H O L D ! M E ! ★

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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I get the feeling that Kenji is gonna be a problem for Raiden.
Woah, I come back and there are like 12 pgs added. Btw, Kano is Bisexual
It'd be difficult, trying to maintain an order with this many people. Not only would the roleplay be held back if certain people weren't here during their turns -- It would make one on one interaction difficult! You know?
Also if I may put my two cents in. I would love to see all the boys dressed in the Egyptian/Persian/Indian clothes of Free!
i responded yay
⇨ N a m e :

Daryl Brunson

⇨ R o l e :

The Athlete

⇨ A g e:

Eighteen [18]

⇨ A p p e a r a n c e:



⇨ B i o :


⇨ L i k e s~
❤ Physical involvement - He enjoys anything that involves a lot of action or movement, as can be expected from someone along the athletic lines of things.
❤ Challenges - He's a bit of a competitive airhead when you get right down to it. Some say this trait is genetic, other's say it's just his stubborn ass attitude.
❤ Art - He doesn't really seem it at first, but, Daryl is actually rather interested in the Arts. From music to actual drawings or paintings, etc. He even has a bit of a side hobby as an artist himself. Despite his talent being rather impressive, he doesn't see much to it-- which is why his main focus is his athletics.
❤ Quiet surroundings - He's not the best with loud situations, not that they are a problem for him- he just plain does not enjoy them. At time's, they'll even give him headaches.
❤ Animals - Specifically dogs.
❤ Disney Movies - Shut up.
❤ Take out - Any form of take out food, he will eat every last bit of it. Not even kidding.
❤ Winning or Succeeding - He loves the way it makes him feel when he wins or succeeds at something. Whether it be beating someone at something, or achieving a goal, etc.
❤ Seeing people he likes happy - Especially close friends.
❤ Attention - Though he wont go out of his way for it, he enjoys being the center of attention when he deserves it. Kind of a 'get credit when and where credit is due' type deal.

⇨ D i s I i k e s~
✗Crowded areas - The club is honestly even pushing that dislike for him. He deal's with it.
✗Failure - There is probably nothing he hates more then failure. He cannot stand it, and will probably stay huffy about it for the next 48 hours.
✗ Small children - They are loud and noisy and gross. Do not bring small children near him.
✗ His glasses - Of course, he still needs to wear them. He never does though.
✗ Spiders - [Daryl screaming]
✗ Waking up early - Although he can't really help it. Despite being the exact opposite of a morning person, his internal clock has been set to wake him up at 6:00 AM or early, due to constant practices for various sports and such. It's almost a sad sight to witness.

⇨ F e a r s:
Injury - Not small ones, but, big ones-- such as breaking a bone or dislocating a joint, anything that could become troublesome for him down the line with his athletic career, since he truly feels he has nothing else going for him despite that.
Being forgotten - The thought of being forgotten and thrown aside absolutely terrifies Daryl. Even though he knows deep down that there is a very slim chance of that happening, he still is in constant fear of it.
Weapons - Any form of weapon makes him pretty uncomfortable. It's not a big fear, or really a fear at all, more so just him choosing to keep his distance from such things-- in case something were to happen.

⇨ Weaknesses:
Daryl is extremely stubborn, this does not always work in his favor.
Bad temper when it comes to certain things, meaning, he has very low tolerance for your bullshit, her bullshit, their bullshit, and this bullshit. Any type of bullshit.
Shitty immune system. He get's sick pretty easily, and quite often. He'll always play it off as if it's no big deal.
Sometimes he comes off as a bit more aggressive or overbearing then he would like, this can scare people away and cause them to avoid him.
Easy to fluster or embarrass.

⇨ Strengths:
The fact that Daryl is extremely stubborn can work in his favor just as much as it can be hurtful.
He's very good at finding motivation, especially to work out or to practice.
He's an extremely talented artist-- just like his mother.
A good sense of humor.

⇨ Other:
There's nothing all that insanely special about Daryl. He's a rather average young man, in talents and looks. Though, average doesn't mean bad. He's not the tallest, a fair 5'7, but his athletic ability makes up for it, making him a star player in nearly any sport he finds himself in. His build is decent-- even a bit muscular for his age, and his features-- though seemingly a bit young, are usually worn sternly. But, if you are lucky, or someone special, you can catch him a bit more at ease, perhaps with a smile even. His entire look, from hair to his clothing, is rather unkempt. Though, in a way, it's still charming for someone like him.

⇨ Person behind the character:

Feel free to call me whatever you like! The simplest, though, may be to just call me Zeeami or Zee though.
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Responded! (And edited in Grayson responding to the text! uwu)
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