Grand. Theft. Auto.

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Oh! I'll Go intowards this RP, just give me a sec.
Name: Jessica Shin-Ryu
Age: 26
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Location: Los Santos
Occupation: Illegal Street Racer, Car Tuner, Business Owner
Starting Income: $5,300
Criminal Level: 3- Known for Street Racing and suspected in several Semi-Truck Hijackings & Multiple Robberies

Traits: Cold, Straightforward, Serious, Caring, Nice
Flaws: Cries Easily, Emotionally Sensitive, Violent, Hot Tempered, Anti-Social

Skill: Precision Driving
Ability: Enhanced Reflexes


Bio: Jessica was born in Los Santos into a Working Class Family of Korean-Americans, with her parents being immigrants, as the eldest daughter in her Family, having only one younger sister. Her Father was a Stock Car Racer and her Mother was a Chef. Jessica practically had a lot growing up, especially a Sister whom she cares for deeply and parents who loved her to death. Not long after Jessica had graduated from High School, her Father was killed in a horrendous Racing Accident when his car was hit by another racer named Kai Lang. One week following the tragedy, Jessica would show up later at one of Lang's Hangout places and beat him to a pulp, nearly killing him. As a result, Jessica would get banned from the Race Track and served two years in prison. Since then, her Mother has moved back to South Korea and her Sister left Los Santos to go back to South Korea. Now Jessica gets her income through running a Convenient Store, Car Tuning Shop and consistently winning at Street Racing in addition to other Criminal Activities. However, she is about to enter a dangerous game as a Street Racer in Los Santos.
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Name: Jessica Shin-Ryu
Age: 26
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Location: Los Santos
Occupation: Illegal Street Racer, Car Tuner, Business Owner
Starting Income: $5,300
Criminal Level: 3- Known for Street Racing and suspected in several Semi-Truck Hijackings & Multiple Robberies

Traits: Cold, Straightforward, Serious, Caring, Nice
Flaws: Cries Easily, Emotionally Sensitive, Violent, Hot Tempered, Anti-Social

Skill: Precision Driving
Ability: Enhanced Reflexes

View attachment 57473

Bio: Jessica was born in Los Santos into a Working Class Family of Korean-Americans, with her parents being immigrants, as the eldest daughter in her Family, having only one younger sister. Her Father was a Stock Car Racer and her Mother was a Chef. Jessica practically had a lot growing up, especially a Sister whom she cares for deeply and parents who loved her to death. Not long after Jessica had graduated from High School, her Father was killed in a horrendous Racing Accident when his car was hit by another racer named Kai Lang. One week following the tragedy, Jessica would show up later at one of Lang's Hangout places and beat him to a pulp, nearly killing him. As a result, Jessica would get banned from the Race Track and served two years in prison. Since then, her Mother has moved back to South Korea and her Sister left Los Santos to go back to South Korea. Now Jessica gets her income through running a Convenient Store, Car Tuning Shop and consistently winning at Street Racing in addition to other Criminal Activities. However, she is about to enter a dangerous game as a Street Racer in Los Santos.
Finally. Lol. You're accepted.
Also, since we're using Real Life Photos, I'm guessing we're using Real Life Cars too?
But can I use real life cars anyway? Or no? Because I don't know Fictional Cars all that well.
But can I use real life cars anyway? Or no? Because I don't know Fictional Cars all that well.
you'd be breaking canon, I would just google the list of real life cars with their GTA names so you'll know.
Okay, close enough
Name: Cecilio Milano
Age: 26
Height: 6' even
Weight: 176 lbs
Location: Del Perro, Los Santos
Occupation: Runner - Arms, Drugs, you name it.
Starting Income: $5,000
Criminal Level: 2 - quick enough not to get caught, but meek enough to not get into too much trouble

Street Smart
Good Guy
Two-Wheel Titan

Moral Criminal
Four-Wheel Flop

Skill(1): Professional - When Cecilio puts his head down and sticks to doing his job and not showing off, he is peerless on two wheels.

Ability(1): Restoration - Cecilio can salvage destroyed (read: exploded or waterlogged) motorcycles if he can get them to his place in Del Perro. Whether upgraded or not upon destruction, he can only restore them to stock performance, and the rest must be done at a Pay 'n' Spray or Los Santos Customs. Vehicles restored in this way will not take them away from anyone if insured, and will also look very rusty and trashed until he can get it to a mechanic. High performance motorcycles require expensive projects to restore.


Bio: Although born Italian, Cecilio was smuggled into America as a child and given papers before he could remember. His father took care of him as a child in Broker, before eventually moving to Las Venturas to work as a mechanic. There, Cecilio began getting involved with the wrong crowd which lead to his current occupation.

Fast forward a couple of years, he's been homeless since he turned 19. He restored his first bike, a Western Daemon, and got it up to a pretty good condition. He took care of that thing for awhile before moving to Los Santos after hearing about some running opportunities there. Pickups and dropoffs became second nature to him. He did them constantly, putting himself in the line of danger and improving on his already natural ability for biking. At age 24, he bought a small place in Del Perro where he lives today.

Now 26 with a healthy income from his jobs, he spends his free time fucking around and finding wrecked bikes. He has ambitions of leading his own operation, and has even designed a patch for his members. His jacket is, of course, embroidered with it - the insignia of the currently unknown Road Foxes Motorcycle Club.

At the moment, he's trying to raise the money to restore a LCC Innovation. He's $12,000 away from his goal to fix it.
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Name: Cecilio Milano
Age: 26
Height: 6' even
Weight: 176 lbs
Location: Del Perro, Los Santos
Occupation: Runner - Arms, Drugs, you name it.
Starting Income: $5,000
Criminal Level: 2 - quick enough not to get caught, but meek enough to not get into too much trouble

Sharpshooter - Quick on the draw, master of the sniper rifle. Body shots for days.
Cruiser - Plenty of experience riding motorcycles. Has attempted to slide under things in the past, with mixed results.
Road Rashed - Skin as tough as diamonds from road rash scars. He gets hurt from gunshots and knives as well as anyone else, but is resistant to blunt force like fists, baseball bats, and additional road rash.
Charismatic - That old Italian flair, the charming, meek facade. He's always looking for allies in his quest to make it big with his own gang.
Two-Wheel Enthusiast - From bicycles to choppers, if it runs on two wheels, he knows a thing or two about the tuning.

Ambitious - If ever there was a place where that was a bad thing. He wants to go from running for others, to making his own op and robbing banks.
Moral Criminal - Sure, killing cops and smoking weed is all fine, but there are some things he just won't do. He prefers not to hurt children, pregnant women, and kind (if reckless) drivers. He also doesn't deal with hard drugs like cocaine and meth. This can get people mad at him really quick.
Four-wheel Flop - Although he likes a van for kidnappings, bulk runs, and drive-bys, he is not very trustworthy behind the wheel of a car. For the record, if it's not a bike, let somebody else drive.
Straggler - Cecilio is a survivalist, but without his running jobs, he's just a dude with a criminal background and no job history.
Cocky - Part two of Cruiser. He's not as good as he thinks. He's gotten hurt pretty badly trying risky maneuvers like backflips and slide unders. Not to be trusted in the driving department either

Skill(1): Head In The Game - When Cecilio puts his head down and sticks to doing his job and not showing off, he is peerless on two wheels.

Ability(1): Restoration - Cecilio can salvage destroyed (read: exploded or waterlogged) motorcycles if he can get them to his place in Del Perro. Wether upgraded or not upon destruction, he can only restore them to stock performance, and the rest must be done at a Pay 'n' Spray or Los Santos Customs. Vehicles restored in this way will not take them away from anyone if insured, and will also look very rusty and trashed until he can get it to a mechanic. High performance motorcycles require expensive projects to restore.


Bio: Although born Italian, Cecilio was smuggled into America as a child and given papers before he could remember. His father took care of him as a child in Broker, before eventually moving to Las Venturas to work as a mechanic. There, Cecilio began getting involved with the wrong crowd which lead to his current occupation.

Fast forward a couple of years, he's been homeless since he turned 19. He restored his first bike, a Western Daemon, and got it up to a pretty good condition. He took care of that thing for awhile before moving to Los Santos after hearing about some running opportunities there. Pickups and dropoffs became second nature to him. He did them constantly, putting himself in the line of danger and improving on his already natural ability for biking. At age 24, he bought a small place in Del Perro where he lives today.

Now 26 with a healthy income from his jobs, he spends his free time fucking around and finding wrecked bikes. He has ambitions of leading his own operation, and has even designed a patch for his members. His jacket is, of course, embroidered with it - the insignia of the currently unknown Road Foxes Motorcycle Club.

At the moment, he's trying to raise the money to restore a LCC Innovation. He's $12,000 away from his goal to fix it.
Your traits are more like skills..traits specify the good things about his personality, flaws point out negative things. Revise that section to personality attributes.
I was waiting for more people to post in the IC, are you guys still in?
Yeah, I'm just having trouble on thinking about what to post.
I'm going to post tonight
If still accepting I can have a char up tomorrow.^^
OK thanks working on it now might have up tonite if I think so, thought tomorrow but I think I have a good char.
Made the edits on the Traits and Flaws. A few of them didn't seem like huge game changers anyway, so I just left them. If it still seems like he's being buffed, let me know. Not sure if being well connected as part of one's job and history counts as a buff, but that's mostly what I'm worried about. Again, totally willing to fix it.

  • rkH0NCC.jpg

    Name: Bobbi "Reckless" Cheng
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 120LBS.

  • 6lH4vL8.png

    Traits(5): Cunning, Secretive, Loyal, Charming, Has Big Crime Mob Connections.
    Flaws(5): Reckless, Naive, Impulsive, Doesn't Take A Lot Of Things Seriously, Has Big Crime Mob Connections.
    Skill(1): Bobbi is one of the best lookouts around, since he's a DJ his ears are use to blocking out sounds and to listen to one specific sound, he's good at hearing when someone is coming.
    Ability(1): Bobbi can kill one person without getting a star.

  • Bio:You know that guy you hear about on the news, the boy who thinks he can get away with anything he does? He thinks he's untouchable because he has a powerful family? Well that's Bobbi "Reckless" Cheng his Uncle Wei Cheng is allegedly the crime boss of The Los Santos Triads. Only Bobbi, his family, and some other "special" people know the truth. Either way Bobbi thinks he's untouchable, which he would have been if the Triads still had the power they use to have. Right now Bobbi lives in Las Venturas being a DJ/Informer for the Triads on what is happening in their city.
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