Hidden by the Sea

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Alma glared. "You will find a way to verbally communicate with her or so help me I will get you fired. And your replacement will not be as... kind as you are." She turned around and walked out of the room, not happy with the new employee. Mari poked her head above the water, curious. She tilted her head and swam to the shallow end, wondering how Robert was doing.
Rob watched her take off and shook his head. He had to patch the sphere so that Kai could go back to swimming about in the prison they had her locked in. So far he was hating the details of this job. He sighed turning to see her head just above the water. He offered her a small smile and moved closer.

"I guess that means I have to teach you English." he said with a laugh. His hand went through his hair as usual and he sighed. "Are you okay?" he asked. His heart was still rushing from the sound of a gun so close to him and towards her.
Kai nodded. "I'm... okay." She said. She swam over to the shallowest edge and sat near him. She noticed his hair. The mermen didn't have hair like his. She wanted to touch it, but wasn't sure how to ask. She bit her lip before pointing to his hair and making a petting motion.
Rob looked at her, noticing he had just ran his fingers through it as usual. At first he thought maybe she was asking why he did it but knew that the petting action was distinctive. He smiled and leaned closer, his head turned towards her.

"Well at least it's clean." he mumbled to himself mostly with another chuckle.
Kai hesitantly lifted a hand to pet his hair. She ran a hand through his hair, surprised. "S... soft..." She said, hoping she said the right word. His hair was nice to touch unlike most mermen hair. Theirs was crusted over with salt. She and other mermaids made sure to take care of their hair since they were the ones who seduced the pirates and sailors except when you got the occasional gay one. She continued to run her hand through his hair, smiling at the feel.
Her hands were wet but he didn't care as his hair dampened at her touch. He was surprised at how human like her gestures and curiosity was. He looked at her and smiled. "May I?" he asked pointing to her hair. He thought what the hell? He was pretty amazed about everything that had to do with Kai. He wanted to know all he could about her, starting with how her hair felt. It looked beautiful as it swayed through the water when she was in the sphere. He couldn't help but be a biologst.
Kai stopped touching his hair and nodded. She moved so that he had easier access to her short hair. The purple strands were wet and full of salt. She shifted a bit, her tail flopping behind her as she moved into a more comfortable position. She waited for him to start touching her hair.
Robert hesitated before reaching out. It was surprisingly not that different from human hair. It did have plenty granules of salt, but that was to be expected from a sea dweller. His fingers ran through, curling behind her ear and down to the nape of her neck. He swallowed hard as his eyes came to fall on hers, his fingers still in her hair. He felt himself warm, a blush rising and he gave her a crooked smile before removing his hands.

"Thank you." he said clearing his throat. "How.. How did you end up here?" he asked peering at her. He couldn't fathom how such an amazing creature could end up a prisoner of the government. He wanted to know what horrors she had lived... to empathize with her.
"I was..." She swam around a bit to show him what she was doing. "They..." She pointed to a large net and acted out them throwing it out around her. She had been doing rounds when this happened and went a bit too far from her route. That was when they took her. She looked up at him, hoping he understood somewhat.
As usual Robert thought aloud and began murmuring. "For them to have even stumbled upon such a historical find they must've been looking, watching from afar for a while and attack when you were alone. It's surprising they haven't gone back to find more. By now the disappearance of one of you, the others must've hopefully migrated somewhere away. What do they want with you... it's not like you attacked a vessel and that was how you were caught.. you were minding your own business. Why on earth do they want you." he kept asking trying to figure out the questions that plagued his mind.

"What did you do? As in.. what was your job?" he asked pointing to himself. "I'm a doctor... I work with animals... people.. things. What was your job?" he asked her.
Kai heard a door open to let a fish in. She motioned for him to watch. The water was clear enough for him to. She pretended that the fish was invading territory. She struck at it once it got to close, killing it instantly. She swam up and showed him the dead fish, trying to convey her military status to him. She knew he would think of her as a hunter from that, but she tried.
Robert watched her carefully. The words from her file flashing in his head. 'Tactical way of attacking' He nodded his head. "Military... you guarded your people?" he said straightening his back and pretending to be a soldier. He was sure he looked like a crazed person but he smiled nonetheless. "Do you only eat fish?" Sure it sounded like a dumb question for a mermaid that spent her life in water. There was so much that was edible and so far he had only seen her eat fish. Maybe she had an affinity for them.
Kai shook her head. "No... seaweed too." She held up a bit of black seaweed which she wrapped around the fish. She took a bite, trying to be polite around him. Normally she wouldn't care how she ate, but he seemed to hold her in a high regard. She didn't want him to think of her as only a beast. She wanted to think of her as a person... a lover. She nearly slapped herself at the thought. She couldn't be lovers with a human! It always ended up horrible for the mermaid! The human got off scott-free the lucky bastards.
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He watched her carefully and smiled. He was feeling the tiredness creep up on him and he still had to patch the hole in the sphere before getting to bed. Even if it meant it was going to be an all nighter. "Do you sleep?" he said acting out the closed eyes and hands to the side of the head imaginary pillow scene. The questions he had for her were endless and he hoped she wouldn't tire of answering him. He wasn't doing it for the government or for his job. He was doing it because she deserved to be understood, and he had a piqued interest. He wanted to know everything about her from her eating habits to how they lived to how they reproduced... The thought caused his eyes to blink. It almost bothered him to know that at some point he would ask her about that intimate question. He settled his mind and looked up at her.

"I am going to fix the hole in the sphere before I sleep." he said motioning to the sphere and the gunshot hole.
Kai nodded. "Yes. I... sleep." She said, mimicking his motion. She nodded at his statement and swam down to the bottom of the pool. She found some comfortable coral and settled herself. She closed her eyes, falling asleep quickly. She started dreaming of Robert. She dreamed of him kissing her, holding her, loving her. She smiled in her sleep, curling up.
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Robert made his tired way up the stairs. He made sure the door to the pool room was locked. He inspected the broken glass and went into the storage room finding the tools he needed to patch it. Once the bullet was removed he used the grinder to sand down the glass enough that the cracks had all been buffed out. He then mixed up the poly he needed to lather it on the spot smoothing it out so that it was unison and level to the rest of the tank and waited for it to set. In the morning he would test out its strength before filling the sphere back up with Kai in it. He liked the freedom of talking right beside her and he would leave the second door open for her to move from pool to sphere on her own. It have her an option, a little bit of freedom of choice.

It took him another two hours to fix the glass and by the time he threw himself exhaustively into his cot it was almost four in the morning. Even though time didn't mean much down here, for an entire year or longer, he wouldn't see the sun. He dreamed of mermaids, Kai's face coming to him as he slumbered.
Kai woke up around eleven that morning, swimming up to the surface of the pool. She looked for Robert's form greeting her, frowning when he wasn't there. She flicked her tail, wondering where he was. She could try singing to call him again. That seemed to work well. She cleared her throat and hoped he could hear her sing from down in the pool room.

"My father is a merchant, the truth I now will tell. And in great London city, in opulence doth dwell. His fortune doth exceed 300,000 gold. And he frowns upon his daughter who loves a sailor bold. My heart is pierced by Cupid. I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold." She sang.
Robert was in the shower at scrubbing the sleep from his eyes. From beneath the steaming jet of water the melody floated into his ears. He poked his head out of the shower, a smile coming to his face. He quickly dried off, towel drying his dark hair, and pulled on a pair of jeans and a black tee beneath his labcoat. With an apple in his hand for breakfast he walked over to where the stairs went down to the pool. He checked the glass first going over to the control panel to begin filling the sphere to check for any weakness in his patch.

Biting down on the apple he hurried downstairs opening up the pool door with a swipe of his ID and walking in with a smile. "Good morning." he said as he sat cross legged beside the pool.
"Good morning." Kai said, swimming up to him. She tilted her head as she studied the fruit in his hand. She hadn't seen it before and was curious. She pulled herself out of the water somewhat to get a better look. Her clear scales shown in the light, showing the slow transition from human to fish.
Rob smiled emphasizing as he took a bite and then held it out for her. He didn't know if she could digest human food other than what was once aquatic. His eyes trailed her body and he felt himself heat. Why was he looking at her that way? Her waist came down and tapered in, the slow curve of her hips coming out, covered in glimmering scales. He caught himself staring, admiring her body and he blushed intensely clearing his throat and forcing his eyes to come back up to her face.
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