
Drustan smirked. "Yeah, why don't you stop trying to get us to do everything for you." He stretched and looked around.

"We're mean because we won't molly coddle you?" Stitch raised an eyebrow. "Well, shit, my parents musta been Hitler then, huh?"
"I was asking you guys for help because I thought that we were friends but never mind," Ryder huffed, "I'll just stay here groaning in pain."
Dj looks back at drustan "hey drustan speaking up mission's ...... you got anything for me so i can take my mind off of Texas Dj's face goes blank for just a second in this time he comes to a realization that his mom is gone.... he comes back too "its been a while since i have been on a mission and its getting dry around here?" he gets up and throws his plate away returning to his seat.
Seamus gets up and walks over to the fridge, and pours himself a cup of sweet tea. He walks over to Stitches and stares at Ryder, an analyzing look on his face. He throws his free hand into the air and shakes his head, I give up.