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Burn it up!


Standing up, Riley allowed her moments to stretch before following the others out to the training room. She avoided eye contact with the general and as soon as they were out, she headed over to the track. She didn't need speed for this mission, but she didn't think she 'd be fighting much either. She just needed to get her endurance up. Shifting carefully, she started to run around the track, her mind wandering back and forth between future and past. The mission would be starting soon, and she had to be ready for anything.
And ignite!
Nikolai stood stock still with the general in his face, it was strange to Nikolai. This man knew he could have been torn in two by Nikolai but he still had the gumption to shout in his face. He didnt strike Nikolai like the other hybrids but he certainly made an impression. Nikolai looked over to Quinn before he left with a fire in his eyes, she'd tainted him. She made him soft, her therapy to make him into a better citizen, it had stumped his aggression. He walked out into the rec room with anger, he wanted to fight someone now. That experience had made him ashamed of his feelings.

"Stupid, get your head back into the cage," He said remembering his time being isolated, his time being shocked and poked. He grumbled angrily as he picked up the heavy weights and put them onto the bench press bar. He didnt need a spotter, if he didnt break the bar he'd break the idiot that spotted him.
Within the empty center of the training room, Barnabas stands whist, his back arched as to extend himself to his full seven feet as he watches over all of his fellow hybrids. He observes Nikolai, quite possible the only hybrid that could be considered a threat to the reptilian monster of a being. He watches Riley, Ella, Alondra, Jamie, all others that will be dealing with on this upcoming assignment. That little bat boy looks fragile. They're sending them to a compound armed to the teeth with people who would most likely shoot on sight? If it's true that he's the newest resident they've had in such a long time, why is it that they're sending hybrids to their death when they can't keep a steady supply coming in? It seems a little foolish. No matter. He doesn't care about any of these people. He would, however, like to test his verbal reflexes.
He approaches the busy bear hybrid, standing over him with arms crossed and back straight.
"So, what do you do around here, Yogi? Are you who they threaten the others with?"
He reflexively licks his crooked teeth.
Nikolai heard footsteps coming near him, he sniffed a bit and could tell it was the new one. That alligator or something, some reptile. It was never easy to discern the types of reptiles from one another. Nikolai was currently bench pressing the heaviest of weights, it was no challenge for him but it presented him with something to do. The disturbance however was perfect. Nikolai held the bar above his head and set it on the rack, metal creaking. He stood and looked at the one other person his size. Strange.

"I'm the one that tears other Hybrids to pieces," Nikolai said looking him in the eyes, "What about you? You the one they toss scraps too?"

Nikolai was exchanging exactly what he got. If this reptile wanted to start something Nikolai was more than happy to give back some shit talk. He wasnt the type to lay down anyway.
Aaaaaand he should have known... Tyson gave an inward sigh, and stared into the middle distance as the general ranted and raved. He saw the shove coming, thought about how best to tear the man's arm off, and decided just to let it happen. He hit the chair hard, with a little gratuitous flopping of his limbs, and didn't say anything more till they were sent to the training center.

We should eat him.

Tyson agreed with himself wholeheartedly. Should the opportunity ever arise, he was going to devour the man's liver while he screamed and watched.

He started warming up, stretching out the muscles he'd worked out earlier that day, going through basic movements reminiscent of Tai Chi, only less graceful. Tyson had picked up a little Tai Chi at a seminar once, but he seldom practiced it. Eyes lazy once more, he watched the other hybrids and wondered what they were going to all do.
While the other Hybrids did their own thing, Maeve was busy running around the track. She was going at an uncontrollable speed, but was able to control it since she had practiced so many times. She zoomed past various other Hybrids, and once she did her tenth lap, she suddenly jumped off the track. Mae landed in the fighting area, where remote controlled dummies came at you with real weapons. She stayed still, feeling the vibrations which allowed her to know someone, or somethings, movement. Once she knew, Maeve became wild. She quickly grabbed a sword and began attacking the robot dummies. All the while, she listened to the vibrations which aloud her to dodge and attack at the same time. This continued for a while until she got a thumbs up which meant she was being aloud to fight in her other form. She leapt far back from the robot dummies who gave chase, and changed into a large black panther with yellow eyes. She did the same thing when she was in her human form, listening, dodging, and attacking. She figured she'd do this for a while before moving on to the next thing.
"That depends. I'm not a picky eater."
It's hard to discern how he's feeling or what he's thinking when, in this form, he has pretty much the same amount of facial flexibility as a full crocodile. He looks Nikolai up and down, and finally speaks after an odd, silent staring contest.
"What do you think about all of these guys, huh?" he asks while picking at one of his teeth. He motions to a particular groups that seems to like to stick together.
"Do you really think they can handle themselves like we can? Is anyone even worried about casualties in this place?"
In principle, one slip-up and the entire staff could end up dead. What if they started getting lazy? What if a hybrid were to be killed off and... their killswitch didn't work? Would these creatures become subservient and repentant in hopes that they wouldn't be killed off another way, or would they use that opening to rampage? He impulsively picks at his stitches again.
"Has anyone died on these missions?"
Jamie inhaled sharply when General Cloud busted into the meeting room. His voice boomed like several blasts of thunder, completely overshadowing Dr. Cowlen with his massive stature. Keeping silent, he listened as the general informed them of the details of their mission. So he would be on aerial petrol? Good, he could handle detecting possible threats. It wasn't until Alondra's role was mentioned that his jaw went taut, knowing that capturing the target was going to be one of the most dangerous parts. He squeezed Velvet, glaring down at his lap as the rest of the instructions were given.

When the others began to speak up, Jamie shot them anxious glances, watching the general's face contort with rage. The roar of his voice made the bat's chest pump erratically. Sitting there, frozen on the sidelines as the general charged at the three, bringing each hybrid down to size one at a time. But what really made his blood run cold, was when he saw Dr. Kelsie get pinned to the wall. Seeing that even colleagues could get harassed disgusted him, making him resent his human side even more.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he stood up with the rest of the hybrids, allowing himself to be ushered to the training arena. He pulled his ringing ears, chewing on his bottom lip to force himself to control his ragged breathing. Without looking back, he hurried over to the gymnastics area. He needed to busy himself, not only to avoid attention, but to keep himself sane.
Haidan walked into the Rec Room. It was weird seeing it this empty, usually there were a lot of other hybrids in there. But it was kind of nice not having it so loud. It was a very echoy room. She watched as the selected hybrids walked to different areas of the training area. She decided that she should do something before being told. She didn't want to get yelled at. She scanned the area, and decided that she was going to work on her strength a bit. She strode over to the punch dummy. She stretched her arms and legs quick and got into a battle stance. She started to punch and kick at the dummy. Punching and kicking at the most vital spots on a human body. Each kick swung with a very precise posture and accuracy. Each punch was well thought out and well placed.

Her eyes would instinctively dart around and look to see if anyone was by her, in case she needed to defend. She saw the new reptile hybrid talking with Nikolai. Maeve was running the track. She saw some hybrids still standing around, waiting to get orders from the General. But the person that caught her eye the most was Dr. Quinn Kelsie. The look on her face was scary. The amount of emotion that it held. She could have sworn she saw fire in her eyes. Quinn's eyes were locked onto the General. Somehow she was not scared of the giant general. It was all pure hate. She was extremely curious why she hated him so much. It had to be more than what had just happened.

And that's when Haidan saw it. One of her kicks faltered slightly as she saw a bruise start to form already on Dr. Quinn's neck. Just a slight purple color, but it was noticeable on her pale skin. This really made Haidan mad. Hurting the nicest scientist, the nicest person here at the facility did not go well with her. Haidan peeled her eyes away from Quinn and then stopped punching and kicking, shook her limbs once again and then shifted into her ram form. She took a few steps backward and ran full force into the dummy. She repeated this multiple times. She even swung her hooved legs at the dummy as well. The one thing she hated more than what happened in this facility, is what horrible horrible people did to those who didn't deserve it.
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While training, Maeve heard a masculine voice ask if anyone had ever died on a mission. After defeating one more dummy, she looked over at the Hybrid who had been speaking to Nikolai. "You mean you didn't know that? I've been on many missions where we've lost Hybrids. I've had to witness some, be the cause, or someone merely flicked the kill switch." She told him before jumping down from the fighting area. She walked over to where others were weight training, and started doing some of her own. Though she mainly did weights and peddling.
Nikolai listened with crossed arms as the crocodile hybrid spoke. He talked like he and Nikolai were the same, which bothered Nikolai. Nikolai was bred for war, bred to destroy men, this guy had lived before being here. He heard the panther hybrid behind him, she spoke about her experiences with peoples dying. Nikolai turned so that he could face her and keep the crocodile hybrid in his view.

"I've never been on a mission, I was always too volatile for the field. I have fought a few other volatile hybrids, killed some too. Hybrids like you two, you had the time to adjust to other people. Makes you good for missions."

He looked down at the tinier panther hybrid, "When did you get here? Clearly you had some experience outside since you've been on missions before?"
Ella had taken off into the air once inside the Rec Room. She peered into the glass case where the General stood ideally by watching them all. Circling around gliding her wings felt a small amount of strain but nothing that bothered her too much. Ella spotted Nikolai lifting weights and the new Hybrid talking with him. Maeve had even come over from the track and was somewhat socializing. Ella came down closer to hear part of the conversation about missions and death. Ella scuffed lightly and landed. "More Hybrids die in the facility for being ignorant, uncooperative, suicide, picking fights with guards, attacking guards and scientists, or just being plain stupid." Ella folded her arms across her chest. "Very rarely do we lose Hybrids on missions." Ella explained. "Though there has never been a mission involving this many Hybrids. I've seen fewer go for bigger missions than this." Ella looked at Nikolai briefly. She had been sitting next to him when Gerneral Cloud had been talking to him. She turned back to the half crocodile. "It also usually goes if one person screws up, they like to punish us all." Ella frowned and her wings shook then rested gently back on her back.
~ ~ ~
General Cloud made his way to an observation deck and watched the Hybrids mingle amonst each other. He felt a gaze on him and looked down to meet the gaze of Quinn. They had known each other since childhood. Being neighbors and her mother babysitting him when they were little as well. He scuffed and shook his hea d. She was such a timid girl back then and he always picked on her for fun, and when she was hired here he enjoyed mocking her as well. Though her bringing Nikolai out wasn't somethin he had anticipated. "What was she thinking?" Cloud grumbled and glanced over the Hybrids. This mission could have been performed wtih two Hybrids no problem, but the point of his mission was to test their cooperation together. If they could be turned into an army like originally planned.
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Burn it up!


After a while of running, Riley finally slowed her pace and then came to a stop. She turned back into her human form and looked around the rec room. Others were training, some were conversing, and all the while an odd feeling came over the room. People were nervous about this missions--others just mad. No body wanted to be used like this; their lives hanging on the line while scientists record their progress. It wasn't a life. It wasn't fair. She shook her head. She hardly remembered life outside of the facility, but she knew that somewhere, deep in her mind, she knew. She knew what it was like to have someone's loving arms wrap around her body and hold her close. To cry and get comforted. To lay in a nice soft bed. They were all fantasies to her now. Now, she hardly recognized herself.
And ignite!

When the general entered the room, Vincent stifled a giggling sigh. Of course they had to...can't let the real leaders run the show. They have to send in the robot to tell everyone who is "truly" in charge. BAH! He listened to the general bark orders at everyone about their places and training before the mission. What exactly did this mindless fools think they did here every day? Sudoku and ask about the condition of the ozone? They were just lucky it wasn't kosher to kill the other side of the line...otherwise Vincent might have killed this loudmouth years ago. If the hybrids learned of that little clause in the contract, they might have actually voted to get it abolished..if nothing else than for a little relative peace.
When the hybrids started talking out of turn and General Cloud started throwing his weight around, he finally took his turn on Vincent. Vincent merely stared into the wild mans eyes, continuously thinking he had no idea how lucky he truly was. Vincent had dealt with worse than this buffoon and he was hardly intimidated. Only thing that slightly unnerved him was the mans intelligence...dumb as a half brick!
He finally exited and some of the hybrids started to mumble their disapproval but he ignored them. He waited until they all shuffled out before he went to the observation deck to watch.

He didn't want to be part of the interactions..not at this point. More than anything else, he wanted to study them. Several of them had just had their first encounter, or one of the firsts, with the general at one of his highlight moments and he wanted that research. How were they reacting? What were they feeling? Everything in the rec room was recorded whether the hybrids knew that or not and he would spend the time they had on the mission to analyze their features and behavior. All that information, no matter how little, would be his to use.


The panther hybrid merely sat there after her check up, until the general dove in and started disassembling everything that had just happened. She watched several of the people stand and talk to the high ranked official and she shook her head. Sit down and shut up people. You're going to....that was when he started to grab people and shout and raise his voice. ....get him mad. Great....

So now they had to do even more training before they left for the mission? This was just great. Normally she would have just napped but not this time. General Cloud was involved and if he saw her slacking off, then more than likely he'd toss her like a ragdoll too. Most people went for the weights or the track but not Nicole. She went to the watering hole and the trees around it. She burst into a run and started practicing her flips and silent stepping. She would need it for what was coming. She climbed up the trees and down, then back up and back down..getting used to using her nails as makeshift claws.
Alondra literally jumped in her seat at the boisterous entrance of the massive General Cloud. Her bright blue eyes widened and she involuntarily shrunk back in her seat as she acclimated to this new person, a human that seemed more beast than any of the other humans they dealt with; Vincent looked like a bratty toddler compared to this brute of a man. The man didn't waste time and got right to the details of their mission. The longer he spoke, the quicker she found herself straightening back up and giving him her full focus. The mission sounded complicated, highly dangerous and a chance for them to prove something. Perfect. Finally, something to break our normal routine, a chance to prove we're better then just tests subjects. Her eyes danced from the screen images Cloud referenced to, back to the man's scary wide eyes, leaning forward when he mentioned Jamie. She looked to him and could see the tension in his body. Hopefully being free to fly...well sort of free...would be nice for him. At least if something went wrong he could easily get to safety. This brought a small smile to her lips; any time she thought of him being free or safe she felt warm inside. Her attention was brought back to Cloud when he mentioned her name and explained her part of the mission. She glanced to Rubin then Riley when their part was spoken of. She gave her friend a nod and a smirk in return, glad to be working with someone she knew well and could work well with. Strangely, she also trusted Rubin. Keep Rubin safe. That was their goal. She wasn't sure what that looked like but it sounded like more than just using her endurance and running abilities. She grew nervous, wondering if she had what it took to actually do this. Her eyes moved across the room to the different hybrids. All of them were different from each other and quite remarkably. Even the wolves and panthers in the room were different in most notable ways. Alondra realized that everyone in this room was chosen for a specific reason. They would not risk expensive hybrids (those they spent the most testing and developing on) for a mission where they thought any of them would fail or be incapable to complete. This was a calculated decision, made primarily by the General no doubt. If this were true then the man knew more about them than they could understand. He probably had been studying them, following their tests and results, keeping tabs for who knows how long. No, their presence was all calculated. She was here for a reason and this final thought gave her a boost of confidence. Her mind continued to wander as the men entered to finish Generals requests with measurements and such. Alondra moved as needed but kept in her thoughts.

Alondra jumped again in her seat, breaking out of her day dream thoughts by General's loud voice once more. He was pissed. She hadn't even realized the hybrids had responded until he yelled out, storming to Maeve and picking her up like a piece of paper. Alondra didn't think she would last very long in his grasp with her small lithe frame, and kept her mouth shut even as the others kept talking out of place. The General was having none of it and even Nikolai was not immune to his wrath. The General meant nothing but business.

Alondra's eyes burned when she saw the General move to Dr. Quinn and grab her like she was a hybrid. Was he allowed to do that? What couldn't this man do? Surely he had someone higher up to respond to. Alondra tensed in her chair, gripping the seat as she saw her favorite doctor get handled so inhumanely...just like them. It was infuriating to see the one person that treated the hybrids with the most respect get treated like she was worthless. Her jaw hurt from the pressure as she kept herself from getting up and reacting without thinking; the General would squish her like a bug.

When the General took control of the room again he barked at them to leave and Alondra didn't hesitate. She wasn't going to be one of the hybrids to piss off the General and if she lingered much longer on the image of Dr. Quinn in his hands she just might get there. Instead, she moved quickly with the others to the rec room. She kept by Jamie's side as they re-entered, glancing around as everyone dispersed with a plan. She hesitated, unsure what training she should do that would assist her for her role in the mission. She saw Riley already moving to the track. It seemed like a familiar place to go to but it didn't make sense to her. Indecision left her standing still and when she turned to ask Jamie what she should do she saw him already across the room, moving to the gymnastics area. "Damnit" she mumbled softly to herself, wrapping her arms around her torso. She didn't want to linger too long for fear the General would come down on her, his looming figure visible at the side as he surveyed the room.

Just a moment longer of hesitation before Alondra stepped forward. She had to move. Just move. Look busy. If you don't do something you're going to be in trouble. She glanced around as she moved slowly, idly making her way towards the weight room where Nikolai, Barnabas, Maeve and now Ella were gathered. She gave a side glance to Haiden as she passed her, catching sight of the ram training heavily with a strange new rage. Perhaps this mission was stirring up new aggression and focus amongst the hybrids. She simply felt lost at the moment. She kept slowly walking towards the weight room, glancing back towards some of the scientists. She caught sight of Dr. Quinn. The look on Quinn's face brought Alondra to turn herself completely around in surprise and begin walking backwards. That is a new look for Dr. Quinn. She looks...she looks pissed! Even though the Doctor was across the room, Alondra's eyes had vision stronger than 20/20 and she caught sight of the bruising beginning to form around her neck. "I wish we could give the General what he deserves" she growled softly. Her mind was spinning with thoughts and swirling emotions when-"OOMF!"

Alondra, walking backwards without paying attention and lost in her thoughts, walked right in to Nikolai. She spun around immediately, stumbling back a few steps from bumping in to him. While she wasn't moving fast her motion was set forward with no indication of what felt like a brick wall set in her path. She lifted her chin up and tilted her head almost all the way back to look up to his face. Her small size made him look that much more massive.
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Nikolai watched as Ella flew down and into the conversation. She said that more hybrids died from in base stupidity than anything else. He could believe it after seeing GEN. Cloud be how he was today. It was something that really resonated with him, he had become weak in under a day with these acclimated hybrids. It was bizarre. He looked at everyone in a calm way.

"I hope we can all return from this mission," Nikolai said before he felt someone bump into him, "It's poss..."

Nikolai put his foot forward slightly to reset his balance. He turned around and looked down at the small redheaded wolf hybrid. She was close enough that he had to look downwards to see her face. She didnt look like she'd did it intentionally, she seemed more concerned with the action. He stared for a moment with a stony expression, not moving as he thought. Would Cloud expect him to react aggressively, or to offer an outstretched hand.

"Watch yourself next time," Nikolai said, he decided to go with a fairly neutral warning. He figured the easiest way to avoid that situation escalating was to resume what he had been doing before. He turned back to the main crowd and resumed his previous sentence.

"I think it's likely someone will die on this mission. There's too many pieces, and not all these pieces are fine tuned. If someone does die, someone here is gonna get emotional and it's gonna be a cluster fuck. Those of us who survive are no doubt going to be wounded because of the idiots that get emotional."
Burn it up!


Riley had taken to walking around the rec room when she noticed Alondra mindlessly walking towards the group that had gathered around Nikolai. Shaking her head, she started to walk towards the group as well, if only just to tell Alondra to watch where she was going. She didn't want the guards to think that she had lost her mind and was incapable of doing the mission. As she neared and watched the interaction, she overhead Nikolai's last statement. He wasn't wrong. Someone always dies. Slowly walking up to the crowd, she cleared her throat. "He's right. Someone always dies. And someone always loses their mind. I've seen it multiple times. Best advice; keep focus on yourself. Don't try to look for anyone, or keep anyone safe. It's too hard and too emotional. You don't want to fail at your part of the mission--the guards will get pissed and you've pretty much fucked yourself then. Just keep focus on you and your safety. That way it should ensure all of us coming back." She hoped that her advice made sense. She had to learn that the hard way.

Missions were usually about one thing; more testing. That's all the hybrids were used for truthfully. Testing and doing the work that humans didn't want to do. They send them on ridiculous missions and make them do team building to see if hybrids were worth keeping around. It was stupid and pathetic. The humans wouldn't admit it, but they were scared. She smirked a little at her own thought. They were scared and yet THEY acted terrified. It was because of warfare. They were scared of guns and bullets and pain. But if they thought about it--they could win in a war against humans if they honed their animal sides more. It was all about timing, and that was what a lot of the testing and experiments were usually about; timing.

It was all in the goddamn timing.
And ignite!
Maeve was fine with the talk of death, but the emotional part disgusted her. Taking a step back, Maeve crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, if it puts the rest of your minds to ease, you have no reason to worry about me. I'm known not to care for others." She replied, before walking past the others and the girl who had stupidly ran into Nikolai. She climbed into the gymnastics area and continued her training.
Haidan grew tired of hitting the training dummy. She stopped hitting it, and shifted back into her human form. She tilted her head side to side, cracking her neck. She saw a group of people over by the weights, chatting. She was thinking about going over there to lift, but decided against it. She didn't want to be yelled at for chatting instead of training. She looked over and saw nobody was in the climbing area. She wasn't too fond of climbing, mostly because we wasn't that great at it. But she figured she'd give it a shot and the practice would be good. Just in case.

She walked over to the climbing area. She looked all the way to the top, took in a deep breath and proceeded to climb the wall. It wasn't that difficult of a climb, but it was intricate enough to where if you weren't watching where you were going, you would fall. She skimmed up and down the wall and around. Trying to make it easier for to climb. A few times her steps faltered. But she pushed threw it.

x X x

Quinn finally took her eyes off of Cloud. The sight of him was starting to make her sick. She relaxed her stance and looked around the room. She noticed the group of hybrids start to gather over by the weights. The way Alondra looked straight up at Nikolai, like he was a skyscraper. And how Nikolai towered over her. It almost hurt her neck watching the way their's were craned. That's when she remembered. There was a reason hers hurt. She lightly touched her neck, only to be met with a stinging sensation. "Fuck." She winced quietly. She brought her hand away from her neck and put it back into the pocket of her white lab coat. She watched as Maeve walked away from the group and over to the gymnastics area.

Quinn was always curious about her. She had treated her a few times, but she was a girl of few words. Always did what was told and never argued.
Her expression stayed pretty much neutral at all times. Didn't care what others thought. Quinn knew that this wasn't the place for emotion. And she didn't bother to try and get the hybrids to feel anything towards the others. But when you are around someone for a while, sometimes you just pick up on things. Quinn cared for all the hybrids, and sometimes when she worked with them, it showed. But with Maeve, there was always nothing. "I guess that's just the way some people are." She muttered to herself.
Nearing the gymnastics equipment, Jamie stuffed Velvet into his large sweatshirt pocket. Releasing his wings, he took off into the air. Stagnant air smacked his face, but he didn't mind it accustomed to its flavorless, mechanical taste. His arms spread, rising and falling as he swept around the room, warming up. He spotted a few hybrids clustered on the track beneath him and rolled his eyes. There was no time to dawdle on cheap gossip in his mind. Couldn't they comprehend that? Or did they just like to push buttons? He wondered, flashing back to the general plowing in ripping those three hybrids a new one.

Swooping down, he clamped his hands around one of the training bars, retracting his wings for a moment, allowing his body to swing over the bar a few times. He stopped himself at one point in a handstand position with his toes pointed straight to the ceiling. Removing one hand, he stretched across the bar. Testing his balance, he loosened his grasp on the rod. He took a deep breath to clear his mind before he raised his palm. The pads of his middle and index finger barely pressed into the metal as he elevated them to their tips able to keep his entire body flat as a board.

Closing his eyes, he imagined himself a thread, pulled into a straight line against a white sheet of paper. One hand held one end while another hand had the other. How easy it would be to be split in half, and yet both limbs remained motionless. The noise that surrounded him didn't exist anymore, only focused on his breathing. "Twenty…twenty-one….twenty two…" He counted.
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