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Anselle and Synergizer:
They are beans and Id kill for them
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Ragamoofin
they're two halves of a whole baby 🥰
am i going to make nalani a character and, dare i say it, a hero?

  • According to Plan
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I should be able to write my next post after the morning festivities
  • Sweet
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Can't wait tosee what Transfer gets up to!!!

Up early, thankfully off from work so thinking on on Anselle's lore a little bit. Was thinking since he's the second Synergizer who (not sure if this is a huge spoiler but)
is pretending to be the original one by keeping the same design as the first Synergizer's battlesuit,
would any of the current heroes remember Synergizer? I guess I'd have to hash that out with all of y'all, but it's fun to consider!!!
Merry Christmas Day y'all! I hope your days are cheery and bright :D

@Ragamoofin when was the original one active?
The way I'm thinking, the original would've been active up until recent years! I'm not entirely sure on what time of timeframe we have for when supers would've came to light, but I imagine Synergizer would've been working up to at least a year before the story begins, then there was a drop in public appearances from him.
Ooo, gotchu gotchu. The only one I'm thinking on my end is Tamer, considering Snowfall and Torrent are fairly new and Conduit is uh, ahem, but if you want to do anything or have any ideas with that, feel free to pm me :)
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There's a very, very slim chance Transfer has heard of him. How popular was the original Synergizer?
  • OMG
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Hm, good question!!! I'm headcanonning OG Synergizer to be something of a common name back in the day, but his popularity would've dwindled until now! Even Anselle isn't exactly making ways under the name, though
Happy day after Christmas everyone!!! 🤗
@Ragamoofin Merry Belated Christmas to you as well, along with everyone else! I hope your holidays went well!

Also, I think the only hero character I have who would've heard of OG Synegizer is Mercy (Mother Nature).
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Happy day after Christmas everybody! I hope y'all had great holidays
I had a wonderful Christmas, but I sure am worn out after it.

@Ragamoofin I don't think Transfer would have heard about him then.
Okay guys, so as luck would have it, The Night Watcher is getting the team caught up in a pyramid scheme because he signed a document and forged the teams signatures without understanding fully what he was getting himself into. So it's up to you guys to defeat the evil business men and educate Conner on the dangers of unique business opportunities.
Conner: Why is this such a bad thing?

Anselle, having saved the bookshop from getting reposessed before because of a pyramid scheme:
  • Haha
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.....Anselle no