I confess...

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I confess. . . That. . . I may know someone on here and I'm afraid they will find out. Also, I confess that this is a stupid post.
I confess...Heheheh Mr. Cuddles.
I confess that I did some very wrong things in my past, for which I am so ashamed I will never tell anyone.
I confess that .... hahaha, ah crap, me too, Mr. Cuddles is a funny name.
I confess that i am Dishonest when dealing with dishonest people.
I confess MR. CUDDLES
That I am a hypocrite.
My Iwaku Triad selection needs improvement. :P
I confess I did beat the crap outta Miru and King Weavel in Triad outta sheer luck.
I confess..The Heart of the Cards is a Hallmark lie!
I confess that the Moonlight isn't actually moonlight it is really sunlight being reflected off of an orbitting chunk of rock that looks pretty at night.
I confess..This post is what all true warriors strive for.
I confess that Isabella and Danana have done a very good job with Iwaku Triad. ^_^
I confess that confessions leave much to be desired....from myself.
I confess that I despise the 360 controller, I want to beat Richter mode dammit, but pulling off super jumps is an epic ordeal every time.
I confess my 360 hasn't seen any gameplay for well over 9 months now.
I confess....My air conditioner is super loud~!
I confess that my eyes feel like they are clodded up with dirt right now.
I confess, my computer is being loud and sounds like it's on fire on the inside right now!
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