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Quick Update: Hey everyone! So after a long weekend in the windy city I have returned and am catching up on posting! SO! I posted for Elena and I'm still catching up a bit but I'll be caught up soon!!

Edit: I also managed to start a nuclear war that caused World War 3. Hail Russia!
But I saved you all room in the bunkers in Russia
(My cabinet was Russia)
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Haha welcome back Adira
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Yay! Adria back! What a crazy city hey? I been there a few times. I'm not much of a city girl though! Anyways, party time! *party dance*
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Well, coming from a Pro Russian individual.
Here have a hammer and sickle. When Russia didn't act like A-Holes because Putin wants to.
So, Would any angel be interested in helping Elena train Alex? Elena isn't much of a fighter, she prefers peace and relying heavily on her ablates then combat. So she's not the best person to ask for help in a fight.
Micheal would
Awesome! I can have Elena ask him at the angel meeting?

Edit: Stay the fuck away from my angel Prof xD
Aururum would also be able to help with training. Since he will also be training Lillian.
I would have offered Michelle as someone to practise with (of human caliber) but let's agree... she'd probaly kill someone as of the moment if given the chance xD
At the meeting Micheal was going to bring up like taking the humans to a training camp where they could all train together that's why he was pressing on Aururum to go to the meeting
WELL Aururum is there now. I also added a twist to his past. Let me know if that is okay Andy. It makes sense considering his age. I edited his age slightly to 400 years older then I put him as originally.
Okie Well having both of the top angels training Elena's human will make her feel more at ease. She doesn't trust herself at the moment since she let his dad die before her eyes.
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No no that's fine haha I think it's cool..maybe it could be used later
Give Natsu a run for his money. Aururum squared off with Lucifer himself LOL. Aururum's presence can be felt by demons very easily.
That..or I was thinking because Natsu absorbed some of lucien powers..Mayne Natsu could like..use the evil inside Aururum to try and corrupt him further?
Its possible. But also Aururum has some of the same aspects.
Ok..crimson I think I might have found a way to get you a second character on this what if we did like a thing where Natsu literally pulls the demon out of Aururum and then forms it into a new demon on its own?
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