Halloween Plans?

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Not quite sure what I'm going to do, but I might end up staying home and giving candy to trick or treaters. In an ideal world, I'll find friends to spend the night with.
Driving two and a half hours to Gainesville to have lunch at Cracker Barrel with my wife's grandparents. The grandfather is a pastor.

Five hours of driving. For lunch. At Cracker-Fucking-Barrel.

Otherwise locking my apartment door and putting up a sign that says "No." Because our semi-hood is full of children of a particular brand that cover their faces with masks, punch people, then scoop up the dropped bowl of candy. All while the parents watch from nearby stairs. Last year a guy knocked out a teen for trying that. Then zip tied his hands to the stair railing with a sign saying 'don't open the door for me I will assault you and steal your candy'.

Dress up as a Riot control officer and Wear one of those bulletproof vests with ceramic plates that are meant to deflect rifle rounds, and a face shield.

Or put a note in the bottom of the bowl that says "Ex-Lax chocolates" that they won't see until it's too late.

Don't actually do these. You might get in trouble. Your original plan sounds the best.
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I'll probably pull out my cosplay outfit of Haku and see how many kids recognize me, and how many kids are dumb. XD
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Dress up as a Riot control officer and Wear one of those bulletproof vests with ceramic plates that are meant to deflect rifle rounds, and a face shield.

Or put a note in the bottom of the bowl that says "Ex-Lax chocolates" that they won't see until it's too late.

Don't actually do these. You might get in trouble. Your original plan sounds the best.
I'd need an entire EOD suit to survive with a chance of not coming out maimed from the horde.

Though I wonder if I could scrub together some pot brownies and pass them out and watch from the roof as a neighborhood had a collective freak out.

Holy shit this sounds hilarious if it wouldn't end with me in prison.
Workin' on DIYing a Harmony Bear costume to rock at work then gonna give out candy to the littles as soon as I get off.
I guess I'll be one of the only ones who'll be dressing up as a responsible looking adult this Halloween.
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I don't like going out on Halloween night especially since I still have some obligations to finish, so I'll be spending it back in my dorm.

Would like to watch @Sen play through a Mogeko game :P Gray Garden or Wadanohara~ So Skypu calls and lots of chocolate here
I'm not really one to celebrate Halloween, but yeah, I'll have a bowl of candy aside just in case my house gets trashed in toilet paper or eggs. The sun ain't hot enough to fry them.

But getting ready for a feels trip and decent internet to play gaaames~
I'm gonna be drunk. Alone at home or out with people is yet to be seen.
changed plans. Apparently my brothers kids will be over for half of Halloween, so half of it will be babysitting, and the other half will be horror movies and pretending trick or treaters are axe murderers so I can ignore them when they come to my door :D I HAVE SEEN ENOUGH HORROR MOVIES TO KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF I OPEN THE DOOR!
I'll be going to a Haunted house with my cousin and her girlfriend the day before Halloween and then on the day of, we'll be going to my other cousins birthday party. :D it shall be my first adult party. :D I'll be dressing up in a leopard costume ( that I just found out are pajamas but whatever)
I'll be handing out candy to the adorable kids that come up this year while having a marathon of some sort. :3 I used to dress up for this too but I have no plans to do that this year.
I'm working as the makeup artist for a community college Haunted House on Thursday, and then Wednesday and Saturday I have Halloween parties to go to. I have a different costume for each. I'm being Snow White at one and Deadmau5 at the other.
If I don't give into the inevitable sickness descending on me; partying and movie watching with friends.
Was originally going to do a game with a new GM and chill at home, then it got changed to going to a Halloween party and chowing down on leftover candy and liquored up punch, now it seems to be back to the original plan just in a different place, maybe.
I will be dressing as a genderbent half dead Peter Pan, so basically half zombie half Pan from Once Upon A Time. Yes, the evil Pan <3 Because he's the best. I cant handle the little brat from the Disney version of Pan, I prefer the one that kills kids. Haha.
Then I am off to a costume party with my friends, everyone will be drunk and I'll be sitting there like "The fuck do I do." I cant drink due to I was volunteered to be the designated driver which always sucks. Afterwards I'll go home and watch all the horror movies I possibly can and go on a candy binge, since my dad bought a shit tone of candy, not even for the kids....he hates the neighborhood kids. He wants to sit on the porch in some sort of terrifying get up and eat the candy, just to mess with them as they walk up to the porch.

He's vicious, but I love him.
Taking my munchkins and nephew out to round up candy at my in-laws, then coming home and watching horror movies with my youngest daughter while we pig out on pumpkin seeds, pumpkin pie, and candy. I'll probably be in a diabetic coma on Sunday, but ah well.
Lounging around my boyfriend's apartment in case kids come knocking. They usually don't, but you never know~
I just cut open about 24 large glowsticks to make jar lamps and am about to drag a black cloth covered table outside with a wood chest filled with pop and candy, a couple semi-convincing rat props, a resin raven statue. I'm dressing up as a plague doctor, and I find the minimal props, actually waiting outside in the dark, and being something unusual tends to be very unexpected and unnerving for a lot of kids. Last year, I had 3 out of 14 kids refuse to come up for candy because they were afraid.

I aim to break that record, which should be easy, seeing as I live by a school zone.
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