God Is On His Knees (Signups/OOC) (Accepting!)

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Awaits posts eagerly...

Sorry about the delay in a character sheet from me. I've been on vacation and just got back. I'll be working on one as time allows.
Not to sound pessimistic, but I wouldn't put a rush on that CS...
Yeah... Where did everyone GO?
By the way. Wednesday I'll be out of country. So I probably won't be able to be on here for about a week.
EDIT: Well, I completed the sheet. Enjoy!

Name: His Excellency, King Adrian IV of Pyrax
Title: King of Pyrax, and High Commander of the Royal military.
Age: 24, having reigned as King for nearly two years now.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Unmarried and childless, despite his currently prosperous reign.

Species: Human, although his family has historically claimed to be descended from the child of an indigenous goddess. Sometimes, this story seems to become more and more credible with each passing generation, although its credibility has been twisted in many different ways.

Height: 5' 11", which is a few inches taller than average in Pyrax.
Weight: 165 pounds. He isn't the most buff guy out there, although his lean and well-tended figure is nothing to scoff at.
Distinguishing Features: His eyes are the most odd thing about him. They tend to change color when he experiences strong emotions. However, once they change color, they don't change back unless he's having another kind of intense experience. Normally, they're a dark, piercing blue that seems to look into souls, rather than other people's eyes.

Aside from that, he's strikingly handsome, to a point where certain people whisper that the King isn't quite human, similarly to his fathers and mothers before him. However, similar rumors have persisted for so long that most sensible people simply brush them off as mere fantasies and delusions.
Adrian typically wears clothing similar to that of 15th century English nobility. Aside from that, he generally follows his own people's customs when it comes to both clothing and armor. However, the symbols of state that he wears strikingly resembles those worn by monarchs on the mainland.

His typical armor while in battle. Generally, he wears a helmet as well, but when the purpose for wearing it is ceremonial, a mainland style crown is worn in its place.

Holdings: King Adrian is currently the ruler of the rather large chain of islands that sits somewhat far off the mainland's coast. Currently, he is here to discuss a peace pact, to include supplying modern ships and naval weapons, in exchange for other things that very few people currently know about. What's on King Adrian's mind is known to a precious few outside of his kingdom.

House Emblem: Currently, his House involves a simple flag involving a silhouette of a dragon holding a sword in one hand and a lotus in the other. Oddly enough, his is one of few nations that does not have coats of arms for their nobility. Instead, they fly flags representing their individual Houses instead.

Notable relations: Oddly enough, he has no close relations to noble houses outside of the kingdom, but he is seeking to reconcile that by marrying members of his own court to nobles coming from the mainland -- even if one of those nobles ends up being himself.

Loyalties: Currently, his loyalties are his own. With little left after his bloody ascent to the throne, he's blamed the Catholic Church that the Royal Family has now rejected for time out of mind. Although the King has looked into adopting its faith, tensions between the established Catholic Church and Pyrax still remain at an all-time high.

Military Might: Currently, Pyrax is the premier naval power on the continent, having little other major, offensive military to call its own. Aside from defensible islands, it has few soldiers, and thus holds very little on the mainland. However, the same can be said of the mainland itself. In this day and age, it has not succeeded in bending the rebellious islanders of Pyrax into submission before the far-reaching Church, and many of the islanders still cling for the most part to the old ways.

It has only been through peaceful missions from the Church to Pyrax that has won them converts, and even the King has had his doubts as to which faith to practice. However, he still maintains a watchful eye through his own network of informants to ensure that violence does not erupt from this new, questionable faith.

Lately, they are seeking to empower themselves outside of their own kingdom, by allying with other countries on the mainland, and the Kingdom of Vanqland is by far the top on their list of prospects. Seeing that Vanqland has the army that they need to spread their influence back onto the mainland, and they have the naval power to trump most other powers at sea, it would be a match made in hell for their enemies. However, there currently is the problem that Vanqland does not have access to the sea, and Pyrax doesn't have much of an army.

In spite of this, the King is fairly certain that an alliance between the two nations would readily solve those problems.

King Adrian IV was born the younger son (by far) of King Julian II's younger brother, Alexander I. He was born to his father's young second wife, who's identity to this day is shrouded in doubt. Public records state that the Alexander's second wife died in childbirth because of a weak constitution, but other, more sinister rumors still float around. After all, she was supposedly a commoner (albeit a very beautiful one), and the old Prince's love for the girl was somewhat short-lived. On top of that, Alexander's first wife was also eliminated through assassination.

Either way things went, Alexander quickly grew to loathe his younger son, seeing him as a potential threat to a stable line being established through him. When his eldest son, Julian III, had his first child -- a son, he took measures to ensure that his grandchildren were not anywhere near this threat. Thus, Adrian was sent away from the Palace at the age of 10 (an unusual move) in order to earn the basic arts of nobility, to include archery, foreign languages, and battlefield tactics.

During this time, the old, infertile King Julian II died at the age of 70, having no direct descendants to succeed him. Thus, Adrian's father took the throne as King Alexander I. Using his power, he drove his 12-year-old son further away from the Throne by cutting off his communication with nobles that might have given him their support. This drove an irreparable rift between Adrian and his father.

It wasn't long until the Navy had their way with the boy. At the age of 14, he was sent to study with the military directly, rather than remain in the Palace, like most other Princes. The Navy, all too eager to shape a member of royalty to their own model, took him in and wasted no time in turning this young man into an able military commander. By the time the boy was 18, he was about as able as the best naval admirals of the day, holding that same rank on his own. Thus, the Navy's top brass gained a direct supporter within the Royal Family.

His rapid rise through the ranks wasn't ignored by his father, who attempted to recall him home, in an effort to separate him from his new position of power. However, the Navy refused, in a show of defiance promoted Adrian yet again to its highest rank, at the unheard of age of 19. Thus, as the Navy's commander, he was given the Supreme Commander's quarters... right outside of the Palace.
After two years of tension, he threw a gala in his family's honor, to ease their strained relationship with one another. His father and brother attended the event, leaving the King's two grandchildren at the Palace. Unfortunately, a cupbearer attempted to poison Adrian's food, and in turn his guests'. In the resulting disaster, Adrian barely escaped with his life, after being administered an antidote by a nearby medical officer. His father and brother though, weren't so lucky.

Shortly after the death of both King Alexander and Crown Prince Julian III, that left only Adrian's 10-year-old niece, and his 8-year-old nephew in the line of succession before himself. A brief struggle for the Throne began, while his father's death was still being investigated. Adrian was quickly exonerated (along with the shady military officers backing him), and the blame was cast on the foreign Catholic Church, due to the old King's strongly pagan beliefs.

In the meantime, the nobility's support for the young Prince Julian IV and Princess Margaret eroded, in the face of the military's overwhelming support of Prince Adrian. The struggle came to an end when Adrian finally ordered a blockade of the Palace, cutting off supplies to the heavily defended residence.

The struggle ended anticlimactically, when the Royal Guard decided to yield to Adrian's superior forces, handing over both the would-be King Julian IV and his sister, along with their supporting nobles. He stripped the enemy nobles of their lands and titles, giving them to his highest-ranking officers as a reward for their loyalty. However, he was kinder to his niece and nephew, promising them their own fiefs in return for their loyalty.

Thus, he found himself being crowned King Adrian IV, and with the military backing him, as well as the noble remnant having been subdued, his reign has been very prosperous and secure, to the point where he is able to venture outside of the Kingdom on matters of state.

Religious Views: Currently, King Adrian is on the fence about his religious views. He's been seeking into most major and minor faiths in both his kingdom and on the mainland, in a search to see which one is most worthy of his (and by consequence his people's) devotion.

Hence, he is spiritually open, and some view this as a sign of weakness on the part of the King. However, others see it as a sign of strength on part of His Majesty, stating that only a weak and hard-hearted King would be completely closed to new ideas.
Combat abilities: Originally having been third in line from the throne, King Adrian was expected to have mastered the arts of a naval and marine commander. As such, his skills with archery are well above average, as it is a requirement in naval fighting, when the ship's state-of-the-art ballistae aren't accurate enough to cripple an enemy ship's defenses. His abilities are at their best when he is actually in charge of others, rather than fighting by himself.

His swordplay is competent for a Pyraxian noble, as he was groomed to be a Marine commander... and close quarters combat is almost inevitable in the day's naval battles. However, his knife skills could use some work, even though he's a fairly good martial artist when things get too close for the sword.

As for any combat involving horseback (including traditional jousting), you might as well count him out. Coming from a place that has little practical use for horses outside of royally sanctioned tournaments, he was not trained in those arts, simply because there was no need for it on his native soil.

Skills: Diplomacy has always been among the King's strong suits. Even though he could always physically defend himself, he's always been the sort of person who fights his battles with the pen and spoken word, not with sword, spear, and arrow.

Even though combat could be easily listed as one of his skills, he much prefers reading and writing, and as a result is a very literate person, even though royalty traditionally hasn't dabbled much with that in his Kingdom. Thus, he is already looked favorably upon by those on the mainland as being more "civilized" than those who have come before him.

People skills have generally contributed directly to his increased political power during his reign thus far. With his political skills, he has subtly shifted the balance of power within Pyrax to himself and those loyal to him, while in turn slowly stripping disloyal houses of their ability to exert influence within the Kingdom. This policy has led to his present security, to the point where he is able to make the first-ever state visit to the mainland by royalty -- at least one meant for peaceful purposes.
Other: There are rumors gong around that the royal family wasn't originally human to begin with in the first place. Religious fanatics clinging to the old faith have whispered (frequently) that the royal family, while descended from something "other than human" may have not come from the islands in the first place... and that "something" not being the fabled Goddess of the Sun.

In addition, there is a very strong belief that the Church was behind the assassinations of nearly the entire Royal Family. With King Adrian being as moderate and liberal towards people of all faiths compared to the rest of his "pagan" family, it would be the best time for the Church to gain a foothold within Pyrax. However, the King also believes this tale, and has been ratcheting up pressure against the organized Church, hoping to wring the truth out of them.

However, the Church isn't the only suspect in this matter... after all, the Navy gained a lot in this turn of events.
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Well, I don't whether it's down to a lack of coordination between us or just the impossibility of feasibly recovering from the loss of the GM but I think it's safe to assume this RP has gone down the crapper :/ People aren't posting anymore it seems so I think I'm just going to pull from this. Sorry guys.
Well, I don't whether it's down to a lack of coordination between us or just the impossibility of feasibly recovering from the loss of the GM but I think it's safe to assume this RP has gone down the crapper :/ People aren't posting anymore it seems so I think I'm just going to pull from this. Sorry guys.
Sadly, I think I have to agree. I was really hoping that it could recover from the GM loss, but it seems not. :c
I want to either restart this or create a whole new rp. I have been going through a lot lately and haven't been on and I apologize. I lost a dear friend to suicide and have been struggling to cope. But I miss this rp so much. I hope there are others who share my feelimgs and will be interested in either restarting or recreating this intriguing rp.
I'm sorry for your loss. I've got a good friend who lost someone to suicide, and it's been a problem in my family in the past, so I can understand the pain you're going through. Just take things one step at a time.

As for the roleplay, I'm totally on board with whatever you want. My signup is rather vague in its relations to the King, so I can always just transition it to a new RP, or at least to a restarted version of it...

In the end, it's your call.
I will be backing out as well.
Please contact me if this starts up again or someone starts a different one. I would still like to rp here.
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