Happy Cleavage Day!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

*Plots something to up the ante in his own picture if the conditions are met*

....Mwahahaha. I thought of something.


Anyway, to make my actual point.

I'm all for equal rights.

Like I said before I never demanded this thread in the first place. Rory made it all on his own. I did not demand any of the girls to participate. I do not disrespect ANY of them. In fact I respect them all. Nor have I condemned the girls who participated the 'day of'. I don't even condemn the brave men who have given in to Diana's demand for a sacrifice of ten. They do what they're willing to do and I salute them. I hope for their sake they succeed since they took off their shirts for all Iwaku. Hopefully TK and whoever else wants it gets their wish of seeing Diana's picture. I look forward to it, in the spirit of equal rights. Since she was the one who came in demanding man chest pictures I feel it only fair for her to contribute as well.

I'm NOT for being "bossed around"as it were by someone who hasn't participated themselves.

My conditions remain the same, once Diana's picture goes up you'll all get my picture with zero hesitation or complaining.

And then you'll all be sorry that I posted it since the very sight of my true form causes blindness and sterility in both genders. >:D

..... TL;DR *duct tapes fingers together* No more typing for the Oro-troll.
Damn it, life it too short NOT to show some cleavage!
Ok this was fun at first...then it became a ridiculous bicker fight which was fun to watch now its down right stupid.
You guys are no fun, I swear.

*Laughs her ass off*
make a web site moobs.com..........every one start posting again :0
Just going to leave this here and be on my merry way, to get out of everyone's hair.

Skin isn't supposed to be used as a bargaining chip.

That's all I have to say, I'll be shutting up now ^^;

Sheesh. Way I see it, it's not bargaining- I'm ENCOURAGING.

Completely different.

And I uphold my deals. >;)
Everyone is just saying the same thing over and over and being stubborn. Don't be a bunch of children fighting over something that was meant to be a joke. Unless someone decided to post there cleavage either guy or girl don't post. Stop posting poststhat say "I'm not going to until that person does it blah blah blah." its only going to make another person post the same thing in turn. Either post your cleavage or don't leave it at that. Personally I have unsubscribed from this thread, but I'm only trying to calm people down.
Wut? So they're killing the fun just for saying their opinions?

Never-mind the people who just held the "fun" of the topic hostage and divided us up into this hole men vs women BS. I missed the first day of the thread when it was this fun spur of the moment thing that no one took too seriously. No one was ordered to do anything they didn't want to do just if they wanted to celebrate the day. Good times it was.. But it was not to last..

In conclusion... R.I.P. topic, R.I.P.
*Chuckles* I never even subscribed.
Indeed I do keep in mind that this thread started off as "I appreciate" not "I demand." *puts on his gentleman's cap and monocle*
Either it's way too late and I'm just finding everything too hilarious OR you guys are driving me nuts on here.



Can't even tell when your own admin is making a joke.
You liked it when bewbz were easy to find didn'tcha? ~

Sigh. TK, I understand what you mean by fun, my love. Arguing back and forth yet not really arguing. Just playin'. 's what some people do.

[elementaryschoolara] Don't tell me what to dew~ Go pick your nose why don'tcha? [/elementaryschoolara]

Ain't fun no more cuzza all that junk.

*flies away and unsubscribes*

(( 'N I get subscribed to anything I post in for some reason *shrug* I dunno. Weird.))
I'm pretty sure no one in this thread was seriously angry or fighting about anything. XD I know -I'm- not. Me and Orion trolling each other while surrounded by boobies just seemed a natural thing!

How does anyone get mad in a topic about cleavage? o____o
Seriously, I'm with Diana on this. How can you complain with boobies?
8D I has Piro's monocle.
Never angry.~