Ignorance Is Bliss

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Original poster
Rp with @starrysky

Another fairly annoying morning at school, the thought of this being the last year drifting through his mind. 'Just power through it, it's almost done' repeated like a broken record in his head, followed by the gut wrenching realization that he had no plan for his meaningless future. Soon, the careless, apathetic behavior came through with a yawn. This was no time to question existence, of course, any other time but now. The math teacher had gotten mad after he left his homework in his mess of a locker, this didn't happen often but that didn't seem to matter to the teachers anger issues.

With sudden loud noises, Declan opened his locker and dug through the menacing amount of shit and papers piled up at the bottom of it. He couldn't even remember what he was looking for since he never wrote the date on anything but once some text books and binders fell out, he realized that he never even did the homework assigned. Swiftly, he tossed it all back inside and shoved the door closed, lock clicking loudly throughout the dead hallways- well mostly dead. Someone could be heard crying in the washrooms and weird history video played from an open classroom, something about how our opinions matter.

A hefty scoff escaped him while turning back the other way. He could hear the laces to his shoes hitting each other and assumed he should tie them before he fell flat on his face like any other time.

Of course, just as Declan was about to stop, he tripped.

Almost right onto his face.

"Ugh." As he was dusting off his plaid shirt, footsteps approached him and he assumed it was a staff member about to ask if he was okay...or yell at him to get back to class.

"Are you alright?" A shy voice spoke behind Declan, offering a hand to help him up.

The girl had long blonde hair, so blonde and so long it almost seemed fake. Yet that wasn't the strangest part of her. You couldn't miss her, not even Declan's selective sight could. Her clothes were pink and frilly, overly done, boots that reached her knees, thigh highs that-

"Hey?" She was waiting for a response, deep blue eyes staring into his empty soul.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Refusing her hand, he quickly tied both laces and stood up, ready to walk back to class.
"I'm Mallory." It was as if going ignored didn't even bother her. She kept staring, waiting for some kind of response from his confused glare.
"Oh, uh..." Just before he could say more, a few people in the hall snickered loudly at them, well, probably Mallory if anything. "Declan." He scrambled to make more sense. "I-I'm Declan."

The smile on Mallory's face went wide but kept its innocent charm. "I'm new here, do you think you could show a cute girl like me around?"

"No....." Declan trailed off, "Uhh...I'm in the middle of class...."

"Oh! So at lunch then?" Exclaimed Mallory, bringing her hands together at her chest with a small hop.


Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Zoey walking down the hall and they locked eyes.....
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Art class first period was awesome. Drawing whatever you wanted in a room filled with passionate, creative people... Except that for Zoey, early mornings were not her favourite. Especially after staying up late catching up on new anime episodes. Her head laid on her desk, with the feeling of cheap sketchbook paper beneath her forehead.

"Zoey..." Whispered a blonde haired girl from behind her. She poked Zoey's side.

"What....?" She groaned, lifting her head up.

"Have anything to add to the discussion?" The teacher held a stern gaze with Zoey from across the room.

"Oh- Um.." She frantically looked around, rubbing her eyes. Maybe a walk will wake her up.. "Can I go to my locker? I forgot my pencil case."

The teacher nodded and told her to hurry back. Zoey then sprung out of her chair, and skipped out the door.

Hallways during class were so eerily quiet and empty. It always felt like a monster was going to leap out at her. It wasn't a monster this time, but her heart felt like it was going to burst. Distant chatter became closer as she walked towards the end of the hall. A black haired boy seemed to be talking to a cute, overly dressed girl.

Wait a second..Is that!?!

Declan..!! Zoey was just about to yell out his name and come running, but decided to stay curiously watching from behind a wall. She wondered why he was talking to this girl. She looked really interested in him too. Zoey felt her chest grow heavy. She just really.. admired Declan, and didn't like when other girls came close to him. With her head hung low, she walked back to class..
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No, no, no....Zoey come back!?

Declans eyes frantically darted back to the stranger in front of him and scowled a bit, still confused at what was going on. He fell and hit his head finally, didn't he? This was the afterlife; oddly dressed females that won't leave you alone. Maybe dying wasn't a good thing after all.

Mallory stood, waiting for the brain dead boy to answer her demand, so far he seemed pretty useless in all the departments, especially brain space, then again the hungry eyes of the try hard emo that was hiding down the hall, told her otherwise.
"Earth to Declan?...Hello?" Waving a small hand in front of his perplexed face, Mallory decided to have a bit of fun with the girl who earlier had lingering eyes. Long eyelashes batted up and down, almost hitting her eyebrows and cheeks. "You...smell...really nice..."
Bejeweled nails lifted his chin up slightly and slid down his neck, away. "See you at lunch." Slowly, but surely her kitten heeled boots got further and further away from him.

A large exhale of air, the sound of breath being held for over a minute filled the hallway, along with the sound of Declans back hitting the lockers behind him. The locks rattled loudly while he found air again, fighting off the blush gathered at his cheeks.

"Declan Fairbanks please come to the office."

How long had he been out of class?!?!?!
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Sniffles and squeaky footsteps from cheap shoes were heard down the hallways of the school. Zoey was trying her best not to cry. After all, it wasn't really a big deal, right? She knows how different Declan acts around her.. But what if he was dating that girl?

"Who'll I have if he leaves?"
She thought to herself. Eyes started watering even more. "No, no, no, that's enough Zoey."

Her spinning thoughts were interuppted when Declan's name was announced to the office. Must've been late to class. Or did that girl do something to him? Zoey gave out a deep sigh, dismissing any bothersome thoughts.

After turning the last corner to get back to art class, she was met with the overly dressed girl from earlier, nearly bumping into her.

"Oh, uh sorry.." Mumbled teary eyed Zoey. Damn she really looks freaky deaky from up close.
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"Declan, please take a seat, the teacher wants you to speak with the principal as soon as he comes back from the photocopier." The secretary gestured to three chairs lined against the wall near an office. She didn't even look away from her computer monitor or skip a beat while chewing her gum vigorously.

"Okay.." He sat down and rested his head in a hand. If it were any other time he would have already fallen asleep but he was too hellbent on what just happened. Softly, Declan's other hand brushed where Mallory had touched and shivered to himself in disgust.

Mallory was too busy taking in the drab walls of the school to notice the girl from earlier coming around a corner.
"Oh, look who we have here." She smiled sweetly with the intoxicating smell of bubblegum and cotton candy oozing from her being. "Did you want to join in on the conversation earlier, or were you too busy eavesdropping?" Her hand reached out to toy with Zoey's black hair hanging at her sides. "Was that cutie your boyfriend perhaps?" Before letting Zoey get a word in, Mallory let go of the hair in her hand and began walking off.

"I see, his taste in girls is along those lines, huh?"
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Zoey stood there, eyes gazed downwards. The smell of cottoncandy and bubble gum reminded her so much of herself. It was disgusting. To be so similar to a girl who was more like a cute, decieving freak-show.. Zoey didn't even want to look in her eyes. On top of it all, she seemed like she wanted to steal Declan from her. But why? He's nothing more than an emotionless, sad kid who has a little bit of heart left to show affection to his friends..And Zoey. It was nice..To think that out of everyone in the world—

Wait, b-boyfriend!? And why was this girl touching her hair? She doesn't even know how hard it is to get long bangs like Zoey's to stay in place. There were too many questions to be asked, but before her quiet voice had a chance to speak up, she was gone.

"Declan doesn't like weirdos like you." Zoey mumbled, while she fixed her hair.
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"I understand you have a...troubled past, so your teacher wanted me to check in on you if anything..."

It seemed like the principal wasn't going to shut up and Declan could feel his eye beginning to twitch at his words. The nerve of this guy..."But of course, you can't be dawdling in the hallways, disrupting other students and not finishing homework. If it continues we might have to move you into different classes."
Despite Declan being on the verge of both vomiting and yelling from his words, he did neither and took a quiet breathe.

"It'll be better from now on." A small nod, and they were both on their way. "This was pointless..." He muttered under his breath and walked out into the hallway again, back to math class, already forgetting about what happened earlier. The principal pissed him off too much.


"AND DON'T FORGET TO READ PAGES 87-95 FOR HOMEWORK!!!" The teacher screamed at the students as they all left at the bell, most of them laughing among themselves about how they aren't going to do it. Declan raised his head from his desk and scrambled to collect his binder after waking. Of course he fell asleep in class...it was like...12pm? Who is even awake by choice before 4pm? While his vision adjusted to the lighting in the hallway, Teague ran up next to him as usual.

"Dude! I hate history class, who even cares about all this. My teacher was in such a bad mood today and we got a weird new student in the class. She's like some special snowflake and was even wearing heels." They both stopped at Declans locker while he put his things away in silence. Some lined paper fell out but he just left them on the floor and closed it.
"Anyway, this is for you." Teague passed him a large red lolipop. "I stopped at the corner store before school for an energy drink."

Declan took it without hesitation, unwrapping it and sticking it in his mouth. "Thanks." With a large sigh, he shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. "Yeah, I met her already."
"What!?" His tall friend definitely seemed engrossed as they walked to the hallway they met Zoey at every lunch. Declan told him all about it in exhaustion as they waited for her.
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Writing fan fiction all English class when there's a big assignment due in a few days is maybe not the best idea. Who can focus on actual work when there's a weird girl latching—

"Okay. That's enough Zoey. You're going to see him at lunch today and.. Let's just start the day over again." She thought to herself, doodling hearts and cats on the margins of her flimsy notebook.

The bell had rung, so Zoey threw her cat-eared pink backpack over her shoulder and walked through the busy hallways to meet up with her friends. People seemed to love to stare and whisper as she walked by. What was so wrong and weird about her? Zoey kept her head down, watching her pink sparkly converse pace down the hall.

"DECLAAAAN~!" She ran toward her two friends, shamefully holding her bangs down infront of her eye. "What are you guys talking about?"
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"Damn, that sounds like a wild time." Teague snickered to himself while reaching for his phone out of his leather jacket pocket over atop his band t-shirt. "And its only noon." He didn't think much about his friends run in with the new girl, as if anyone other than Zoey would wanna bother with Declan.

Speaking of Zoey, an unmistakable voice called from down the hall, sprinting toward them with sunshine bursting from each step. It was her. Declan gave a little wave while remaining in silence. Teague smiled and answered her question.
"Oh, just talking about the day so far." He looked over to Declan who already had his head down, eyes closed while standing. Geez...he seemed more tired than usual. While looking back to Zoey, he shrugged their tired friends behavior off and placed his phone away.

"Declan? Are these your friends?" It almost seemed like Mallory appeared out of nowhere from behind them, Declan's eyes opening the widest they had been in years. She was rocking back and forth on her feet with her hands behind her back. "Are you going to show me around? This place is pretty big. I got lost like twice. Do you have that weird math teacher too?" It felt like her eyes were getting bigger and face getting closer each second until he finally cracked.
"U-Uh...I..I gotta go to the washroom, be right back." Suddenly, he quickly took off, leaving Teague and Zoey with Mallory.

"Wow." Was all Teague could manage to say.
"Oh.." Declan must've told him about that girl. She wondered what Teague thought about her. "That's cool~" Zoey was pretty transparent with hiding her emotions, but smiled in return anyway.

While being too wrapped up in her thoughts as always, Zoey jumped when the weird girl from earlier showed up. So she's magical too.. Wow. Zoey only hoped that her fantasies of having magic of her own would be possible now. Her heart beat out of her chest at a million miles per hour as she kept hands covering her mouth in fear. This random girl thinks she can easily be so close to Declan like that.. It takes so much courage to even hold his hand. Luckily, he escaped before she tried anything on him. Zoey was going to start running for her life too, but she just stood in astonishment. It was all just too confusing.

"W-What are you even doing?" If breaking out of her timid shell meant standing up for Declan, so be it. Though, she still grasped onto her long bangs for comfort.
Declan had ran for the nearest school exit, which happened to be not far. His hands hit the metal bars and pushed the doors open like he was dying for oxygen. Outside, the spring air hit his face and blew his hair around. It wasn't exactly the warmest wind but he walked over a bit and stood back against the wall.

"Oh..." Mallory withdrew herself quite a bit and lowered her head, staring down at pink knee high boots.

Teague wanted to go check on Declan but assumed it was best that he was alone for a while, today must have had a rough start. Once Zoey spoke up, he tensed and looked down at her with a shocked face.

"You're the one that said I was a weirdo earlier..." The girl dressed up in frills pulled a sulky face and twirled a bright blonde piece of hair around long fingers. "Yeah...I heard that while I was walking away." She had turned the atmosphere into a pity party for herself. Teague began to get even more suspicious of what was going on. Did these two already have drama after half a day of school? Wait, Zoey gets into drama? What...?

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to get to know everyone and this place. It's hard when you feel like a social outcast." Mallory's eyes began to tear up after talking more and more.

Teague started to panic and waved his hands around. "H-Hey! Sorry about what Zoey said, she might have been startled..uhh....We can show you the rounds of this place if it'll make you better then. Our friend is just a bit tired today, how about I do it."

She seemed pretty opposed to the idea. "I asked Declan because he seemed so...mundane and calm..."

In between the chatter a teacher came by and tapped Teague on the shoulder. "You were supposed to come finish your writing assignment at lunch, lets go." He had no chance to argue or retort and got pulled along to a classroom, leaving Zoey alone with Mallory.

"I don't recall ever asking you though." Mallory wiped her eyes and smiled with a hint of bitch in it toward Zoey.
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As the girl moped, Zoey just stood there. Arms crossed so one of her spiky fingerless gloves poked her arm, and eyes squinted as if she lost her glasses. She just hoped Declan came back soon, it seemed like all this random girl wanted to do was target Zoey. At least she didn't deny being a weirdo.

"Wait, seriously? You? A social outcast? You have to be kidding me.. As if you know what it's like to be stared down in the hallways because you choose to act like yourself, and not the majority. And I bet you don't know what it feels like to be so confused when people call you names, as if being yourself was something derogatory and offensive." Zoey had thought to herself, keeping sharp, watering eyes glued to the floor.

It was nice to see Teague show her a bit of sympathy, though. Zoey hoped she would run off with him and see the school, just so she could leave them alone, but it just proved how this girl only had eyes for Declan.

Alone with this girl, now.. Zoey sighed and put her hands into the pockets of her black skirt.

Declan, hurry back..
Once Teague went along with the teacher, he looked back with remorseful eyes, hoping that Declan returned quickly and made sure the wack job didn't do anything to Zoey. He knew that he had to get this assignment done or his parents would be up his ass about graduating with good grades, then the conversation would turn into a shit show of how if he actually tried, he'd be in a private school for kids that excel. They could tell at this point that he was just doing it all on purpose. For what? All to spite his vacant, boring parents.
"Sit down and start writing. This was due two weeks ago and I've already given you a second chance."
Teague sighed at the teachers remarks and laid his head on the paper atop his desk. "Okay..."

Mallory loved the face that this girl was making, it satisfied her craving for jealousy and power. The fact that she didn't even say anything much was even better, the sneer on her face becoming even more evident.

Outside, Declan's hands started to get cold and he threw the stick to his lolipop on the ground with a sigh. He never knew how he found himself showing up to school everyday, it was so bothersome. The lingering tired feelings that were never fufilled, the stupid little reminders of being the last one left ruined him. Fuck this.
Walking inside, he pulled the door and shoved his hands in his pockets while coming around the corner to see Zoey and Mallory in some sort of standoff. If it were any other time, he'd just walk away but after thinking to himself, he became pissy.

Immediately, Mallory's face became soft, an excited glimmer appearing.

"The science lab is right behind you, across is the 12-4 math class. And around the corner is the library." Declan then hesitated shyly but pulled one of Zoey's hands from her pocket and gave it a small squeeze. "I'd hurry up if you want your grand tour." He let go and began walking around the corner nonchalantly.

In return she stuttered wildly but followed him, speechless.
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As they continued to stand there in the hallway, Zoey could feel the cold atmosphere coming from this weird girl. Before Zoey could think things could get worse, her prince charming had finally arrived. She looked at Declan with defeat. Eyes then wandered to the girl's, heart feeling tense as she caught a glimpse of how tenderly she watched him.

It was then when Zoey heard his voice, it was so disregarding and tired. At least he looked like he didn't reciprocate that girl's feelings.

Declan's hand was cold, probably because of being outside, but also his hands were naturally cold, which always was Zoey's favorite thing since her's were the opposite. She was caught off-guard, as always, but reveled at the thought of how that girl might have felt when seeing that her feelings with Declan were one-sided. Upon letting go, Zoey shoved it back into her pocket, and followed him closely along down the hallway.
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Mallory scoffed soon after following, but went along with the "tour". It was only a small part of her master plan anyways, this boy had caught her entire attention. His eyes locked with her own the minute they met. That was what they called fate. That was what the amazing feeling every writer ever wrote about. "True love".

Once Declan had finished showing her around while Zoey tagged along with them, he stopped at a quiet hallway. Lunch would be over soon and this whole time he wasn't able to stop and drift off into nowhere, wasting time.

"Well there you have it, now go make some friends or something." Declan yawned quietly and blinked rapidly with exhaustion. Were the school lights brighter than usual or was it the terrible pastel pink and blonde hair mess in front of him? It was just too much.

"Friends? Aren't you my friends now?" Mallory smiled at them both, curiously glancing back and forth.

The innocence in her face was sickening. In the back pocket of his jeans, Declan's phone vibrated and he pulled it out. Teague was texting him after being forced away to do work. The blonde snickered at his flip phone, though thinking to herself how cute it would be if they got matching charms. It'd be perfect on his.

"Oh, hey, Zoey. Teague wanted to confirm our plans to meet up at the mall tomorrow. Are you still coming?" Lightly, he tapped her shoulder while staring down at the small screen.

"Hey! I'm going to the mall tomorrow to shop for some stuff, I'll join you guys there!" Mallory jumped up in exclamation and Declan could feel his last nerve snap to the point where he just couldn't give a shit anymore. About anything. AT ALL.
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Zoey followed closely behind Declan as they walked through the school, like a third-wheel to a couple that she's glad doesn't exist. She watched Mallory's hair as it moved with her stride. It was so perfectly blonde and shiny, weirdly like everything about her. Was she a demon disguised as an angel, destined to steal Declan away from her?

Giggling behind her sleeve, Zoey loved how apathetic Declan can be sometimes. She could totally see Mallory be friends with the popular kids with handsome jock boyfriends. Though, Declan was nowhere near being athletic or popular, so Mallory might not be interested to involve herself with those types of people. And why did she like sad, uninterested emo boys again?

"Yeah, I am!! It would be—" Zoey had always spoken too quietly, so was shamefully cut off by Mallory. She sighed, just wishing she could be home already.

"Declan.. Have you finished the assignment for music class next period?" Zoey smiled, lightly tugging his sleeve to catch his attention. She just decided to ignore the weird girl's way of tagging along to somewhere she wasn't invited, then looking at her with innocent eyes.
Declan had closed his eyes and glanced to the floor with a painful headache coming on. He was just getting too much attention today for his liking, too much noise, too much interaction. While his temples ached with tiresome thoughts, Zoey's small tug on his sleeve snapped him right out of the daze.

He looked up, forgetting what the topic of the conversation even was, though remembering in a few seconds while his cell was still open in one hand. "O-Oh, yeah, I finished it the day it was assigned, why? Do you need help?" A bit of care came through his words while his gaze softened. "It was making an original melody, right?" Going quiet for a moment in thought, he furrowed his brows but got distracted in texting Teague back.

Music class, huh? Mallory fell silent just before she was going to question Declan on his musical knowledge. She didn't know how to play an instrument but thought how amazing it'd be to see him serenade her. Maybe he even sang!?

The bell to signal lunch ending rang, Declan sighing quietly. "Do you have anything for it yet?" After asking, he waved Zoey to walk along with him to class, leaving Mallory in the dust.
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Working all week on English assignments must've taken a toll on Zoey. She had barely started on the one for music class. "Wow you're so fast~!" She exclaimed. Though, this was no surprise since Declan sleeps all day after school, so he must finish homework right when he gets it. "Ah, yeah. I was kind of stuck on the whole..writing down sheet music thing."

Zoey had always loved playing musical instruments, she owns a cello and flute. A recorder too, from like, 5th grade, which she makes her cat stuffies play a concert for her other toys. She wasn't that great at making her own songs, so she sticks to playing covers of pre-existing songs, usually ones from her favourite anime. Maybe, during class, she could sit out in the hall with Declan.. It was always so cool that she got to spend time with him during his favourite class, he was so good at playing guitar.

"Oh, not really," Zoey propped up her backpack on her shoulder and walked to class with Declan. She turned around to smile at Mallory.
Mallory was about to speak up while they walked away but instead brought a finger to her lips and prodded at it innocently. Long, pink gel nails sticking out like an irritation. It was best she gave it a bit of time, at least she'd be around the mall with them tomorrow. If she was even more lucky, she'd catch them after school. Despite the mocking smile on the short scene looking girls lips, Mallory knew it'd turn in her favour, it always did.

"Oh." Declan stuck his hands in his pockets and glanced downward while they walked, taking in the wonderful decline of activity around him. "But, wasn't it due...today...?" Ever so slightly, he looked at Zoey, masking the concern in his eyes with tiredness.
Once they reached the classroom, he sat down where he usually did, near the back corner and sighed heavily, waiting for the second bell to ring and signal class starting.
Following Declan through the classroom door, Zoey walked with a skip in her step to her seat at the front pf the spacious room. She turned around, hands on the back of her chair, to face Declan. "Nya..! Declan~ So will you help me with my assignment? I want to make it super awesome!!" Her voice was louder than usual, cutting through the quiet chatter throughout the room to reach her friend. "Just like you." She winked, which was more of a blink with one eye slightly open. Other girls sitting nearby in the front row glared at Zoey, seeming like she interrupted their drama and gossip discussions. If only Mallory was here, flute players were always so stuck up. Just like her.

The second bell had finally rung, indicating that class started. The teacher, who was a substitute for that day, got up from her desk at the back of the room and walked to the front with the attendance on an old clipboard. "So.." She gave a quick look at the students before continuing, most of them quietly bickering, eyes then lingering on Zoey and Declan. "Your teacher is away today, so I'll be your sub. Says here that you guys are still working on that melody assignment, which is due at the end of the period. Anyone want to be cool and take the attendance to the office?" The teacher adjusted her blue flannel shirt, proceeding to hand the paper to an eager student.

There'd been a rumor that their sub teacher actually is a part of a well-known punk band, her being the talented lead guitarist, along with her backup guitar and lead pianist best friend, who resided in illustration jobs on the side now. They'd performed alongside popular bands on tours, and held concerts throughout the years. One student, sitting near Declan, wore a piece of their old merchandise. It was amusing to see fans at work. Fixing her short dark brown hair, bangs falling over one eye, she stopped Zoey as she passed by to grab her flute.

"Hey, kid. You and that emo you're friends with remind me of my kids. You'd probably be good friends with my daughter in-law." She smiled, then walking back to her desk to text her band member friend.

"T-Thanks?!" Zoey frantically replied, getting caught in the glimmer in her eyes. She ran over to meet Declan with her flute.
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