Grey times after school

He shrugged "I have my locker" he typed on his cellphone and showed it to Riley "But thanks" he then walked away onto the first class of the
day, he wasn't particularly interested in Riley, he didn't feel like he was something out of the ordinary, but he was someone who would probably
stick his nose where he wasn't wanted, and Liam couldn't deal with that, he had to freeze things with him, and walking away like that was
just the only way he knew to push people away from him.
Riley frowned and sighed, shutting his locker quietly. That Liam kid sure was strange...he wondered idly why Liam felt the need to be so enigmatic. 'It's probably a home problem,' the boy figured, as he headed to homroom. Riley unfortunately only had Liam in English and Chemistry (as far as he knew, anyways), and homeroom was neither of those things. It was math, not the best of subjects to start off the day, but it was better than gym. Riley slipped into his class before the tardy bell rang, and began to aimlessly doodle in his margins of his book. The math teacher had a habit of getting off track.
((OOC: changing letter color sorry))

Liam spent the rest of the day just hoping he could skip English and Chemistry, and even knowing that he couldn't just skip those two classes
forever he placed his forehead on his seat table and sighed bitterly, just waiting thorough the day for the next classes and the next and so on,
he wasn't really expecting it when it was time for English time he walked around the classroom and went to sit down at the back of the classroom,
away from everyone, specially Riley, after this came lunch, and after lunch chemistry, and after that his math class and he'd be able to go home,
so he repeated to himself, ignoring the class even when it started. He was too frustrated about all this, Riley had seen it. Or maybe he hadn't, but
he couldn't be too sure of that.
Riley took his usual seat in the middle of the class and glanced around. It looked like Liam was in the back of the class. Riley frowned slightly, and gave the other boy a soft smile. He, naturally, didn't notice how much pity he'd thrown into the expression, and Riley turned around as the lesson began. He bounced his pen rhythmically a few times before taking notes along with the rest of the class. He was hoping to catch Liam before lunch.
The bell rang and fast as a lighting, Liam was the first one to run outside the classroom and try to get lost in the crowd, he wasn't expecting it
when the same guy as before suddenly gripped him by his shirt and rammed him agsin't a wall "Hey you little flea!!" he yelled and everyone laughed,
Liam still had a numb expression, but of course he was annoyed. "Were you ignoring me before, huh!? I'll show you some respect!" he yelled and tried
to punch him, but instead he leaped on the air with the impulse of his legs, placed his feet on the man's chest and was now in a very weird position,
almost an impossible on but the strong grip of the older student was making it impossible, with this, he kicked him away and he landed on the ground on
his back, he rose back up quickly and looked around, noticing he couldn't run away from the situation. "OHSHIT" he thought to himself, not the slightest
sign of an emotion on his face.
Riley frowned. Dammit! He lost him. Riley sighed, and filed out of the class like the other kids, but his eyes widened when he saw Liam in a fight. "Holy shit! Sir!" He darted back to the classroom, which was thankfully only a step or two behind him. "Sir, Liam and that big kid, Rick and fighting in the hall!" The teacher gave a surprised blink, and Riley let out a snarl of desperation. He darted back to the fight, slicing through the crowd. "Let me though you assholes!" he snapped. Time seemed to slow, Riley entered the ring formed of students. Liam and Ricky were only a few feet away. Riley pushed off the ground with all his might, tackling Liam to the ground. Time sped up again, and Riley rolled with the other boy through the other side of the crowd. Riley sprang to his feet with ease, pulling Liam up with him. "Run. Run, run, runrunrunrunrun," He said quickly, pulling the dazed boy with him. "Office, quick." He didn't bother to slow,he only zigzagged through the halls and pulled Liam with him.
He couldn't even realize in which part of time was he going to be punched and in which he was suddenly running off with
Riley holding his hand at full speed, he could hear the older student following after them, so when they were just a few meters away from
the office he let go off Riley's hand and was hoping to be let go, so he pulled himself away from the guy, and almost took a fast as hell
punch, but he avoided it, making a certain kind of movement that looked like some sort of kung fu, punching certain points of the guy's body
with the tip of his fingers, and he fell down to the ground, this done he looked at Riley, took out his cellphone and typed on it.

"I was okay."

he simply showed it, but then did something else "Get away from me" before walking away. again.

((OOC: it's obviously not kung fu, but to common people that's what it looks like))
Riley blinked and pulled on his own hair, seething. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" He hissed to himself. Riley chased after Liam, and grabbed a hold of his arm. "DUDE! NO! I am so fucking done!" He started to pull the other boy back towards the office. "You are going to play by the rules and be a part of this fucking system. You are going to report what happened, and get Ricky suspended, like he should be ." Riley's grip was like iron, and before he opened the door, he whirled back to look at Liam. Riley was obviously angry: His eyes burned with a pent up rage. "I hate to break it to you, pal, but you haven't exactly been acting like you want to avoid attention. You saunter in all sullen and moody, and avoid everyone, but that's not how it works here. That's not how it works anywhere."

Riley's shoulders sagged, and he released Liam. He sighed, his rage subsiding. "Look, you want a tip? If you want to be left alone, don't be alone. I know it doesn't make sense, but trust me. You need at least one friend in order to survive here. The assholes will pick out anyone who's alone. Want to avoid attention? Don't avoid attention. It's a give and take system."

Riley shoved his hands in his pockets. "Look man, I'm sorry for being rough, but you're just gonna be pushed around even more if you keep it up." He he shuffled a little. The tardy bell had long since rang. "Now, you can report it and barely slip by on the radar, or you can say something and prove you aren't messing around." He gestured with his chin to the fallen boy. "He won't forget what you did, he'll probably lay off."

"I'm not doing this for me," Riley added, "I have friends. You don't. You can't act like you don't want people's help. It's dangerous." Riley shrugged and began to walk. "Whatever man, do what you want."
He stared for a moment and then walked inside the office, dropping something off to the ground before walking inside and closing the door
behind himself, not leaving until over an hour later, h sighed lowly.

(sorry it's so short)
The rest of lunch was rather uneventful. Riley sat at a table with a few of his friends and chatted with them pleasantly. One asked about Liam and Riley shrugged. "I dunno," Riley admitted, "He's not a bad kid, just stubborn." Finishing his sandwhich, Riley headed off to chemistry. He settled in his seat and waited.
At chemistry, Liam never showed up, the next class was the last one and they weren't in it together, but the teacher was gone too,
everyone saw it as some kind of blessing, but something was out of picture when just ten minutes before class was over the teacher
went into the classroom and called for Riley to get his stuff and follow her, something was very out of picture, since she just told them
to read a page in the book and left without waiting for Riley.
Riley blinked in shock, and collected his things. He hurried after the teacher as quickly as he could.
She led him all the way to the hall in front of the principal's office, where Liam was sitting, his shirt stained with blood for some
odd reason, she pushed Riley in front of Liam "Now boys you talk for a while and meanwhile me and the principal will talk for a
moment okay?" she said and went into the office, Liam only cleaned up his face a little more with his bloodstained shirt sleeve,
he seemed incredibly upset and kept clutching onto his sleeves angrily.
Riley gapped at the other boy for a good long moment. "What, the fuck happened!?" He choked out at last. "Liam, shit are you okay? Oh my god...are you bandaged? What happened?" He took a hesitant seat next to the other boy, his eyes wide. "...Dude..." Riley said slowly. "What...who...?"
He was at a loss for words. Had Rickey gotten back at the boy?
Liam didn't even turn to look at him, he only lowered his head and remained silent for a while before taking Riley's hand and moving it
to his head, as if he wanted to be petted and just let go off him there, taking out his cellphone and typing something on it and then let
him see it "No one beat me" after this he began typing again "No one cut me" and finally typed one last thing "It's my fault, don't worry".
Riley blinked in confusion, and stayed silent for a minute before petting the other boy. "Jesus, need to be careful." Riley sighed, and ceased petting Liam, though he didn't remove his hand. "You sure you're alright?" Riley bit his lip. Surely...surely Liam hadn't killed anyone...had he? "Why're all messed up bro?"
"I vomited" he typed on his cellphone he took a while typing this but then he showed it to Riley, bending his head a little so he'd keep
petting him closing his eyes, he took back his cellphone and typed again with his eyes still closed (he was good at it)
"That's why I can't talk, it hurts"
"Vomited?" Riley repeated, incredulous. He resumed his petting, and stayed quiet again. "Look man...I dunno what's up with you or anything, but shouldn't you have called a doctor or something? Vomiting blood isn't exactly normal." Riley remained quiet for a while longer, thinking. "Alright, well, did you eat anything strange? Have you been feeling bad lately? Anything happened that might have triggered this?"
'Why did you call me here?' Riley wondered silently. 'and where the heck are the teachers?'
He opened his eyes and let down his head on his shoulder, "I'm sick" he responded with his cellphone, he didn't let Riley stop the petting,
it somehow made him feel ...wanted... so he shrugged and typed again "You don't need to know anything so don't ask anymore." he asked
and let down his cellphone.
"Actually, I'm pretty sure I do need to know," Riley replied, withdrawing his hand. "I don't think you can just have a guy sit here and pet you while you bleed to death, and not offer any sort of explanation other than 'I'm sick.'" Riley sighed, and began to bet Liam's head. "I'm not an asshole, you can trust me, you know?" He let a moment of silence pass. "I'm not saying you have to tell me,'d be nice to know if you're going to live." Without thinking, Riley reached for Liam's face, tilting the other boy's head up. Riley rested his forehead against Liam's as gently as he could. A wide smile spread across his face. "I wont hurt you, Liam, I promise."