HAPPY Rave Your Butt Off

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Peter had a great birthday because of me. I never get that kind of pleasure. I love that man. <3 He loves me back.

Life's really good right now.
I'm really excited with the direction my life is taking right now. I'm going to enjoy being back home, surrounded by my friends. I'm excited to re-connect with people again and have a good time, no pressure to do the right thing all the time or be perfect.

I will also admit, I'm beyond excited to get trashed with people my age again. That's a very exciting idea.
guess who got a job on campus just because she used an editing software for four years in high school and no one in this college had touched it.

this gaaaaaal.
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I'm making actual progress in learning a language.
No, look, perhaps you don't understand the significance of this.
I've taken the initiative and actually motivated myself to do something, as opposed to just following and doing as I'm told.
This is a big thing for me.
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I'll admit, these anti-depressants have really improved my life. I give fewer fucks nowadays, and the spark of energy I lost has found me again. I'm sure that moving helped, too. Being around no dogs = no swollen skin or puffy sinuses! Plus, privacy. I'm just so happy with my life right now, despite our financial struggle.
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Finding links on Youtube to profit your argument: $50
No keyboard backfires: $60
Finding the perfect person to troll: $100
Pissing them off so bad that they try and skype you: Priceless

Sometimes it is just hilarious to see how many people hate it when a trans person bests them in a battle of wits when it comes to GLBTQ matters.
"I want you home.....Kaitlin is still here...."

Lol you make me laugh xD thanks for making my day a little better A.L. <3
I did 30 minutes of job hunt stuff, I went for a walk, AND I told work to fuck off and I'm not coming in early. GOOD DAY.

Now for a respite with Psych!
Bulgogi is soaking, eggplant parmesan is done (& tasty too), next up nanaimo bars & maybe tonight chocolate coconut pudding.
You know despite all the shit people out in the world, I know who my friends are, and I know when to cut things off when I'm wrong about it. I'd like to think I'm a good person, too. I can stick it out with my love even after they FtM, and I can still love him afterwards. I mean, I'm not the best person to ever live, but I think I'm a pretty cool cat, nahmsayin like yeah I can dig

If my mother ever found out, she'd trip balls, probably disown me or some shit, but whatever. My boyfriend understands, so we both deal. I'll break it to her when I skip town. I'm 17 this year, only a little while longer. And even if she hates me for it, I'll still love her. It'll be her loss, not mine. I found someone I love, and I can stick it out. My real friends stick with me throughout. They don't judge he nor I. That's why I lost a friend over this. Because they couldn't understand how I could still love a boy. Who gives a fuck, He's a beautiful boy, I love him. And he loves me. That's all I need.
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Weighing between wanting to transfer to this store permanently and deciding if it would give me a big ego.
Every time I work a shift at this store, it's the most flattering shit, no joke. XD
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So you're telling me that I can now go to the Birmingham Comic Con in November.
And that I'll be able to go with a girl my age who shares an interest in Dr Who, Sherlock, comics, anime and manga.

On a side note, if I shave find a Superman shirt, I might just be able to cosplay as a midget Clark Kent. It won't be the greatest costume in the world, bit it's just a harmless bit of fun, really.
i got a nice butt and i think that's pretty cool
Just closed escrow on a house! Hubby and I are officially first time homeowners!!!
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I bought an awesome present for my brother's birthday and he LOVES IT! :D YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! <333333

Also, I lost 4 pounds! >:D
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