gross dont look

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

[bg=#CCB478]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tristique ligula ut nisl sagittis posuere. Nullam nunc tellus, vehicula a faucibus nec, mollis sit amet magna. In vestibulum tortor ex, at rutrum nisi vestibulum at. Donec pharetra a urna ac maximus. Mauris vehicula hendrerit mollis. Cras sodales libero non orci sollicitudin euismod. Sed fringilla lobortis ex, non mollis nibh venenatis eget. Pellentesque bibendum, felis et vulputate tincidunt, nunc lectus laoreet leo, eget ultricies lectus lacus quis lectus. Maecenas iaculis lectus tellus, id porttitor sem gravida at. Mauris nisl libero, commodo at aliquet sed, cursus sed mi. Donec sollicitudin mi sed risus varius, ac aliquam orci interdum. Fusce arcu metus, bibendum quis cursus non, blandit in felis. Quisque a velit quis neque ullamcorper placerat ac vitae ligula. Sed interdum ullamcorper lorem in molestie.

Sed viverra leo libero, sed consectetur orci aliquam ac. In dolor risus, fringilla eu lacus ut, pellentesque sagittis lacus. Mauris mollis eu dolor sed congue. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ornare ullamcorper mi, vel convallis libero finibus id. Nunc a ipsum quam. Suspendisse eget diam turpis. Donec imperdiet urna at est interdum, ac laoreet justo porttitor. Suspendisse et lorem maximus, pulvinar nibh vel, pretium quam. Sed sed volutpat mi, sit amet commodo felis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Nullam nec augue mattis, semper dolor nec, feugiat ante. Pellentesque tempus lobortis risus. Praesent venenatis vitae ipsum in sollicitudin. Duis quis ultrices ante. Curabitur turpis ex, aliquet quis purus at, ultrices fermentum metus. Donec ullamcorper lectus mauris, ut finibus tortor fringilla in. Mauris tristique congue ante a aliquam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec vitae sapien sit amet odio pharetra rhoncus. Cras molestie aliquet aliquet. Aliquam accumsan pellentesque enim, eu efficitur orci egestas a.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed sollicitudin maximus sem, semper dignissim est tincidunt vel. Ut gravida ac magna vitae congue. Nulla iaculis ex vitae commodo maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam quis dapibus odio, at luctus odio. Pellentesque tincidunt, dolor sed rhoncus posuere, ex velit rutrum magna, ac dapibus erat metus eget felis. Ut lobortis hendrerit ligula, sit amet dignissim ex luctus ac. Morbi dolor mauris, consequat mollis sapien tempor, faucibus ornare tortor. Donec nec turpis nisi. Integer blandit vulputate lacinia. Curabitur sagittis malesuada diam, id auctor mauris ultricies at. Etiam congue felis eu sagittis dignissim. Cras justo ligula, pellentesque sit amet tincidunt id, luctus cursus eros. Vivamus accumsan, ante et suscipit tristique, odio eros aliquet lorem, et auctor arcu ligula vitae neque.

Donec libero turpis, ultricies ut dui quis, tristique placerat arcu. Duis pharetra mollis cursus. Phasellus in ex vehicula, hendrerit justo ut, vehicula lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris at lorem at nisi lobortis facilisis at ut sapien. Mauris massa tortor, mollis non purus ut, ultrices auctor mauris. Nulla lacinia mollis eros, nec porta nulla dignissim id. Aliquam tincidunt luctus elit, vel finibus purus vehicula a.


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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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⤑ Finn Westfall | ⤑ Rocket | ⤑ 20 | ⤑ Blue​


⤑ Written Appearance

Thin, gangly, and with the style of an abandoned laundry hamper, Finn is not exactly the most handsome guy out there. Though his light blue eyes are nicely framed by a strong chin, his good features are often lost in his unkempt mess of blonde curls. With a hunch that could be compared to the famed hunchback of Notre Dame, everything about Finn exudes carelessness.

⤑ Height | 5'11"lbs
⤑ Weight | 178 lbs


For Finn, his home was a breeding ground for his unbothered attitude. His father and mother both held decently upper-middle class jobs, ones that kept them comfortable, but had them working long hours. He spent a lot of his childhood in the care of nannies and babysitters who let him do whatever he really pleased, which for Finn was wasting hours away on the TV, video games, and the like.

Insisting the best for their son despite never being around, Finn was homeschooled by various tutors and private teachers, which offered him even more free time in place of going to school, and saving him from the tests or scanners present in the life of a child attending public school. For the first few years of his life, he lived in this bliss, until his parents suddenly remembered his existence and took him out to dinner.

Of course, off went the scanners. Ten year old Finn was just as shocked as everyone else was, and his parents cowered away from him in horror. "There must be some mistake," He shouted. He shouted at them and his dad tripped over a chair in fear. "I'm not... I'm not a mutant!" He screamed. But he was and they all knew it, so he had no choice but to run.

He was ten years old and he ran like hell. Lacking any life skills necessary to survive on his own, he was starving and sick within weeks of his stunt with a scanner. Without even any idea what his powers might be, Finn had nothing to aid him. He was on the brink of death when an Archivist rescued him and took him in. His name was Daniel Harper, and Finn probably wouldn't be alive without him.

Being rescued before his powers even showed, Daniel took pity on the boy and raised him until that time. Unfortunately, it would be a while before puberty hit Finn, as of course, with everything, he was late. Daniel, luckily, lived in a small house way in the hills, keeping Finn out of sight and out of mind. It wasn't until he nearly fell off that hill at age fifteen did his powers swiftly save him.

Thus ended his stint at Daniel Harper's house. Daniel sent him off to the Rogues and he's been there ever since. Known as the resident lazy arse, and easily someone with the weakest control of what could be pretty impressive powers, he's enjoying the protection he believes he could hold forever.


+ Quick Witted

+ Smooth Talker

+ Surprisingly, Empathetic


_ Lazy

_ Careless

_ Uncoordinated

_ Enjoys Angering Others


⤑Finn has what is best labeled as air manipulation, though he currently believes it to be only flight. With his abilities he can control the air around him, thus resulting in flight. Flight, however, is a careful concoction of manpulating air around himself and takes a lot of concentration to propel himself in the right direction. He has not in anyway mastered this ability, which leaves the rest of his powers to be undiscovered. With much skill and use of discipline that Finn lacks, he should be able to release strong bursts of wind for defense purposes, fly properly, play with some weather conditions, and a long way down the road, begin manipulating the air that people breathe, proving for some disasterous consequences.

⤑It takes a lot of skill to be able to control the wind and air, and a lot of energy. He is still a very shaky flier, even at best, and he's yet to even grasp the rest of his power's possibilities. Finn has also trained himself to manipulate his power mostly through gestures with his feet and hands, and if they were to be tied or rendered unusable, he wouldn't be able to do anything of use. Flying takes a lot of air to manipulate, so indoors, he could be at risk of creating a vacuum within the closed space. Smaller actions that he learns later on could be carried out indoors, but flight is ny impossible without suffocating himself and everyone else around.

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Species (If non-human, please keep the themes and symbolism of your desired card in mind.)

Tarot Depiction (Any Major or Minor Arcana card from the tarot deck.)
Symbol of Choice (Major Arcanist's will be able to see your symbol, so choose wisely! Keep the themes of your card in mind while choosing.)

You have 40 "points" to spend. No more than 10 in each category. Minor arcana cards cannot have more than 5 points. Categories are self explanatory.


Personality (Write this out however you wish.)

Brief History (If you wish to include pre-apocalypse history feel free to do so, but I only require a brief description of the past four months. Exception: Characters who knew about their Arcanist status before the apocalypse.)

Inventory (Non-Arcana)

Arcana (Spells / Powers -- List and describe them however you see fit.)


NAME: Eden Sato
NICKNAME: Edie (EEdee)
GENDER: Female
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 101lbs

SYMBOL: A circle.
Strength - 7
Perception - 5
Endurance - 4
Charisma - 3
Intelligence - 5
Agility - 2
Luck - 7
Arcana - 7

Light, airy, and perhaps a bit ditzy, Eden takes each step with a near angelic grace, and a love for each living thing. Of all things that breathe. And she believes everything breathes, the grass, the trees, the llittlest of creatures. She's not afraid to seem 'batty', and can often be found talking to herself, or things that aren't supposed to be spoken too. Though this may alienate her, it leaves Eden with a constant sense of calmness and joy. Hardly one to display any sort of negative emotion, if you look past the instinct to call her batty, she may bring you joy too.

Eden comes from a big family, with a long lineage. Her fondest memories are of her Ojiisan, her grandfather, telling stories to all her younger siblings and her eldest sister. Eden was the second oldest among a smattering of younger siblings, and their household was always filled with the laughter and buzz of other distant or close relatives. She was also very fond of her cat, Tilda. And the cat seemed quite fond of her, as did all the plants in the garden. Her grandfather told the greatest stories, of daring might and perlious catastrophes.. of people with awesome power and of terrible creatures and occurences that plagued the world, until it was to be reborn again. She most enjoyed the fact that these fantastical stories were accompanied by his aged and worn pack of tarot cards.

"Eden," He said. "You will do great things, my little flower."

She carries the memory as fondly as she does his pack of tarot cards. His stories came true. Of course.. her family knew about this, and suddenly they were in a bunker, hiding from the inevitable. They managed to live for some time, peacefully.. but the Blights drove them out, and soon, Eden found herself separated from her family.

Now, she wanders.

Largely contained in a green satchel bag.
-Pack of Withered Tarot Cards
-Extra clothing

>Animal Affinity - Eden can communicate with animals, and request of them certain tasks, as well as influence their emotions.
>Green Thumb - Eden can will any plant life to grow at a rapid rate, which is how Eden has been surviving on her own. In the wake of the destruction, Eden tries to regrow as much as she possibly can. For use of defensive purposes, she can produce vines and limbs of trees and ask them to do her bidding.
>Earth Manipulation - On a larger scale, Eden can control the earth. Though she has not yet explored the capabilities of this immense power, she could perhaps cause cataclysmic earthquakes and break off and manipulate large chunks of earth.
>Healing - Eden can heal wounds, though to heal requires her to touch the wound and stay in contact for a certain amount of time, depending on the wound. If the user bears no wounds, she can also instil a 'lightness' upon contact, which is what she calls it. It's more a bestowing of good energies, that raise the target's spirit.

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  • Love
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Just to give an idea of what colors go with what emotions, roughly. Different shades and such mean different things, and colors seems to be simplifying what Keith actually sees to some degree.

[glow=#000]Instability/Mental Illness[/glow] - Black in an aura doesn't necessarily mean "evil," but is closer to indicating some underlying problems. Keith gets kind of uncomfortable looking at black auras; they're most likely to give him a migraine, and make him feel like he's got something like oil or slime or tar all over his skin in a nasty film.
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⤑ Francis Blanchard | ⤑ TBD | ⤑ 19 | ⤑ Orange​


⤑ Written Appearance

Appearance: Though her face is dainty and her stature unimposing, there seems to be a lot of weight to Francis's stance. She walks with purpose, and there is no 'flutter' about her. Despite her boyishness and somewhat uninviting look, she still holds a very pretty face, that can often be deceiving to the true nature of the power she holds. Her eyes are an enchanting gray-blue and light freckles litter her face and body. She has a multitude of small scars from everything and in between, but none seem to stand out. Overall, she could blend in a crowd fairly easily if she wanted too, especially due to her small frame. Her height is especially what makes her appear very unimposing.

⤑ Height | 5'4"
⤑ Weight | 90 lbs


Francis was lucky enough to enjoy a very peaceful childhood. She lived on a farm in a small community of run-away metas. Her parents, who owned the farm, and a few other families in the vicinity, had all picked a spot far away from R.I.E.F's line of sight in an attempt to lead a semi normal life. And it worked, for some time. She and her brother were able to enjoy a decent family life, even though it was somewhat cut off from civilization. He was often off doing his own thing, playing with his creepy toys, so she made friends with the children of the other families. Francis enjoyed tending to the farm, working with the animals, and being fairly independent and discovering her powers on her own terms. As a result, she has no qualm with using her power and often embraces it, to which many others can't say the same.

This lasted up until the age of 15, when R.I.E.F discovered them and laid siege. Only Francis was able to squirm away, leaving her family and everyone else to deal with the repercussions. Though it still haunts her today, she was lucky enough to come into contact with Rogue shortly after her daring escape. She's been there since, four years, working closely with them and doing her best to aid them in any way she can, as she wholly believes in their cause. Though she isn't the friendliest out there, she's loyal to the people at Rogue and works hard to see her missions through.


+Levelheaded - Francis is fairly thorough in all her decision making, and is good about acting well and quickly on her feet.

+Dedicated - An impressively hard worker, once Francis starts something she gives it her all, and works very hard to achieve it.

+Loyal - Once she's placed her trust in someone, she is loyal to the end.


-Closed off - she's not obvious about it, but Francis doesn't enjoy opening up to people. It feels trivial to her and she doesn't enjoy allowing people 'into' her.

-Dishonest - white lies don't seem like lies to Francis much. She has no qualms spinning the truth just a little if it keeps her from saying something she doesn't feel like saying. She doesn't lie about big stuff, though. Usually.

-Distrustful - though Francis does trust Rogue as a whole, it took a long time for her to do so. She is not quick to trust people as individuals.

POWER - Full Charge


⤑ At least, that's what Francis calls it. Francis keeps track of her power in a system reminiscent of battery percentage. At 100% energy, Francis has heightened strength, speed, reflexes and senses. She could almost be superman minus the flying, but full charge hardly lasts for long. Often she's at 70-80%, which is a good dosage of all those enhanced goodies, and all fairly powerful.

⤑ As Francis uses her abilities, her energy level depletes, and with the energy level goes her powers. Her powers will begin to dampen, lessen in strength, until at 0%, she has no energy left and is comparable to a normal human. To up her energy on and off the battlefield Francis carries snacks, and sometimes sugar or other junk-food type things can give her a short but explosive boost in power. However, it largely relies on amount of sleep, and for how long/how hard she's already used her abilities.

⤑Trivia: -Often keeps a fanny pack filled with high energy snackage. (and the occasional pack of sugary junk food)

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Age: 26 || Height: 6'1" || Weight: 190lbs
Appearance || Caellun harbors a strangely ethereal and soft presence despite his fairly tall stature, a quiet strength beneath him. Though Caellun is not the most outwardly emotional person, he is somewhat intense. A sharp jaw accompanies narrowed blue eyes, with pale near sickly skin.

Location || Caellun and his sister are travelling to Whiteridge from their small home in Belcrast.
Social Class || Lower Class [Butcher]

Bio || Caellun was nine and his sister Sephya was five when their parents died after their woodworking shop was ransacked, a fire lit to finish the job that only the children were able to escape. They had no surrounding family members, and were lucky enough to have been taken in by the town's resident butcher, Borris Algree. The man raised the two children to the best of his ability, as his wife had passed before they were able to have kids of their own. Caellun never truly came to love the man like he had his own father, but always held a deep respect for him, and studied his trade along with Sephya to aid Borris in his business.

When Caellun was twenty Borris contracted an illness and passed startlingly quick after, leaving the siblings to take over his business. Caellun felt it his responsibility to look after his sister and her well being, and the two ran the butchery up until Sephya was proposed to by an upperclassmen named Samson. He had taken a fancy to her, and though Caellun was suspicious, he wanted the best for Sephya. The promise of an easier life for his sister caused him to push away his gut feeling, which ended in a betrayal of the highest order from Sephya's suitor.

Now, they've left their life behind in search of a place to start anew, anger kindled in Caellun's heart.

Magical Inclination || Talismanic magic - with his mother's amulet acting as a personal energy talisman, Caellun will be able to heal himself and others. Carving wooden totems and imbuing them with a personal item from someone will allow him to place curses.
Other skills || Caellun is very good with his hands, a proficient woodworker and butcher, also granting him knife and hunting skills.
Gear/Weapon || On his person: His mother's amulet, signature carving knife in belt sheath
Satchel: Extra change of clothing, hunting knife, canteen, journal and charcoal

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⤑Emiko Shujin | ⤑ Beast | ⤑ 21 | ⤑ Orange


⤑ Written Appearance

⤑ Height |
⤑ Weight |




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  • Thank You
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Bungee Hairline AmiriBungee

We're all happy here.

Everyone knows there's not much time left.

We live in a dying world.. People fight like dogs for packet of food, a trickle of water. The world's overpopulated.. Rivers run dry. People are mad with power, with no hope to control what we once saw as gifts. People fear what they once appreciated. But despite the lack of superpower control, technology came and replaced it, a weapon for all to hold. We kept building ourselves up and everything else went down. Down, down the drain until.. We realized it was too late to recover.

Soon, there won't be anything left at all.

The richest of the rich sit from their rooftops and watch in comfort, thinking that their wealth will propel them even when there will be nothing left to buy. No one expected any help. Especially not from the vigiquintillionaire Lyris Matrikt and his precious little toy, Sanctuary.

A civilization off the coast of Takym built to hold the most state of the art tech, with promises of life everlasting. He, of course, is inviting his high class friends, the most important people.. The rest of us watch and wonder if it's really true. If they'll really outlast the rest of us.

Today Matrikt holds a speech to announce the grand ribbon cutting. And some say he'll be inviting a spare few from the crowd.. a token of his appreciation to the community he's enslaved. It's the event of the century.

Welcome to the next installment in the Never Normal universe: Sanctuary!

This roleplay takes place in the Wired era. A cyberpunk dystopia where technology has advanced like no other and superpowers run amok beneath the surface. The writing expectancy is fairly detailed and I require a minimum of three paragraphs per post. I expect a post at least once every two weeks.

Certain lore for this arc and era are still in progress, and I welcome any questions. For now, feel free to peruse existing lore and be sure to check out the rules.

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is simulation V2 up and running, AMINA?

all systems are a go.

YES! Yes. Systems are a go!
stupid worthless hunk of junk… let's get this show on the road.

We're all happy here.

Everyone knows there's not much time left.

We live in a dying world.. People fight like dogs for packet of food, a trickle of water. The world's overpopulated.. Rivers run dry. People are mad with power, with no hope to control what we once saw as gifts. People fear what they once appreciated. But despite the lack of superpower control, technology came and replaced it, a weapon for all to hold. We kept building ourselves up and everything else went down. Down, down the drain until.. We realized it was too late to recover.

Soon, there won't be anything left at all.

The richest of the rich sit from their rooftops and watch in comfort, thinking that their wealth will propel them even when there will be nothing left to buy. No one expected any help. Especially not from the vigiquintillionaire Lyris Matrikt and his precious little toy, Sanctuary.

A civilization off the coast of Takym built to hold the most state of the art tech, with promises of life everlasting. He, of course, is inviting his high class friends, the most important people.. The rest of us watch and wonder if it's really true. If they'll really outlast the rest of us.

No one expected he'd offer anyone else the chance to join him in Sanctuary.. But you hold the key in your hands. But such a perfect opportunity has to have flaws… Lyris can't be doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He makes decisions with the help of his belly, swollen with pride.

But.. it's not like you have a choice. You can stick it out on the streets or take your chances inside the Sanctuary.

We'd all be happy there.. Wouldn't we?

Here we go again. Welcome to Sanctuary V2. I've finally bucked up and restarted this babey. You are a lucky lower or upper class citizen presented with the option to move to Sanctuary and live out the rest of your days without anymore worries. Sounds pretty nice, right? I think so too.

This roleplay takes place in the Wired era of Never Normal, my superpowered universe. Wired is cyberpunk dystopia where technology has advanced like no other and superpowers run amok beneath the surface. The writing expectancy is fairly detailed. I'm flexible with my players, as long as all posts give someone something to work with and people post fairly often.

So, how intriguing does this sound to you? Have I caught your interest at all? Then peruse these links for lore and start conceptualizing! I'm here to answer any questions and can't wait to get this show on the road. My co-gm @rissa and I can't wait.

Wired Era Lore
Superpower Lower
Big Bux Co.

lovely lovely coding by @rissa

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    Linreyus Sephelos
    Age | 28
    6'2" | 230lbs
    Wing Manifestation

    Appears rather pompous. Family history could be a variable.

  • .

    Beitatrixx "Beia" Kolekouskee
    Age | 21
    5'7" | 165lbs
    Vitamin D Replication

    Intriguing results upon background check. Excellent leverage. Unruly abilities, require heavy stability, should be excellently volatile.

  • .

    Sacharryn "Sugar" Ouigamre
    Age | 20
    5'2" | 100lbs
    Empathy & Desire Inducement

    Another excellent candidate. I have been briefed she looks more innocent than she is. Nevertheless an excellent subject.

  • .

    Mondei Dai
    Age | 19
    5'2" | 119lbs
    Dimensional Doors

    Could be a possibly troublesome power, but if all goes well... VR champion status may possibly become a variable.

  • .

    Age | 37
    5'11" | 190lbs

    Alarming amount of siblings. Could be problematic. Powers could yield excellent results. Age could present issue. Remove self termination tech immediately.

  • .

    Aryel "Ry" Jaffe
    Age | 26
    5'8" | 138lbs

    Subject could serve a specific purpose due to power set. Note for review.

  • .

    Tallowyn "Wyn" Izorti
    Age | 24
    6'1" | 175lbs
    Rapid Adaptation

    Appears rather pompous. Family history could be a variable.

  • .

    5'10" | 170lbs


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Praesent id libero convallis, scelerisque velit nec, sollicitudin quam. Donec vehicula quis metus in pellentesque. Suspendisse semper quam tincidunt massa tincidunt, id malesuada sapien vulputate. Donec a ultrices ligula, eget dignissim arcu. Proin facilisis eget diam ut gravida. Phasellus tristique imperdiet bibendum. Maecenas vel ligula mauris. Maecenas tempor eros imperdiet massa varius mattis. Nunc eu massa non felis molestie imperdiet. Cras vestibulum turpis et tortor ullamcorper feugiat. Quisque eget consequat neque.

Quisque maximus augue et pharetra vestibulum. Donec eu nibh viverra, viverra massa id, interdum nunc. Maecenas efficitur quis justo non consectetur. Morbi ut venenatis lacus. Aliquam eu nisi ac libero congue viverra nec quis orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin vel dignissim tellus, sit amet pellentesque eros. Vivamus efficitur tempus nisl id iaculis. Nunc dui enim, sagittis sit amet lorem in, fermentum tristique elit. Phasellus et lobortis nisi. Morbi sagittis et lectus et condimentum. In sed sapien vitae nunc pellentesque lobortis non non tortor. Aliquam erat volutpat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dictum neque vitae quam lobortis, vel laoreet urna convallis. Fusce consectetur felis auctor, sodales nisl malesuada, iaculis felis. Donec nec euismod nisi. In mollis tortor lectus, eget ornare libero elementum eu. Etiam quis consequat orci. Pellentesque sed venenatis lacus, sit amet gravida sapien.


Donec nec euismod nisi.

In mollis tortor lectus, eget ornare libero elementum eu.

Etiam quis consequat orci.

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Name: August Thompson
Auggie, Gus, anything will do
Age: 24
Role: Nurse

Something about August is strikingly bright. It's not his face, framed by shaggy wisps of black hair and deep brown eyes, not his average build, standing at a decent 5'10", and not even his clothes, casual and focused primarily on utility. It is simply that there is a surprising amount of life in his gaze, a pep in his step and a vigor in his body that sets him apart from the rest of all the war-torn Reapers in his ranks. He is youthful, and it shows, for better or for worse. Though he isn't a very skilled fighter, his body is still athletic and well muscled.
He prefers clothing with a lot of pockets, and is somewhat attached to a leather satchel he carries most his supplies in.








Anything else I should know about your character? Such as what equipment they have, supplies, etc.


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