I whispered in her ear, you better fear me dear for I am death

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Hannibol Damien shrugged once again. "Whatever you say." There was something about the tone of Ash's voice that bothered her a bit, but she didn't say anything about it. Her glowing red eyes stared straight ahead as she quietly awaited sunrise. It's gonna be another long night...

((Shall we time skip to morning?))
((Yea sure!))

Ash was pleased when he woke up to find no one was harmed or dead...He always had some fear hidden deep inside him that he would wake up to find everyone dead, and he would be the lucky one once again that got left alone but alive. He rubbed his eyes, got up, and walked over to the window. Ash peeked a look outside to find the ground covered in a thick blanket of snow from last night's storm. We shouldn't leave today...They could track us way too easily through this snow. He thought closing the blinds again.

Leah's eyes flickered open as she woke up to find she had fallen asleep in front of the TV again. She yawned and reached over for the remote and turned the TV off. Leah sat up and stretched her back yawning again before she got up and made her way to the kitchen. She walked in to find her brother already awake and making breakfast which was pancakes. Leah ran her finger's through her messy tangled blue and orange curls as she tried to straighten it out a bit. "Ohh, yum." She said walking over and looking over Levi's shoulder.

"Yea, can you set the table?...And set an extra plate for Alex when she wakes up." Levi said as he flipped the pancake over.
Jae watched Ash with a hidden sympathetic look. She pulled her hood over the back of her head and turned her stare to the window, watching the blurred images outside with half of her attention, the other half on absolutely nothing. She sat like this most of the night. Right before Ash woke up she stood, stretching and pacing a few times in front of the door to re-wake her senses before she sat back down. When Ash woke up, she pulled her hood down and leaned back against the wall, again.
When Alex awoke, her eyes snapped open and muscles all tensed. It took her a moment to remember where she was. Once she did she relaxed again, sat up, and stretched. Her body ached all over, partly due to her sleeping with some of her gear on and partly to how much she'd traveled the previous day. Despite that, she felt completely refreshed. It was so nice to sleep in a bed for a change instead of on the hard ground with only a sleeping bag for cushioning. As she was getting out of bed, she caught a whiff of a delicious smell. Her stomach growled eagerly at it. Emerging from her room, she found her way to the kitchen where Levi was cooking pancakes and Leah was setting the table. "That sure smells delicious," she commented cheerfully. "Would either of you like a hand?"

Hannibol Damien's eyes never closed the whole night, though she did blink when she heard Ash and Jae stirring. The wolfess got to her feet and stretched, opening her mouth in a big toothy yawn. As she padded over to where she could see the other two in the room, she caught a glimpse of Ash peeking out the window. She came up right behind him to look out the window as well, saying sarcastically, "Oh boy, look at all the snow. We gonna make some snowmen?"
When Hannibol got up, Jae looked over to the window. Seeing the snow, she smiled a little. When she was a dog, she loved playing in the snow, the cold water keeping her cool, then when she switched to human she wasn't too hot nor was she wet from the snow.
Ash glanced over at Hannibol, "No, but we can't leave today, our tracks would lead a trail straight here and anyone would be able to find us." Ash said with a hint of sadness in his voice as he walked away from the window. He didn't like the idea of being stuck inside all day...Maybe no one would even notice the trail if they went outside, they might just think it was another creature walking around.... He thought looking back towards the window a little more hopeful.

Levi flipped a pancake onto a plate and looked over as Alex walked into the room, "Nope, I'm almost done, but thanks." He said sounding almost friendly as he poured more batter into the pan. Levi was what you might call a morning person, it was when he was the most friendly and in a good mood.

Leah sat down at the table once she was done setting it and waited patiently for Levi to be finished cooking her breakfast. She was the opposite of Levi in the morning, but when she got pancakes she was always happy.
Jae nodded. "Ash is right." She said quietly. She walked around a little. "Anyone got any ideas for today?"
"Okay, no problem," Alex replied with a nod and a smile. She pulled out a chair and took a seat at the table. "Gosh, it's been so long since I've had pancakes. Or any food not prepared over an open fire for that matter," she admitted aloud. She had gotten so used to living in the wilderness that her current situation didn't seem real, it felt more like a dream.

Hannibol Damien couldn't help snorting at their fear of going outside. "Psh, you're gonna let that keep us here?" She wondered how they were able to survive, the human especially, when they so badly lacked craftiness. "That can easily be remedied. Let me show you." She then went invisible and passed through the window. Once outside her eyes scanned the surroundings, making sure there wasn't anyone or anything else within sight. Not seeing any threats, she became visible again and turned around. She walked back over the tracks she'd made from the window, while doing so swishing her tail across the snow. The tracks were easily covered up. As she got rid of the last of them she fazed back through the window, looking fairly pleased with herself. To Ash she then asked, "Got a broom?"
Ash watched Hannibol and went and got a broom from a closet. He couldn't help but feel a little mad at himself for not thinking of it, but right now his mind wasn't on taking risks or being creative, it was on making sure there was no way anyone could find them. "Okay, well what are we suppose to do, carry a broom behind us to go outside?" He asked handing the broom to Hannibol.

Leah began to dig into her pancakes and listened to Alex. "Yea we used to have to live like that, until we got here about a month ago. We had been traveling but we decided to stay here for a while, even though I don't really like staying in one place for very long." She said glancing over at Ash who was still cooking over the stove. "I was actually alone for a while until Ash tracked me down..." She added thinking of how confused and scared she had been before Ash had come, that was right after she had lost her memory.

Ash finally sat down at the table and began to eat his food quietly. He listened to the two talk, but he didn't say anything himself. He quickly finished his food and looked over at Leah when she mentions how he had found he. He didn't really like how much she was sharing with the girl, he didn't want her to get too close because the whole thing was dangerous enough already.
((I think the last one is supposed to say Levi, Jezibell. I don't mean to be mean or anything..just helpful.))

Jae watched the snow while Hannibol was showing Ash what to do. She glanced between the two as they conversed. That's a good idea..only I could use my tail in wolf form...hm. She thought to herself.
As she received her serving of pancakes, Alex thanked Levi before beginning to eat herself. "Really? Huh. I must admit, I'd stay here too if I had such a nice place," she responded to Leah's story. Her voice took on a more somber tone as she added, "It's good that you found each other. Being alone must've been tough. I know how it feels, and I wouldn't wish such a solitary life on anyone. Companionship is a precious thing."

Hannibol Damien laughed when Ash tried to hand the broom to her. "The broom is for you, not me. You don't have a tail, so you gotta use a broom to sweep away your tracks." She turned her gaze on Jae for a moment. "I'm assuming you can make yourself have a tail." Trotting over to the front door, she called to both of them over her shoulder, "Well come on then, what are we waiting for?" There was no way she was going to let the boy's insecurity prevent the group from doing any exploring. Especially since she still needed to find Alex.
Ash narrowed his eyes as Hannibol laughed at him. "Oh alright." Ash said tightening his grip on the brooms handle. He began to walk towards the door, he didn't really feel good about this but he wanted to prove himself now. He grabbed a sword that was lined up against the wall and opened the door. He looked around carefully before taking a step outside.

"Yes having companionship is a great thing..." Levi said standing up and taking his plate to the kitchen. He rinsed off his plate and silverware and kept on listening to his sister.

"Yea, I would probably be dead if it wasn't for Levi..." Leah said thoughtfully. "Anyways, what would we do today Levi? We can show Alex around town or something!" Leah said sounding a little bit excited. She stood up and took her plate and set it down, not bothering to rinse off hers.
"Definitely," Alex heartily agreed with Levi's statement, and then nodded solemnly at Leah's. Alex rose from her seat as well and stood behind Levi to wait patiently for him to be finished at the sink, paying close attention to where he put the dishes so she could do the same. When she heard Leah's suggestion she responded delightedly, "I would love to get a tour of the town!"

After glancing back to make sure at least one of them was following, Hannibol Damien passed right through the door before Ash even reached it. A quick sniff at the air told her there wasn't anyone else around at the moment, as far as she could tell. She walked along with her legs slightly bent so her wagging tail could continuously reach the snowy ground. Once she was a short distance from the house she stopped and looked back to check on the others' progress. "So, any particular destination ya have in mind?" she called to Ash as she watched him cautiously emerging from the door.
Jae crossed her arms and morphed into her wolf form. As she padded into the snow she smiled a little. She padded around a little, her tail sweeping easily behind her, before she followed after the other two. In her wolf form, she could not speak English, so she shook her head to Hannibol to signal a no.
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