Hidden by the Sea

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"It'll go well. We should start. She never checks on me during night hours." Kai said, waiting for her to start. "It should all go fine." She tried to convince herself of this, biting her lip slightly.
Jennifer nodded her head. "I have to go up to the surface and get the two containers. Deliver the materials and then come here to fill them with water and move you into it. After that we'll go for Robert. We have a short window so I will try to hurry." she said looking at her one more second before taking off. She was worried, but hoped that the best would come from this.
((Sorry my replies have been wonky. My internet's being a bitch.))

Kai nodded and swam back into her tank. She was worried that only she would get out. She couldn't live happily for long without Robert. He was too precious for her to lose. She swam nervously, hoping everything would be alright.
[ :] it's mkay]

Jennifer walked past a set of guards on their way to their rooms. "Goodnight Dr." they had said laughing between the three. She was not a bad looking woman, in fact she was quite beautiful but none would act against her for fear of her father. She swiped the badge and clambered into the large worker elevator riding the five minutes it took to the surface. The people of the surface rig were all asleep, the pallet with the huge containers sat waiting for delivery. She grabbed the pump forklift handles and easily got it into the elevator pressing the button.

The whole way down her heart pounded and she felt it in her throat. She was having a nervous attack. She just wanted them to have a chance. She had never wanted any wrong coming to the specimen when her father had given her the intern. When she arrived she popped her head out of the elevator to see the coast was clear. She moved quickly but without looking as if she was doing something illegal and made her way into Kai's cell. She used the elevator there to go down to the pool room. She pulled along the containers and took off the tarp that covered them. She threw all of the contents out onto the platform looking over to see how on earth she was supposed to fill them with water.

"Any ideas?" she asked calling out to Kai. To bucket fill them would take too long.
Kai swam up and pointed to a large pump. "They used that to fill my tank. It took them three minutes." She had watched them fill the tank with water and it was a strange process to her.
Jennifer looked up and sighed in relief. She moved quickly using the control panel to move the pump over and moving the tanks to sit beneath the spout. She pressed the button and filled the first container and then the second one. She moved it around. It was a little more difficult for her to maneuver but there was no time to take some water out.

"Can you climb up there or do you need help?" she asked ready to find her a rope or something to help her pull herself up into it. "We need to hurry." she said looking over her shoulder.
"Help would be nice." Kai said. "I can't be out of the water for too long." She pulled herself out of the water mostly, just the tip of her tail in the water, keeping her from transforming. She felt the tension in the air and licked her lips.
Jennifer nodded her head. The tanks were a good six feet tall. She was only five foot five. She grabbed hold of a chair and brought it up next to it climbing up. She turned to Kai and held out her hand. She would have to pull Kai up onto the chair and then get her into the tank. It was the only thing she could think of.

"Come on!" she grunted pulling at her arms.
Kai helped as much as she could, using Jennifer's help to get into the tank. She fell into it, quickly recovering. She swam around showing her that she was ready to go.
Jennifer sighed feeling that half the word was done. She covered up the tanks with the tarp and made the trek upstairs. Her heart was pounding so hard she was trembling. She felt a sigh of relief when she reached Robert's cell. She made sure the door was locked behind her as she made it down the elevator with the tanks and swiped her ID badge to open the pool door and tank mid door so that Robert could swim down. He popped out of the water before she could even turn around.

"Is she okay?" he asked standing with just his ankles in the water.

"Yes." Jennifer said moving the tarp so that he could see her. Robert gave a smile that no one had seen before, a smile just for the girl he loved.
Kai smiled and waved, swimming around to show that she wasn't hurt. She flipped around, smiling at Robert. She couldn't wait to bring him with her and show him to her family.
She brought a chair for him as well and he jumped up onto it lifting himself up and into the tank. He leaned over the side of his and cradled Kai's head leaning forward and planting a kiss on her lips. He had missed her lips, missed her face, her smile, he'd missed her. Jennifer smiled and waited for them to duck down into them before covering them with the tarp and making sure it was tied down so that it wouldn't slip and have them exposed to everyone.

Now the real fear began. She made it up and into the corridor her heart beating frantically. She trembled as she used the badge to open the elevator so they could make it up to the surface. She heard her father's voice and she froze straightening up and turning to look at him controlling her facial expressions.

"Jennifer? What in God's name are you doing?" he asked with a raised brow and looking over at the tarp covered contents.

"Last of my jobs tonight so I can head to bed." she managed to say with strength in her words.

"What's all this?"

"All the sea life that I took out of the specimen's tank. No use in making her comfortable." she said with a scoff. Her father nodded his head.

"You're doing good kid. I'll see you in the morning." he said tapping the tanks as he left. She blinked her eyes after him and let out an exasperated exhale as the elevator finally opened. She moved them in quickly and pressed the button.

"Five minutes guys... five minutes." she said.
Kai nodded as she swam around. She was nervous. She felt almost as scared as Jennifer was. She twisted and turned, trying to calm her heart. What would happen once she and Robert were in the ocean?
Robert sat at the bottom of his container. He was excited and fearful. He didn't have all that adaptations Kai had for living in the ocean. He would be easy prey. Would she get in trouble for turning him? There was so much worrying him. The five minutes to the surface were the longest of his life. Jennifer moved along the platform to the lowest part, the dock where boats were loaded and unloaded. She took the tarp off.

"Guys... it's now or never." she said showing them the water just a mere foot away from them.
Kai jumped out of the tank, quickly diving into the ocean. She poked her head out of the water, waiting for Robert. She would worry about the dangers of the ocean later. Mermaids were at the top of the food chain. They would be fine.
Robert held himself out of the tank and jumped in after Kai. His fear melting away. He leaned back up sitting on the dock and pulling Jennifer into a tight almost crushing hug.

"Thank you. We owe you our lives." he said releasing her and jumping back into the ocean waving once more before going under. They had to get as far away as possible. There would be a search as soon as they found out they were missing.
Kai grabbed Roberts hands and pulled him close. "Hold on tight." She said before swimming away. She was the faster of the two so she could get to their destination faster. She smiled as she felt the familiar rush of sea water as she swam past different sea creatures. She made sure not to go too fast for Robert to handle.
Robert felt so helpless and ridiculous as he held onto her but he knew that their safety depended on it. His eyes could not adjust to the darkness just yet and he wondered if they ever would or if he would be blind in the sea with her.
Kai stopped near the gate of her home. "Are you alright?" She asked. She noticed the guards seeing them and alerting the others. She ignored them, focusing on her lover. She looked him over, making sure he was good.
"I'm a little delirious but that's to be expected." he said trying to find her in the dark. "I can't see. Maybe the change hasn't affected my eyes yet or maybe it just doesn't change my pupil. I don't know love." he said softly holding on to her waist wondering where on earth they were. She had swum fast and for many nautical miles.
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