His Secret War

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As he played, Alessandra explored the surroundings of the waterfall. Peering behind rocks. See what sort of flowers were in the pushes. She kicked her shoes off near his boulder, even removing stockings before she was hopping from stone to stone. Leaning to turn one over and see what was under it, or chuck a pebble in to the pool's water to test how deep it was.

Once she could follow the notes of his song, she hummed along to it. It was light and beautiful. A cheerful song! After nearly tipping forward on a particularly wobbly rock, Alessandra also discovered there was a small cave hidden behind the waterfall. There was no easy way to get behind it, so she put that tidbit of information away as she hopped off her rock.

Lifting her skirts, she waded in the shallow area of the pool, finding delight at the cool water and the few minnows that seemed to be swimming around as well. When he was finished with the song, she lift her head up to smile wide.

"It's pretty! When did you learn to play the flute?"
Alistair had his eyes clothes during most of the song. He would once in a while open an eye to watch her explore, which made it difficult to not smile. He knew what it was like to be stuck in a castle with no room in the schedule to go on any wilderness adventures. Being stuck here in the forest turned out to be a treat for him, even though there was a kingdom for him to take back. After all, he missed having a variety of meals to choose from and a large wardrobe of clean clothes.

He set his flute down in his lap when he finished, his head bowing to her compliment. "Well, I have some musical experience from when I was a boy. Flute happens to be one of my specialties! This flute I carved really helps pass the time."

When he looked down to the wooden instrument, he smiled at it with a great fondness. It certainly helped drive away the loneliness, despite he had his friends for company. The flute was then put back into his bag and he hid it behind the rock. When he jumped down he said,

"Don't go stealing my things again." Alistair made laugh as he smoothed out his clothes, pleased to feel the water was now gone. His hair felt lighter as well since the sunlight helped dry him off. After a stretch of his arms and a yawn, he sat himself down in the grass, later on laying down so he could look up at the tree tops.
"I don't know... I have just abandoned my world and title to take up a life of crime with a band of thieves. Wouldn't it be good practice?" She was teasing of course. The mischievous look on her face even suggested that she would certainly try just for the sake of attempting it. Alessandra rather liked the idea of running wild and getting in to a little bit of trouble for the sake of good deeds. That was a storybook style adventure that didn't present itself every day. Of course Hilda would likely have a heart attack about it.

With thoughts of Hilda, Alessandra kicked at the water with a sigh. Did her old woman manage to escape the guards? Would they take a servant to the dungeons? She would have to go back and rescue her. There was no way Alessandra could stand knowing Hilda was stuck in a prison. Just as she couldn't stand that the people of this country were starving and ill-treated.

Alessandra stepped out of the water and glided her way over to Alistair. She dropped to the ground on her knees next to him, arranging her skirt neatly.

"I feel as if we should be out right now, burning down the castle and saving the world. But I suppose it isn't as easy as that, is it..?"
Stealing from him would be good practice, he had to admit... The thought of her running off with his quiver sounded risky, though. What if he got into trouble and he had hidden it? She seemed like the type that might actually hide things from him! Imagining it had him smirking the entire time, the thought disappearing once she sat down.

His head moved slightly so he could look into her eyes, seeing how sad they looked after the most recent events. He would have liked to reach up and stroke her cheek with his hand, but instead he reached over for her hand, turning swiftly on to his front side. With their gazes still met, he held her hand in between both of his, making a small smile as he looked up.

"You're right, it's not easy. Before we can do any sort of burning, we'd have to evacuate the prisoners. Hopefully, fire won't be necessary... I quite like my castle, however it'll need redecorating."

Alistair gave a wink as he was certain Ivan made changes to the inside of the castle. "How are you feeling, by the way? Do tell me if there's anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable."
His hand covered hers and she took a great deal of interest in holding it up and examining it. The size, the roughness of skin and even the neatness he kept his nails. Proof that even living out in the forest as a bandit, he still had those grooming habits. Alessandra pressed the palm of her hand against his, seeing the length of his fingers compared to hers.

"I am confused and scared. Angry, betrayed, and a little sad...? But a true Lady knows when she must put it aside and think about what must be done." She tilted her head as she glanced at him. Offering a genuine smile to ease that worried look he had on his face.

"I'll be all right. You don't have to pamper or care for me. I can sleep in the woods and eat bugs, or fight guards if that's what I have to do." she paused, rethinking the statement. "...Well, perhaps not eating bugs..."
"You'd make a fine Queen."

Alistair smiled warmly, looking down as she compared the sizes of their hands. His were indeed larger and he did his best to keep them clean, especially the nails... It had been a long time since his skin made contact with any kind of cleansing item, though. The smile she gave him helped him relax... She seemed like an independent enough woman that she didn't need a gentleman there at all times. Even so, he felt like he had to offer anything he could.

He then looked up after she mentioned eating bugs and made a laugh. "My dear, I'd never serve you a bug for supper. You can help with and do whatever you'd like here. Before you do any kind of fighting--if that's what you wish to do--I'd rather you have a weapon on hand."

Alistair assumed she had no combat experience, since females normally didn't have to go through any training of the sort. Still, it was possible she was an individual that did training in secrecy. His men normally did the dirty work, anyway. For him to get involved, it must be a bad situation.
"Hmm. I don't have any weapons." For some reason everyone seemed to think she was some sort of delicate china doll. Which did make it easier for her to pout and get anything she wanted out of her brother and father, but it also meant that no one trusted her with anything sharp or heavy. They had so much fun going out and training...

Linking her fingers with his, she tugged his arm gently. "I should know how to defend myself and others, yes? Will you show me? I want to try the bow! And a sword... oh, and maybe throwing daggers too!" In fact, there were so many different kinds of weapons, it was hard to decide on which one she'd want to learn first. The next time some guards tried throwing her in a dungeon, she could show them exactly why you never picked on an angry woman.

"You can teach me to street fight or, what do they call it... wrestling?"
It came to no surprise that she had no weapons, so she'd have to make due with what they had 'in stock'. While searching through his memories for what they could have, she began making a list of weapons she wanted to give a try. He looked at her hand as it grasped his own, causing his bashfulness to show at the grass below him. "You're quite eager," he commented, waiting for the pink in his cheeks to fade before looking up to her.

"Since my bow is with me, I'd be delighted to give you a lesson or two. As for fist fighting... Why not? I'll let you practice on me."

Still hand in hand with Alessandra, he stood himself up from the ground and helped raise her along with him. After gently separating their hands, he reached for his quiver that had his arrows and his flute inside. His other hand picked up the bow and he said, "I'll demonstrate."

After removing an arrow, he positioned himself to fire at a large tree that was in front of him. He pulled the arrow along with the string of his bow, concentrating on where he wanted the point to land. After letting out a breath of air, he released it and watched as it swiftly went through the air and stabbed into the tree.

"Ideally, I wait for the right moment to strike an enemy in his most vital areas. Archery is a good skill for stopping carriages, delivering messages or sending an escape rope too! Do you still want to try?"

He offered his bow to her, nodding his head to his quiver where she was welcome to take an arrow. "I promise we'll find exactly what you need."
Alessandra took the bow, chewing on her bottom lip with thoughtful concentration as she tested the string. He made it look simple to just pull the string, but it wasn't so simple to pull it back good and taunt. It bit in to uncalloused fingers and required much more strength in her arm than she anticipated. Still, she was so determined to try it and learn, that she was already capturing an arrow out of his quiver and fumbling to try and string it with the bow.

"How do you aim it? Do you just point and sho-Oh!" Her fingers slipped, letting loose the string and letting the arrow fly. Without direction, it flittered off close by in an unappreciative bush. No where near the near in the distance. Alessandra's faint pout was a testament to her displeasure at the lack of distance. She really thought it might have flown farther than that.
Alistair felt like he should have explained more, however he didn't think she'd try and shoot it right off the bat. He smiled at her before walking over to the bush and retrieving the arrow. He examined it to make sure it was still in one piece, making a nod of satisfaction when it met his standards.

"Pardon me, but I should be able to help..." He slid the arrow back into her hand and began positioning her properly to shoot the arrow, ever so careful to not make her feel too uncomfortable. After gently pushing her arm to raise the bow, he put his hand over hers to help pull the arrow back. "You see, when taking aim, it's best to hold the tools in front of your face. Look where the arrow's pointing..." Alistair spoke quietly since he was so close, his arm shaking a little from the strain he was putting on his arm.

"When you think you're ready, say so and I will let go with you. Shooting an arrow is a quick process because holding it too long can..hurt your arm." He smiled sheepishly. "As death from above or beyond, keeping your eye on the target at all times is important before launching. Even if that means keeping the bow and arrow separated for a moment..."
He was close enough for her to feel his breath in her hair, which was very distracting from the lessons she really did want to learn. Alessandra focused on adjusting her aim. Even closing one eye as she peered down the length of the arrow to line it up with the one he shot so neatly at a tree prior. With a single nod she signaled she was ready to let go and then PFFFFFT! Off it went!

The arrow managed to lodge neatly in a tree this time. Not quite THE tree, but close enough that it was a decent shot, by her own excited standards. She bounced slightly on her feet, clamping her hands at the triumph!

"I got it! ...Almost! That was fairly good though, yes?"
Alistair stepped back from Alessandra, rubbing at his arm and helping the muscles relax. He wasn't in much pain; he'd gone through a lot of practices himself. He grinned as she celebrated her victory. "That was impressive, my lady. Did you aim for that other tree?" Even if she didn't, the fact she managed it was still an accomplishment.

He went over and got her arrow back along with the one he had shot previously. He handed one of the arrows to her and asked, "Would you like to keep practicing? Don't hesitate to ask for anymore assistance or demonstrations."

Bow and arrow is what he specialized in and he could be vouched for dirty, fist to face fighting. He never liked wielding swords, but it was a skill he was required to have... Deadly accuracy from the distance was more Alistair's style.

(( Feel free to make any time skips with their practicing. :3 ))
Alessandra was an eager student. She was happy until she could fire an arrow on her own and at least hit the same tree. And though the lesson took a couple hours, she was just as enthusiastic about it at the finish as she was at the start. Her questions were always specific and didn't have limit. Going from the topic at hand, to curiosity about the forest, or just musing about things out loud. She was just pleased that he'd answer them and talk to her. Normally people found her frustrating and had little patience for keeping up in a conversation.

When they were both sitting in the grass next to the pond, Alessandra leaning against a rock and weaving flowers around one of his arrows, that's when her chattering was finally interrupted by a sleepy yawn.

"How many people do you have in your band of thieves? Do they all sleep in a camp with you?"
The lessons he gave her were actually pleasant. Most of the time, he was sitting by himself or planning his next theft... Life could get lonely and if being a teacher would help cure that, he was more than willing. What made it even better was his student was a beautiful young lady! The thought of that made him hope that the less gentlemanly of his group would mind their manners around her.

He was watching her decorate one of his arrows, his eyes shifting to her when she sleepily asked a question. "It's only me and the other four. They're the best kind of friends, really." He smiled.

"We normally do stay in a camp, but I myself prefer to be in the trees..." Alistair stopped himself from explaining why this was his preference because honestly, he wasn't entirely sure. It had to be a security reason, though. More words had to wait, because he felt like he should take her to the campsite where blankets and food were. He stood himself up quickly and picked up her bag, also swinging his quiver on to his back.

"You look very tired. It's been a long day, hasn't it?" Alistair suddenly remembered she had run away from the castle today and then squeezed in an archery session. He offered a hand to her, his arm also stretched out in case she wanted to hold on to him. "We'll get something to eat and then settle down for the night. I bet Alexander wants to tell me about his...travel, to the village."
Alessandra took his hand and his arm once she was on her feet. She kept that single arrow in her hand, being childishly amused with it as her current toy. As they walked, she was looking up at the trees. Half wondering if they all made beds up there, like swinging hammocks amongst the branches.

"I bet sleeping in a tree is fun. I would be afraid to roll off, though. You don't suppose he got in too much trouble..?" Alistair had reassured her at least a dozen times by now that Alexander had pulled the same stunt before. But she still felt awful to drag them in the middle of her badly planned escape. Or was it just plain walking out? She tapped the end of the arrow against her chin as she sleepily debated about it.

"Do you think bards are writing stories about you and your men?" If they weren't already, she could easily imagine them now. Singing songs about a prince of thieves.
Alistair could see a fire in the distance that he assumed belonged to his friends. He could even smell food in the distance that he was certain to be chicken. Plants and twigs were pushed aside with the arm she wasn't holding on to, a firm grip still around her bag. The thought of bards making stories about him made him smile a little... Being recognized for his loyalty to the people would be amazing, especially in song so it's remembered more easily.

"You know, it's possible. If there are any stories, I'd love to hear them someday."

When they arrived at the usual campsite, Alistair set Alessandra's bag down and opened his arms to the men that excitedly stood up to greet him and give him pats on the shoulders. A bowl of chicken and broth was shoved into his hands as if they were expecting him already and they looked to Alessandra in silence, bowing their heads.

"She'll be staying with us, men. So be polite." He winked to them and got a bowl for Alessandra, gesturing for her to sit beside him. "Alexander, you're well I assume?"

The scrawny looking man laughed at the question and nodded quickly. "Aye, yer majesty. Even snatched me a bag o' coins from those imbeciles."
One of them pat Alexander on the back, hearty laughs being thrown out. Alistair was sipping at the broth in his bowl, evidently satisfied to hear that his friend wasn't harmed. Even Ivan's guards weren't heartless enough to lay a knife on a 'blind man'.
Alessandra gratefully accepted a bowl of soup and sat down next to Alistair. She didn't hesitate to take a bite, grinning a smile over at Alexander. "I'm glad you managed to survive! Playing a blind man is rather clever. It's kind of exciting to be dressed up in a disguise and right under their noses, isn't it?"

The man blushed in to his soup, while a companion elbowed him congenially in the side. Peter moved across the little clearing to sit down on the other side of Alessandra. Smiling, he dropped an arm around her shoulder and gestured at the woods around them.

"So, m'lady! Are you now the Princess of our humble forest? It's a nice change having a woman around instead of these filthy dic-" A small roll shot across the fire and clonked Peter on the head. He snorted as he snatched it up and took a bite. "Could use some manners around here too."

Alessandra laughed! "I'm am not a princess and I find your, hmm, table manners very charming. At home, my Father and Brother are often throwing things at each other." She gave a wicked grin at the guilty roll-thrower.

Alessandra liked this. The easy and relaxed atmosphere. It was a great deal more comfortable than the stuffy and pretentious droning of court. The men told stories about their most recent exploits. Harassing guards, stealing things from traveling carriages. Once dinner was finished and dishes cleaned and stashed away, she was more than happy to chatter about her own stories! Terrorizing poor Hilda with childish things, getting bored at a party and pouring too much wine in to a punch bowl. While they chatted, she was leaning against Alistair's arm growing increasingly sleepy, but not wanting to miss any of the talking! She was practically nodding off where she sat.
Alistair was quiet during most of the conversation, which he honestly didn't mind. He always preferred to listen than to talk and that came with his sheepish personality. The Prince would throw in a laugh every so often or remind the men about parts of the stories when they could not remember correctly. Most of that time, he was carving at a piece of wood with his knife. It became a difficult task because the fire was dying... The remainder of the little project would have to wait.

"Alright, off to bed with you all!"

He noticed that sleepiness was overcoming Alessandra and although his men could chatter all night, he could tell that they were also exhausted. It was a rough day for everyone... It warmed Alistair to see that it still ended quite nicely. His band of goofy men all gathered their things and went to their beds that were either hammocks or layers of blankets. Alistair was quite for the next few moments, listening for any threats and even the status of the wind so he'd know where and how to sleep.

"They like you very much," he said to the girl on his arm, making a chuckle. There was obvious sleepiness in his voice; he was ready to turn in for the night as well. That certainly could not happen until he found a suitable place for Alessandra to sleep, though. First, he wanted to make a promise: "Don't worry about Miss Hilda. When the time is right, we'll go to her rescue!"

Alistair grinned in the darkness, very faint embers lighting up his figure. He made a note to put that fire completely out before leaving this spot. "Where would you prefer to sleep?"
He had a cozy hammock in the tree he'd have liked to give her, but he had a feeling she'd reject it in order to be kind. Having her sleep on the ground with some thin blankets would not do! What if he offered to share it with her? That might seem creepy, although it sounded nice to him. His thoughts became a mess of how he should offer the best bed he had. Either way, he had to be close by her for safety reasons.

"I have a cozy hammock with a blanket in my favourite tree... If you're not too afraid of heights." That seemed like a good way of putting it.
"I am most certainly not afraid of heights." That seemed to do the trick. Alessandra fell right in to the bait, wanting to show she wasn't afraid of anything! ...despite the fact, she very much was afraid of sleeping high up in a tree. What if it snapped? Or she rolled over and fell out? That could be a long fall! And though she might have preferred sleeping on the ground where it was stationary, she wasn't too keen on the thought of spiders crawling in her blankets either. In the end, it was rotten being a girl!

She stood slowly, smoothing out her skirt even though the action was unnecessary. "I could sleep in the hammock... but where are you going to sleep? On the branches where you might tumble and get eaten by ground spiders?"
As he stood up with her, he smirked to himself. What he said actually worked? It was nice to know his gentlemanly intentions could still get around her insistence.

When she asked about where he'd sleep, he simply shrugged his shoulders and then turned to put the fire out. While he did so, he had to think about what to say next. Sleeping in branches had been done before, so he wouldn't mind if it came to that.

"I'll have to locate a branch higher in the trees so if I do happen to fall, I have a little more time to react." Alistair knew that sounded insane. He even laughed after he said this, thinking back to one morning when he was frightened off of a branch, causing him to fall to the ground. Thankfully, he got no fractures but hitting all those branches along the way gave a lot of back pain. The memory always made him laugh inside, helping him gain the confidence to say,

"That is, unless your willing to share my bed with me. Either way, I'm going to sleep in my tree."

Smiling to himself, he slung his quiver back on and picked up Alessandra's bag, hiding it with the rest of the supplies that were in a deep hole covered with leaves. "I promise it will be safe here." he said quietly.