I have two nonromantic, antagonistic cravings...

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Mostly Fri-Sun, with chances of Mon-Thu appearances at around 4PM EST
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Seeking playgrounds for my dumb Bois ATM!
Hello Iwaku!

My muse came back to me with two ideas lately, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in either of them. Those would not necessarily be full of interactions between our characters, and would be in fact be more introspective and psychological pieces than action filled ones even though that one of them would indeed have a lot of action at a certain point. I'm looking for someone(s) that would enjoy swap ideas, would not mind the slower pace, and would be interested in longer, introspective posts where we would define our characters and their relationship to each other more and more as we go along. I'm looking for someone friendly, OOCly talkative and ready to experiment with their writing, as well as someone patient and involved in our project to compensate for days when either time or inspiration would be lacking in either of us.

Anyways, here are the basic ideas I am toying with:

Idea # 1 - Supernatural - Correspondence: As more a jest than anything else, a normal, mortal citizen of an ordinary city writes an open letter to any immortal being that may exist, calling them selfish and/or weak for not showing themselves to the world and help with the growing plagues, wars and misery that is slowly overtaking humanity. They expected nothing of it and moved on... that is until they find a single envelope addressed to them sitting in the coffee table of their -locked- apartment that contain a most distressing letter; an immortal being responded, and they were no more impressed with the original sender than the now scared mortal proclaimed to be with their kind...

Idea # 2 - War - Medieval: The young crowned prince find his perfect world and great legacy crumbling at his feet as the great barbarian horde approach the portcullis of his besieged city. The leader of the barbarian, on another hand, find his fortune and power growing exponentially as the seemingly godsend campaign they started as a coming of age propels them to the heigh of their people's hierarchy. Will probably cover the few days before the siege, the siege itself and finally the fall and either death or imprisonment -followed- by death of the crown prince.

So! If anyone is interested, feel free to say so here or contact me through PM, so that we may get started!

Thank you for reading thus far!