Grey times after school

"Ah, you're talking about the porcupine aren't you?" he crossed his arms and was seemingly annoyed by his mentioning "He was always running from
everyone and wouldn't talk to anyone all day long, he would practice only when the teacher was around, not when we were, he was a good violin
player but when his boyfriend broke his right hand he left the club and the school, the guy would barge in here asking for the "tortoise" which was Liam,
seriously he's the most awkward gay kid I ever met, he never talked and when you tried touching him or something, he'd run away from you or hit you,
that's why we called him porcupine, he'd put out his spines to hurt you so you wouldn't get close."

"Ah, you're talking about Liam? I heard around here rumors that he killed his boyfriend, but that's just rumors, I miss his violin tough" Another girl joined
the conversation "They also said that he was obsessed with his body, that he would never go to phis ed because he'd feel watched or something, and got
called pork by his boyfriend in front of everyone, also the other rumors were that he was bullimic, and very bad at maths so his boyfriend would make him
do his math homework only to punish him, so he'd learn faster." the girl shrugged "However, to be honest we never really got to know him, we don't even
remember to have hear his voice before, and what's worse is that he was very... loyal to his boyfriend, the porcupine, I felt so bad for him when the guy
broke his right hand" she shrugged again "I miss his violin".
((Sorry for the delay: I had a bit of running around to do.))

Faline nodded, scribbling furiously. She got it all, violinist, nickname, boyfriend, bulimic, shy, bad at math, disliked contact, too loyal to that ass of a boyfriend, broken right a side note, Faline scribbled "Abuse(?) Be gentle."
This was rather helpful information, and was quite insightful. "That is very helpfull," Faline said, looking up with innocent, inquisitive eyes. "And you didn't know anything about his home life?"
"Not really" the girl replied "Nobody even knew if he really had a family or not, nobody knows anything about him but what we were able to see with our eyes,
there's just this fact that he puts spikes around him so people wouldn't be able to enter his shield of protection"

"Well I heard he has both parents but they're divorced and still fight his custody, even tough he's already like 17" he shrugged "But that's just another rumor.."
Faline nodded, and scribbled a few more things down. "I see...and, is there any way I could contact his old boyfriend? Maybe get a little more information from him?"

The girl already had a plan forming in her mind...
"Well, he still goes to this school, he's on third year, right now you'll find him in the boxing club, it's right down the hall toward the gym,
he's an so be careful about him, he's not afraid of punching a girl" he shrugged and the girl interrupted again.

"I'd recommend you talk to him when he's on his break, he's going to hurt you if you interrupt his training! His name is Thomas"
Faline nodded, and thanked the two politely, and headed out the door. Boxers were nothing to her. She was agile and could fend for herself. Besides, all she needed to do was act sweet and innocent. Fear wouldn't get her anywhere. She chose a spot not far from the boxing room and sat, waiting for the club to disperse. She wondered how she'd be able to tell which was Thomas, but dismissed the thought quickly. She'd just ask one of the members that walked out of the room.
((OOC: He looks kinda like the Gijinka of Flippy from HTF))

Suddenly one of the guys walked out and noticed her sitting there alone, he smiled at himself and approached her "Hey, do you need something?
You're obviously not from this school, waiting for someone?" he asked while placing his hand on his pocket, he was wearing normal clothings, just
a shirt and a dark pair of jeans, he was out of practice.
"Oh yes," FAline said, rising from the floor. "I'm looking for someone named Thomas. I have a few questions I need to ask him." She smiled at the boy. "Do you know him?"
"In fact you're talking to him!" he smiled brightly, and gave her a smile "You needed anything from 'me?"
Faline smiled and nodded. "Why yes! I hope it's not too much trouble, but I need to find out a little bit about a boy named Liam who attended this school until recently. I believe some of the kids called him the 'porcupine'?" Faline giggled "Anyways, some of the kids from the music class told me you might know a little more about him. I only have a few questions, it shouldn't take up too much of your time. You don't mind, do you?" She gave Thomas a shy, gentle smile.
"Sure, ask away li'l one" he spread his arms and closed his eyes with a smile "That kid Liam? hmm... I do remember him" He looked
a little uncomfortable.
"Okay, what was he like?" Faline began, readying her pen once more. "Were you two very close? Is there anything you can tell me about his home life?"
The young man crossed his arms, he seemed annoyed by these questions in particular "Well... He was a harsh kid to reach,
he rarely ever spoke and was a lil' odd, you could say we were friends but we weren't that close, honestly I only hung out
with him once or twice and everyone spread rumors about us, when he heard them first hand he never spoke to me again,
which is quite funny because he stole my food all the time, I don't know anything about his family really, he never spoke about
Faline nodded and scratched a few things down on her pad. "Yes, there seemed to be a lot of rumours surrounding you two." she flicked her cat-like eyes up at the boy, a slightly sinister air taking place. "Including you constantly shaming and harassing him, as well as one right hand-breaking, crippling him from playing violin." Fallen dropped her eyes, as well as the menacing air, returning instead to her happy-go-lucky, almost airheaded demeanor. "But I'm not really one for rumours. I prefer the truth. So!" she gave Thomas a bright, friendly smile. "Anything else to add?"
"Oh his hand? I didn't do that, 't was his boyfriend, although everyone says it was me" he complained "There do seem to be a lot
of confusion going on about me, which is annoying as hell, but what can I do about it, it wasn't my damn fault okay?" he said angrily
"if you're done I real' need to go now". He finished and walked away without letting her finish.

(ooc: we can go back to liam and riley now i won't give up anything else)
Riley sat at his desk and twirled his pencil around aimlessly with his fingers. Would Liam even show up today? Probably not. It was getting harder and harder to keep up with that boy.
Faline had found Riley relied that morning, and explained what she had found. Riley was already forming a plan in his mind. He would talk to Liam today, and...well, that was it. All he could do was inquire about the past. If he couldn't get anything out of the boy now, Riley and Faline would need to take much more drastic measures.

((Sorry for delay. I went to eat.))
Liam showed up late for the second class, he spoke with the teacher for a moment and then went to sit down far from the reach of Riley
whom he spotted among he students almost in the matter of three seconds straight, he looked away through the window and ignored him
for the rest of the classes, he didn't even bother looking at Riley for a second before he laid down on his desk and obviously fell asleep.
However he was still asleep when lunch break started so he couldn't run away, still, he looked quite cute when sleeping.

(I'm sorry for the delay but I swear I thought I posting adn THIS THING grrr)
((Ha, it's okay. I managed to get some sleep and a snack))

Riley walked over to Liam as quietly as he could. Th entire class had emptied for lunch, and they were the only two left. Riley took the seat in front of the boy, sitting in it backwards so he could face Liam. Riley placed his head down on the desk as well, resting his head on one arm to get a better look at the sleeping boy. Slowly, without realizing it, Riley reached out and gently threaded his fingers through Liam's thick locks of hair. Riley pet the other boy's head gently, his eyes becoming half lidded as a gentle, almost loving smile graced Riley's lips. He felt something courtly and warm begin to swell in his chest, and he reminded himself that he needed to wake Liam, but Riley couldn't bring himself to wake the other boy.

Liam opened his eyes, and turned to look at Riley with an annoyed look on his eyes, he took the young man's hand and led it to his mouth,
kissing it before letting go and raising up a little, resting his arms on the desk, and staring, he knew Riley had something to say and he was
planning on running off while he was busy processing any answer he was sure he'd give, he wasn't in the mood for all this, he wanted a little
of comfort and peace, and sleep. However he didn't deny Riley the chance of talking.
((AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! >:3 looks like the tables have turned! You may be Teh God of Dramah, but I am Teh Goddess of Fluff!))

Riley tried to hide the flush of his cheeks, and sat up, casting Liam shy looks from behind his lashes. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he mumbled a quiet "good morning." Riley scratched behind his ear, avoiding eye contact. "So...I heard about...well, a bit about your past...and I was wonder-" all the words Riley had wanted to say died in his mouth when he saw Liam's face. Riley sighed, and rested his head on one hand. "You look tired," was all Riley could croak out, "Forget it. I can ask when you feel better."

Riley dragged himself out of his own seat, and ran his hand gently through Liam's hair. Riley let it glide to cup Liam's cheek, and he absently let his thumb trace the corner of Liam's mouth. "Feel better," he murmmured, andshuffled into the hallway.