~Hate to Love You~

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Lucy calmed a bit, "I apologize Mrs. Matthews." She began to explain what had happened with the elevator.
Piper crossed her arms and looked at Jessi, "You do realized you could have been hurt alot worse right?" Jessi laughed and rubbed the back of his head, "Hehe yeah..." She scowled, "That isnt funny Jessi. God, sometimes I wish you could take some things more seriously."
Lucy looked down, "Don't worry. I already told him. And he promised he would be more careful."
He pouted.Then Billy smirked at her, "Did ya cry? He is a sucker for crying girls." Jess glared at him, "Shut up."
Lucy made a little smile, "Maybe. I kind of get upset when people get hurt. I don't want to lose anymore people." She broke off her explanation not wanting to tell everyone.
Pheobe walked up to her and tugge a little on her pants. She wanted to tell her a secret. Jessi eyed her suspiciously.
Lucy looked at Pheobe. She bent down to her. "What is it?" She asked the little girl.
She grinned and whispered in her ear, but Jessi coul still hear, "He is also a sucker when girls give him puppy dog eyes and pout." she giggled then Jessi whipped his head at her, "Phoebe!" she ignored him and giggled some more. Jessi scowled.
Lucy blushed a bit, "Why did you want to tell me that?" She said simply because she was embarrassed that his little sister would tell that secret to her.
She grinned, "Trust me. He is stubborn. If you give him this face." she demonstrated it, outing her lip and giving her the puppy dog eyes, then she stopped and grinned, "That face always works on him." "Not... funny..." Jessi said.
Lucy got red. "Uh, thank you." She said to the child and looked up at Jessi.
Jessi looked at her, then looked away and ran a hand through his hair. He was blushing too. Piper smiled and shook his head, "Alright. Enough with teasing Jess." she looked at Jessi then Lucy smiling, "Lucy, would you please drive Jessi home and watch him?" Jessi whipped his head at his mom.
Lucy got up and nodded. "Yes." She said with a smile.
She smiled, "Thank you. You are such a sweet heart."
Jessi sighed, "Alright... Lets go Lucy."
Lucy walked out of the room, waving at his family as they left. She took him out of the hospital and too the truck. "Do you want me to talk you to your house or my place?" She asked him. She wasn't sure if he would feel better being at a place he knew.
Jessi thought for a moment, "My place sounds fine."
"Alright." She said as she got into his truck. "I'm driving. I am not letting you." She said with a smile and waited for him to get into the passenger seat.
He got in and pouted, "But whyyy?" he whined, "I am perfectly alright to drive."
"No." She said, then thought about his sister advice and began to pout with puppy dog eyes. "I'm driving whether you are okay or not."
"Wha-... ugh... that is not fair!" he pouted an looked away.
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