Horizon Demon Hunter Acedemy

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If you fuckin murder me bob... I swear I will get your IP and find you... then proceed to ding dong ditch your house. DEATH APPROACHES! ;)
Now to figure out how to make Erin NOT murder everyone right now... It's actually rather tempting...
Beate can give her a hug <:
Now to figure out how to make Erin NOT murder everyone right now... It's actually rather tempting...
You could get her to 'Attempt' to steal food from the ghostly Tall daemon with a plate full of cheese steaks. BUT I do not recommend it if you value a life. Never steal food from a hungry Z'eklaz.

Mainly because Monica will go 'She stole from you... I know your mad so please give me a show and use EVERYTHING you require to annihilate her."

Z'eklaz will probably go to his full size now that he isn't forced to his smaller size by Monica.
Angelic Fusion said:
You could get her to 'Attempt' to steal food from the ghostly Tall daemon with a plate full of cheese steaks. BUT I do not recommend it if you value a life. Never steal food from a hungry Z'eklaz.

Never steal food from a hungry Z'eklaz.

food from a hungry Z'eklaz.


Sounds like someone i know
Sounds like someone i know
Mainly because Monica will go 'She stole from you... I know your mad so please give me a show and use EVERYTHING you require to annihilate her."

Z'eklaz will probably go to his full size now that he isn't forced to his smaller size by Monica.

If she can even get one from his paranoid ass. Likely he will snap it out of her hands as quickly as she took it before eating the entire plate with the cheese steaks on it LOL
Mainly because Monica will go 'She stole from you... I know your mad so please give me a show and use EVERYTHING you require to annihilate her."

Z'eklaz will probably go to his full size now that he isn't forced to his smaller size by Monica.

If she can even get one from his paranoid ass. Likely he will snap it out of her hands as quickly as she took it before eating the entire plate with the cheese steaks on it LOL
Believe me, I'm willing to bet after what Sean just did to Erin, her furry alone would scare him.
Believe me, I'm willing to bet after what Sean just did to Erin, her furry alone would scare him.
More like make him fire back xD

Z'eklaz doesn't scare. It just fires up his Ego so he fires back.

The way to make Z'eklaz freak out in a bad way is to do something unexpected. He knows she will be pissed so hes ready for it since he could hear the screaming.

Either way this will be great. There may be a titan Clash LOL
Everyone is so nice fir helping Will out XD
Erin legitimately likes will though! She's just really pissed right now :<
I'll likely do that soon
Well, she got her food and Monica bid an intelligent fall back. She simply stepped to the side.

Anyway, I am off to bed.
Wow, apparently these characters like helping those who look different, but like teasing those who act different.
God I need to get Lyle to socialize lol, suddenly we've had so many replies. Hopefully it stays like this so we can far into the story ^.^​
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