Guilty or Innocent

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I am so guilty, though usually by accident. In Borderlands, that can be lethal.

Next person is guilty of making food before remembering there are leftovers.
Guilty but there's more food for other times.

The next person is guilty of starting a food fight.
Never did, in fact I'm too cheap to even start food fights LOOOL

The next person is guilty of making up bullshit excuses all the time for not handing in homework on time, and the teacher always end up falling for it.

I am the excuse master. I miss entire days of school and convince people that it's for legitimate reasons. And the thing is, I'm a perfect student in every other regard, so the teachers practically eat out of my hand. Being a teacher's pet really does pay off. If the rest of the class tried to pull some of the crap I do, they'd get kicked out of the course. I've seen it happen. >:I

Next person is guilty of unintentionally making someone cry.
Guilty. In some situations honesty and directness tends to be need the fix the solution, and stop people from snowballing the issue into getting continually worse.
Sadly though, some people get emotional enough that they forget this and then start crying when someone is speaking up about it.

Next person is guilty of making more than 100 posts in a single day before.
Diana likes vampire butts.
That's just a kink, nothing wrong with that. :P
Just like I like being bitten by Vampires.
Vay wants to consume my soul!
Souls are part of a very healthy and nutritious diet.
Hemingway.... has a creepy, but cute avatar. :3
Stop Avatar Shaming! >:{
  • Nice Execution!
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....To be honest....I have no clue. I don't keep count, so innocent.

The next person is guilty of pushing a friend, on purpose, into a stranger as they are walking along.
Innocent. When I was a little kid I did it to an EA once out of frustration because she would do nothing but give me shit for no reason.
But that's the only case I can think of.

Next person is guilty of confusing Kitchen with Chicken before.
Innocent (O_o)

Next person is guilty of never flying on a plane.
Innocent, I have flown to New Brunswick before.

Next person is guilty of posting in non-RP threads more than RP threads.
Interest Checks and OOC's count as RP threads.
Hopefully that will change soon.

Next person is guilty of lurking online.
Innocent. As much posting I do on sites, lurking people's profiles isn't one of the things I do.

Next person is guilty of being mainly active in the less popular hours of the day.
Online wise or in real life? What times?
I would say innocent. I'm active except right now because I'm getting sleepy.

Next person is guilty of drinking milk with every meal.
Innocent, I don't like milk.

Next person is guilty of burning their own tongue.
Ooooh~ Burning Hot Green Tea is the one to blame! Not me! Arrrgh! Guinnocent!

Next person is guilty of kissing a cat, real cats, ye, not cat girls.
I am quite guilty, though I prefer not to. My cat's breath reeks.

Next stands accused of liking boy-band music, secretly or otherwise.
Innocent. :P

Next person is guilty of enjoying sports (Generally/Overall. If there's only one or two specifically you like it doesn't count).

Next person is guilty of slowly losing their mind during the update as they stared at four alerts they were unable to touch, which spontaneously turned into seven, which did not help the situation (numbers may vary).
Innocent. I killed time in Skype and Teamspeak. And I only got 3 alerts.

Next person is guilty of sleeping in the afternoon and being awake at night.
Guilty, when I work overnights.

Next person is guilty of playing dragon ball xenoverse.
Innocent. I'm saving my cash for Fallout 4 and XCOM 2.

Next person is guilty of being in Cbox waiting for Iwaku to come back when it was updating.
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