High School Delusions?! (IC)

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Hiromi gave a warm smile to Akane when he heard her apologise for the incident that happened. At least the girl was back to her flustered self. He preferred her to be that way rather than her chuunibyou sid however, he still likes her for who she is, be it her normal meek nature or her unusual aggressive demeanor.

"You need not apologize for what had happened. If anything, I found it absolutely interesting. You almost stope my first kiss, you know?" Hiromi replied in a gentle yet playful manner before his expression turned a little bit serious.

"So you can't control your Chuunibyou side, huh? If you don't mind, I can help you with that matter." Hiromi told her.

Hiromi then recalled what Aya said and faced her. "Nice! The Queen of the Pit sounds like a very formidabble opponent. The Phantom has been sealed for 2 Aeons now. He will need someone to be his sparring partner so that he could regain his strength. And who better be his opponent than someone with your calliber." Hiromi told Aya as he gave her a friendly smile.

It was then that their homeroom teacher arrived and from the looks of it, she's experiencing one major hangover. He'll have to fix that later since his frindly nature could not leave that unattended. But another student arrived much later than their teacher. He had a cocky nature about him which attracted the attention of most of the class in an unpleasant way. Though he decided not to judge the guy on day one. Perhaps he was just some misunderstood soul.

He turned back Akane and took her hand. "Well the opening ceremony's about to start. It would be nice to spend the time with a friend rather than go through it alone."

"You need not apologize for what had happened. If anything, I found it absolutely interesting. You almost stole my first kiss, you know?" Hiromi replied, And Akane chuckled to herself. Good thing she managed to knock it off before it actually happened. Knowing it would be his first kiss, would made it even more awkward. She shrugged confused, and cleared her throat. "Well, um... I do not think it is that interesting but... t-thanks... I guess?" She refused to answer the second part about the kiss. It was too awkward for her.

"So you can't control your Chuunibyou side, huh? If you don't mind, I can help you with that matter." Akane shook her head and looked at Hiromi. Everything was out by now and she replied honestly. "It only happens when I encounter other people. She thinks, it is helping me. Not to mention she is quite protective for...reasons." She shrugged and crossed her arms. "But both of us are bad news so... neither of you should bother too much. I do appreciate you trying though." The classroom doors opened and everyone looked up at the teacher that looked, mildly said, awful. She was obviously in the bad mood since she just mumbled out her name and some things about the opening ceremony.

Luckily she was right. They already knew how it goes and it had to be done. She jerked once more, when her hand was touched again. She thought how she will never get used to that and she would rather avoid it, but this guy just wouldn't let her. Akane stared at him, questioning.
"Well the opening ceremony's about to start. It would be nice to spend the time with a friend rather than go through it alone." She thought about it for a little bit. Considering the situation and how she was strangely looked at now, and probably will be for some times ahead, she nodded unsure what more could she possibly do. "Alright." She smirked lightly, accepting his offer.
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