Idlaide - The Rays of Fortune OOC

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Do you guys need help moving the plot forward or something? I figured we were killing off you know who, and then going to training.
Do you guys need help moving the plot forward or something? I figured we were killing off you know who, and then going to training.
Yeah...I don't know, so I'm not posting again until Quiet One moves the plot forward again.
That's what we were doing, except now it's been pointed out that my original plan for how to kill egglegg's character isn't going to work. We're trying to come up with something else. I might have to subtly introduce an enemy for in the background now. We won't really be fighting them until our group is ready, but that's all I've got so far.
Mmm right, well if you need help brainstorming I could try and think of something if you needed. An enemy sounds fine, or I mean, you could have him die from illness in a weak body since APPARENTLY we all ate poisoned lobsters >~>.
Speaking of which, I'm going to have to have a word with Yukiko's parents...

Anyway, I'm trying to nail down ideas for an enemy now, but I have some work to catch up on too. I'll be on, but I won't be paying as much attention to the sight. If you have any suggestions, though, I will look into them.
For the Record, Jorik chose not to eat his lobster, or not much of it I think.
@Daws Combine: you're not killing him! I want to make your character a better person. ALL of your characters. Being a Ray pilot is meant to be like being something of a hero.

I'll post when I can. I'm working on a history paper now and it's getting late anyway. I'll have hours of free time tomorrow if I don't get around to it tonight. We'll move forward from here, I promise. Okay?
Yeah don't worry about things if you are busy! The plot will always wait for our awesome leader! Focusing on your studies is very important!
I never said he was. I just mentioned that I was willing, if you wanted me to. Also that Wayne is still outside waiting for someone to yell at him.
Yeah don't worry about things if you are busy! The plot will always wait for our awesome leader! Focusing on your studies is very important!
Suck up. But thank you, I appreciate the understanding in all seriousness.

@Daws Combine: Perhaps then you could play witness. Maybe you don't see the whole act, but you're the first on the scene. And with your antisocial behavior some would suspect you anyway. Yes...I think I could work with that...
Okay sorry guys I haven't replied in a while...

So first, Yukiko didn't throw up because the lobster was poisonous, she threw up because of the implications of her parents gifting it.

And two, I don't care if there are plot holes as I won't catch them.

And thirdly, I have an excuse for not posting for a day or two. Or maybe more, depending on how I feel tomorrow. I'm too busy eating pie and icecream and seaweed, being bitchy, playing computer games, complaining, and searching for the ibuprofen. Some of you will know what I mean.

But anyway, a bad guy sounds good to me.
I think it's only @Orbital that's eaten the poisoned lobster, and that's because he likes to see Trent suffer.

Marissa definitely didn't eat any of it. In fact, she and Wayne are the only ones that never took a bite... Hmm.

@Quiet One, expect a PM from me!
Great post, Goat! Now we just need @Daws Combine to post, then @Lykaon once he comes back. Then we've got ourselves a mystery element! Woo!
Yay! With any luck, I shall have a character before long! Mwahahaha!

Perseus De Angelo



Perseus has always put his duty above all else, throwing his body, mind, and soul into harm's way for what was believed to be the greater good. Though skewed, many would say, he has a strong sense of honor, but, also firmly believe that any end can justify the means.

Though most whom are on his side would consider him mostly polite and respectful, he has a mean streak a kilometer long, and has been known to never show anounce of leniency or mercy. As a man who believes greatly in his cause, he has no regrets or remorse for any act he commits in it's name.

Skilled Combatant

Planet/moon of origin:

Brief Bio:
Born to a heavily religious family, and more so than that, a family of the Pious. From a young age he was taught to put his faith above all else, which would often lead to forms of sacrifice. He grew up happy, though, joining a small sect of the Pious bent on preserving and empowering their faith through expansion. Upon becoming an adult, he spent a great deal of time training to become a sldier of the Pious, quickly making a name for himself as a skilled fighter. More so, he became a beacon of hope for his faith, as well as a symbol of the power of the Pious.

After several years, it became apparent to his superiors that some obstacles would stand in their way of universal influence, and as such, began plotting to eliminate these threats. At the top of this list; the Rays. Being what he was, Perseus was selected to be the instrument of the Pious to eliminate this threat, by any means necessary.

(Here you go, all! I really hope this is okay.)​
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Reactions: Quiet One
Love it! Post up please! :D