Heroes At War - Battlefield Glory [8/8 Spots]

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Alright, since Glenn is a bit left out at the moment anyone want an interaction?
I'll take an interaction with the werewolf since the general already seems occupied with other business. But, at least the paperwork will be finished.
Stop me if you have heard this one, a dragon and a wolf walk into a bar...

But anyways Yes! I think we could work on something! Do you have anything particular that you had in mind for your char?
Stop me if you have heard this one, a dragon and a wolf walk into a bar...

But anyways Yes! I think we could work on something! Do you have anything particular that you had in mind for your char?
Not sure what you mean. Anything in particular, like for example...?
I don't know, I was going to have Glenn go meet her boss, get yelled at and then go search for sympathy elsewhere, is there anything that you wanted to accomplish with your character within this round of posting. I will warn you, Glenn is the inquisitive sort, she might end up playing 20 questions with Torena!
I had little else to accomplish in this round of posting, and if Glenn is that curious then she could probably expect the same in kind. I figured she would show up, find that the General has buggered off somewhere else because she showed up a little late to the party, but at least still have the paperwork taken care of so she's free to do... whatever.

Having an interaction with Glenn would be great. If she's that inquisitive, she could expect the same curiosity in kind.
Sweet, I will start writing up a bit for my character and then we can collab something before posting.
Yes. Lemme know when you want to and we can pick up a text pad or something. Or, something that'll... give me pings when you respond.
Alright, since Glenn is a bit left out at the moment anyone want an interaction?
Bjarke is roaming around, he sticks out. Also Rion would it be cool if I wrote in a little friendly brawl between shoulders for some cash? Just so I can type up a nice little teaser to Bjarke's fighting
@Azaryin I will probably send it to you over pm so you can add your bit before posting

@HellHoundWoof It seems that Spectre already has their character interacting with yours
@Ser K+

I'm not sure where you got the information from, but there is no teleporter. The army will march from the Capital to the northern border.
It's just a manner of speaking. He personally has no real idea what the army can or can't do, so he decided to travel with them instead of traveling to Elmora by the route that he knows.

(Mostly due to the fact that he'd probably get lost on the way.)
Oiy @Ser K+ ,

"She looked to the man who she had walked near since she arrived. He was a large guy, light hair, appeared to be your typical northman. Carried a heavy blade."

Is Kaskarde A Northerner and does he carry a greatsword?
This version of Kascarde doesn't carry a large sword.

I don't assume that she meant him though.
@HellHoundWoof We shall have to defer to Spectre but I think your character is the only Northman really so I assumed she was talking about you.
Yeah as did I, I dont wanna step on toes and post over someones shit
Better safe than sorry I suppose.
Sorry for not posting recently. I've been in the mountains for the past three days, and possibly the next two, and there is no cell service up here. Will post when I get the chance
Its all good. Right now I'm just planning the time jump.
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