

I was just about to post but I thought I'd ask your permission first.
Since Phineas is rather poor in awkward social issues I was going to have him send a text to Magnus for help. However, I'm not certain if you'd want Magnus to be friends with Phinny or not xP

I was just kind of trying to think of someone and I remembered that Magnus is out sulking somewhere xD

I was just about to post but I thought I'd ask your permission first.
Since Phineas is rather poor in awkward social issues I was going to have him send a text to Magnus for help. However, I'm not certain if you'd want Magnus to be friends with Phinny or not xP

I was just kind of trying to think of someone and I remembered that Magnus is out sulking somewhere xD
Long lost twins!
Adoption? Idk about that LOL. I think they will be okay...they don't look to much alike and the personalities are different I suppose. We will just have to wait and see what Un Coin says
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