Ice and Cabbage

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"Da, da, we can leave." Aleksei pushed himself from his ass to his feet managing to straighten into a shaky stand. He gripped the table as he swayed and smiled sloppily at Luca. "I am good. Let us leave!" He tossed his debit card to Bartov to cover the bill, who caught it and told him he'd bring it to him tomorrow.

"Watch out for dos greasy Italians!" Nikolai shouted after them before downing his glass and turning back to Bartov and breaking out into song.
"I will I swear!" Aleksei responded before he tripped on the door frame and went tumbling into the street. He blinked at the night sky and Luca, busting into a loud, obnoxious, druken laugh a moment later. He wound his arms around Luca's leg and curled around it on the sidewalk. "Let's just sleep here. I dink dis is good place!"
"You can't sleep on the sidewalk, Aleksei," Luca snickered, "You'll get cold and hurt your back and people will steal stuff from you and you could get arrested for loitering. Come on, the flat isn't that far away. You can sleep as soon as we get there, I promise."

Luca found this all rather amusing but he wasn't about to let Aleksei stay out here all night. Especially when he was drunk. Luca was worried about him having a hangover the next day and this would be a terrible place for him to be if that was the case.

"I mean, I'm already cold just standing here. You're going to freeze."

((Should they find out about Luca soon/later/never?))
Aleksei whined, an odd noise coming from such a large man. "Fine, fine, fine. I ams...getting up." He murmured, pushing his heavy frame off of the ground and rather unsteadily to his feet. He snorted as he stared in the direction of the flat, flailing an arm at the smaller man. "I am real Russian! Cold gets cold from me being...." He shook his head, unable to continue the thought in his state.

One way or another the drunken duo managed to stumble back to the flat, where Aleksei collapsed on the couch dramatically. "Never getting up." He mumrmured into the cushion.

(They can find out the next day, maybe the Italians head down to confront the Russians at the drop off for the bid and Luca could be with them, and Bartov and Nikolai would notice him)
Luca shook his head, holding back giggles and he grabbed a blanket off of the couch and covered Alek up with it. He kissed his forehead softly before heading to the bedroom, stripping off his pants and climbing into bed. He had work the next day, he didn't want to wake up Alek if he had to leave early.
{{So next morn I assume}}

Aleksei sat up on the couch, glancing around, wincing at the sun streaming in through the blinds. A dull pain began to throb through his head and he groaned as he swung himself in a sitting position, hand floundering around on the coffee table until he found his phone. He grasped it and peered at it in between the fingers splayed on his face in an attempt to shield him from the light. He turned down the brightness almost immediately.

He flicked his thumb through the messages from Nikolai and Bartov and scowled as he read them.
"Bartov: Were r u we r makin bid now."
"Nikolai: Hey wakey-wake! We have drugs to buy!"
"Nikolai: Your father wants to know where you are! Hurry up! I hope you're not buried between the legs of your cute boyfriend. Well at least then you would have a good excuse : D."
"Bartov: We won bid we r makin drop of at 10:30, at doks. U be tere"
Aleksei would have laughed at Bartov's horrid texting but he had no time for that when he saw the time. It was 10 on the dot.

Aleksei was on his feet, tearing through the flat like a tornado. He snatched up his keys and phone, stumbling into his boots, practically falling out of the door.
"GOODBYE LUCA!" He shouted unsure if he was even home, and hurting his head at the same time. He lost a boot as he reached the bottom step and swore, before reaching down to grab it and breaking into a sprint towards the docks.
Luca was on the way to the docks as well. Somehow the Italians had found out the Russians were bidding and they had wanted everyone to come to make it seem like they had a lot of manpower.
Plenty of the Italians were strong, of course, but Luca wasn't. He really didn't want to be there, especially with all of the Russians that were going to be there.

When they arrived, Luca tried to stay in the back of the group, not wanting to be recognized. That would be very bad. He didn't want Alek to be hurt because of him. Shit--would Alek be there?
Aleksei slowed as he reached the dock, pausing behind a crate to slip on his shoe, and strode towards the back of his men, pushing his way gently through a couple of people towards where he saw Nikolai and Bartov's heads in the front.
"Brothers dere you are! Sorry I am late, I . . ." he trailed off when he noticed the look Bartov gave him and glanced beyond his cousin at the crowd before them. His normally happy face set into a scowl when his eyes caught the rival gang and he stepped forward in-between Nikolai and Bartov.

"You seem to be lost." Aleksei mumbled dangerously to the group, fists clenched, itching to reach inside his jacket and draw his gun. He swallowed instead glancing at Bartov who gave him a small head shake in response knowing what he was thinking.
"Dey must be lost" Nikolai growled stepping forward. Bartov gripped his shoulder and tugged him back none too gently barking something at Nikolai angrily in Russian.

Ignoring his family Aleksei kept his eyes trained on the leader of the crowd.
"I suggest you all go find a map or something because you sure as hell have no business here, so I am going to assume you all are definitely lost." He failed to notice Luca in the very back. Bartov did not.
Luca felt his blood run cold when he made eye contact with Bartov. He swallowed, wondering how bad this would be. Maybe Bartov would keep quiet about it? Probably not. . . He was mean.

Luca half heard his boss talking to Alek, growling something about those being his drugs and how all of those drunk communists needed to go back home to Russia, how the Italians were there first.

Maybe Luca could get Alek to tell them that he was spying on the Italians and telling Alek all about them. That would be good, right?
Bartov kept quite as he watched Luca eyes blazing with fury. He glanced at Aleksei, who was too wrapped up in telling the Italian mobster that spoke to them to "go fuck his mother or buy de drugs back, dough inflation was a bitch now a days."

It was not Bartov that gave away Luca away in the chaos. It was Nikolai.
"James?!" He shouted confusion mixing with his anger. Aleksei's head spun towards the direction of Luca and his eye widened. "Why de fuck is your bitch with dese fuckers?" Nikolai demanded shoving Aleksei in the back. Aleksei fumbled with his words. He couldn't out Luca the Italians would kill him on the spot, instead he swallowed and froze saying nothing in response.

(Alek will explain it to them once everything calms down though Nikolai may not believe them)
((That was a part of Luca's thoughts xD Sorry about the font size I'm on my phone and keep pressing random things by accident.)

Luca didn't move as his boss looked around, eyeing his men before turning back to the Russians.

"James? There is no James here," His words were ice cold, "Keep your drugs. We do not want what the filthy Russians have already touched.:

Luca avoided eye contact with any of the Russians. He had seen Nikolai shove Alek and he was freaking out about what they would do to him. Hopefully, Alek would quickly make up a good story to tell them. He wished he could tell Alek his idea but he wasn't going to risk that. He wasn't sure how fast he could run and he was surrounded by Italians.
((OH! Lol it's fine)

Nikolai shouted in protest and went to point at Luca but Bartov grabbed his arm, wrenching it behind his back.
"If the greasy little man says there is no James, then there is no James." He snarled low and dangerous in the other man's ear. Nikolai froze and glanced at Bartov when he shoved him away, but pursued the matter no longer. Aleksei forced his eyes away from Luca and glared at the man who had nerve enough to call him filthy.

"You count yourselves lucky dat you're walking away with your life and dat dese "filthy Russians" don't quite feel like getting demselves dirty fighting you lot." he nodded to his man that had been waiting at the door of a nearby building he had went into to retrieve the drugs. The goon glanced at the other gang before jogging back into the crowd behind Aleksei. Nikolai and Bartov left first leading the rest of the group and Aleksei lingered for a moment glaring at the leader, eyes briefly flicking to Luca, before turning and leaving.

He met up with the group in the parking lot and sighed weary from the events that just passed.
"Check de cars for bombs I don't trust dat trash." He grumbled as Nikolai approached him.
"You are coming home with Bartov and I! You have some explaining to do cousin!" practically shouting at him, Nikolai turned away when he was done, stomping off to his car. Bartov took a tired look at Aleksei and nodded in agreement with their cousin's words.
"He's right you know." He mumbled as he tugged open his car door. Aleksei slipped in the passenger seat beside him and gave a solemn nod.
"Da, I know." The car peeled out of the parking lot and Alexsei gazed after the docks, after Luca, as it got farther and farther away from his line of sight, unsure if today would be the last day he ever saw him.
Luca's boss had given him the rest of the day off, too angry for them to do any more work. He had decided to walk home, still worrying about Alek. What if he wasn't there when Luca got back? What if he never came back at all? What if Luca never saw him again? What if he was killed or something? Without knowing just how much Luca loved him.

And that was a lot. Alek meant so much to him and he should have quit the Italian mob the moment they got together but. . . that's not something a person can just walk away from.

He was so scared and he just wished that Alek was there to wrap his arms around him and tell him that he would keep him safe. But he wasn't, and that was the problem.

((Should he get grabbed by some Russians or do you just want to skip to Nikolai coming back to the flat or something?))
(He can get kidnapped by the russians and get brought to were Aleksei is)

Aleksei sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair for what seemed like the thousandth time and laced his hands together at the base of his throat. He hunched forward peering at Bartov who looked back at him sadly, rubbing his back in comfort.

The room they sat was a well furnished den. All the wood was a deep cypruss and a fire roared before the two men. They could hear Nikolai in the next room telling someone about what happened at the docks and Aleksei fliched when he heard the name James. Nikolai walked out scowling at his cousins but said nothing as placed himself across from him.

An older man an inch taller then Aleksei walked with straw colored hair slicked back, brushing his shoulders. Blue eyes stared hard at Alek before moving to Nikolai.
"Take a group with you and go find this James."

Aleksei tried to stand but Bartov kept him still.
"Papa no!"
"You hush child!" He growled as Nikolai slipped out. "Not another from you until that boy gets here!"
Luca hardly had a chance to react as he was grabbed from behind, a dark bag placed over his head. He tried to shriek but he was being choked by a large, rough hand.

When the hand was finally released all he could do is cough. He felt his arms bound tightly behind his back with zip ties before he was thrown into a trunk. It shut loudly after him as he squirmed to get out of his bonds.

He eventually gave up, trying to figure out what turns they were making.

Once the car had stopped he tensed again, ready for anything. He heard the trunk open and he was grabbed again. He felt like a rag doll. He kicked wildly but it was no use.

He heard a door open and felt whoever was carrying him wall a little bit before throwing him on the ground. Where was he?
Aleksei snarled and tossed Bartov's arm off of him, crouching next to Luca to cut his wrist free with the knife he kept in his pocket.
"De little shit kicked me good." Nikolai grumbled and Alek stood shoving Nikolai back.
"Shut your fucking mouth Nikolai!"
"Me?! You're de one dating a fucking grease licker!" Aleksei's fist connected with Nikolai's jaw after the statement left his mouth and Nikolai tackled him around his waist in response. The two men grappled with each other, breaking a table underneath their combined weight before Bartov shoved himself between the two of them.
"Enough" he shouted shoving them onto couches opposite each other. He hauled up Luca and tossed him next to Aleksei.

His father watched the display a grim expression on his face and he waited until the two were separated to speak.
"Is this the James you saw Nikolai?" Nikolai nodded quietly, glaring hatefully at Luca. "Alright then James," he sat down across from his son and his boyfriend and watched them carefully, "tell me, who are you and why shouldn't I let your brain coat the back wall?"
"I um. . . I'm Luca," Luca swallowed heavily, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt as he did when he was nervous, "I uh--I'm not actually Italian. I was the one who told Alek about the drug thing. And a couple other things. I was giving him information about what the Italians were doing after we started dating and I found out he was working with the Russian mob."

Luca looked over to Alek for help, unsure what to do. He really didn't want to die. He was glad that he managed to pull the cloth bag off of his head but seeing all of these large Russians was kind of scary.
He stayed silent watching Luca with cold eyes, he pulled a cigar from his suit jacket and reached across the table holding his hand out to Alek, who placed his knife in his hand without a word.
"So what are you in relation to them, since you are not actually Italian." He cut the tip of the cigar with a quick motion and threw the knife back to his son who caught it, putting it back in his jacket pocket. "I can only assume that since you were standing with the Italians on the side of the Italians that you may as well be Italian." He struck a match against the bottom of his shoe and lit his smoke taking a long hard drag from it before continuing. "So Luca, who may as well be Italian, has Aleksei told you anything about us? About our plans? Is that why those documents got stolen before Alek got to them?"

"I haven't told him anything father I-"
"You shut your worthless fucking mouth!" He shouted slamming his fist down on the coffee table leaning forward, losing his cool for the first time since Luca entered the room. "You shut your sloppy, loose, mouth or so help me I'll cut out your goddamn tongue and shut it for you!" Aleksei flinched as he spoke and leaned away from his dad.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled quietly gripping his knees. He spared Luca a glance of apology and laced his hand with his.
"Great father you are," Luca muttered, getting mad himself, "Alek hasn't said a fucking thing you idiot. Do you realize how loyal he is to you? I'm with the Italians because I stole some money from them when I was younger and they threatened to kill me if I didn't work for them. Do you really think that, that means that I like them? I like stealing, yes, but I have no loyalties to the Italians. My loyalties are to Alek. And yes. . . I might have cracked into a safe and found out about your plans and told the Italians but that was really just because they hadn't let me steal anything in two weeks while I was recovering from broken ribs and I was hoping that, if I brought them information they'd finally let me steal something. You know, maybe if you didn't spend so much time with your head up your arse you would know who your son is dating, and you would realize that Alek is anything but worthless. He's gotten me to tell him a shit load about the Italians. How do you think he keeps finding so much out about them? And he hasn't given me anything. The only information I found out I had to steal from under his nose and he threw a knife at me and called me a little shit for that."
"Oh? Oh! What's this Aleksei?! Your bitch has a bite?!"
"He's not a bitch stop calling him that!" Aleksei went to stand and froze when he got a knife dragged across his face. He stared at his father who held the bloodied blade in his hand. He flicked the blood off of it and onto Aleksei's chest, sliding it back into the sheath hidden in his suit jacket.
"Sit down little boy." Aleksei hesitated but sat when Bartov gave him a pleading look. His father stared hard at the two of them and sat slowly back down in his chair. "Listen closely you trash, from what I can gather you have no father, you have no right to judge the way I raise my son." Long legs folded as he leaned on his hand leering at Luca. "This isn't a game boy! People die when they fuck up. It doesn't matter whether or not he's my son! He's part of the family and you don't fuck with the family and right down you both seem like you're trying to fuck the family up it's ass!"

He forced himself to calm and took a deep breath before continuing. "Oh and Luca. . . you're not part of the family, I'll fucking kill your uncivilized ass if you ever talk to me or people in this family like that again in my house." He slid his eyes back to Aleksei and laced his fingers together. "I'm not going to rat you out son. I love you, you know that, but I can't let you put the family in danger. I trust you, you would never try to hurt us but that boy, he doesn't care about us, and if he had sense and respect he would have known not to talk to me like that." He took a calming drag from his cigar and blew a few rings into the room. "Think long and hard about being with this boy Aleksei my son, cause if more trouble arises between us and the Italians and he pops up in the middle of it again. I'm going to put a bullet in between his eyes."

He stood and turned his back on them. "I am going back to my office, I want the two of you gone by the time I come back out."
"I'm sorry," Luca cringed at the blood on Alek's face, "I'm really sorry. I spoke out of turn in your home but. . . you were mean to Alek and that upset me. I apologize for speaking the way I did. You're right, I'm not a part of the family but I. . . I can help. I can feed you guys information on the Italians. Anything that you need. I can help. Please-- This isn't Alek's fault. I'll do anything you want me to. I'm a really good thief. I can steal secrets from them."

Alek's standings in the family didn't seem to be good right then and he knew that it was all his fault. If someone else found out about Alek and Luca dating, Luca wanted the Russians to have a better view on him so Alek wouldn't get into trouble.
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