Hawthorne Academy of Fine Arts || Will you survive?

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E r y n

The Priah


The girl thanked her and sat nearby, far enough away so that Eryn - with her tendency to be 'socially retarded' and generally awkward in actual conversations -- was not struck as uncomfortable in the slightest. At the girl's compliment of her name, Eryn blushed slightly, a warm glow sparking behind her cheeks as she nodded once and uttered a below-breath 'thanks'. The girl went on, Eryn took notice of her quaint mannerisms, simply observing, "I don't recall seeing you around much. Then again, I'm not too good with remembering names.." She shrugged and strummed as Eryn looked over at her through more than the corner of her eyes, with piqued curiosity, her music away now, "I only just transferred, so it makes sense why you wouldn't know me."
Eryn managed a shrug of her own and leaned her head against the tree, closing her eyes and listening to the few chords the girl plucked at mindlessly, it was oddly comforting, "Any song requests? I can play by ear.." Eryn's eyes fluttered open again to look at the freckled girl,
"Generally, my taste in music is rather loud, electric guitars and what not. They might sound a little odd in this acoustic manner, but do you happen to know any Evanescence songs? Oh! Or would you like to follow me in a Zelda tune?" She smiled again slightly and drew her ocarina from the sac with the label, 'Bag of Holding' on the front of it. She put the blue wind instrument to her lips and played a short three notes before pulling it away and grinning. The girl replied by playing along, and following that they continued to play and talk. It was nice, Eryn, who had been alone for the vast majority of her time here was able to feel really accepted now that she'd actually spoken to one of her classmates instead of simply freaking kids out in the hallways with a silent friendly smile or a mute careless wave. She was back at home now, the school day done, doing dishes with her headphones plugged in and just finishing up her chores. The house was swept, so Alyss wouldn't have to worry about that when she came home, dinner was done and grandpa was being tended to by his daughter. Eryn was finishing up the last of the pans when a twitter notification on her phone interrupted the vocalist playing in her ears, silencing her favorite part of the song to a dull whisper for a moment.

She sighed in mild annoyance and finished her scrubbing, hurrying to rinse of the dish, put it on the rack and then begin drying and putting the small mountain away. When she was about a quarter through her music was interrupted again by a small 'ping' in her ears, she stopped, dish midway to the cupboard. The qirl blinked slowly as if in utterly disbelief, it seemed like it had been an eternity since she'd heard that comely sound, honestly, she wasn't overly taken aback. She was simply dramatizing the moment for herself as if to emphasize to her non-existent audience the monumental weight this sound bore for her, quickly she put the dish away and dried her hands. The asian girl pulled her earphones out and summoned her phone from it's place in the pockets of her sweatpants, on the front of her screen half a message from Joanie went on, curiously Eryn slide her finger across the screen to unlock it and read the text with a small smile before starting up a reply, "I was undecided, tempted though. I had thought to go, in order to expand my social circle, but I mean, lounging around the house acting as the manifestation of laziness is pretty tempting as well." :sideways:
She smirked at herself, seeing as Eryn thought her own sense of humor was divine. Quickly she looked over her statement to make sure her own clumsy fingers or auto-correct hadn't screwed anything up before clicking send. Good grammar was something Eryn always did in everything, it was a habit to write over the internet, or texting etc, just how she would speak and act were she there in person. Behind a screen, Eryn wasn't the type to say anything she wouldn't to the face of another, it was an odd bravery of hers, a personal honor code she abided by, "In any case, if you go, I'm there" She typed in quickly after wards, sending it over to her, returning to her dish drying duties as she waited for a reply.


Characters Mentioned -
@Tart - Joanie Janis

Rose read the text from Anna and got up grabbing the box on her desk filled with the little things that Link had given her over the years. Tears threatened to over spill her eyes, as she walked out of her room carrying the box to Anna's knocking on the door lightly before entering the room. "Hey Anna." She said giving her a weak smile. "Can I just spend the day with you no guys. I need my best friend."​
Anna was standing in her room, kicking some of Lindsay's stuff as she waited for Rose to respond, or come over, which ever she though was easier. And soon enough, a knock came to her door. Sighing, Anna shuffled to the door and opened it, smiling tightly at Rose. "Hey, come in." She said softly, her smile growing a bit as she pulled the door open wider. "Come on in bestie. I missed ya."
@Poisoned Rose
itti was super relived that Kiara didn't go all fangirl on her. "Kitti and Kiara, that's Kute with a K." Kitti laughed and went to sit on her bed. "So, I'm guessing your a junior? I love your style too by the way." Kitti took off her heels, they were hurting like hell. "You and my best friend Ariana should meet each other, you will love her." Kitti laid on her bed, still talking with her new roommate Kiara.

Seven sat up, fixing his shirt. "Well, I can just describe everyone's faces to you. I mean they are all going to just DIE! When they see us." Seven smirked at Iris calling him "perfect." "I'm perfect, but your Perfecto!" If only Iris knew Seven's real history...he probably wouldn't think he was so "perfect." Seven checked his phone, he had missed a Hagg tweet. He wished he didn't check it. "Oh My God, Eli and Infinity are related?" Seven was covering his mouth, in shock and bewilderment.

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Rose sat the box down and waited for Anna closed the door then threw her arms around Anna hugging her tightly, "I have a lot to talk to you about. Not just about Axel which I am super sorry I did not tell you about but what also happened this summer..." She said trailing off looking down as she pulled away sitting on Anna's bed.​
Anna shut the door, and as soon as she shut it, she was engulfed by her best friend, to which she hugged back, smiling as she held her close before pulling away. "Yeah, I have a few things to talk about too, not exactly, something normal but still." She said, pursing her lips together and running her hand though her blue hair. "But you get to go first." She said, sitting on her bed next to Rose.
@Poisoned Rose

Rose leaned over and rummaged through the box and pulled out a bag of skittles. "Secret spill Candy." She said with a smile which was a tradition that her and Anna had always shared together. She opened the bag, "I guess I will tell you about Axel first... Well you know that one kid on the swim team Matt something? Well he threw a before school party the weekend before school 'started' and well I think it was some ass on the Football team tried to feel me up and well Axel kinda stepped in and stopped him. I was panicking you know what happened with my piano teacher... Well he spent the rest of the night withe me keeping me calm and talking me down from the sheer anxiety attack I nearly had." Rose said taking a hand-full of skittles and ate them before beginning her next story. "So the day after school ended and we all went back to our parents and such; me and dad had an argument about something I do not quite remember what i t was about but the next thing I know I was tumbling down the stairs and hit the glass table that is at the bottom and well needless to say I spent my entire summer but like the last 4 days before school started back up again in the hospital while my parents went on vacation to the islands. Eliza, and the boys, Dom and Eli, were the ones in the hospital with me. You were gone away I tried calling you a million times. Link didn't answer me either I needed the both of you and its cool I understand. I just really missed you Anna." Rose grabbed another hand-full of skittles.​
Anna sat down on the bed and took a handful of skittles and chewing on them slowly, so as not to make herself vomit again, because the first time was not pleasant at all. She still felt the guilt from last night pushing down on her, even if Logan had made up for it, she still felt somewhat like someone had violated her. She felt bad about not talking to Rose over the summer, but she was trying to, but being stuck in a cabin for the last month of her summer with no cell service was not idea. "I'm sorry about not being able to call you, parent's decided to go visit our cabin for a month, and "Revive our spiritual energy." Anna said, putting up air quotes and eating skittles. 'And it sounds like your summer royally sucked. Mine was fine, up until yesterday." she mumbled, stuffing her face more.
@Poisoned Rose

Rose froze slightly hovering her hand over the bag of skittles, "Banana," Rose said using her exclusive nickname for anna. "What the hell happened and whose ass do I have to kick?" Rose said grabbing another hand-full.
Anna almost chocked on her skittles as she swallowed hard, coughing a bit as she tried to get the acid taste of skittle spit out of her windpipe. "You don't have to kick anyone's ass, it was sort of my fault anyway." Anna sighed, looking down at the skittles. "You know that party yesterday? Well I weanr to go look for you since you never responded to my text, and while I was there, I meet this guy. At first, I was a total jerk. He just wanted to help me find you. And then, well, the punch was royally spiked, per usual, but there was something strange about it. We both had a drink, and then thing a started to get weird, and then, we walked upstairs to find you, and the rest is fairly self explanatory."
@Poisoned Rose

Rose smiled some as she was speaking then her face kinda just went into one of understanding, "Ohhh, so what happened afterwards?" Rose asked as sh looked down at the box of things on the floor.​
Anna swallowed hard, glad she hadn't taken more candy to chicks in because the bad part was coming up. "Well, I woke up the next morning, nauseous and disoriented, and quickly figured out I had been at it again, and tried to sneak out, only to find that Lindsay caught me halfway though the walk of shame." She grumbled, glaring at her feet.
@Poisoned Rose

"Ouch Barf Queen caught your walk of shame?" Rose shook her head and threw her arm around Anna's shoulders. "Have you seen or hung out with the guy since?" She was genuinely curious if her best friend was ok with what all had happened to her and she felt pretty bad about not being there for her.​
Anna smiled a bit at the second part of Roses question. "Actually, yes. I was out playing music to wait out my horrible hangover, when he found me. Being that he is a jock, I'm a misfit, I didn't think it would work at all. I kept pushing him away, but he insisted that he wanted to know more about me. So we started over, and hung out today." She said, though her story was missing a gap. Anna still hadn't told Rose about all the scars she had, and she didn't plan to any time soon.

Rose sighed then kissed her best friend's cheek. They were always super close, "When you see my back don't freak out ok?" She said leaning forward pulling up the back of her shirt revealing all the crisscrossing and jagged scars on her back. "The doctors said they couldn't make them scarless because the lacerations were to deep." she then let the shirt drop and leaned over picking up the box. "Come with me to give this to Link. I can't look at any of this anymore." She said with tears in her eyes as she stared at the stuffed bunny ontop of the pile of pictures and other mementos of their friendship.​
Anna sighed as Rose kissed her cheek, biting down on her lip as Rose turned around and showed her the scars. Swallowing, Anna looked at the long gashes, feeling her heart sink as she thought about it. She couldn't tell rose about her scars, it was too much. She knew what her friend was going to do if she did, she was going to make her see a therapist, or some other specialist. Anna put on a smile for Rose, looking at the box. "Rose, are you sure you want to do this. I know Link threw everything away, but he just needs time. Love can be a dangerous thing, and sometimes it can drive people apart. But someday, he's going to move on, then he may be a little more accepting of this whole thing. You just need time."
@Poisoned Rose

Rose's expression changed dramatically, "You and Link have been my friends the longest, I was in love with him all throughout Junior high and the first two years of High School! I felt like he didn't see me that way so I shoved aside and just tried being friends with him Anna and obviously we aren't meant to be friends with what ever is going on in this freaking world." Her slightly cheerful demeanor changed to one of anger and sadness. "I really loved him Anna. He obviously didn't think my happiness was worth sticking around for." She looked down back at the rabbit again then to the letter she had neatly set ontop of it, a letter she had wrote him a thousand times that was now rewritten a final time with new words added to it.​
Anna sighed, taking her friends hands and looking at her. "Link was probably crushed, and mad at himself for not speaking up, he probably thinks do or die. Give it some time Rose, trust me. Things will get better with time, they usually do." She said, offering the best comfort she could.
@Poisoned Rose

Rose sighed picking up the note that laid neatly ontop, "Can I just leave the things in your room... I can't look at them it hurts way to much for me right now. There is one thing I have to give him though." She said holding onto the paper in her hands. She looked at Anna. "At least come with me to give him this."​
Anna smiled at her and nodded, taking the box and walking over to her closet, and shoving it deep under the clothes. "There, it won't be anywhere in sight soon." She said, smiling at Rose and taking her hands. "Come on, let's go find Link and give this too him." She said, lifting her up off the bed and walking towards the door.
@Poisoned Rose
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