Good Grades

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"How do I know you won't just make me more sore?" she teased, walking after him. "Hm... On second thought, maybe I should cook this morning," she told him, taking the eggs from him. "Just in case." Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she stepped around him, looking for a pan in his cupboards.
He smiled "I guess I could make you sore as well." He winked at her and she took the eggs. "Well, if you think you can do better than burnt go ahead." He walked over and sat down watching her as she bent over giving him a nice view of her panties. She really wasn't used to wearing skirts... or she was trying to give him a show.
She picked up the pan and went to the stove, turning to him for a moment. "Hey, perv, don't look," she teased, pulling her skirt down a little more. "Besides, I'm sure I can do better than burned-eggs." Blair cracked the eggs open into the pan, using a spatula to flip them a few times. When they were done, she turned off the stove and turned to him. "Done," she said, grinning.
He smiled when she called him perv, when it came to her he really was. She lowered her shirt a little to give more cleavage and he just stared at her body as she cooked. He couldn't help it, she was trying to get him to look at those places. Soon enough she was done and he walked over to see perfectly made eggs. "Well, I guess you can cook better than me." He said with a small smile as he kissed her.
She took out some plates and served him the egg. "I guess so," she replied, laughing softly and kissing him back. "You keep staring, I'm going to have to wear clothes that cover all of me today," she teased, sitting down.
He smiled "No, no. I can handle it." He sat down and looked at the egg. She really knew how to cook and he wondered how she learned. From what she said her parents never cooked anything and she only cooked every once in a while. He picked up his fork and started to eat it.
She picked up her own fork and started eating her egg. She ate it rather quickly, looking at the clock every now and then. When she was done, she stood up quickly. "I should get going," she told him, kissing his forehead. "I'll see you at school." Blair grabbed the jacket she'd brought and pulled it on, heading to the door.
"I guess I will see you then." He said smiling as she ran out quickly. He stood up and got ready himself before heading in. He was in his classroom early and now he was watching his clock waiting for the bell. It was rather boring and he still had twenty minutes before class.
She walked home at a fast pace. She got home and managed to take a shower and get ready just in time for her to leave and walk to school. Her clothes weren't as revealing today. She wasn't sure if they were going to do anything, she doubted they would. She'd keep him company, but didn't think much else would happen.

She walked in as the bell rang, smiling at him and going to take her seat.
When she walked in he noticed she was pretty well covered up. He really wasn't sure if he liked it when she dressed like that but he decided it was for the best. He began his lesson and handed back work. Though she didn't deserve it, he gave her passing grades. He knew how much she liked basketball and how she wanted to play. If he failed her he would be holding he from it.
She sighed with relief when he passed work back, giving her good grades. She hadn't even had to ask, though she would have to thank him later. For a second, she had a worried expression. If she missed her period... Good grades would be pointless... She wouldn't get to play basketball anymore. She put a hand on her stomach, chewing on her lip nervously.
Ken noticed Blair holding her stomach but didn't say anything until the end of class. He was worried she wasn't feeling well. "Blair, stay here for a second." He said as the others left the classroom. When everyone was gone he asked "Are you feeling ill?"
After class, she had been about to walk out with the others. When he called for her to stay, she walked back to his desk. "Oh... No, I'm fine," she told him, smiling. "I was just thinking about things... It made me feel kind of queazy, but really, I'm fine," Blair assured him.
"Alright." He said nodding and letting her leave. It was reasonably enough.

The rest of the day went fairly quickly for him. His class was starting to settle down and he had an easy time teaching them. The fact that it was a friday would creep up on him every once in a while but he would shake it away and continue. Soon enough it was lunch time and he waited to see if his little class pet would show up.
After leaving, the day went by slowly. By lunch time, the queaziness in her stomach had gotten better, but was still there. Blair walked into the classroom and smiled faintly. "I thought you could use some company," she told him.
He smiled when she walked in. "Yes, I could." he said with a smile. "I think I can assume you don't want to talk about math. What would you like to talk about." he said with a welcoming smile
"Anything," she said, walking over and sat up on his desk. "I'm a little scared to do much, but do you want me to do anything?" she asked him, blushing a little. "You gave me some pretty good grades... I'd like to thank you somehow," Blair told him, laughing softly.
He smiled "So, you want to thank me for the grades?" he said swing her sitting on the desk "Seeing you blush is making me wonder what your talking about." His eyes started to fill with lust. He liked to make her say perverted things, this was no exception.
"You know what I'm talking about," she said. She hopped off the desk and walked around to him, leaning over a little to rub his leg. "How would you like me to thank you?" she asked, kissing him on the lips.
She was being very suductive now, he liked it. "I may need a list of choices." he said with a sly smile. He kissed her back as she continued to rub his legs.